// 2018-02-23 only load new files using time when in special one up mode void repeatAction() // 2018-02-22 enable relaunch by boolean BOOL destValue = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"prefEnableRelaunch"]; // 2018-02-22 // 2018-02-22 // only use timer option in special one up mode void TThumbnailToolsView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) if (getAppMode()==kOneforAllMode) // 2018-02-22 // 2018-02-21 fix issue with multiple ck template send mode where is sent the images to the wrong spooler short TDropView::WriteViewObjectsNew(CStream_AC *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 // 2018-02-19 copy overlay files for spooler 2 void copyOverlayFileToSpoolerFolder(FSSpec srcSpec, CStr31_AC myCategory, short userMode) // 11-01-02 fix issue with filenames over 31 charcters when sending server job // 2018-02-15 auto relaunch processor for now return false but remove line to fall through bool systemVersionIsGreaterOrEqualThen10() // 2018-02-15 { return false; // 2018-02-13steve 1. show 2018 in procsessor window fTStaticText1->SetText ( CString_AC("©2018"), kDontRedraw ); // 2018-02-13steve //2010-05-10steve 2010-09-09 2009-12-10steve // 09-12-07 // 3-25-03 2. change all target versions numbers to match latest 17.12.29 3. change all the info.plist for each target GetInfoString to show 2018 as well // 2018-02-12 // 2018-02-13 MENU rsrc 2033 add item Image + Template Name add a new name for print to file sets make Timer feature to scan current folder every x seconds, add the files to the toolbar and process a print command void repeatAction() void MyTimerObject() TThumbnailToolsView TAdvanced2Preferences // 2018-02-01 use base file name instead of customer name void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 make dnp 820 invisible for now // 2018-01-12 // 2018-01-15 add DNP DS820 printer // 2018-01-09 check for prefWritePList Boolean in plist file to enable writing of new plist and data file OSErr TSpoolerPrintView::WriteDataToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2017-12-14 check for existing files before adding to queue to prevent read file error, somehow non existing file is added to queue, need to do more testing to find out why TFile *GetNextNewJobFile ( tPrintServerPrefs *infoPtr ) // 2017-12-06 set show progress panel to false to prevent app from bouncing when using spooler printing void doPrintWithView(NSImageView *printView) [printOp setShowsProgressPanel:NO]; // 2017-12-06 add this to prevent bouncing // 2017-12-01 reset email entry buffer after printing package - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 // 2017-11-30 make an option to jump to email app for the Grove to send text message, only called when browserTuUse == 99 if( whatBrowserToUse() == 99) // 2017-11-30 short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() // 2017-11-17steve // 17.12.26 // allow TepsTriprism to perform zoom/shift/crop from sales station app void PrintItem(NSMutableDictionary *lineInfo1, NSArray * images, NSString *customerID) // 2017-11-17steve #ifndef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 17.12.25 // 2017-11-02 fix verion 3 banmboo calls to save session -(void) testForEdwinSavePrint:(id)param // 2013-10-25 void TCameraStationWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2017-10-30 make a fix for freeze frame version to fix error when sending job to teps-processor OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) void TImageObject::WriteToNew(CStream_AC* aStream) // 2017-09-06 make notes bigger fix reading preview list when searching in multiple days folders // 2017-09-04 add notes to package window bool readDictionaryFileandProcess(CStr255_AC customer) // 2017-07-06 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2017-09-01 search in multiple days folders void doNewSearchInAllDaysFolders(CStr255_AC currentCustomer, NSString *searchpath) from steve NSString *priorityStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i",package]; // 2017-08-30steve @"1"; PreviewImageWindow.cp: // 2017-08-28steve if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()) PreviewImageWindow.cp: if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting() && getMyInputPrefs()->cameraSource.type != kCameraPCCard) // 2017-08-28steve PreviewImageWindow.cp: // 2017-08-28steve extern void jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerIDPhotoStation(); // 2017-08-09 PreviewImageWindow.cp: // 2017-08-28steve jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerIDPhotoStation(); // 2017-08-09 PreviewImageWindow.cp: extern void jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerID(); // 2017-08-28steve PreviewImageWindow.cp: jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerID(); // 2017-08-28steve { // 2017-09-01steve CocoaContext cocoacontext; NSLog(@"============================================\n\n\n"); NSString* scriptName = @"getnewestfiles.sh"; NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString* cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ \"%@\" 100 %@", latexPath, searchpath, code?:@"" ]; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/usr/bin/open \"%@\"",pathtoopen]; #define usenstask // 2017-09-01steve #ifdef usenstask NSString *runShellCommand(NSString *commandToRun) { NSTask *task; // 2017-08-16 add more data to floating window and change to Static Text - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2017-08-14 // 2017-08-15 create floating package info window - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 void TXMLInfoWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2017-08-15 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2017-08-09 // 2017-08-10 write packages for use with Bamboo // 2017-08-09 in start sitting jump to teps-browser with photostationlist void jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerIDPhotoStation() // 2017-08-09 - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 // 2017-08-08 make a fix for first customer that gets loaded to reflect preview.list void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) bool doesDictionaryFileExist(CStr255_AC customer) // 2017-08-08 // 2017-08-03 fixes for new Teps-Browser get customer id option - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 // 2017-08-01 // 2017-08-02 create an option to get customer id from Teps-Browser app void jumpToBrowserAppToGetCustomerID() // 2017-08-01 - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 TBarcodeAppPreferences bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 2017-07-20 create TEditable Text object for xml, string number NSMutableDictionary* TEditTextObject::CreateObjectDictionary(CRect_AC outputRect) // 2017-07-20 short TPackageWindow::WriteTemplateAsXMl(FSSpec templateFSSpec) // 2017-07-18 sort image files coming from preview list before adding them to toolbar bool readDictionaryFileandProcess(CStr255_AC customer) // 2017-07-06 do not log error -43, too many of them CStr255_AC GetFullFileName ( const FSSpec *srcFSSpec ) // 2017-07-07 mark image file if fFavorite flag is on, regarldless if fAdOn flag is set bool readDictionaryFileandProcess(CStr255_AC customer) // 2017-07-06 // 2017-07-06 make feature for stB to auto load and mark images based omn preview file written by Teps-Previewer bool readDictionaryFileandProcess(CStr255_AC customer) // 2017-07-06 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2017-06-27 // 2017-06-28 fix issue where file name was updated incorrectly when doing proof sheet void TDropView::ResetEditText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 speed up loading of pages void TDropView::LoadPage(short pageNumber) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 fix issue where resolution was not saved to the output file when choosing 'save file as is' void saveCGImageRefToPath(CGImageRef imageRef, NSString *path, short dpi) // 2017-06-28 add dpi // 2017-05-23 - 2017-06-12 xml changes // 2017-05-23 differentiate between different stamp types NSString* TStampObject::GetStampType() // 2017-05-23 // 2017-05-22 // 2017-05-23 add stamp to xml NSMutableDictionary* TStampObject::CreateObjectDictionary(CRect_AC outputRect) // 2015-02-24 -(BOOL) newStampLayer:(NSMutableDictionary*) dictionary layerType:(NSString*)layer forIndex:(long)zindex // 2017-05-22 short TPackageWindow::WriteTemplateAsXMl(FSSpec templateFSSpec) add justification NSMutableDictionary* TTextObject::CreateObjectDictionary(CRect_AC outputRect) // 2015-02-24 // 2017-05-16 fix issue where TFileOverlayObject and TTransparentObject were not pointing to the correct Graphics folder when writing xml NSMutableDictionary* TFileOverlayObject::CreateObjectDictionary(CRect_AC outputRect) // 2015-01-12 NSMutableDictionary* TTransparentObject::CreateObjectDictionary(CRect_AC outputRect) // 2015-01-12 // 2017-05-15 make a change to write out landscape and portrait versions of template files as xml but comment out for now short TPackageWindow::WritePackageToXML(short package) // through 2017-05-09 // through 2017-05-08 add all xml changes to recent project // through 2017-05-06 add TepsNSWindow to Teps-Macys project to make it compile fix bug where it would return noErr if no module 0003-0015 was found and would not continue on to other modules OSErr TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2::FindCamera() remove error message if one of the older modules could not be found so it is easier to swith back to older modules by just putting one module in OSErr TNikonBaseCameraHandler2::FindCamera() // through 2017-03-21 test and make changes o TNikonCameraHandler and TepsNSNotificationCenter to allow for Nikon camera support on system 10.11 or higher with Nikon capture app bool isNewNikonAppEnabled() // 2017-03-20 return false to not allow for new app to run // 2017-03-10 fix a bug where high res zoom option rotated images wrongly when current canvas was set to all/marked short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrintingAlwaysCurrent(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 08-05-09 // 2017-03-06 - 2017-03-10 Make changes to TepsNSNotificationManager and TNikonCameraHandler to support new nikon camera app // 2017-03-02 temporarily disable idle when scan barcode window is up to prevent images from coming in with '???'-name also send notification to be on top of all applications bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) void myShowFloatingAlertWithString(NSString* myErrorString) bool TNikonCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() TepsNSWindowController // 2017-02-20 // fix renaming issue when copying files to Processor that are longer then 31 characters which in turn caused following issues: 1. upload issue with the # in the filename 2. was always overwriting existing filenames regardless if u checked on or off for print to file sets OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 2017-01-26 // release as v17.11.7 // change @2016 to @2018 // 2017-01-20 make an option to skip macPOS void TSessionPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TBarcodeAppPreferences skipMacPOS void TSessionPrintWindow::SimplePrintWithoutMacPOS() // 2017-01-20 // 2017-01-20 remove references to growl stuff remove Growl library form Targets/Link Binary with Libraries folder (else it crashes) OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFlashCard2(short vRefNum) // 2010-05-17 // 2017-01-17 make a fix for old time photo zoom out disapearing image issue void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true // 2017-01-03 add a feature to change the template on the fly based on the CK template orientation by finding the corresponding _LandSCAPE/_PORTRAIT template OSErr TPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec, bool showProgress) // 2016-12-01 remove all PPC references and compile with new Canon Library EDSDK version // 2016-11-25 make sure .data and .plist file do NOT get saved to jobs to be printed folder OSErr TSpoolerPrintView::WriteDataToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2016-11-08 high res full screen preview speed up building of page GWorldPtr CreateOffscreenFromTemplateFile(short index, short dpi) // 2016-11-08 // 2016-10-21 // 2016-10-24 Freeze frame version of Teps-X to build preview based on template file PortraitLayout and LandscapeLayout // 2016-10-18 // 2016-10-20 supported for rotated barcodes and QR Codes TBaseTextObject // 2016-10-18 make sure to load exclusion mask from ck template file too void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) // 2016-10-17 Also add preview of barcode and/or QR Code in template design window void TTextObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) void TStampObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) // 2016-10-13 save exclusion mask to CK template file and load when clicking button void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromTemplateFile() // 1-29-07 void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesWithCKFile(bool checkIfChanged) // 1-31-07 // 2016-10-12 fix issue where defocus, shrink value and inward flag were not passed correctly when using node on CK template TNodeViewObject in Teps-Processor void TNodeViewObject::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream) // 10-31-03 // 2016-10-10 bool TStampObject::PrintTextAsBarcode(CStr255_AC textString, GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) // 2016-10-03 implement barcode in addition to QR Code // 2016-10-07 forgot one spot to add QR printing function, when doing hires preview of ck template bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) // 2016-10-06 mount all backup volumes at startup (added 5-7), also before opening backup detail window mount volume to show folder name correctly void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void validateBackupFolders() // 2-11-08 // 2016-10-03 // 2016-10-04 implement QR Code make change to: TStampObject TBaseTextObject TTextObject // 2016-09-27 fix renaming with suffix when in customer order mode void TImageFileObject::RenameFileWithsuffix() // 2015-07-27 // 2016-09-15 brint Teps to front on camera disconnect Nikon: void CALLPASCAL CALLBACK ModEventProc( NKREF refProc, ULONG ulEvent, NKPARAM data ) Canon: EdsError EDSCALLBACK handleCameraStatusEvent (EdsCameraStatusCommand event, EdsUInt32 parameter, EdsVoid * context) // 12-4-07 make a preference for bringing Teps to front TInputPreferences bringTepsToFrontOnDisconnect when using option 'Auto create JPEG for web' make sure 31+ character file names don't get cut off short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2016-08-13 put ifdef back in to save plist and data file to print cnter #define __SaveDictionaryAndDataFileForPrintCenter__ true // 2016-08-30 void writeDataHandleToDataFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, NSString *myFilePath) OSErr TSpoolerPrintView::WriteDataToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2016-08-19 make fast drawing available for all modes when dragging since you can turn it off worst case void HandleShowPI(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 2016-08-07 - 2016-08-19 make option to write out all preferences to dictionary file // 2016-08-04 If customer order mode and there is images marked send base name of 1st marked image to Teps-Browser if email package void jumpToEmailApplicationGeneral(short index ) // 2016-07-19 - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict use the local path to delete images not the file in the main images folder use home button to load default files into template if set for current image but images are marked void TDropView::LoadPage(short pageNumber) // 2016-07-12 add an error code if set for all images print but allimages array is missing - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict // 2016-07-07 implement email app mechanism for Teps-apps - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() // 2016-06-28 send an error message to print station app if no valid image files are found - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict // 2016-06-23 fix card reader issues bool TFindPCCardWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 2016-06-22 create menu item to turn off use of email app void jumpToEmailApplication(short index ) void TSessionPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TBarcodeAppPref // 2016-06-21 when using TepsBrowser check for notification to continue on to macPOS - (void)handleDistributedNotificationA:(NSNotification*)notification void jumpToEmailApplication(short index ) // 2016-06-21 let plist helper file determine to use TepsBrowser or Teps Email entry short whatBrowserToUse() // 2016-02-15 // 2016-06-14 resolve issue with 'C/' in file name, when copying to Teps-Processor make file name string mutable and replace '/' by ':' OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 2016-06-07 // try to prevent crashing when backing up folder and new camera image comes in - (void)doPreviewerAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-24 void mySendPreviewerAppNotificationConfirm(CStr255_AC value) // 2011-10-25 // 2016-05-31 send a notification back to previewer app after receiving new customer sitting started notification and redrawing of thumbnail tool bar - (void)doPreviewerAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-24 // 2016-05-24 // 2016-05-25 add meta data too if attribute save original file as is is on short TBGPrintView::SaveMetaDataToOriginalFile ( NSString *srcPath) // 2012-09-28 correct ticket number issue for Teps-X freeze frame link function void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void doSaveGroupCodeAndTicketNumberToCurrentBuffer(CStr255_AC fileName) // 2016-05-25 // 2016-05-16 remove feature that allow for renaming bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2016-05-12 // 2016-05-10 add a feature to add a prefix to marked images bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) add view resource 1008 add ALERT 1520 MENU option 1278 // 2016-05-06 // 2016-05-05 change view resource 1240 to allow for years greater then 2015 (2100) // 2016-05-03 when creating thumbnails and working in template window make sure to use transparency for rotated image objects so you are actually able to see the background graphic, foreground only short TImageObject::Draw4CKPreview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short imageNumber, short dpi) // 9-19-07 add dpi void TImageObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) void DrawRotatedGWorldAlpha(short angle, GWorldPtr CurrPort, GWorldPtr srcGWorld, CRect_AC tempQDRect, short boxScaleValue) // 2016-04-28 check if new Bamboo server version to determine if to use new command lines BOOL isV3Version() // 2016-04-28 -(BOOL) checkIfv3Version // 2016-04-28 // 2016-04-25 change xml to allow prevent Bamboo from failing -(BOOL) appendBoundary -(BOOL) processEachObject:(id) obj forKey:(NSString*)objectName -(BOOL) convertArrayToXml:(NSArray*) arrInfo forKey:(NSString*)keyname -(BOOL) convertDictionaryToXml:(NSMutableDictionary*) dictInfo forKey:(NSString*)keyname -(BOOL) convertDictionaryToXml33:(NSMutableDictionary*) dictInfo // 2016-04-19 display error aler if something fails when uploading from - (void) handleNotification_UploadDone:(NSNotification*) note // 2016-04-14 change command lines for new v3 Bamboo server version -(NSDictionary*) findCodeIfExists:(NSString*)codeStr -(NSDictionary*) findIDsIfExist:(NSString*)idStr -(NSDictionary*) linkIDsToGroupNumber:(NSArray*)info withGroupCode:(NSString*)groupCode NSArray* TPreviewImageWindow::FindIdOnWeb() // 2016-03-29 remove all images to preserve memory when sending dictonary to processor - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict do orientation based crop, allow for landscape crop in portrait images and vice versa - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict // 2016-03-17 2. fix returning extension CStr255_AC getExtensionFromSourceFile(CStr255_AC fileName) // added 11-01-00 if (extension==gEmptyString) extension = ".gen"; // 2016-03-17steve // extension = ".jpg"; // 2016-02-04 3. remove displaynormalmessage bool TNikonCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 2016-03-17steve DisplayNormalMessage("are we here?"); // 2016-03-14 1. fix issue with camera hot folder OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction4() { return noErr; // 2016-03-14 return noErr; // 2016-03-07 // 2016-03-08 change log file path NSString* _gLogPath = @"~/Library/Logs/Teps"; // 2016-03-08 create separate dictionary buffer and increase size of dictionary buffer to 32K void TTEPSFileHandler::SetCurrentDictionaryBuffer(char myBuffer[my32KBufferSize]) // 2016-03-07 void TTEPSFileHandler::GetCurrentDictionaryBuffer(char myBuffer[my32KBufferSize]) // 2016-03-07 void TTEPSFileHandler::ResetCurrentDictionaryBuffer() // 2016-03-07 // 2016-03-01 make Teps-X work with all images - (void) issueDownloadFileCommand:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict // 2016-02-29 use Steve's function to determine orientation - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict NSMutableDictionary* getImageProperty (NSString* path) // 2016-02-29 implement zoom/shift for Bamboo images void getZoomShiftInfoForBamboo(NSDictionary *imageInfo) // 2016-02-29 // 2016-02-26 Send a Bamboo processor done confirmation when saving as original too short TBGPrintView::CopyOriginalFileJob() // 2012-07-13 // 2016-02-25 add LS suffix to package code when Landscape image received from Bamboo if pref is on - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict appendLSSuffix // 2016-02-22 do not use new browser for now short whatBrowserToUse() // 2016-02-15 // 2016-02-22 do not use new Nikon stuff for now OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::ProcessFunction13() // 2016-02-09 // 2016-02-22 add smb file copy stuff to latest Teps OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) 2016-02-11 - 2016-02-18 add support for new browser app through Teps helper plist short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() void jumpToBrowserApp() // 2016-02-11 void jumpToBrowserAppPOS(NSString *custID) // 2016-02-15 short whatBrowserToUse() // 2016-02-15 - (void)handleDistributedNotificationA:(NSNotification*)notification - (void)doNikonAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2016-02-02 void jumpToEmailApplication(short index ) 2016-02-01 2016-02-02 2016-02-04 2016-02-09 New El Capitan support for Nikon Camera's 2015-12-14 release memory when saving file through CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL void saveCGImageRefToPath(CGImageRef imageRef, NSString *path) bool saveCGImageRefToPath(CGImageRef imageRef, NSString *path, short fileType, float imageQuality, short dpi) // 2014-09-25 release CGImageRef when saving original image (rotated) short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFileWithRotation ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2015-08-27 2015-12-08 when jumping to email app pass marked image if in random number name mode and warn if no image marked void jumpToEmailApplication(short index ) void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 reset userdata buffer when clearing queue with jobs void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() cut version and ticket number fieds out of meta data disctionary to have more space to embed new fields bool saveSourceWithMetadataSTB(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) // 2015-12-01 do NOT attempt to load invalid (blank) CK template void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() check for package being greater or equal to zero bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveCD(long packageNumber) // 2010-11-19 bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveMarkedOrAllImageItems(long packageNumber) // 2014-05-20 bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveUSB(long packageNumber) // 2013-05-20 bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveVideo(long packageNumber) // 2014-07-15 // 2015-11-30steve // v17.9.18 // fix group code not resetting issue getCurrentInputHandler()->SetGroupCode(""); // 2015-11-30steve // 2015-11-28 // 2015-11-24 // v17.9.17 1. fix issue when checking hotfolder images created from SFTP ios app bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 return NSStringFilePathToFSSpec(dstPath); // 2015-11-24 FSSpec doCocoaServerCopy(FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec destFS, CStr255_AC fileName) // 2015-11-24 // 2013-06-12 dstFSSpec = doCocoaServerCopy ( *srcFSSpec, dstFSSpec, GetFullFileName(&dstFSSpec)); // 2015-11-24 return saved file // 2015-11-19 // v17.9.16 1. use new concatPararm.sh script for new ffmpeg 2.8 // 2015-11-12 let sort be determined by preference bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromCurrentFolder() // 2010-06-07 bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromCurrentFolderUnprocessedOnly() // 2015-07-16 // 2015-11-10 match up Triprism and Triprism FF version OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 for IOWA if (getMyFlashCardWritePrefs()->useFlashCardWriter==false) // 2015-11-10 only for iowa and owo stuff // 2015-11-09 make sure that CK image properties get copied over when using save original attribute OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 2015-11-08 random file base name should be all characters before underscore CStr255_AC getRandomFileBaseNameForGroup(CStr255_AC baseName) // 2015-11-08 void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2015-11-06 use new loop mechanism to find .mp4 or .mov void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2015-11-05 // v17.9.9 // 2015-11-04 // backup .mov in addition to .mp4 CStr255_AC baseCustomerID = customerID; // 2015-11-04 preserve base customer id // 2015-11-04 put back change from 10-29 from v17.9.6 version to comment out ifdef // 2015-11-04remove #ifndef #ifndef __TepsProcessor4TriprismVersion__ // 2015-10-30 use new loop mechanism to find .mp4 or .mov for play video notification bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) make Triprism version go trough standard flash card stuff OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 // 2015-10-29 add a Command-S option to stop recording void mySendVideoAppNotificationStopRecording() // 2015-10-29 bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) add video prefs to Teps-Triprism remove video prefs from Teps-Share send play video notification for pos and triprism only bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2015-10-27 retain NSString before returning it to calling function and release after final use NSString* GetImageDataWithTag (NSString* imagePath, NSString* searchString) // 2014-02-07 bool TImageFileObject::DoesImageHaveTag() // 2014-02-07 // 2015-10-22 replace "What the heck"-message with more appropriate error message // 2015-10-11 fix issue where Teps crashes when random name and no image marked void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2015-10-10 bool useNewCKLoadMethod = true; // 2015-10-10 // 2015-10-09 mechanism to save CK'd version of offscreen, commented out for now // 2015-10-06 make Teps-Video app stuff in customer sitting mode available in Teps-Triprism version bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) bool TPreviewImageWindow::ReadyToExit() // 2014-08-11 add support for groupcode to be embedded in file to be uploaded using random number, Stb upload dictionary bool saveSourceWithMetadataSTB(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) add pt5-2 and pt5-3 option for upload bool saveSourceWithMetadataSTB(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) // 2015-10-03 check for tepstriprism and processor triprism version to add apptype - (bool) issueGetKeyCommand: (NSMutableDictionary*) param // 2015-10-02steve put back in // 2015-07-22 check for apptype when requesting key from server check for .mp4 and .mov OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) bool CheckForVideoFile(CStr255_AC fullFileName, FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec floppyFSSpec) // 2015-09-29 use the correct dialog for Reconnect 1080 instead of 1093 OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::ReConnect() // 9-13-04 do not allow click on Print Package button if no packages exist OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) make sure external monitors are enabled before calling ClearImage (on external monitors) bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2015-08-27 make a change to rotate and save original file and save without orientation flag only when choosing JPEG for Web short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFileWithRotation ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2015-08-27 CGImageRef createNewRotatedImageRef(CGImageRef imageRef, int orientation) // 2015-08-27 short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFile ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2012-07-13 // 2015-08-11 // 2015-08-10 create a function to clear preview on external window OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::ClearImage() // 2015-08-10 // 2015-08-06 // 2015-08-03 before sending order to MacPOS check if email exists and if yes, copy it to clipboard -(NSDictionary*) checkForMatchingEmail:(NSString*)codeStr // 2015-08-03 void TSessionPrintWindow::PrepareForSendJobsToSpooler() TBarcodeAppPreferences // 2015-07-27 mark images on entering operations window if flagged (with xml file) void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) add option in base name window to add a suffix void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteMyBaseNameStruct(tBaseNameStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadMyBaseNameStruct(tBaseNameStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TImageFileObject::RenameFileWithsuffix() // 2015-07-27 // 2015-07-16 // 2015-07-15 make option to only show Unprocessed files in thumbnail bar // 2015-07-05 delete image after sending job to Processor // 2015-06-29 add DNP DS-620 printer // 2015-06-24 make a fix to Triprism FF version when clicking blank buttons, do not mark as processed OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) // 2015-06-18 make Teps-Triprism version work like FF with marking files inProcess void TAdvanced2Preferences::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TNewOneUpPrefs::SetFactorySettings() bool loadFromTemplateFileNew(tCKImageProperties *ckProp, myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color, CStr255_AC fileName) // 2015-04-30 TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::LoadNextImage() // 2010-06-05 bool loadNewTemplateIfNecessary(TImageFileObject *anObj, bool throughDoubleClick) // 2011-07-14 added 2nd argument bool processedPhotoFile ( short pkgNumber, NSString* photoPath ) // 2015-06-16 void TReshapeRectCommand::DoIt() add a CocoaContext seems to eliminate a crash // 2015-06-09 post a menu command to skip to first unprocessed image on startup bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) unmark image if in process but not composed on returning to main TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() // 2015-06-01 add more logs to find out about more about "could not open destination file"-message, also try to recover with setPermission short doCopyTheFileInChunks ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2015-05-26 control key down event in preview image will clear out all inProcess files void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) plus log showing if any files were actually in process but never composed void unmarkFileIfInProcessButNotComposed(FSSpec fileSpec) // 2015-03-20 // 2015-05-25 Add logs to Teps-Processor to determine why some times files don't get saved short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2015-05-22 remove ThrowIfResError_AC to prevent Teps from jumping out of loop when loading image files into toolbar //ThrowIfResError_AC(); 2015-05-22 probably should not throw the error because it will cancel adding any other files to the list // 2015-05-18 use last component of image path, in case it not only contains file name but path - (void) issueDownloadFileCommand:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict default remove after printing to FALSE for Teps Triprism FF version // 2015-05-15 use sub dictionary for file name when down loading file to local folder to prevent issues with spaces (%20) - (void) issueDownloadFileCommand:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict release version 17.7.10 // 2015-05-14 fix an issue to check for inProcess field instead of wrotePackage to allow multiple production stations to work correctly release version 17.7.9 release version 17.7.5 // 2015-04-23 add a pref to NOT use special FF file parse method to load ck category openStandardFilesForFFTriprismVersion // 2015-03-24 add error logs if AddResource fails void SaveHandle(Handle InHandle,short theID,CStr255_AC Name, ResType theType) // 2015-03-23 // 2015-03-20 // 2015-03-19 make mechanism for Teps-X Triprism FF version to mark a file as 'in process' and menu option to unmark allow// 2015-03-19 bool markAsInProcess ( NSString* photoPath ) // 2015-03-19 void unmarkFileIfInProcessButNotComposed(FSSpec fileSpec) // 2015-03-20 // 2015-03-17 // 2015-03-16 make a pref to not accept notifications TBarcodeAppPreferences // 2015-03-12 use NSDeviceRGBColorSpace instead of NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace to prevent color shift -(CGImageRef) applyColorCorrection2:(unsigned char*) rasterData withSettings:(NSMutableDictionary*) settings colorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace //NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace // NSDeviceRGBColorSpace // NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace // 2015-03-12 create a feature in Teps-X Triprism FF to tag/lock the current image so ensure no two people are composing at the same time void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2015-03-03 change the sharpness settings to be less extreme -(CGImageRef) applyColorCorrection2:(unsigned char*) rasterData withSettings:(NSMutableDictionary*) settings // 2015-03-03 make a change to prevent error message in logs TEPS-X Share(50386,0xa0c18540) malloc: *** error for object 0x14cc4200: pointer being freed was not allocated TDropView::~TDropView() // 2015-02-16 create Teps-Triprism FF target // 2015-02-13 // 2015-02-12 load new CK template based on file name plus set category bool loadNewTemplateIfNecessary(TImageFileObject *anObj, bool throughDoubleClick) // 2011-07-14 added 2nd argument // 2015-01-27 create a function to strip CK catagory from file name for WTC project void getCategoryAndTemplateNameFromFileName(CStr255_AC fullFileName, CStr255_AC &newCategory, CStr255_AC &newTemplateName) // 2015-01-27 // 2015-02-10 add 2" cut for 6x4 and 6x8 for DS40 printer update version number between Teps and Processor and between Processor and Print-Center // 2015-01-22 // 2015-01-26 Use Steve's color adjustment class to allow for cleaner memory ColorAdjustmentManager CImageFile // 17.3.40 // 2015-01-05 // 2014-13-30 fix for jen with extra redraw issue - prevent crash pass false to SetZoomBoxFactor to prevent a double redraw each time an image is loaded void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 // 17.3.39 // 2014-12-22 add even more logs for peter // 17.6.38 // 2014-12-04 add more logs for peter released 17.6.37 to Todd // 2014-12-01 fix resource issue with base name and start value window released 17.6.36 // 2014-11-25 add a pref to determine whether or not to copy the video file and pass it to Processor void TPrintView::WriteHeader(CStream_AC *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 TVideoPrefObject TVideoPrefs // 2014-11-20 add the new script to merge video to allow for Teps and Processor to merge simutaneously // 2014-11-18 allow for an empty package for the Grove if one of the email packages in the TepsHelper file so people can order e-mail only short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() make a fix for 7100 camera and system greater then 10.9.5 void TNikonCameraHandler::SaveImage() // 2014-11-16 pass option to merge video to teps processor and merge before saving .mp4.jpg file void TPrintView::WriteHeader(CStream_AC *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) up version number between teps and processor // 2014-11-13 fix Nikon 5200 camera for 10.9.5 void TNikonCameraHandler::SaveImage() also copy video file to flash drive if not set for Keep as original GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 2014-11-11 add a PList file to enter package PLU's that will force jump to e-mail app TEPS MISCELLANEOUS FOLDER Ä/TEPS Helper Files/TEPSHelper.plist short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() bool isEmailPackage(short packageNumber) // 2014-11-11 NSDictionary* readTEPSDictionaryFile() // 2014-11-11 // 2014-11-10 updated the concatPararm.sh script file // 2014-11-10 support merging video files for flash writer bool CheckForVideoFile(CStr255_AC fullFileName, FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec floppyFSSpec) int MergeVideos ( NSString *srcFilePath, NSString *outputFilePath ) // 2014-11-10 create new Cocoa function to delete previous contents of flash folder void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr deleteFilesInFolderCocoa(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 2014-11-10 // 2014-11-07 on command-1 send movie file path to Video app if video exists bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) void mySendVideoAppNotificationWithVideoFilePath(NSString *path) // 2014-11-07 // 2014-11-04 Copy the video file into the upload folder if a .mp4.jpg file is encountered void TTEPSFileHandler::SetCurrentVideoFile(FSSpec srcFSSpec) // 2014-11-03 OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) Teps-Processor short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) // 2014-10-27 implement a feature to send a text string from Print Station to Teps through notification to be stored in an editable text (11) to print on a template - (void)doPrintWebServerAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2013-03-21 // 2014-10-23 if .mp4.jpg thumbnail selected copy .mp4 file to USB Flash card folder bool CheckForVideoFile(CStr255_AC fullFileName, FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec floppyFSSpec) GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 2014-10-22 use newer ATMPPR_MUID.m file to fix issue with random file name // 2014-10-13 fix memory leak due to no CocoaContext BOOL isOldServerAPIVersion() // 2013-11-05 bool setPermission ( const char *itemPath, UInt32 permMode ) fix memory resource for Sony UPD-R200 printer // 2014-10-07 // 2014-10-07 clean up Teps memory make sure slide show page drawing function is not re entered short TSlideShowMainView::NextPage() fix white image when doing Save Composition As void TTepsPrintHandler::PrintToFile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec) // 2014-09-25 copy changes from edwin to try to reduce leak // 2014-09-23 // 2014-09-17 1. bring teps to front if auto aunch slide show is enabled if (getMySlideShowPrefs()->autoStartSlideShow) { MyBringApplicationToFront(kTeps2000CreatorID, 'APPL'); // 2014-09-17 // 2014-09-16 1. pos.plist use packagename for video instead of plu code 2. some other patch from edwin in validating package bool TSessionPrintWindow::ValidatePackage(long packageNumber, long imageNumber) // 2014-07-14 if (getCurrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfFiles() > 0) // 2014-09-16 // 2014-09-15 add an option to insert a package void TPackageEditWindow::WritePackage() void TPackageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) void TPackageListView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) void TPackageEditWindow::Close() void InsertPackage(short where) // 2014-09-15 // 2014-09-10 fix count uploading for Phototouch version - (bool) issueGetKeyCommand: (NSMutableDictionary*) param // 2014-09-04 add a feature to play slide show with composed CK template in CK modes CRect_AC TSlideShowView::DisplayImage(short imageNum, GWorldPtr gworld) TSlideShowPrefs // 2014-09-03 add a new feature to delete video files in sitting folders older then 'n' days when doing preview images bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type void deleteVideosInOldSittingFolders(short numOfDays, bool warn) // 2014-09-03 TPreviewWindowPrefs short autoDeleteVideosInSittingFolders; // 2014-09-02 short daysToDeleteVideosInSittingFolders; // 2014-09-02 // 2014-08-22 add next customer button to dialog that warns if backup server can not be found bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) 2014-08-22steve remove DisplayNormalMessage DisplayNormalMessage("Please stop the recording before moving on to next customer..."); // 2014-08-22steve // 2014-08-22steve remove line to always honor auto rotate pref // 2014-08-21 backup video file even if there is no image file bool backupVideoFileAndThumbnail(CStr255_AC customerID, tBackupFilesPtr ptr) // 2014-08-21 prevent excessive drawing, use pref for faster draw void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true // 2014-08-19 reset angle to 0 if 360 is passed to prevent thin white line void DrawRotatedGWorld(short angle, GWorldPtr CurrPort, GWorldPtr srcGWorld, CRect_AC tempQDRect, short boxScaleValue) make sure to set fLastRotationValue variable to prevent not being able to set to zero when clicking on arrows of scroll bar void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2014-08-18 fix DNP Printer resource // 2014-08-12 fix isue with JPEG's in Teps-Processor and blank images short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) allow to select video package even if current image is not an mp4 thumbnail void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() bool TSessionPrintWindow::ValidatePackage(long packageNumber, long imageNumber) // 2014-07-14 // 2014-08-08 do not allow Teps to continue with backup and next customer until stop is pressed in Video app // 2014-08-06 // 2014-08-06steve - also copy corresponding movie thumbnail file tBaseName += ".jpg"; ptocStrcpy(tCharFileName, tBaseName); pstrcpy(tSrcSpec.name, tBaseName); doNSCopyTheFile ( &tSrcSpec, &tCopyFSSpec, tCharFileName, true); // 2014-08-04 On backing up also save Movie file for Teps-POS only void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() fix setPermission function to check if is Directory to pass 0777 instead of 0666 bool setPermission ( const char *itemPath, UInt32 permMode ) // 2014-07-10 - 2014-07-29 add STB changes to burn video's // 2014-07-21 make fix to still open operations window if chooser pref file is corrupted void TNamedStdPrintHandler::SetImageWindow(TPreviewImageWindow *aWindow) fix Gary's indexing template issue, enable number text to enter marked image number instead having to click many times // 2014-07-21 fix Nikon 5300 for Mavericks void TNikonCameraHandler::SaveImage() // 2014-07-03 allow box to be scaled in special new mode for rotated images only TImageObject TDropPreviewImages DrawRotatedGWorld // 2014-06-30 add 2nd backup before Command-1 folder void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoCopyImagePrefsWindow(tCopyImagesPref *ptr) bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2014-06-03 allow for slashes '/' in file names when saving print to file let save print to file functions use new CG Image file save function short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) bool NewSaveOffscreenToFileNew ( short outputType, // 2014-05-30 // 2014-05-29 replace saving TIFF, JPEG, PICT and PNG files with CGImage version for Save Composition As void TTepsPrintHandler::PrintToFile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec) bool saveCGImageRefToPath(CGImageRef imageRef, NSString *path, short fileType, float imageQuality) // 2014-05-30 // 2014-05-29 // 2014-05-27 validate backup folder when doing "Backup image files before Command-1", do not allow to continue if server can not be mouted and backup can not be done bool validateMyBackupFolder(tBackupFilesPtr ptr, short which, CStr255_AC &errorString) // 2014-05-27 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2014-05-20 // 2014-05-22 add new Print uploader source to Teps project, create a flag, don't use as of yet // 2014-05-20 do not auto rotate on printing is session printing mode when package contains current image only bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveMarkedOrAllImageItems(long packageNumber) // 2014-05-20 void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2014-05-14 make sure that sort by name matches Finder sort bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type NSComparisonResult finderSortWithLocale(id string1, id string2, void *locale) // 2014-05-14 CompareResult_AC TImageFileList::Compare(const void* item1, // 2014-05-13 create a mode that prints image through special one up without inserting file in global file list void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4SpecialOneUpModePrint(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, void TTepsPrintHandler::DoSpecialOneUpModePrintWithDownloadedImage(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop, TView *aView) // 2014-05-08 // v17.5.7 Put files downloaded through Scipah in separate TepsPrintStationFolder - (void) issueDownloadFileCommand:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict Reset Scipah buffer after each print to get confirmation after REAl Scipah print only - (void) printImage:(NSMutableDictionary*) dict // 2014-04-29 v17.5.6 1. remove ediwns test resource file for get print count // 2014-04-28 v17.5.5 1. copied new files from edwin to add 5x7 cut in half option for mitsu K60DW // 2014-04-24 // 17.5.2 1. copy changes to fix major memory leak when writing compositon file to USBdrives 2. // 2014-04-14 change version number to 17.5.1 // 2014-03-28 make sure that reset button in chromaKey mode resets variable angle rotation void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2014-03-25steve // v17.3.32 1. fix issue with CameraHandler when writing out filename with "/" in it NSString *myFileName = CStr255ToNSString(fileName); myFileName = [myFileName stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @"/" withString:@":"]; dstPath = [dstPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:myFileName]; 2. show more log NSLog(@"doCocoaServerCopy copyItemAtPath failed with error = %@", error); // 2013-03-13 // v17.3.31 copy changes from edwin to trap GWorld error in processor for JED // 2014-03-13 add scroll bar to drag and drop shift/zoom options void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2014-03-06 allow to embed source image profile into output print-to-file short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) class TColorSyncPreferences // 2014-03-04 fix issue with prefix when using camera connect to produce name without underscore bool TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetFileName(long theNum, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 2014-03-04 do not warn if no ip address is entered when checking for server version -(NSString*) testForEdwinGetServerVersion:(id)param // 2014-02-27 also check for server version if ip address is entered to allow Freeze frame to use group code with v1 and v2 version void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2014-02-25 if ERROR is returned when checking for key reset print count to 0 BOOL validateDictionary(NSMutableDictionary* aDictionary) // 2013-09-16 flip image 180 degrees if meta data orientation return orientations==3 void DrawCGImageToGWorldFlip(CGImageRef image, GWorldPtr CurrPort, CGRect rectangle); // 2014-02-25 GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage() GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetFullSizeImage() GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetThumbNailImage() // 2014-02-06 // 2014-02-07 add function to get tagged images, add 2 menu items to Image menu, mark/unmark tagged images id GetImageDataWithTag (NSString* imagePath, NSString* searchString) // 2014-02-07 bool TImageFileObject::DoesImageHaveTag() // 2014-02-07 bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() // 2014-02-03 // 2014-02-04 add new IsInvisibleFile function and use it to add prevent invisible files to be added to graphics or ck list in Maverick bool IsInvisibleFile ( CInfoPBPtr pb, long dirID ) // 2014-02-03 CStr255_AC getFileNameOfNextPictFileInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &startindex) CStr255_AC getFileNameOfNextCKFileInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &startindex) // 1-26-07 // 2014-01-28 // v17.3.26.test1 // fix issue with oldtime color and quick zoom if (isOldTimeColor) { fViewOffscreen = myDisposeGWorld(fViewOffscreen); // 2014-01-25 start from scratch this->Prepare4Drawing(false); // 2014-01-25 ConvertOffscreenToSepiaNew(fViewOffscreen, getMySepiatonePrefs()->fColorAdjustInfo, fViewOffscreen, kOldTimePhotoCanvasType); } // 2014-01-24 // zero out counter after deactivating teps // 2014-01-21 // build version for mitsu testing //v17.3.27.BETA-mitsu // 2014-01-02 display actual count left Teps-Processor void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() Teps-X bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) // 2013-12-31 add Mitsubish CP-K60DW printer // 2013-12-19 add warning if print count gets below 300, both teps and processor void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() void DisplayNormalMessageForceAlways(Str255 s) // 2013-12-19 bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) // 2013-12-12 // v17.3.24 1. add more logs to find out prefix issue // 2013-12-05 // v17.3.23next 1. fix debuglog if FreezeFrameMacysVersion 2. try to fix random crash // 2013-12-02 // v17.3.22next 1. dont have too many debug nslogs for UPrintView.cp static gVerboseFF = NO; // 2013-12-02steve #ifdef __FreezeFrameVersion__ #include "SalesStationPrefs.h" gVerboseFF = YES; // 2013-12-02steve #endif use void NSDebugLog (NSString*, ...) // 2013-12-02steve for all the debug stuff in future - need to have a pref - to turn on/off so debug logs will all get echoed // 2013-11-30 // v17.3.21 // fix macys version - for debug?? 1. do not show numbers anymore at all during camerasStation countdown... 2. lots of logs to debug // 2013-11-25 //fix macys version fix issue with distorted overlay when using Landscape, swap coordinates void TImageView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 2013-11-21 use full size PNG file's as overlays CGImageRef getMyPortraitImageRef() // 2012-11-27 CGImageRef getMyLandscapeImageRef() // 2012-11-27 slightly adjust views 1537 and 1539 add int myFPrintf(void* crap, const char * __restrict format, ...) // 2013-11-21 int myPrintf(const char * __restrict format, ...) // 2013-11-21 call in canon camera handler // 2013-11-19 add mac addres to temp file name when preparing file for Print-Center and also to new name for sending to Print Center OSErr TSpoolerPrintView::WriteDataToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2013-11-12 check to make sure the same ticketnumber is not used from a previous day if (checkOnNetIfExists(CStr255ToNSString(fTicketString))) // 2013-11-12 // 2013-11-11 fix UI not updating camera session count CameraStationWindow.cp: ++getMyCameraStationPrefs()->grabCounter; // 2013-11-11 CameraStationWindow.cp: ++getMyCameraStationPrefs()->saveCounter; // 2013-11-11 CameraStationWindow.cp: ++getMyCameraStationPrefs()->saveCounter; // 2013-11-11 CameraStationWindow.cp: ++getMyCameraStationPrefs()->sessionCounter; // 2013-11-11 // 2013-11-08 increase font size programatically add Red bar around number when less the 10 seconds left reorganize window fix issue with finding images when first looking for _1 and then for _0001 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewMacysSitting2(CStr255_AC customer) // 2010-10-14 // 2013-11-07 fix crash when double clicking on package button preview image use Santa PNG if available fix views to not seem editable // 2013-11-04 // 2013-11-05 support old server api as well as new // 2013-11-01 // v17.3.17 1. search for new wipics method too for macys version ticketNumber_00nn.jpg 4-digit leading padded zeros // 2013-10-31 add session count test for old message too when getting group code NSArray* TPreviewImageWindow::FindIdOnWeb() fix NSLog crash webKeyInfoObject -(id) init // 2013-10-08 1. fix issue with unable to find image for stb when .DS_Store file is in folder // 2013-10-01 1. add more logs for webkey related stuff 2. even changed atmpprsecurity file // 2013-10-01 // copy changes from 2013-09-26 for about box window and exipiration date string // 2013-09-26 fix bug to show the correct expiration date if there is no internet connection - (IBAction) handleSynchronizeAccountButton:(id)sender // copy changes from 2013-09-19 // only overwrite the file if webinfojob is NOT nil long writePrintCountAndExpirationDateToFile(long printCount, NSString *expDate) void writeCurrentDateToFile(NSString *currentDate) // 2012-12-03 // 2013-09-21 rebuild all targets // v17.3.13 // 2013-09-18 // v17.3.13 // better validate function for dictionary from atmpprsecurityfile BOOL validateDictionary(NSMutableDictionary* aDictionary) // 2013-09-16 // fix prefix issue for noerr with custom4 name mode if (getMyInputPrefs()->enableCustomerOrderMode) // 2013-09-13 { extern CStr255_AC getBaseNameBeforeUnderscore(CStr255_AC baseName); CStr255_AC baseName = getBaseNameBeforeUnderscore(oldFileName); CStr255_AC ext = getExtensionFromSourceFile(oldFileName); bool leadZeros = getBaseNamePrefPtr()->imageNumPadWithZeros; short numOfZeros = getBaseNamePrefPtr()->imageNumMaxDigits; short numOfFiles = getCurrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfFiles(); CStr255_AC newName = FormFileName ( baseName, numOfFiles, ext, leadZeros, numOfZeros ); nameStr = myStr+newName; } // 2013-09-12 for serge event with smb server 1. save out the new prefs for the printTofileSet options of subfolders // 2013-09-10 add support for no email required for STB - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 pass new userdata with optin through to teps processor and embed in file - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 void TTEPSFileHandler::SetEmailEntryBuffer(char myBuffer[4096]) // 2013-09-10 void TTEPSFileHandler::GetEmailEntryBuffer(char myBuffer[4096]) // 2013-09-10 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) Teps-Processor bool saveSourceWithMetadataSTB(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) void setEmailEntryBuffer(char buffer[4096]) // 2013-09-10 // 2013-09-06 // 2013-09-09 clean up print to file create sub folder items and create new one that you can customize void goToPrint2FileItemPrefSettingsWindow(tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr) short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFile ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2012-07-13 change view 1803 // 2013-09-06 1. force permission to be 0666 permMode = 0666; // 2013-09-06steve force permission for TextFile 2. only warn processor2 missing if NOT set ie NIL (as in first time) if (ReadAliasHandle(kPrintSpooler2AliasHandleID)!= nil) // 2013-09-06 // 2013-09-03 check for invisible processor job files using new CURLRef method OSErr GetAllFilesInDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) OSErr getAllFilesInNewDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) // 12-3-03 fix issue with directory for 2d spooler folder, didn't resolve path correctly long getImageFolderFromSpoolerFolder(short vRefNum, long parID) // 2013-09-03 long getJobFolderFromSpoolerFolder(short vRefNum, long parID) // 2013-09-03 // 2013-08-30 add 2nd processor folder pref and allow for jobs to be sent to it void TPrintServerPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) TPrintServerPrefs::~TPrintServerPrefs() void TPrintServerPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr) void TPrintServerPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) OSErr createImageAndJobFolders2() // 2013-08-30 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrintingNew(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, FSSpec ckTemplate) void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TTepsPrintHandler::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop, TView *aView) bool TDropView::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(bool now) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(CStream_AC *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 short TDropView::WriteViewObjectsNew(CStream_AC *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 // 2013-08-29 add a option to choose spooler folder on a per canvas basis void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TCanvasPrefs::GetSettings() copy key info file to Teps Log folder if dictionary object can not be read webKeyInfoObject -(id) init // 2013-08-16 do not delete job if we can not successfully save print to file short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoError(short theErr) // 2013-08-06 prevent crash when trying to qui with print count window open bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) when getting excel spreadsheet file for print counts prompt for directory, default to current processor folder void doNewTotalsFromDictionaryFile() // 2012-07-03 void doNewTotalsAndWriteFile() // 2012-02-10 CList_AC* getAllHiddenFilesInFolder(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) // 2013-08-06 // 2013-07-30 fix issue for Freeze Frame where marked images didnt show up in selection page void TImageView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) fix issue for Stb when doing Cancel Order - (BOOL) doSetupImageDownloadThread:(NSMutableDictionary*)param only use NSAlert for DisplayNormalMessage if in thread // 2013-07-25 add NSArray to POS Helper file to check agains PLU and package name to jump to email app bool TSessionPrintWindow::CheckForEmailPackage() // 2012-09-25 // 2013-07-23 make fix for overwriting existing when using attribute "Save Original file as IS" short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFile ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2012-07-13 // 2013-07-18 add some keys that were not copied when saving pref file for both Teps-X and Teps-Processor NSMutableDictionary* CopyUserPreferencesToDictionary ( void ) // 2013-07-16 remove space from view resource 1240 prevent crash when using just spaces in customer id window bool checkForSpacesOnly(CStr255_AC theString) // 2013-07-16 bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2013-07-15 only send Cocoa Page setup if printer type is kChooser void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrintingNew(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, FSSpec ckTemplate) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) Teps-Processor add CocoaContext to short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) // 2013-07-11 implement processor cocoa printing and save page setup in Teps-X and pass on to Processor use Cocoa to create Main Images Folder first time when create default folder is on void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() //2013-07-10steve fix bug that caused displayNormalMessage to crash because it wasn't in the main thread //2013-07-08 add overwrite existing files to print to file sets for name option containing filename short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) TPrintToFileSetPrefs change action to newImageToDisplayForPreviewer when sending notification to previewer app //2013-06-17 make sure all print to file options are written and read void myWritePrintToFilePrefs ( bool doSynchNow ) // 10-09-07 reprototype void myReadPrintToFilePrefs() validate path 5 - 8 at startup for Processor void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() set path default to 5, 6, 7,8 for set E, F, G, H bool setMyPrintToFileItemPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr, short which) // 2013-06-13 add 4 more paths to Processor void setAllPrintToFileSetPrefsToFactoryDefault() void setAllPrintToFileSetPrefsToFactoryDefault() fix issue with showing/ hiding text sttring if base name option is chosen void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::SetSettings(tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr) //2013-06-12 preserve creation date of original file when copying bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 void doCocoaServerCopy(FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec destFS, CStr255_AC fileName) // 2013-06-12 void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) //2013-06-07 fix issue with duplicate images on usb when burning multiple packages in one session void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() //2013-06-06 fix crash when doing Command-1 in POS version with Teps-Previewer bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) //2013-06-03 //2013-06-04 add 4 print to file sets fix a bunch of printer resource strings //2013-05-20 - 2013-05-30 make feature to burn one usb from multiple packages in one session TGeneralPrintHandler::TGeneralPrintHandler() void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteUSB() // 2013-05-30 bool TSessionPrintWindow::DoesPackageHaveUSB(long packageNumber) // 2013-05-20 void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2013-05-28 change resource file for Teps-POS to allow for print package on return to main and before Command-1 make sure that certain notifications don't get called by Teps-Processor - (void)handleDistributedNotificationA:(NSNotification*)notification // 2013-05-22 NSDate* GetInternalPictureCaptureDate ( NSString *tempImagePath, const CFStringRef kNameOfDictionaryToUse, const CFStringRef kNameOfDateTimeProperty, bool doOverwrite ) fix issue with getting the correct time zone // 2013-05-21 make sure that duplicate files get 'Copy' before extension GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 2013-05-17 add more logs for click counts long writePrintCountToFile(long printCount) // recast to long // 2013-04-29 from edwin // 2013-04-16 add validation for customer id to prevent use of certain illegal characters bool isValidFileName(CStr255_AC myString) // 2013-04-16 void TKeyEventBehavior::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2013-04-15 fix text settings and stamp settings view, 1109 and 1111 // 2013-04-09 make pref to hide e-mail button from session print window TBarcodeAppPreferences void TTeps2000Application::DoTepsSettingsMenuItem() // 10-09-07 use new name void TSessionPrintWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2013-04-08 add PNG and do not resize PNG for web void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) class TPrintToFileSetPrefs // 2013-04-04 fix exclusion/junk mask issue being applied to wrong image when new images keep coming in fFileNumber = getCurrentInputHandler()->GetCurrentFile(); // 2013-04-04 void TJunkMaskView::SetObjects() // 2010-02-23 void TJunkMaskView::GetObjects() add pref to POS and Teps-Share to allow to autofill customer id with Random Hex String view 1088 // 2013-03-21 void downloadImageAndSaveToFile(NSString *urlPath, NSString *ufileSavePath) // 2013-03-21 download image from web url // 2013-03-19 add error logging to find out about zero key counts webKeyInfoObject -(id) init long writePrintCountToFile(long printCount) // recast to long long readPrintCountFromFile( void ) // 2009-02-12steve force void // 2013-03-07 using new color adjust for UPD-R150 and 200 TSonyPrinterPrefs TUpdColorAdjustObject void swapMyUpdColorAdjustInfo2 ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo2 &data, bool isMotorolaData ) void swapFromHost_MyCocoaImageColorAdjustInfoSettings ( myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo &data, bool isMotorolaVersion ) // 2013-03-07 #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000844 // 2013-03-07 Teps-Processor void TSpoolerPrintView::ApplyColorSettings(short printer) // 3-14-06 bool TSpoolerPrintView::ProcessOffscreenAndWriteToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2013-02-26 fix a bug when using teps with sales station version when printing jobs void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) // 2013-02-25 // release as v17.1.16 // 2013-02-25 add a feature to set print priority for print to file set jobs when using option to print packages returning to main void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) TCanvasPrefs bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage() // 08-20-09 view 1045 MENU 1105 // 2013-02-21 fix bugs in writing out cocoa dictionaray files add usb totals to print count out put -(void) addToCounts:(long) quantity which: (long) whichItem printer: (long) whichPrinter canvas: (long) whichCanvas -(long) getUSBCount // 2013-02-21 void doNewTotalsFromDictionaryFile() // 2012-07-03 // 2013-02-19 add a pref to add a sequence number to random hex string bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 TStartSittingPrefObject TCustomFileNameWindow void TCameraHandler::GetFileName(long theNum, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 2013-02-14 reformat date to use yyyy-MM-dd for outputting print counts void doNewTotalsAndWriteFile() // 2012-02-10 // 2013-02-12 implement new method to activate machine (was still using old way) - (bool) activateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber withLicense:(NSString*) licenseString withNickName:(NSString*)nickNameString fix a bug in Triprism version that would send previous category ck templates to processor void TVerticalCKFolderList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 4-28-08 add function // 2013-02-11 allow for a range of dates to be entered to calculate print counts void TPrintCountWindow::SetDateTotals(unsigned long fromDate, unsigned long toDate) // 2013-02-11 update view 2156 // 2013-02-07 address issue of changing color through popup (sepia B&W, etc) when using CK in operations window void TDropPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 fix issue that made ck template deafault back to original graphic when changing color setting (sepia B&W, etc) void TFileOverlayObject::Set(COverlayDesc *overlayDesc) // 10-15-02 void TFileOverlayObject::SetNewFile(FSSpec newFSSpec, CStr31_AC category) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix a bug when doing CK using a Node void TNodeViewObject::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream) // 10-31-03 change width for RX1 printer to 1920 CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 // 2013-01-31 // v17.1.14 // 2013-01-31 fix crash in POS for missing check box TBarcodeAppPref fix image name+ck name output void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) fix redraw issue at bottom of preferences window // 2013-01-28steve rename as v17.1.13 add auto fill random hex string pref for customer id number // 2013-01-24steve copy change from edwin to handle new "edtxt0n" field NSString // 2012-01-10steve remove RX-1 dnp rebuild to give to STB rename as v17.1.12 MENU 1008 to have master list of printers to be allowed fix issue for stb where email was being save AFTER sending out printpackage command NSLog ( @"2013-01-10steve checking for email object..."); NSAttributedString // 2013-01-07 // 2013-01-08 implement DNP DS-RX1 popups and paper sizes MENU 2054 view 1828 void goToDNPDSRX1MediaSettingsWindow(tMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) // 2012-12-27 CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 bool TSpoolerPrintView::ProcessOffscreenAndWriteToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 // 2013-01-03 add a pref to turn on/off saving/reading of junk mask bool saveCurrentImageSettingsToFactoryDefault(FSSpec fs) // 2010-04-05 void readFromDefaultAndSaveToImage(FSSpec fs) // 2010-04-06 class TNewOneUpPrefs // 2012-12-27 // 2012-12-28 Add DNP DS-RX1 printer // 2012-12-20 create naming option image name plus ck template name void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrintingNew(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, FSSpec ckTemplate) #define kImageAndCKTemplateNameType 7 // 2012-12-20 void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) Processor CStr255_AC TBGPrintView::GetNewBaseNameForPrintToFile(tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr) // 4-16-04 // 2012-12-17 for Macys version if two image marked show 2-up void TImageView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 2012-12-11 fix jumping to e-mail app with image in operations window and long file names FSSpec saveCKedVersion(FSSpec fs) // 2011-10-12 // 2012-12-10 implement server time/ system time comparison setCurrentDateFromServerTime bool checkForNetNew (bool forceInterNetCheck) // 2012-12-06 use new method to create NSString path void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 // 2012-12-04 fix densitometer for special one up mode ResNumber TOneUpPreviewImage::GetCursorID() // 2012-12-04 // 2012-12-06steve // v17.1.8 1. fix issue with stb and email app and NOT in session printing mode with macPos 2. add logs to see why email.app cannot be launched 3. NEEEEEEEEED To Fix issue when ck/composite image needs to be sent to email.app // 2012-11-29 v17.1.7 edwin - try to fix densitometer // 2012-11-26 try to find out why randy long has prob with expiration date? // 2012-11-01 add option to Nikon to search for newer types (5100) Nikon camera's and use new reconnect feature TNikonCameraHandler::TNikonCameraHandler() void TNikonCameraHandler::SetNewMultipleTypeCameraHandler(bool setMultipleType) // 2012-11-01 OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCameraNoMessage() // 2012-11-01 OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::ReConnect() // 9-13-04 make sure it doesn't try to get camera name when camera is disconnected short TNikonCameraHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // 2012-10-23 v17.1.5 // 2012-10-23 STB change 'do not open customer order window' to do not use customer purchase order window do not allow window to be opened, do not write .i files if pref is on void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TSchoolPhotographyView::EndPreview(TImageFileObject *anObject) void TSchoolPhotographyView::BeginPreview(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 2012-10-23 first release to jen v17.1.4 fix camera direct connect mode class TBasicImageView fix zoom shift when zooming out // 2012-10-16 apply zoom/shift color options to Macys 6 up and full screen void TPreviewImageWindow::UpdateOffscreens(TImageFileObject *obj, GWorldPtr offscreen) // 2012-10-16 void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TImageView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 2012-10-12 make new upload function for macys bool saveSourceWithMetadataPt5Plus(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024], char *archivedSittingInfoDictionary, long archiveLength ); // 2012-10-12 short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2012-10-11 add feature to jump back to Macys mode from expert mode with current images by pressing Command-T bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::RepeatFreezeFrameMacysSitting() // 2012-10-11 // 2012-10-09 create new function to link files to Random number (group) void TPreviewImageWindow::LinkFilesToMyRandomGroupCode(TWindow *aWindow) // 2012-10-09 -(NSDictionary*) linkIDsToMyRandomGroupNumber:(NSArray*)info withGroupCode:(NSString*)groupCode // 2012-10-09 add pref to use random number as group instead of group code generated by web getMyMacysStartupPrefs()->useRandomNoAsGroupCode add divider for Group code stamp CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) TStampSettingsWindow // 2012-10-04 add version to webKeyInfoObject Dictionary on activating machines -(int) doActivateThisMachine:(id) param macys version allow to add alternate ticket number when already in package select view void TPreviewImageWindow::UpdatePackageViews(TWindow *aWindow) // 2012-10-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::CreatePackageViews(TWindow *aWindow) // 07-21-09 add filename plus overlays to one up preview Macys(double click) // 2012-10-02 fix CD Write mutiple folder issue OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteCD() // 9-28-06 BOOL myCocoaCopyFiles ( NSString* sourcePath, NSString* destPath ) OSErr copyAllItemsInSrcDirectoryToDestinationCocoa(FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec dstFSSpec) // 2012-10-02 fix issue with Teps not writing correct files for ContentsForUsbFlashDrive folders OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 add option to Preview Images pref to sort files by creation date before entering operations window TPreviewImagePrefs bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type // 2012-10-01 show the filename in full screen preview view 1541 have the image show with the overlay in full screen preview void TMySimplePreviewWindow::ShowImageFile(short image) void TMySimplePreviewWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) TMySimplePreviewWindow::~TMySimplePreviewWindow() embed meta data to orginal saved image files too short TBGPrintView::SaveMetaDataToOriginalFile ( NSString *srcPath) // 2012-09-28 short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFile ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2012-07-13 view 1264 remove location id entry filed, add description and sample string // 2012-09-30 up version number before releasing #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000842 // 2012-09-30 // 2012-09-28 start working on embedding meta data if saving original file short TBGPrintView::SaveMetaDataToOriginalFile ( NSString *srcPath) // 2012-09-28 // 2012-09-25 pass email along and embed in file to be uploaded bool saveSourceWithMetadataSTB(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 void TSessionPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TSessionPrintWindow::JumpToMacPOS() // 2012-09-25 bool TSessionPrintWindow::CheckForEmailPackage() // 2012-09-25 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 2012-09-24 embed site and email to metadata for jpegForWeb uploads bool saveSourceWithMetadata(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024]) write key version ('POS' 'triprism' etc) to web info file - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName bool checkForNetNew (bool forceInterNetCheck) -(void) setKeyVersion:(NSString*) version // 2012-09-24 // 2012-09-21 implement doNotResizeJpegForWeb and upload site for print to file sets TPrintToFileSetPrefs implement separator fir 16 digit file name TStampObject TStampSettingsWindow change price level feature for POS to kick in if OVER a certain price void TSessionPrintWindow::PrepareForSendJobsToSpooler() // 2012-09-20 jump to email app before sending job to macPOS void TSessionPrintWindow::PrepareForSendJobsToSpooler() // 2012-09-18 add random naming option (disabled in this version) TCustomFileNameWindow view 1264 void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 TCameraHandler // 2012-09-17 fix renaming issues in camera direct mode void TImageFileObject::RenameFileWithprefix() // 2012-05-10 void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // 2012-09-01 // 2012-09-03 change log for Noerr to include more info bool writeLog(short recType, short printer, short canvas, short package, short qty) // 9-12-05 CStr255_AC TTEPSFileHandler::GetCurrentImageName() // 2012-09-01 fix pc-card copy with prefix, always failed the first time void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 2012-08-17steve // v17.0.2 1. put in new libprim50.a to fix issue with defocus value 1 or 2 we were dividing the defocus value by 2 in low res preview otherwise image looked overBlurred // released v17.0.1 // // 2012-08-07 // 2012-08-09 Use Cocoa NSAlert for Dialog display new feature for POS to display a dialog if a certain sales amount has not been reached void TSessionPrintWindow::PrepareForSendJobsToSpooler() NSDictionary* readPOSDictionaryFile() // 2012-08-06 file should be at this path: TEPS MISCELLANEOUS FOLDER Ä/POS Helper Files/POSHelper.plist keys: - priceLevel1 - string1ToDisplay // 2012-08-06 OSErr TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2::FindCamera() search modules up to Type0015 Module.bundle // 2012-07-30 simplify printcountinfoobject // 2012-07-27 fix camera name for TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2 make following fuction virtual void TNikonBaseCameraHandler::GetCameraInfo ( nikonCameraInfo &info ) overwrite it for TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2 // 2012-07-26 enable new TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2 camera handler for d5100 OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 2012-07-24 edwin finish changes with file paths ContentsForUsbFlashDrive1 ContentsForCD1 // 2012-07-20 edwin // 2012-07-23 edwin new multiple path method to save secondary folder on usb flash card and cd TCDWritePrefObject TCDWritePreferences void goToSaveFilePrefSettingsWindow(tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr) OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteCD() // 9-28-06 TFloppyWritePrefObject // 2012-07-19 edwin // 2012-07-17 edwin update all changes from the 2.0 version change default for exclusion mask // 2012-07-13 edwin // 2012-07-16 edwin Create new option in attribute object to save original image for web change class TAttributeObject view resource 1135 class TAttributeSettingsWindow short TBGPrintView::CopyOriginalFileJob() // 2012-07-13 short TBGPrintView::SaveOriginalFile ( FSSpec fsSpec) // 2012-07-13 BOOL doCopyTheFileNew ( id param ) bool TImageObject::CopyOriginalFile(TBGPrintView *theView) // 2012-07-13 void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() // 2012-07-12 edwin create checkbox for all objects to prevent printing in print-to-file mode TEditTextObject, TDatabaseObject, TFileOverlayObject, TTransparentObject, TGroupPhotoObject // 2012-07-12steve v16.5.3 HSK-BetaONLY Share for 10.5+ try to show more logs photoAdController.m: static BOOL gDoVerbose = true; // 2012-07-12steve false; //true; // 2009-04-03steve photoAdController.m: if ( mDictionary && [mDictionary count] ) { // 2012-07-12steve - must have mDictionary!!! photoAdController.m: NSLog ( @"WHAT??? mDictionary is NIL or empty????" ); // 2012-07-12steve photoAdController.m: done = true; // 2012-07-12steve photoAdController.m: // gotServerResponse = NO; // 2012-07-12steve photoAdController.m: if (gDoVerbose) NSLog ( @"%@:%@ => parseXMLData returned:\n%@\n\n",self, NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), mDictionary ); // 2012-07-12steve photoAdController.m: if ( mDictionary && [mDictionary count] ) // 2012-07-12steve - make sure theres something in the dictionary // 2012-07-09 use new way of creating NSString path, to prevent issues with Ä OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) void TPreviewImageWindow::LoadNextImage() // 2010-06-05 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) fix preferences issue when going back to older version void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) // 2012-07-05steve // v16.4.21 // fix issue with start sitting and scan id (withOUT apple-1 window) if (getMyInputPrefs()->enableValidation && (maxCopyLen != getMyInputPrefs()->numberOfDigits) ) // 2012-07-05steve sprintf(mesg, "Validation failed: expected %i digits, but got %iÉ [A]", getMyInputPrefs()->numberOfDigits, maxCopyLen ); // 2012-07-05steve maxCopyLen and [A] so we know which one // 2012-06-29 later that day // added more logs after talking to steve crossman // 2012-06-29steve around 3pm // release as v16.4.19 // 2012-06-28 change prefix to allow for format string, 'myPrefix'_yyyy-MM-dd 'mySuffix' void TImageFileObject::RenameFileWithprefix() // 2012-05-10 NSString* formPrefixString ( NSString* prefixFormatString ) // 2012-06-28steve add check box to text, stamp and back color object to prevent being used on print to file TStampObject, TStampSettingsWindow, TTextObject, TTextSettingsWindow, TBackColorObject, TBackColorSettingsWindow view 1109,1111,1131 remove line from script to start pos open file \"_Start MacPOS\"\n\ void testCocoaScript1 ( void ) view 1406 - change button wording to macPOS instead of macPOSX // 2012-06-22 add log to show incoming apple events bool DoHandleDoScriptCommandFromMacPOSApp(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, TAppleEvent* message, TAppleEvent* reply ) make change to allow for macPOS startup instead of macPOSX read script from text file "launchPOS.txt" for those still using macPOSX void testCocoaScript1 ( void ) set special Hig res upload variable to false after processing files setSpecialHighresMacysUploadMode(false); // 2012-06-22 void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2012-06-21 fix POS version so as to support marked images and all images through macPOS (for group codes) void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) // 2012-06-11 // 2012-06-12 // 2012-06-14 implement primatte 5.0 2012-06-11 2012-06-12 create new feature for Freeze Frame to get a group code for each individual marked image and send it to Teps-Processor id== TEPS-FF2 bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetGroupCodeForMarkedFilesAndSetToPrinter(short package) // 2012-06-11 void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add view resource 9018 to progress.rsrc // 2012-06-08 implement new key site/method NSString* sNewTepsKeyServicesDomain = @"ka.triprism.com"; // 2012-06-08 - (bool) issueGetKeyCommand: (NSMutableDictionary*) param NSString* keyStringForCDsUsed = @"keyStringForCDsUsed"; // 2012-06-05 NSString* keyStringForUSBFlashUsed = @"keyStringForUSBFlashUsed"; // 2012-06-05 bool checkForNetNew (bool forceInterNetCheck) @interface webKeyInfoObject : NSObject { -(void) setCDCount:(long) CDCount; // 2012-06-05 -(void) setUSBFlashCount:(long) flashCount; // 2012-06-05 -(id) init -(void) createNewDictionary -(void) resetAllPrintCounts // 2011-03-31 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteCD() // 9-28-06 GWorldPtr TCDPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) short TCDPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) 2012-06-07 make ip address field longer (63 characters from 31) void TBarcodeAppPref::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) CStr63_AC ipAddress; // 2012-06-07 2012-04-09 add ip address field to advanced prefs for POS version view 1088 2012-06-06 do not append "transitstation" for full url it's only for our internal server only // 2012-06-01 Fix IN PROCESSOR UimageObject fix JED version to crop correctly if using LS images Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 //srcRect = myGetPortRect(fImage); // 2012-06-01 //dstRect = tempQDRect; if (fResizeMethod==kCropAndResizeImage) // 2012-06-01 { srcRect = ::CropAndResize(newCropRect, tempQDRect, kCropCenter); dstRect = tempQDRect; } else // kResizeImageToFit { dstRect = ::ResizeToFit(tempQDRect, newCropRect); srcRect = newCropRect; } // 2012-05-22 change host address for Freeze Frame to include transitstation bool TPreviewImageWindow::LinkMarkedFilesToGroupCode() //[newController setfHostAddress:[ipAdd stringByAppendingString:@"/freezeframe.nafta"]]; [newController setfHostAddress:[ipAdd stringByAppendingString:@"/transitstation"]]; // 2012-05-22 /*CStr255_AC ipAddress = ""; // 2012-05-17 // v16.4.12 // 2012-05-14 create a special fast drawing option for Cary's 50+ up templates void HandleShowPI(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) void TPreviewImageWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) short specialFastDrawOption; // 2012-05-14 unsigned char reserved[54]; // 2011-02-08 } tPreviewPrefStruct, *tPreviewPrefPtr, **tPreviewPrefHandle; // 2012-05-14 // v16.4.11 // 2012-05-10 add an option to add prefix to a file view 1264 void TCameraStatusWindow::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList4 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 bool TMyCanonCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) bool TNikonCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) Start Sitting prefs // 2012-04-30 make a change for Sales station app mode to not use image properties and work correctly if no ticket file Teps-Processor Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 Teps-X void PrintItem(NSMutableDictionary *lineInfo1, NSArray * images, NSString *customerID) // 2012-04-20 // 2012-04-23 implement TTransparentObject to draw with CGImage // 2012-04-17 added a check box to freeze frame picture window to select defaut image to load in preview image window new class TChoosePictureWindow void TPreviewImageWindow::CreateViewsForMarked(TWindow *aWindow) // 2012-03-29 IDType TPreviewImageWindow::ShowMarkedImagesToConfirm() // 2012-03-29 view 1539 and 1543 // 2012-04-11 copied change from 2012-3-13 // 2012-03-13 include "junk masks" and "exclusion masks" checkbox for apply current settings to all/marked images void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyCKSettingsToAllImages(tCKImageProperties *saveProp, FSSpec srcFS) // 07-10-09 view resource 1813 copied change from 2012-3-06 reverse loop for delete image immediately after image comes in to work correctly bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 2012-04-10 add MyRebootObject void setupRelaunchTimer (void) // 2012-04-10 defaulted for 7:00 AM void relaunchApp() // 2012-04-10 void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() fix Macys to give error message if a Group Code can not be obtained bool TPreviewImageWindow::LinkMarkedFilesToGroupCode() // 2012-03-29 // 2012-04-09 add a pref to enter ip address // 2012-04-05 // 2012-04-06 implement changes for Freeze Frame to link marked files to Group Code by using package with UPC Code 'TEPS-FF' void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) IDType TPreviewImageWindow::ShowMarkedImagesToConfirm() // 2012-03-29 void setSpecialHighresMacysUploadMode(bool doHighResMacysMode) // 2012-03-26 add e-mail app pref to determine whether to send original or composed image void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 // 2012-03-23steve // v16.4.3 1. make tepEmailer.app work in NON-customer order mode 2. must assign PLU code to "TEPS-EMAIL" void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) prevent crash when clicking on e-mail button if no image void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 short TPreviewImageWindow::GetCurrentImageInOperationsWindow() // 2011-09-15 // 2012-03-21steve // v16.4.2 1. make tepsEmailer.app work with tepsPhototouch app #if (defined(kFreezeFrameMacysVersion)) // 2012-03-20 // v16.4.1 // 2012-02-28 check for 6x8 crop key if 5x7 key is not found void getZoomShiftInfo(NSString *imageTicketFile) // 2011-09-23 // 2012-02-13 write session id to secure web info data to prevent double decrement bool checkForNetNew (bool forceInterNetCheck) -(ATMPPR_SecureSettings*) settings // 2012-02-13 change base SDK's to 10.6 // 2012-02-10 add source to write tab delimited daily print count file void TPrintCountWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPrintCountWindow::DoNewTotalsAndWriteFile() // 2012-02-10 2012-02-09 use new atmsecurity class from tyler webKeyInfoObject - (void) dealloc // 2012-02-09 -(id) init add a check for Lion OS version before removing item void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() // 2012-02-06 fix Gary's bug that caused zoom scroll bar to jump void TOneUpPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 remove 'quit and keep windows' menu item from Teps and Processor under Lion void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoSetupMenus() // 2012-02-03steve 1.prevent "repeat start sitting" from working when direct connect with Camera if (getMyInputPrefs()->input==kKodakDirect || getMyInputPrefs()->input==kNikonCameraInput || getMyInputPrefs()->input==kCanonCameraInput) // 2012-02-03 // 2012-02-02steve 1. canon camera - save to both EdsUInt32 saveTo = kEdsSaveTo_Both; // 2012-02-02steve kEdsSaveTo_Host; 2. prevent annoying messages when card is in the camera body case kEdsObjectEvent_VolumeInfoChanged: // 2012-02-02 - prevent annoying messages when card is in the camera body case kEdsObjectEvent_VolumeUpdateItems: // 2012-02-02 case kEdsObjectEvent_FolderUpdateItems: // 2012-02-02 case kEdsObjectEvent_DirItemCreated: // 2012-02-02 NSLog(@"Inside handleObjectEvent=> Flash Card Event = [%i] = [0x%04x] ..." ); // 2012-02-02steve break; // 2012-01-26? // v16.3.26 for ashley fix crash when doing auto rotate if there are multiple node objects bool loadNewTemplateIfNecessary(TImageFileObject *anObj, bool throughDoubleClick) // 2011-07-14 added 2nd argument do NOT resave CK template with new sepia/bw/color value when going to Edit Chromakey Template form operations window void TNodeViewObject::WriteToNew(CStream_AC* aStream) // 10-15-02 // 2012-01-13 // v16.3.25 for ashley tepsShare // 2012-01-10 1. add nil to end of array userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:NSLocalizedString(@"internal data failure",""), NSLocalizedDescriptionKey, NSLocalizedString(@"internal failure: persistent settings not a dictionary-class object",""), NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey,nil] ]; // 2012-01-05 fix Ashley issue in special new mode when previewing different images void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) fix compiling issue with NSDataWritingAtomic + (void)saveSettingsOrError:(NSError **)error honor barcode length also if scanning void TKeyEventBehavior::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 2011-12-17steve 1. comment out all fatal() // 2011-12-10steve // v16.3.24 1. go to new domain to get teps security key info.. 2. fix tyler's super long sleep?? // 2011-12-10steve fatal(17); // 2011-12-02 make fix to allow Macys to burn flash cards void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFlashCardForMacys() // 2011-12-02 IDType TPreviewImageWindow::SelectPackageToBePrinted() // 07-24-09 redo function change package label void TPackageEditWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2011-11-29steve // v16.3.23 1. put in Teps.rsrc // 2011-11-28steve // v16.3.22 1. make changes to recover better from "cannot connect to server" for macys dbServer 2. fix issue where returning got valid group code even though it was not if ([myMessage compare:@"Group Code(s) Found"]==NSOrderedSame) // 2011-11-28steve // 2011-11-26steve // copy changes from edwin to fix "blank" or bad group code due to some error from server // clean up code to prevent memory leaks BOOL gotGroupCode = YES; // 2011-11-26steve // 2011-11-22 // nextvers v16.3.20 1. for STB - remember last "starting number" FORCED for POS mode only - not to affect other customers 2. for STB - POS version - do not force startup operations mode // 2011-11-22steve #if !(defined(__TepsXAmuseMatteVersion__) || defined(__TepsXRevenueVersion__)) // 06-10-09 also set pref to 5 if 6 if (ptr->startupMode>kNewSpecialCKMode) ptr->startupMode = kNewSpecialCKMode; // 2011-11-22steve // if (ptr->startupMode>kOneUpFillTemplateMode) ptr->startupMode = kOneUpFillTemplateMode; if (ptr->startupModestartupMode = kSinglePreviewMode; // 2011-11-22steve #endif // 2011-11-21 // released as v16.3.19 1. make teps work with TepsFlashWriter.app // 2011-11-17 fix differences between output canvas window and canvas settings window while in operations window void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TCanvasEditWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void EditCanvas(tNewCanvasSizes *aNewCanvas) fix a bunch of NSAutoreleasePool leaks bool hasValidPrintCountFile() // 04-20-09 long readPrintCountFromFile( void ) // 2009-02-12steve force void -(bool) validateExpirationDate // 2011-11-17 create a new Macys admin pref to do search mechanism over multiple days TMacysStartupPrefs bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewMacysSitting(CStr255_AC customer) // 10-14-05 // 2011-11-15 fix to stop dragging immediately when coming from other app and clicking on image void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) new method of finding usb key with debug method checkbox pref void TFindFlashCardWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) bool TFindFlashCardWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) TFlashCardWritePrefs view 1090 // 2011-11-14 set privileges to read/write for everyone when writing Nikon files bool TNikonCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) set privileges to read/write for everyone when writing customer info files TFile *createFileObject(FSSpec &tmpFSSpec) display error code if unable to open student order file TFile *createStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) remount server on doing start sitting void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 2011-11-12 // v16.3.5 1. fix for salesStationApp and package qty aGeneralPrintHandler->fCanvasQuantityHasBeenSet = true; // 2011-11-12 patch for santa version // 2011-11-08steve // v16.3.14 1. remove the real nikon debug message // 2011-11-07 // rebuild as v16.3.13 // 2011-11-07 fix to make order summary print first page correctly TOrderSummaryWindow TMyStdPrintHandler plus resource changes // 2011-11-04steve remove debug nikon message to user // 2011-11-02steve 1. remove hardcoded ip address to freezeframe.nafta ans well no forced ip address either //#ifdef __TepsXPOSVersion__ // 2011-10-27 // 2011-11-01 v16.3.12 1. always save images to customer flash folder first before writing files to usb flash // 2011-11-01 use new CGImage crop method to crop images // v16.3.11 1. fix issue with job tickets when current job has none, do NOT use previous one 2. updated resource Tepsx.rsrc so that macys' version shows dnp settings // 2011-10-31 make a fix for amuseMatte cropping of images Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 CRect_AC NSRectToCRect(NSRect myBounds, NSPoint imageSize) // 2011-10-27 fix cache file issue GWorldPtr createCacheFileForOffscreen(GWorldPtr offscreen, FSSpec tmpFSSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CRect_AC tmpRect) allow for saving scaled original in non ck mode too short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForAttributeForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec ) // 2010-03-02 Teps-Processor short TBGPrintView::DrawSpecialJob() // 11-12-09 // 2011-10-25 remove new Nikon camera handler source for now OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() add extra step for amuseMatte version to write customer folder to flash card source folder by date to preserve a copy also add an Alert asking to switch back to Teps-Salesstation after succesful write/eject OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 add a checkbox "Sales Station Use" to package window to allow for flash cards (all images) --> void TPackageEditWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2011-10-24 bool saveSourceWithMetadataMACYS(NSString *path, char pathToSave[1024], char *archivedSittingInfoDictionary, long archiveLength ) // 2011-10-21 add mechanism for Macys version to write group code and ticket number to final output file for upload void doSaveGroupCodeAndTicketNumberToCurrentBuffer(short counter) // 2011-10-21 // 2011-10-20 added factory settings for DNP Printers for POS, MACYS and PhotoTouch version Mitsubishi 3800,9800 and CPD70DW still missing in factory defaults // 2011-10-18 fix customer order package quantities issue when mixing landscape and portrait images void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImageUsed(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 2011-07-14 add Nikon camera class that will check for future modules OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() TNikonTypeNewCameraHandler2 // 2011-10-14 clean up notification classes #define kTepsSalesStationNotification @"tepsSalesStationNotification" // 2011-10-14 #define kTepsEmailerNotification @"tepsEmailerNotification" // 2011-10-14 #define kTepsPreviewerNotification @"TepsPreviewerNotification" // 2011-10-14 // 2011-10-12 // 2011-10-13 create function to get Application name and use it to send app name with notifications NSString *getApplicationName(); add a preference to advanced prefs to determine whether to send original file or operations window image to email app ptr->sendWhatToEmailApp = 1; // 2011-10-13 void jumpToEmailApp(bool CK) // 2011-10-11 FSSpec saveCKedVersion(FSSpec fs) // 2011-10-12 // 2011-10-11 fix alpha channel issue if NO junk mask bool doNewChromaKeyingEx(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, tChromaKeySettings *settings, bool saveAlphaChannel, fix issue which caused Teps-POS not to work in non session printing mode void TGeneralPrintHandler::GetImageNumberToPrint(bool dontCheckCanvas) make dummy kiosk window button "Teps-Email" that will junp to e-mail app void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void jumpToEmailApp() // 2011-10-11 receive notification from email app to print package x - (void)doEmailEntryAppNotifications:(NSDictionary*)dict // 2011-10-11 // 2011-10-10 send a notification from Teps-POS when a new sitting is started void mySendPreviewerAppNotification(CStr255_AC value) // 2011-10-10 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) do some testing with embedding source image profile to output (print to file) file void embedSourceImageProfileInOutputFile(FSSpec srcImageSpec, FSSpec outputFileSpec) is commented out for now // 2011-10-06 setup notification center for e-mail app notifs void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 2011-10-04 fix issue with saving PNG files where junk mask was not processed in final output when saving alpha channel void TPrimatteMgr2::DisplayImage2() // 2011-10-04 OSErr doCompositeTest ( PIXEL *xfgPMPtr, PIXEL *xfinalCompPMPtr, long fSizeX, long fSizeY) // 2011-10-04 bool doNewChromaKeyingEx(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, tChromaKeySettings *settings, bool saveAlphaChannel, // 2011-10-03 implement reading of editable texts NSDictionary *getDictionary(char filePath[512]) void setEditableTextsFromArray(NSArray *textArray) change various NSLogs to more accurately will show what function they are called in // 2011-09-30 send notification at startup to teps-sales station with an array containing packages that have a editable text void mySendNotificationWithArray(NSMutableArray *anArray) // 2011-09-30 bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 2011-09-29 prevent empty junk masks from being created, have a minimum of 3 points for free form TJunkMaskView::TJunkMaskView() void TJunkMaskView::EndFreeForm() //12-18-09 void TJunkMaskView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) void TJunkMaskView::StartFreeForm() //12-18-09 // 2011-09-23 read associated ticket files for zoom and shift info void PrintItem(NSMutableDictionary *lineInfo1, NSArray * images, NSString *customerID) // 2011-09-22 implement new source rectangle method for use with Teps-Sales Station zooming and shifting mechanism void TImageObject::Get(CImageDesc *imageDesc) void TImageObject::Set(CImageDesc *imageDesc) Teps-Processor Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 // 2011-09-19 add ip address pref for Macys version TMacysStartupPrefs add mechanism to go back and forward through images when double clicking instead of cancel/continue only TMySimplePreviewWindow void TImageView::SetImageNum(short imageNum) // 2011-09-19 // 2011-09-16 do not launch emailer app if OFF void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() launch emailer after closing preferences window if pref is turned ON void TTeps2000Application::DoTepsSettingsMenuItem() // 10-09-07 use new name send customer ID to in STB version when clicking e-mail button void TSessionPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) remove message if first character is a space bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2011-09-15 auto launch emailer app with new notification method pass image path if send email after else pass "none" // 2011-09-13 add e-mail entering option getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->getEmailAppMode void mySendEmailNotification(CStr255_AC str) // 2011-09-13 void mySendEmailNotification(NSString *imageFilePath) // 2011-09-13 void launchEmailApp() // 2011-09-13 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetEmail(CStr255_AC customerID) // 2011-09-13 fixed an NSLog NSLog (@"getHasTriprismFeature returned: [%@]", [self getHasTriprismFeature]); // 2011-08-30 remove // 2011-08-30steve testNotifs(); // 2011-07-19steve // put back "Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist" to the tepsShare target // got new pref from toddJ for dnps // 2011-08-15 copied changes from edwin sessionPrintWindow.cp void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() // 2011-08-09 add the next two lines to auto load image again before printing thus loading appropriate ck template TImageFileObject *anObj = ((TImageFileObject*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->At(gSessionPrintRecords[0].imageNumber)); ((MDependable_AC*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList())->Changed(cImageDoubleClicked, anObj); // 2011-08-01 create separate key files for Macys and Triprism versions #elif defined kFreezeFrameMacysVersion NSString* kWebKeyFileName = @".com.tpi.key.macy"; // 2011-08-01 #elif defined(__TepsProcessor4TriprismVersion__) || defined(__Teps4TriprismVersion__) NSString* kWebKeyFileName = @".com.tpi.key.triprism"; // 2011-08-01 create new functions to test for Macys and Triprism keys - (NSString*) getHasMacysFeature - (NSString*) getHasTriprismFeature -(int) doCheckServerInfoNew:(NSMutableDictionary*) param // 2011-07-28 remove test code short TSpoolerPrintView::FinishJob() // 2011-07-26 add a validation for the customer ID bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2011-07-22 fix jump to editor by creating new createAlias function through shell script int createAlias ( NSString* srcPath, NSString *destPath) // 2011-07-22 OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) void convertFileAndJump2ImageEditor(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 7-22-03 add 2 4x6's for DNP 40 6x8 paper CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 res MENU 2052 default Kodak printer settings to last Kodak printer selected for vendor version void TKodakPrinterPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) disable jump to image editor for Kodak void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() remove 6 logs in getThisMachinesSerialNumber since they get called all the time void getThisMachinesSerialNumber (CFStringRef *mySerialNumber ) remove 2 logs OSErr GetValidFileFSSpec ( CStr255_AC newLongName, FSSpec *srcFSSpec, bool doCreate, bool doReplace ) 7/22/11 3:44:34 PM [0x0-0x138138].com.triprism.tepsxKODAK[11225] GetValidFileFSSpec => FORCING dirFSSpec.parID = [28651234] 7/22/11 3:44:34 PM [0x0-0x138138].com.triprism.tepsxKODAK[11225] GetValidFileFSSpec => FSCreateFileUnicode1 Failed with ErrorCode = [-43] = [0xffffffd5] // 2011-07-21steve // v16.0.17 1. fix double printing issue void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // 2011-07-21 if (loadNewTemplateIfNecessary((TImageFileObject*)changeData)==true, false) return; // 2011-04-19 change to return if (loadNewTemplateIfNecessary((TImageFileObject*)changeData, false) == true) return; // 2011-07-21 // 2011-04-19 change to return 2. fix double printing issue void HandleShowPI(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) if (loadNewTemplateIfNecessary(((TPIPackage*)theDataPackage)->fIFObject, false)==false) // 2011-07-21 3. force true for demo1 in new ui ptr->demoMode1 = true; // 2011-07-21 FORCED ON FOR Benihana // false; 4. fix problem wtih canon XS and t1i doubling up on file size if ( totalTransferred > maxSize ) // 2011-07-21steve for canonXS - somehow this is true { NSLog(@"2011-07-21steve WHAT??? totalTransferred[%i] > maxSize[%i]",totalTransferred,maxSize); done = true; } 6. display what the unknown canon settings names for popup - still need to finish // 2011-07-19steve // v16.0.16 for benihana installs with teps-phototouch 1. every hour report ip info server #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2011-07-19 if (TickCount() - fLastTickCount > 60*60*60) { fLastTickCount = TickCount(); bool sendStatusCommand(); sendStatusCommand(); } #endif 2. make sure we use new shell script to get ip info withOUT verbosity 3. fix message after activation NSRunAlertPanel ( @"Web Server Returned the Message:", // 2011-07-19steve 4. make it check every 4 hour instead if (TickCount() - fLastTickCount > 4*60*60*60) // 2011-07-19steve // 2011-07-18steve // v16.0.15 need to give version to stb to test // 2011-07-18steve try to use getTepsSystemInfo.sh instead of stringing together a bunch of nsstrings. // 2011-07-15 create backup folder 7 for duplicate image feature void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoCopyImagePrefsWindow(tCopyImagesPref *ptr) void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::GotoCustomizeBackupWindow(tBackupFilesStruct *ptr, short aliasID) // 9-27-02 short getAliasIDforBackupFolder(short index) // 2-11-08 void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, change view 1382 create new view 1384 // 2011-07-14 implement server copy for STB void doServerCopy(FSSpec srcFSSpec) // 2011-07-14 void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, getMyInputPrefs()->saveCopyOnServer fix issue with auto print and auto switch templates bool loadNewTemplateIfNecessary(TImageFileObject *anObj, bool throughDoubleClick) // 2011-07-14 added 2nd argument void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImageUsed(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 2011-07-14 remove spaces from any barcode or customer number added void removeSpacesFromString(CStr255_AC &theString) // 2011-07-14 bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 2011-07-01 v16.0.14 next 2011-06-28steve v16.0.13 2011-06-24 make sure default color sync profiles for Kodak exist void setDefaultForKodak(short currentPrinter) // 2011-06-03 display profile name for 9810 and 6800 and 'not found' in description if default profile not found void TColorSyncPreferences::SetSettings(tColorSyncPrefPtr colorsyncPref) give log messages in Processor whether color matching was successful or not short TSpoolerPrintView::FinishJob() bool matchInputAndOutput(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, tColorSyncPrefPtr thePref, short printerType) make Nikon camera work with 10.5 compile by replacing all BOOL definition in Nikon files with NIKONBOOL typedef SWORD NIKONBOOL; // 2011-06-24 2011-06-22steve try to get camera to acquire in the background // 2011-06-22steve DEBUG if (anObject) SendOpenFileAppleEventToPreviewApp(tmpFS); // 16.0.12 for kodak // 2011-06-14 - (NSString*) getHasPosFeature check 2 ways if it is a POS key type update factory defaults for Kodak 6800/6850 next version 16.0.11 // 2011-06-10steve - kodak vendor version // 2011-06-10 fix issue with printer disappearing comment out stuff in void TKodakPrinterPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2011-06-10steve - see DeleteMenuItem(MAGetMenu(2044), 3); in uteps2000application //#ifdef _TepsKodakVersion_ // 6-29-05 // MenuHandle anListMenu = MAGetMenu(2044); // if (anListMenu) // DeleteMenuItem(anListMenu,3); //#endif added DeleteMenuItem(MAGetMenu(2044), 3); // 2011-06-10steve - per edwin to remove 8500 from kodak printer prefs // 2011-06-09 let Teps bring itself to the front after finding image through 'reveal in Teps'-option in Previewer app // 2011-06-07 remove Kodak 8500 from Kodak version void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TKodakPrinterPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2011-06-06 short TSpoolerPrintView::FinishJob() GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 do new colorsync profile method where if an image file has an embedded profile, it will be used as input profile create new pref for POS version to determine whether or not to open previewer app TBarcodeAppPreferences openPreviewerApp void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2011-06-03 Set default for 9810 and 68xx if file not found by converting path to fssepc on validating colorsync prefs void validateColorSyncPrefs ( tColorSyncPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void setDefaultForKodak(short currentPrinter) // 2011-06-03 FSSpec pathToFSSpec(NSString *imageName) // 2011-06-03 void myNewReadPrefs() // 2011-06-02 set defaults for Kodak 86xx get full file name without hex characters in profile list CStr255_AC TProfileListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const // 2011-06-02 make alpha numeric sort work for file names > 31 characters CompareResult_AC TSortedByNameFileList::Compare(const void* item1, const void* item2) const remove extra sort (images get sorted automatically when inserted in list) void TTEPSFileHandler::InsertFilesFromReplyRecord(AEDescList selection) // 11-5-07 // 2011-05-31 do not apply embedded profile for Kodak in Teps-Processor CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef) fix ImageFilter memory and file in use issues - (void) dealloc - (id) initWithImage:(CGImageRef)image - (CGImageRef) createCGImage set defaults and find factory profiles automatically for Kodak version void TColorSyncPreferences::SetSettings(tColorSyncPrefPtr colorsyncPref) // 2011-05-26 send notification to hot folder app to start polling if pref is on bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() receive apple event from Teps-Previewer to start new customer sitting and to find and load a certain customer void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, send notification to Teps-Previewer with POS App info void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void mySendAppInfoNotification() // 2011-05-26 make menu command to switch to Teps-Previewer through Command-T bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) create a function to find and load a certain customer void TPreviewImageWindow::FindImageAndLoad(CStr255_AC fileName) // 2011-05-26 void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, // 2011-05-24 set Kodak project format settings to 3.2 import weak for EDSDK.framework // 2011-05-10steve v16.0.4 Kodak 10.5+ // 2011-05-10steve fTStaticText1->SetText ( CString_AC("©1993-2010"), kDontRedraw ); // 2010-09-09 2009-12-10steve // 09-12-07 // 3-25-03 fTStaticText1->SetText ( CString_AC("©2011"), kDontRedraw ); //2010-05-10steve 2010-09-09 2009-12-10steve // 09-12-07 // 3-25-03 // 2011-05-09 // v16.0.3 Kodak 10.5+ // from edwin to make the POS version accept bringToFront applecommand from teps-HOtFolder.app #if defined (__TepsXPOSVersion__) || defined (__Teps4TriprismVersion__) // 2011-05-09 // 2011-05-09steve dont allow all images all pages DeleteMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1103), 3); // 2011-05-09 DeleteMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1103), 2); // 2011-05-09 DeleteMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1104), 2); // 2011-05-09 // 2011-05-05 for vendor version set defaults for Kodak 8657 canvas also remove unused items from popup in print toolbar window startup in drag and drop mode void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 // 2011-05-04steve fix todd's problem with "space" in the version string if ( expDate) [webInfo setObject:expDate forKey:kExpirationDateKey]; //2011-05-04steve make sure object is not NIL if ( email) [webInfo setObject:email forKey:kVendorEmailKey]; // 2011-05-04steve make sure object is not NIL CFStringRef CopySerialNumberNew (void) // 2011-05-04steve // 2011-05-04steve - for those empty or illegal values // May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: \n\n CopySerialNumber returned: [System Serial#] phpCommand = [phpCommand stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // 2011-05-04steve // 2011-05-04steve [fCurrentStringValue setString:string]; [fCurrentStringValue appendString:[string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]]; // 2011-05-04steve NEED TO APPEND NOT setString May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: 2011-03-15steve Inside CocoaContext::CocoaContext() created with firstOnEntry=[YES] May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be 'Editor', 'Viewer', 'None', or 'Shell'. May 4 14:07:11: --- last message repeated 9 times --- May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: =========================================================== May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Macmini3,1 (i386) May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Mac OS: v10.6.7 May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: TEPS-X Share => v15.9.1 Share ubc May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: =========================================================== May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...for daysOld = 0 May 4 14:07:11 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...Done. May 4 14:07:12 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Created a new photoAdController instance3... May 4 14:07:12 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: photoAdController => doCheckServerInfo... May 4 14:07:12 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getThisMachinesSerialNumber: [System Serial#] May 4 14:07:12 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Created a new photoAdController instance... May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: fRetKeyVersion is: [thr33w1zard5] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Here's the Response... May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: DONE>>>Finally Got Server Response May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getTermination returned: [false] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getSerialNumber returned: [System Serial#] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getKeyVersion returned: [thr33w1zard5] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getPrintCount returned: [20000] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: getExpiration returned: [1329292800] May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: verification was successful May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Got Valid Info From webServer - Recording CountValue... May 4 14:07:13 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: are we here or not3... May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Inside LoadFromTEPSXv14PreferencesFile May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Inside GetPathFromResourceFolderFromAppBundle May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: resFileNameRef is [Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist] May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: pathRef is: [/Applications/TEPS OS X Share Folder/TEPS-X Share.app/Contents/Resources/Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist] May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: nsStringName is [/Applications/TEPS OS X Share Folder/TEPS-X Share.app/Contents/Resources/Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist] May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Inside LoadFromNewPreferencesFile(NSString *selectedFile) => [/Applications/TEPS OS X Share Folder/TEPS-X Share.app/Contents/Resources/Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist] May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: NSFileHFSCreatorCode is [1414547834]!!! May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: NSString Version is: [5450497a] = [1414547834] May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: GOT the Correct Creator Code for this Preference File... May 4 14:07:14 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: Got the dictionary for [Teps-X v14 Prefs Dictionary] May 4 14:07:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X Share[3203]: formatting string 54321 May 4 13:59:15: --- last message repeated 6 times --- May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: =========================================================== May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Macmini3,1 (i386) May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Mac OS: v10.6.7 May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: TEPS-X for Kodak => v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+ ubc May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: =========================================================== May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...for daysOld = 0 May 4 13:59:15 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...Done. May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Inside checkForNetNew... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: using persistent settings saved path "/var/tmp/.com.tpi.key.kdk" May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController => init... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController => initialize... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: mainpath is [/Volumes] May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Macintosh XT HD May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: The newly Formatted name is: [/Volumes/Macintosh XT HD] May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: In standard C-String is:[/Volumes/Macintosh XT HD] May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: status statfs returned: 0 May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: \n\n CopySerialNumber returned: [System Serial#] May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: checkForNetNew => Created a new photoAdController instance... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController => doCheckServerInfoNew:... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController => initialize... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: -[photoAdController doCheckServerInfoNew:] => about to call doInitiateVerificationWithPhotoAdServerNew... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: => doSetupRunXMLThreadNew:... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController => issueGetKeyCommand:... May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: photoAdController:issueGetKeyCommand: => formmatted the string:\n[http://keyservices.triprism.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.kodakkey&keypw=merlinw1zard&serno=SYSTEM SERIAL#] May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: => sendUrlCommand:...with param = {\n keyStringForCKPrintsUsed = 0;\n keyStringForPrintCount = 0;\n keyStringForPrintsToFileUsed = 0;\n keyStringForPrintsToWebUsed = 0;\n keyStringForRealPrintsUsed = 0;\n phpCommand = "http://keyservices.triprism.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.kodakkey&keypw=merlinw1zard&serno=SYSTEM SERIAL#";\n} May 4 13:59:16 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: :sendUrlCommand: the formatted url is nil??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Here's the Response... May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: DONE>>>Finally Got Server Response May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: getTermination is NIL??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: getSerialNumber is NIL??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: getKeyVersion is NIL??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: getPrintCount is NIL??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: getExpiration is NIL??? May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: Got Valid Info From webServer - Recording CountValue... May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: An uncaught exception was raised May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: *** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: expirationDate) May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3185]: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: expirationDate)'\n*** Call stack at first throw:\n(\n 0 CoreFoundation 0x97e946ba __raiseError + 410\n 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x92866509 objc_exception_throw + 56\n 2 CoreFoundation 0x97e943e8 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 136\n 3 CoreFoundation 0x97e9435a +[NSException raise:format:] + 58\n 4 Foundation 0x98a4f9f7 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:] + 261\n 5 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00255ab2 -[webKeyInfoObject setExpirationDate:] + 78\n 6 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237678 _Z38writePrintCountAndExpirationDateToFilelP8NSString + 108\n 7 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237dab _Z14checkForNetNewb + 1093\n 8 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237e76 _Z12checkForNet3b + 24\n 9 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00225bba _Z26doKeyCheckMethodForPhotoAdb + 24\n 10 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a11be _ZN20TTeps2000Application19CheckForSecurityKeyEv + 118\n 11 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a1213 _ZN20TTeps2000Application21InitializeApplicationEv + 83\n 12 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a2b7a _ZN20TTeps2000Application14DoInitialStateEv + 126\n 13 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0028af41 _ZN11TDispatcher3RunEv + 47\n 14 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0008ba82 main + 424\n 15 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0000ba5a start + 54\n) May 4 13:59:17 Todd-Johnson com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[124] ([0x0-0x191191].com.triprism.tepsxKODAK[3185]): Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap May 4 13:59:18 Todd-Johnson ReportCrash[3189]: Saved crash report for TEPS-X for Kodak[3185] version v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+ ubc (v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+) to /Users/johnson/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/TEPS-X for Kodak_2011-05-04-135918_Todd-Johnson.crash May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: 2011-03-15steve Inside CocoaContext::CocoaContext() created with firstOnEntry=[YES] May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be 'Editor', 'Viewer', 'None', or 'Shell'. May 4 13:59:28: --- last message repeated 6 times --- May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: =========================================================== May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Macmini3,1 (i386) May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Mac OS: v10.6.7 May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: TEPS-X for Kodak => v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+ ubc May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: =========================================================== May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...for daysOld = 0 May 4 13:59:28 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Checking for Old Log Files to Delete...Done. May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Inside checkForNetNew... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: using persistent settings saved path "/var/tmp/.com.tpi.key.kdk" May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController => init... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController => initialize... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: mainpath is [/Volumes] May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Macintosh XT HD May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: The newly Formatted name is: [/Volumes/Macintosh XT HD] May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: In standard C-String is:[/Volumes/Macintosh XT HD] May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: status statfs returned: 0 May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: \n\n CopySerialNumber returned: [System Serial#] May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: checkForNetNew => Created a new photoAdController instance... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController => doCheckServerInfoNew:... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController => initialize... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: -[photoAdController doCheckServerInfoNew:] => about to call doInitiateVerificationWithPhotoAdServerNew... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: => doSetupRunXMLThreadNew:... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController => issueGetKeyCommand:... May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: photoAdController:issueGetKeyCommand: => formmatted the string:\n[http://keyservices.triprism.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.kodakkey&keypw=merlinw1zard&serno=SYSTEM SERIAL#] May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: => sendUrlCommand:...with param = {\n keyStringForCKPrintsUsed = 0;\n keyStringForPrintCount = 0;\n keyStringForPrintsToFileUsed = 0;\n keyStringForPrintsToWebUsed = 0;\n keyStringForRealPrintsUsed = 0;\n phpCommand = "http://keyservices.triprism.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.kodakkey&keypw=merlinw1zard&serno=SYSTEM SERIAL#";\n} May 4 13:59:29 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: :sendUrlCommand: the formatted url is nil??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Here's the Response... May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: DONE>>>Finally Got Server Response May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: getTermination is NIL??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: getSerialNumber is NIL??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: getKeyVersion is NIL??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: getPrintCount is NIL??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: getExpiration is NIL??? May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: Got Valid Info From webServer - Recording CountValue... May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: An uncaught exception was raised May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: *** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: expirationDate) May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson TEPS-X for Kodak[3190]: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil value (key: expirationDate)'\n*** Call stack at first throw:\n(\n 0 CoreFoundation 0x97e946ba __raiseError + 410\n 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x92866509 objc_exception_throw + 56\n 2 CoreFoundation 0x97e943e8 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 136\n 3 CoreFoundation 0x97e9435a +[NSException raise:format:] + 58\n 4 Foundation 0x98a4f9f7 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:] + 261\n 5 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00255ab2 -[webKeyInfoObject setExpirationDate:] + 78\n 6 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237678 _Z38writePrintCountAndExpirationDateToFilelP8NSString + 108\n 7 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237dab _Z14checkForNetNewb + 1093\n 8 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00237e76 _Z12checkForNet3b + 24\n 9 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x00225bba _Z26doKeyCheckMethodForPhotoAdb + 24\n 10 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a11be _ZN20TTeps2000Application19CheckForSecurityKeyEv + 118\n 11 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a1213 _ZN20TTeps2000Application21InitializeApplicationEv + 83\n 12 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x000a2b7a _ZN20TTeps2000Application14DoInitialStateEv + 126\n 13 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0028af41 _ZN11TDispatcher3RunEv + 47\n 14 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0008ba82 main + 424\n 15 TEPS-X for Kodak 0x0000ba5a start + 54\n) May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[124] ([0x0-0x192192].com.triprism.tepsxKODAK[3190]): Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap May 4 13:59:30 Todd-Johnson ReportCrash[3189]: Saved crash report for TEPS-X for Kodak[3190] version v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+ ubc (v16.0.2 Kodak 10.5+) to /Users/johnson/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/TEPS-X for Kodak_2011-05-04-135930_Todd-Johnson.crash // 2011-05-02 send messages back and forth between Teps-X and Teps-Processor to update key count void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, short ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) OSErr mySendKeyEventToProcessor() // 2011-05-02 // 2011-04-29steve 1. fix issue with not getting correct internal kodak vendor templates 2. fix printCount not being formed in php command 3. always read printcount from file first 4. fix england external monitor for quickZoom and hires zoom (preview canvas never had stamp) 5. maintain consistency for longs get todd J to add "Default ChromaKey Template" 8657 templates needed kodak splash? // 2011-04-28steve (later) clean up more after get back project from edwin moved webKeyInfoObject outside of phototAdController class added licenseCode to webKeyInfoObject resetPrintQty(); // 2011-04-28steve ASK EDWIN??????? why is writePrintCountAndExpirationDateToFile in #ifdef below???? bool checkForNet3 (bool forceInterNetCheck) { bool val = checkForNetNew(forceInterNetCheck); // 2011-04-28steve return val; bool checkForNetNew (bool forceInterNetCheck) -(int) doCheckServerInfoNew:(NSMutableDictionary*) param - (BOOL) doInitiateVerificationWithPhotoAdServerNew:(NSMutableDictionary*)param // 2011-04-28steveNew - (void) doSetupRunXMLThreadNew:(NSMutableDictionary*) param - (bool) issueGetKeyCommand: (NSMutableDictionary*) param // 2011-04-27steve ===> EDWIN - please look for YOUR name with above date // ATMPPR_Security.m #if defined __UsePhotoTouchResources__ // 2011-02-01 store to new file NSString* kWebKeyFileName = @".com.tpi.key.pt"; // 2011-04-26 #elif defined _TepsKodakVersion_ NSString* kWebKeyFileName = @"com.tpi.key.kdk"; // 2011-04-27 #else NSString* kWebKeyFileName = @".com.tpi.key.tpi"; // 2011-04-27 #endif // ATMPPR_Security.h extern NSString* kWebKeyFileName; // 2011-04-27 // photoAdController.m // 2011-04-27steve NSString* keyStringForSerialNumber = @"serialNumberString"; NSString* keyStringForLicense = @"licenseString"; NSString* keyStringForNickName = @"nickNameString"; NSString* keyStringForNSError = @"NSError"; NSString* keyStringForPhpCommand = @"phpCommand"; NSString* keyStringInfoDictionary = @"keyStringInfoDictionary"; NSString* keyStringForResult = @"result"; // 2011-02-02steve -let's put all in group here twice - see photoAdController.m file #if defined __UsePhotoTouchResources__ // 2011-02-01 store to new file static NSString* kBaseURL = @"keyservices.phototouchinc.com"; // 2011-02-02steve static NSString* kGetKeyFuseAction = @"keys.getkey"; // 2011-04-27steve #elif defined _TepsKodakVersion_ static NSString* kBaseURL = @"keyservices.triprism.com"; // 2011-02-02steve static NSString* kGetKeyFuseAction = @"keys.kodakkey"; // 2011-04-27steve #else static NSString* kBaseURL = @"keyservices.triprism.com"; // 2011-02-02steve static NSString* kGetKeyFuseAction = @"keys.getkey"; // 2011-04-27steve #endif static NSString* kPrivateVarTmpPath = @"/private/var/tmp"; // 2011-04-27steve #define kWebKeyFilePath [kPrivateVarTmpPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kWebKeyFileName] bool hasValidPrintCountFile() // 04-20-09 status =[fileManager fileExistsAtPath:kWebKeyFilePath]; // 2011-04-27steve ASK EDWIN???? what if ATMPPR_Security gets called first?? - (id) init // 2011-04-27steve make sure it's not blank NSString* tmp = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",mySerialNumber] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; -(void) dealloc -(int) doActivateThisMachine:(id) param if ( YES==[self doActivateThisMachineFromPhotoAdServer:param] ) // 2011-04-27steve pass param - (BOOL) doActivateThisMachineFromPhotoAdServer:(id)param [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(doActivateThisMachineInThread:) toTarget:self withObject:param]; // 2011-04-27steve - (void) doDeActivateThisMachineInThread:(id) sender [self deactivateThisMachine:fThisMacSerialNumber]; // 2011-04-27steve - getThisMachinesSerialNumber - (void) doActivateThisMachineInThread:(id) param /* 2011-04-27steve - ASK EDWIN WHY??? __UseServerKey__ why not ALWAYS // webKeyInfoObject -(NSString*) getRegisteredEmail // 2011-04-27steve NSString *phpCommandFormat = @"http://pab.findyourpictures.com/getkey.php?serno=%@"; NSString *phpCommandFormat = @"http://ptbservices.phototouchinc.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.getkey&serno=%@&keypw=merlinw1zard&printsused=%@&ckprintsused=%@"; // NSString *phpCommandFormat = @"http://keyservices.triprism.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.deletekey&keypw=merlinw1zard&serno=%@&"; // 2011-04-26 cleaned up photoadcontroller file fix issue with reloading wrong images when changing color setting through sepia/B&W/old time photo popup void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImagesUsed(CLongintList_AC *theList) // 4-19-04 // 2011-04-22 enable new about window for vendor version void showAboutBoxCocoa ( void ) void showAboutBoxNew2 ( void ) new web key file name for vendor version +(NSString *)internalDataStorePath fix some crash issues with activating and deactivating - (bool) deactivateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber - (bool) activateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber withLicense:(NSString*) licenseString - (bool) activateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber withLicense:(NSString*) licenseString withNickName:(NSString*)nickNameString fix some other issues (serial number) regarding new dictionary key file mechanism -(bool) validateSerialNumber - (IBAction) handleSynchronizeAccountButton:(id)sender + (void) freeInstance // 2011-04-22steve // 2011-04-21 make Teps-X for Kodak version compile and run correctly // 2011-04-19 hopefully fixed issue with rotating camera between portrait and landscape void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // 2011-04-18 add a gDoVerbose for new Dictionary key stuff, way to many debug messages remove writing of dictionary to source directory - (bool)parseXMLData:(NSData *)theData // 2011-04-12 add backup before Command-1 option void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoCopyImagePrefsWindow(tCopyImagesPref *ptr) void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) short getAliasIDforBackupFolder(short index) // 2-11-08 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() change view 1382 fix searching for files by creation date with UK format int setupTimeRangeInfo ( TWindow* aWindow ) // 2011-04-04 add Demo Slide button in operations window for phototouch and triprism versions only void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) find first file in "DemoSlides" folder and show it on external monitor (folder will be created if not exists) void doDemoImage() // 2011-04-04 #define kDemoSlidesFolderName "DemoSlides" // 10-21-02 add lamination to tDNPPrinterSettings, default is glossy view 1089 up version numbers #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000841 // 2011-04-04 #define kPrinterSpoolerVer21 0x021b // 2011-04-04 bool TSpoolerPrintView::ProcessOffscreenAndWriteToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 new dictionary key file method with separate counts for web, print to file, real printer // 2011-03-28 create new hot folder app mode pref getMyInputPrefs()->hotFolderAppMode = false; // 2011-03-28 class TInputPreferences on polling for folder modification change date check if Teps-Hot Folder app is running and if not launch it bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() void LaunchHotFolderApp() // 2011-03-28 add a Configure Hotfolder app button to utility window that will send notification to hot folder app void TUtilitiesWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) void mySendNotification(CStr255_AC str) // 2011-03-28 send quit notification void TTeps2000Application::Close() // 2011-03-24 create phototouch pref to select external monitor jpg file getMyPhotoTouchPrefs()->fixedFile4ExternalMonitor add cut mode for Mitsubishi D70 MENU 1098 void goToMitsubishiCPD70DWMediaSettingsWindow(tMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) // 2010-07-12 up the version number between Teps and Processor #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000840 up the version number between Processor and Print Center #define kPrinterSpoolerVer20 0x021a change the output rect, add 6x9 MENU 1092 CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 // 2011-03-18 try to speed up loading images in the new special mode void TDropView::LoadPage(short pageNumber) // 2011-02-28 fix bug where it did not apply shift and zoom to all images void TDropView::CheckFirstDrag(TDropPreviewImage *anImage) added Color popup item should fall through correctly automatically // 2011-02-25 fix slow shift and zoom doing faster zoom if getMyNewOneUpPrefs()->autoLoadImages is on void TPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TDropPreviewImage::FastPreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 2011-02-25 create clear template button void TChromakeyTemplateSelectWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2011-02-25 // 2011-02-24 reversion project as v15.8.1 last released was v15.7.16d Phototouch // 2011-02-24 fix issue with group photo's not being outlined after reselecting a folder, missing extension for Group photo files void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage(short newNum) // 10-21-02 // 2011-02-15 create popup menu in operations window to allow for change to B&W, sepia, old time color if pref is set (nodes only) new special mode only void TNodeViewObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) void TNodeViewObject::WriteToNew(CStream_AC* aStream) // 10-15-02 bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TView *theView) void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, CPoint_AC theSize, bool isColor, bool isMirror, short conversionType) // 2-5-07 void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 TPreviewImageWindow::TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) window 1042 change wording of pref // 2011-02-08 // 2011-02-10 remove all references to Super Pro Key with new define #define __DoNoUseOldSuperProKeyStuff__ true // 2011-02-08 remove sentinel.framework and superpro32.framework from targets // 2011-02-08 create pref to select old time color option on the fly when clicking hires zoom getMyPreviewPrefs()->promptForColorOptions new window 1193 GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4CKPrintingNew(short dpi) // 08-05-09 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2011-02-07 add a pref to auto load images into chroma key template (like in drag and drop mode) view 1071 getMyNewOneUpPrefs()->autoLoadImages void TDropView::CheckFirstDrag(TDropPreviewImage *anImage) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 2011-02-04 create pref to allow for not opening customer order window add to input preferences void TDropPreviewImage::SetSelected(bool doSelect) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) also add close box to customer order window to allow for closing it if opened through windows menu for example // 2011-02-02 try to make it PREcompile and compileÉ change to 10.5 and use 10.5 macApp lib no longer able to get 10.4 to compile // 2011-01-31 Mitsubishi D70 print qty view 1077 bool GetPrintQuantityFromPrefs ( short printerType, short &multiplierQuantity ) change color conversion popup to MENU 1094 (none or Normal) create Vendor versions for Kodak // 2011-01-28 make Teps and Processor for Sony compile fix compile issue for Teps-X Share // 2011-01-27 implement package quantity for Teps with Teps-Midway (always did quantity 1) void PrintItem(NSMutableDictionary *lineInfo1, NSArray * images, NSString *customerID) short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() // 2011-01-18 add PhotoTouch prefs to Teps-X Triprism app ad Advanced 2 Prefs void RegisterMacAppClasses() void myNewWritePrefs() void myNewReadPrefs() implement auto print package (copy from PhotoTouch) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 check out new 'create jpeg for web' option in Teps-Processor and clean up naming short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) show right string for 'output files' and 'web upload' prefs void TPreferencesListView::PrepareView(short theNum) // 2010-12-10 //copied from edwin only show "email" button if app is in same folder as teps app // determine if e-mail app is there and if not disable e-mail button NSString* myAppPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; // launch ourself again - if no other app specified NSString* newAppPath = [[myAppPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Teps-EmailEntry.app"]; BOOL exists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:newAppPath]; if ( exists == false) { if (FindSubView('emai')) ((TView*)FindSubView('emai'))->Show(false, kDontRedraw); } // 2010-12-09 if read only at startup is on STILL get meta data rotation FIRST if (getMyNewOneUpPrefs()->readOnlyAtStartup && getMyInputPrefs()->useMetaData4Rotation) { FSRef fsref; if (FSpMakeFSRef(&(aFile->GetFileSpec()), &fsref) == noErr) { CImageFile anImage(&fsref, true); int theNum = anImage.GetOrientation(); if (theNum==1) rotation = 0.0; if (theNum==6) rotation = 90.0; if (theNum==8) rotation = 270.0; fRotation = rotation; } } // 2010-12-09steve // need to fix issue when serial number is Empty or NIL if (! ( serialNumber && [serialNumber length] ) ) // 2010-12-09steve { NSLog ( @"%@ => %@...CANNOT have NIL Serial Number...",[self class], NSStringFromSelector(_cmd) ); [pool release]; return false; } // 2010-12-07 add TPLogFileManager to create seperate log files for teps and processor void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoInitialState() void TTeps2000Application::DoInitialState() remove some excessive log messages CreateRsrcFork void saveCKPropertiesToFile(TFile *aFile, tCKImageProperties *prop) // 6-22-04 Begin Resize end Resize short betterResizeGworldToGworld ( GWorldPtr srcGworldPtr, Rect srcGworldBound, GWorldPtr destGworldPtr, Rect destGworldBound, short resizeType, bool allowCancel) fix an issue in Teps-Triprism with new pref getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->enableMutipleCKPrintMode this pref should only be honored if in preview image window and new special mode void TGeneralPrintHandler::GetImageNumberToPrint(bool dontCheckCanvas) short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() // 2010-12-01 // fix thumbnail of CD when saving as original not going thru templates // 2010-12-01 get the thumbnail TImageFileObject *obj = ((TImageFileObject*)(getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->At(imageNumber))); if (obj) { GWorldPtr offscreen = obj->GetOffscreen(); setCDOffscreen(myDuplicateGWorld(offscreen)); } // 2010-11-19 put e-mail button on session window 1404 to call apple script void TSessionPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2010-11-19 1. try to fix stb problem with cd not prompting or launching tepsDataBurn 2. try to fix stb problem with wrong images being printed or being burned on cd due to the items from macPos were being sorted. // 2010-11-18 1. fix stb issue with session printing and mixing current/marked images in packages 2. remove displaynormalmessage //DisplayNormalMessage("are we here?"); // 2010-11-18 remove 3. fix jen's macys - view ui issue with msmaller monitors // 2010-11-11 use script to copy Macys files over to USB flash drive BOOL launchScriptWithParameters ( id parameters ) bool TPreviewImageWindow::BurnFlashFolder(FSSpec fs) // 2010-11-08 fix file name stamp bug void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) bool TPreviewImageWindow::BurnCDFolder(FSSpec fs) // 10-12-05 { #ifdef kFreezeFrameMacysVersion // 2010-11-09 if (getMySalesStationPrefs()->alwaysBurnUSBFlashDrive) // 2010-11-08 return BurnFlashFolder(fs); #endif // 2010-11-08 start writing to flash card using the cd method create new Sales station pref, always burn USB flash card getMySalesStationPrefs()->alwaysBurnUSBFlashDrive bool TPreviewImageWindow::BurnCDFolder(FSSpec fs) // 10-12-05 bool TPreviewImageWindow::BurnFlashFolder(FSSpec fs) // 2010-11-08 prevent invalid characters in camera station mode, digits only IDType getCurrentCustomerMacys(CStr255_AC &theString) // 10-21-05 // 2010-11-05steve // fix issue with find FlashDrive when in SNOW 10.6.4 bool GetOSVolumeType_IOKit ( short inVRefNum, eOSVolumeType &myVolumeType, eOSPortType &myPortType ) if ( isSnowLeopard ) // 2010-11-05steve { // 2010-11-05steve - need to use this method for SNOW if ( (std::strcmp( theName, "IOFDiskPartitionScheme" ) == 0) ) { identifiedVolumeType = true; myVolumeType = kOSVolType_CFlash; } } TO ADD/REMOVE printer from list: ================================ had to add it again to MENU 1044 and 1008 printer setting resoruce? // 2010-11-05 rename PNG to PNG for Web MENU 1023 // 2010-11-04 fix saving path to png files short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2010-11-02 fix crash with compressed TIFF files GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &resolution) // 1-2-03 GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetFullSizeOverlayOffscreen() remove 'done' button from Chromakey Select window for special new mode view 2170 remove "\p" from error message to prevent funny characters DisplayNormalMessage ( "SaveJobFile: Unable to write to job file name to disk!!!" ); // 2010-11-02 // 2010-11-01 do not allow funny characters and/or empty string IDType setCurrentCustomerMacys(CStr255_AC theString) // 10-14-05 // 2010-10-29 fix issue where print count was deducted twice when starting processor and Teps-x at same time and slow connection open print count file with exclusive write permission and do not close until server response OSErr readPrintQtyFromFile( long &printCount, long &ckCount) // 2010-10-29 - (bool) testPhotoAdUrlCommand2: (NSString*) serialNumber // 2010-10-26 fix issue when canvas type is all images even though it should not be for Macys IDType TPreviewImageWindow::SelectPackageToBePrinted() // 07-24-09 redo function // 2010-10-25 fix rotation differences between camera station and sales station by writing 0 to properties void TCameraStationWindow::SaveImageInTwoImagesMode() also when copying locally bool copyFromMasterFolder(FSSpec tmpFS, CStr255_AC folderName) fix cd issues, mainly window issues IDType TPreviewImageWindow::SelectPackageToBePrinted() // 07-24-09 redo function IDType TPreviewImageWindow::PollForCDImages(short numOfJobs) // 2010-10-25 change return type too // 10-11-05 void showCDImageThatWasBurned(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 9-29-06 // 2010-10-21 if input is camera pc card force base name option to original name void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 2010-10-19 Macys fixes and changes to do 6 up void TPreviewImageWindow::DoNewFreezeFrameMacysSitting(CStr255_AC student) // 10-7-05 IDType TPreviewImageWindow::ShowTwoUpImageView() // 9-28-05 void TPreviewImageWindow::CreateViews2(TWindow *aWindow) // 2010-10-19 IDType TPreviewImageWindow::SelectPackageToBePrinted() // 07-24-09 redo function to do flash cards GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy2() // 2010-10-19 bool TGeneralPrintHandler::CheckForPrinterItemInOrder(short printerItem) // 2010-10-19 hide unavailable package buttons void TPackageSelectWindow::Setup() // 2010-10-14 copied bunch of changes for the GetPrintCount for photoTouch and 3Am issue also changed resources with new prefs... // 2010-10-11steve // fix double-swapping of the dataType in the processor job // 2010-10-08 // v15.7.4 ======================= // 2010-10-08steve // fix issue with meadowlands production being slow to get new production image void findAndSetEditableText(TPredefinedStringHandler *aHandler, CStr255_AC key, CStr255_AC value) // 2010-10-08 re-prototype // 2010-10-07 // speedup processor when building jobs - // remove updateAll Windows was taking too much time for nothing... // 2010-10-04 // v15.7.3 ======================= fix issue with clear button when wanting to clear graphic in special one up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetGraphicsOffscreen(CStr255_AC myCategory, CStr255_AC myName) // 3-17-08 change variable name create option to print through Cocoa to solve issue with print dialog that stays up a long time when using print one NamedStdPrintHandler.cp // 2010-09-28 fix read file error when printing job from drag and drop mode void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) adjust scaling factor for defocus value since operationswindow/preview did not match actual print void TPrimatteMgr2::DisplayImage () // 2010-09-27steve // make kMitsubishiCPD70DW write out job with DOT Sequential case kMitsubishiCPD70DW: // 2010-09-27steve - moved here with the others case kDNPDS80: // 2010-08-23steve case kDNPDS40: // 2010-08-23steve // printInfo->dataType = TEPS_FORMAT_PlanarRGB8; printInfo->dataType = TEPS_FORMAT_SeqRGB8; // 2010-08-23steve return ProcessOffscreenAndWriteToFile(printInfo); break; // 2010-09-27steve // DisableMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1008), 33); // 2010-08-24 // DisableMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1044), 8); // 2010-08-24 // 2010-09-24steve - added test message { char mesg[255]; memset(mesg,0,sizeof(mesg)); sprintf ( mesg, "2010-09-24steve\nptr->limitSize4JPEGForWeb is %i", myLimit ); // DisplayNormalMessage(mesg); } // 2010-09-24 default limit jpeg for web size to 1050 for Teps-Processor Triprism version void validatePrintToFileSetPrefs(tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr) // 6-13-01 force customer order mode bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() when saving in production station also pass background short TPreviewImageWindow::SendToServerForProductionStation() // 2010-08-27 change all uppercase GIANTS to Giants and same for JETS void validatetMyNewOneUpPrefs ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) // 10-11-04 // 2010-09-24 move up adding meta data so file is still in processor temp folder short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2010-09-23 allow for setup mode of ck template add button to view 2161 Allow for a number to be entered for text size (6-9 too big of a jump) void TEditTextSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TTextSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TDatabaseSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) view 1030 // 2010-09-23steve // copied changes from edwin 1. do not convert to Upper for triprism version long addFoldersToPopup(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, ResNumber resID) // 4-16-01 #ifndef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 2010-09-23 UpperString(tmpStr, false); #endif 2. 1050x1050 for triprism version only short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) 3. fix issue with "copy" in print to file void TBGPrintView::SetCurrentImageName(CStr255_AC imageName) // 4-16-04 4. fix function key issue not working with tpriprism with "enter" key = grab void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) 5. allow psd as valid file bool isValidFileForHere ( CStr255_AC fileName ) strcmp(extBuffer,".NEF")==0 || strcmp(extBuffer,".PSD")==0 ); // 2010-09-23steve // 2010-09-21 create limit size for Triprism version vor JPEG Web Size TPrintToFileSetPrefs short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2010-09-14 bool TTeps2000Application::SpecialDeletePCCardAndUnmount() // 5-14-07 if ( getMyStartSittingPrefs()->deleteImagesAfterCopying && MacAppAlert(1016,NULL)==1) // 2010-09-14 used wong resource // 2010-09-13steve allow for all version??? // getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackageOnReturnToMain = false; // 2010-09-13 // 2010-09-13 get the correct bg if user changed their pose at camera station CStr255_AC newPath = getMyNewOneUpPrefs()->defaultFolder+"/"+templateName; // 2010-09-13steve // look for giants/jets pref file names with plist extension bool LoadFromNewGiantsOrJetPreferencesFile ( short team); bool LoadFromNewGiantsOrJetPreferencesFileForPreview ( short team); // 2010-09-13 copied changes form edwin // need to fix ratio for defocus value void TImageObject::WriteChromaKeySettings(CStream_AC* aStream) float factor = 1.0; // 11-16-07 if ( doNewMethod ) { factor = (float(gDefaultCKTempateDPI) / getCurrentCanvas()->aTemplate.dpi); // 2-15-05 if (gCurrentPrintHandler) // 2010-09-13 { if (gCurrentPrintHandler->WhatIsBeingPrinted()==cPrint_Package) { tNewCanvasSizes *canvas; canvas = gCurrentPrintHandler->GetCanvasBeingPrinted(); factor = (float(gDefaultCKTempateDPI) / canvas->aTemplate.dpi); sprintf(mesg, "factor = %f", factor); //DisplayNormalMessage(mesg); } } void TImageObject::WriteChromaKeySettings(CStream_AC* aStream) else { if (fReadFromCKPref) // 11-16-07 settings.para = fPARA; else settings.para = *(fView->GetChromaKeyMgr()->GetParameters()); // float factor = (float(gDefaultCKTempateDPI) / getCurrentCanvas()->aTemplate.dpi); // 2-15-05 factor = (float(gDefaultCKTempateDPI) / getCurrentCanvas()->aTemplate.dpi); // 2-15-05 if (gCurrentPrintHandler) // 2010-09-13 // 2010-09-12 from edwin // try to fix issue if user canceled printing - dont load the next job OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) status = aGeneralPrintHandler->Print(); // 2010-09-12 check for status OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) #ifdef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 2010-09-12 check for status if (status==noErr && getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->doNewStuff && getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()==false) // 2010-09-02 // try to fix the loadCkTemplateProperties // DropPreviewImage.cp void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 #ifndef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 2010-09-12 LoadCKPropertiesFromTemplateFile(); #endif void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromTemplateFile() // 1-29-07 #ifdef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 2010-09-12 if (fImageFileObject) { tCKImageProperties prop; FSSpec fs = ((TPreviewImageWindow*)FindWindowWithIdentifier('prev'))->fCurrentTemplateFile; pstrcat(fs.name, "\p.ck"); if (loadCKPropertiesFromTemplateFile(fs, &prop)) { saveCKPropertiesToFile(fImageFileObject->GetFile(), &prop); } } return; #endif // 2010-09-11steve // try to fix space-bar to grab in start sitting void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2010-09-11steve - try to get grab to work with customerOrderMode=ON bool enableKeyEventBehavior = true; #ifdef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ if (getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->doNewStuff) enableKeyEventBehavior = false; #endif if (enableKeyEventBehavior && IsSchoolPhotographyMode()) { TKeyEventBehavior *aBehavior = TH_new TKeyEventBehavior('keye'); if ( aBehavior ) { aBehavior->SetOwnersView((TView*)this); AddBehavior(aBehavior); fKeyEventBehavior = aBehavior; // 5-1-07 } } // 2010-09-11steve // fix spurious message for canon rebel t1i OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::GrabImage() // 2010-09-11steve HMM??? somehow we should not issuing kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UILock for canon rebel T1i // was there a problem with a certain model where fLegacy is wrong???? // we are not checking fLegacy above for some reason???? #ifndef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ // 2010-09-11steve - get rid of message for meadowlands for now DisplayNormalMessage("An error occured trying to grab an image"); #endif // 2010-09-11steve // try to fix issue with ck masks not saving when going to server void TPreviewImageWindow::DoNewPageDownStuff() // 2010-08-24 // 2010-09-11steve - copy the ck stuff to the resource fork { tCKImageProperties prop; if (loadCKPropertiesFromFile(srcFS, &prop)) { saveCKPropertiesToFile(dstFS, &prop); } extern void copyMaskFromSrcToDstFile(FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec dstFSSpec, ResID rsrcID); copyMaskFromSrcToDstFile(srcFS, dstFS, 5011); copyMaskFromSrcToDstFile(srcFS, dstFS, 5012); } // 2010-09-11steve // give separate names for StartSitting vs PreviewImages bool LoadFromNewGiantsOrJetPreferencesFile ( short team); bool LoadFromNewGiantsOrJetPreferencesFileForPreview ( short team);// 2010-09-11steve // 2010-09-10steve // released as .13 // fix snow leopard crash - (bool) sendURLCommandSync:(NSMutableDictionary*) info NSError *error = nil; // 2010-09-10steve must init to NIL!! 2010-09-09 added window 2404 at startup of camera startion and production to allow for selecting Giant, Jets, Continue or Cancel bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() add message if unable to mount server in camera station mode and do not continue void TPreviewImageWindow::DoNewPageDownStuff() // 2010-08-24 to undo auto page up in camera and production mode remove lines 1148 - 1152 in PreviewImageWindow.cp if (getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->doNewStuff) // 2010-08-30 { gApplication->UpdateAllWindows(); gApplication->PostCommand(new TPostWindowMenuCommand(this, 9999, 60)); } 2010-09-07 save olmec op-800 media prefs bool tMyMediaWriteClass::SetPrinter(short printer) 2010-09-03 fix crash in POS version when double clicking on image to zoom short TPreviewImage::GetImageToPrint() fix issue with wrong scaling of file overlay in temaplte editing window void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) add __TepsProcessor4TriprismVersion__ for new feature to write customer buffer short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 2010-08-23edwin fix naming issues for usb key burn CStr255_AC getCDWriteName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr) GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) remove template button for special new mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) replace it by menu option just in case window closes bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() // 2010-08-24steve // release version for bill // v15.6.11 <-- Please DONT lose the version number in xcodeproj file!!! // disable the mitsu printer for now DisableMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1008), 33); // 2010-08-24 DisableMenuItem(MAGetMenu(1044), 8); // 2010-08-24 // 2010-08-24steve // change job version between processor and printCenter #define kPrinterSpoolerVer19 0x0219 // 2010-08-24 #define kPrinterSpoolerVerUsed kPrinterSpoolerVer19 // 2010-08-24 // 2010-08-23steve // for dnp printer, processor writes out seq rgb to print center // 2010-08-23steve 1. fix aboutBox NIB file 2. added IBOutlet ibProductInfoTextField2 NewAboutBoxController.mm NewAboutBoxController.h - (void)awakeFromNib IBOutlet NSTextField* ibProductInfoTextField2; // 2010-08-23steve if (ibProductInfoTextField2) [ibProductInfoTextField2 setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@",infoString,infoString2]]; // 2010-08-23steve void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 if (ptr->previewFolderButtonDefault==0 || ptr->previewFolderButtonDefault> kAddImagesFromCurrentFolder) // 2010-08-17 ptr->previewFolderButtonDefault = kStandardPreview; ok UTeps2000Application.cp line 1421 case 1351: // 8-8-02 { extern bool loadNewCKTemplateFromDictionary(); // 2010-08-16 loadNewCKTemplateFromDictionary(); // 2010-08-16 // 2010-08-17 add prefs to CP-D70DW Mitsubishi printer (copy from 9550) Boolean setMyMitsubishiPrinterPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tMitsubishiPrinterPrefPtr ptr, short which) void TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs::GetSettings() void TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs::SetSettings(tMitsubishiPrinterPrefPtr ptr) void setAllMyDefaults() create new feature to auto load ck template and customer (called now from Get Print Count) bool loadNewCKTemplateFromDictionary() // 2010-08-16 change the Command key combination for 'Show Customer Database Record' from Cmd-G to Cmd-I // 2010-08-12steve // make the share target compile bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type bool doSkipNavWindow = false; // 2010-08-12steve getMyPhotoTouchPrefs()->doTreat3AmAsPreviousDay; // 2010-08-10steve true; // 2010-08-09steve - Auto Enter Preview Images #ifdef __UsePhotoTouchResources__ // 2010-08-12steve so we can compile other targets doSkipNavWindow = getMyPhotoTouchPrefs()->doTreat3AmAsPreviousDay; // 2010-08-12 if uses the 3Am method #endif // 2010-08-11steve // fix crash after hiresQuickZoom void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) case 'qck2': // 08-04-09 // 2010-08-11steve - somehow after DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow, loses focus anyway // so need to get rid of correpsonding tools window as well... if ( FindWindowWithIdentifier('natw') ) { FindWindowWithIdentifier('natw')->Show(false,kRedraw); } // 2010-08-10steve // dont force to true // only true if using the new 3am method for slideshow side bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type bool doSkipNavWindow = getMyPhotoTouchPrefs->()->doTreat3AmAsPreviousDay; // 2010-08-10steve true; // 2010-08-09steve - Auto Enter Preview Images // fix where not all images of the same ID are being added void newFunction() // 08-02-10 // 2010-08-10steve getCurrentInputHandler()->PutFilesInList(getMySittingDirectoryPrefs()->saveFolderVRefNum, tmpFS.parID); return; // 2010-08-10steve // 2010-08-09steve // 2010-08-08steve // try to get the newFunction() to work bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type bool doSkipNavWindow = true; // 2010-08-09steve - Auto Enter Preview Images if ( doSkipNavWindow ) { } // call newFunction() under PhotoTouch Version and Pref ON bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) bool doNewMethod = false; // 2010-08-09steve #ifdef __UsePhotoTouchResources__ // 2010-08-09steve doNewMethod = getMyPhotoTouchPrefs()->doTreat3AmAsPreviousDay; #endif if ( doNewMethod ) { newFunction(); // 2010-08-09steve } else { getCurrentInputHandler()->PutFilesInList(getCurrentInputHandler()->fFileSpec.vRefNum, // 8-26-03 getCurrentInputHandler()->fFileSpec.parID); } // Allow minimum autoStartSeconds for Slideshow to be 1 MacApp 1062 - change min autostart sec to 1 // Added two new variables for: typedef struct tPhotoTouchPrefs short doAutoEnterPreviewImages; // 2010-08-09steve this should take precedence over doNotAutoEnterStartSitting short doTreat3AmAsPreviousDay; // 2010-08-09steve // show UI for two new prefs MODIFIED 1060 in Teps-X PhotoAd.rsrc // minor changes in tepsx.rsrc MacApp 1088 - change to Pref - Advanced settings 1240 - new swipe bar code window // 2010-08-06 added PhotoTouch Prefs new files PhotoTouchPrefs.cp and .h new view 1060 in Teps-X PhotoAd.rsrc remove PhotoTouch Pref from barcode app prefs by placing X in front of variable void DisplayNormalMessagePascal( Str255 s ) NSMutableDictionary* CopyUserPreferencesToDictionary ( void ) bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateCanvas() Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::MarkedEnoughImages(templateInfo *aTemplate) void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void myWritePhotoTouchPref( bool doSynchNow=false); // added 2010-08-05 void myReadPhotoTouchPref( bool doSynchNow=false); // added 2010-08-05 void TTEPSFileHandler::CheckIfDeleteAllImages() void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImagesUsed(CLongintList_AC *theList) // 4-19-04 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 add an extra progress indicator stop when importing text file void TImportFileWindow::MergeData() // 8-20-03 TO ADD/REMOVE printer from list: ================================ had to add it again to MENU 1044 and 1008 printer setting resoruce? loading default TLoadDefaultCommand::TLoadDefaultCommand(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber, TPrimatteMgr2 *aMgr, TView *itsView, TView *chromaView) : // somehow it's converting old unknown regions into existing ones // for both junk mask and exclusion masks // 2010-08-05steve AddRectanglesToJunkMaskStructure(fileSpec, tmpProp.junkMask, tmpProp.junkMaskTool, tmpProp.junkMask2, tmpProp.junkMaskTool2, kJunkMaskResID); // 2010-08-05steve AddRectanglesToJunkMaskStructure(fileSpec, tmpProp.exclusionMask.rect, tmpProp.exclusionMask.tool, gZeroRect, 'rect', kExclusionMaskResID); // if image file has no exlusion mask region - also remove the resource property 5012 removeObjectResource(fs, kExclusionMaskResID); // 2010-08-05 // if factory default has no exclusion mask, then need to removeObjectForKey:kPrefKeyForExclusionMaskSettings bool saveCurrentImageSettingsToFactoryDefault(FSSpec fs) // 2010-04-05 else { [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] removeObjectForKey:kPrefKeyForExclusionMaskSettings];// 2010-08-05steve [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];// 2010-08-05steve } // GAVE to serge // v15.6.6 // 2010-08-05 - fix issue with FG processing FlashDriveWRite canvases if (FindWindowWithIdentifier('prev')) // 2010-08-05 { fCustomerID = getCurrentCameraHandler()->GetCurrentStudent(); } // 2010-08-03 // save the new FG anbd BG prefs anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForWebUploadPrefs; // 2010-08-03 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForAdvanced2Pref; // 2010-08-03 // remove mitsu printer for now 2010-08-03 create new pref 'Also Create JPEG for Web of this print to file' PrintToFileSetPrefs.cp short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) make preferences window bigger 2010-08-02 add new option 2 advanced 2 prefs --> advance to next unprocessed file AdvancedPreferences2.cp OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) remove advanced 2 prefs from all but Teps Triprism version rename advanced 2 prefs to Teps Triprism Prefs 2010-07-29 2010-07-30 fix multiple open/close file issues in new exclusion/junk mask stuff junkmask view.cp remove double SaveCurrentImageSettings void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) add log for AddResource error void SaveHandle(Handle InHandle,short theID,CStr255_AC Name, ResType theType) 2010-07-27 create web uload pref in processor 2010-07-13 save chroma key settings to properties each time you click void TChromaKeyTools::Refresh ( bool doVerbose ) remove references to old free from mechanism all over TDropPreviewImage change job version number between Teps-X and Teps-Processor remove unnecessary save properties in ~TDropPreviewImage 2010-07-12 2010-07-13 Annd new Mitsubishi CPD 70WB printer 2010-07-12 fix a bug that caused a crash when previewing and clicking cancel OSErr CMyNavigation::ChooseObjectReturnList(AEDescList *theList) // 10-23-09 2010-07-08 2010-07-09 if there is multiple CD items save all items too CD folder and then burn a CD void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() bool TSessionPrintWindow::ValidatePackage(long packageNumber) // 2010-06-25 short TPreviewImage::GetImageToPrint() short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteCD() // 8-8-02 2010-07-01 remove debug message CGImageRef CImageFile::GetCurrentCGImageWithColorCorrection() fix issue where queue got messed up (question marks, etc) when an error occured after returning from MacPOS to Teps void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() 2010-06-25 enable special new mode for POS version void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() short TPreviewImageWindow::GetCurrentImage() fix issue where clicking on print package the 1st time only job was not added to queue void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) validate package for number of marked before adding to queue not when coming back from MacPOS bool TSessionPrintWindow::AddItem(long imageNumber, long packageNumber) bool TSessionPrintWindow::ValidatePackage(long packageNumber) // 2010-06-25 2010-06-24 fix compiler error due to wrong position #ifdef/#endif OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) 2010-06-22 use getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->enableMutipleCKPrintMode for Teps Triprism only OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) 2010-06-21 fix a bug that left the image file open so it could not be deleted void copyJunkMaskToAlphaChannelOffscreen(GWorldPtr imageOffscreen, FSSpec fileSpec, float factor) // 2010-03-15 2010-06-15 create new Advanced 2 pref class TAdvanced2Preferences void myWriteAdvanced2Pref( bool doSynchNow=false); // added 2010-06-15 void myReadAdvanced2Pref( bool doSynchNow=false); // added 2010-06-15 use getMyAdvanced2Prefs()->enableMutipleCKPrintMode to enable new mode to do one print for each CK template OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() 2010-06-14 fix crash if scanning barcode while saving current image void TN_UPThumbNailView::LoadPage(long aNumber) bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) 2010-06-11 create an option to print current image with each ck template in current folder short TPreviewImageWindow::GetCurrentImageToPrint() // 2010-06-11 OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) void TGeneralPrintHandler::GetImageNumberToPrint(bool dontCheckCanvas) CList_AC *getCKTemplatesForCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 2010-06-11 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrintingNew(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, FSSpec ckTemplate) // 2010-06-10 never delete file in hot folder if start sitting folder copy is off bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 2010-06-07 make an option to add file from current folder to thumbnail bar void TThumbnailToolsView::DoPreviewImagesChoice(short choice) // 6-7-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromCurrentFolder() // 2010-06-07 add item to MENU 2041 and 2042 also auto add files from current folder when doing page down and end thumbnails void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) scroll current image into view void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 2010-06-05 // fix infinite loop issue // make after print package load next non-processed image // 2010-06-04 add time stamp to balloon behavior CStr255_AC TShowThumbnailBalloonBehavior::GetInfoString() // 2010-06-04 remove section as it prevents new files from coming in // if there is customer order/info files or other invalid files in the folder TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) fix crash when loading keyParameter.txt void TDropPreviewImage::SetExclusionMask(tJunkMaskStructure mask, CPoint_AC *freePoints) // 12-21-09 swapping of gDefocusValue void SaveKeyParameterToFile ( TFile *aFile, fixcoef *aPARA) when key down jump to next unprocessed file void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) when printing package write to ProcessedInfoFolder directory OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) // NOTE: // in CameraHotFolder, the first initial scan is done when clicking on start sitting // HOWEver, it uses the periodic function to check for new images the first time as well // so, if the delay is set too high, start sitting will also wait for that amount time and then start scanning if (getMyInputPrefs()->kind==kCamera) // 3-24-08 ONLY if cameraPC-CARD { if (getMyInputPrefs()->dummyCameraDelay > 0.0) // 11-16-04 { ((MDependable_AC*)GetFileList())->Changed(cCameraWritingImage,nil); waitfor(long(getMyInputPrefs()->dummyCameraDelay*60)); ((MDependable_AC*)GetFileList())->Changed(cResetErrors,nil); } } // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // found out that IsValidFile is going to the OLD TAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile bool TAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) { if (fNewAllFilesHandler && fNewAllFilesHandler->IsValidFile(aFile) ) return true; return false; // 2010-06-04steve bool TAllFilesHandler::IsValidImageFile(TFile *aFile) // 8-31-05 { // 2009-12-02 - try to speed up when checking item across network if (fNewAllFilesHandler && fNewAllFilesHandler->IsValidFile(aFile) ) return true; return false; // 2010-06-04steve // remove beep in camera hot folder when encountering non-image file short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // 2010-06-04steve ApplicationBeep(); // prevent camera hot folder from adding non-image file to thumbnail list short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // 2010-06-04steve bool didAdd = this->AddToList(aFile2); // 8-31-05 bool didAdd = this->AddFileToList(aFile2); // 2010-06-04steve // update progress when less than 30 items short TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesSortedList(short vRefNum, long dirID, CSortedList_AC *list) // new 4-10-03 if ( numFiles < amount/2 ) // 2010-06-04steve for smaller folder size // 2010-06-03 make tCKImageProperties to be read-only at startup if pref is on void TChromaKeyModePrefs::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) void TChromaKeyModePrefs::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) Boolean setMyNewOneUpPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) TNewOneUpPrefs::~TNewOneUpPrefs() void TNewOneUpPrefs::SetSettings(tNewOneUpPrefPtr pref) void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) bool TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 10-4-05 change from void to bool return type // 2010-06-02steve - do the sorting mechanism first - before doing preview images #ifdef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->SetSortFields(77,77); getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->Sort(); getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->SetSortFields(99,99); #endif void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 2010-06-02steve - do the sorting mechanism first - before doing a start sitting #ifdef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->SetSortFields(77,77); getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->Sort(); getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->SetSortFields(99,99); #endif // bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddToList(TFile *aFile) // reprototype 3/19/01 // 2010-06-02steve - WATCH OUT SPECIAL VERSION ONLY if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()) // 10-26-04 #ifndef __Teps4TriprismVersion__ if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()) // 10-26-04 #endif { if (getMyInputPrefs()->autoMarkNewImages) { anObject->MarkImage(true); } } // check the correct flag void TInputPreferences::GoToHotFolderSettingsWindow(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 9-4-02 ptr->deleteImagesInHotFolderImmediately = ((TCheckBox*)aWindow->FindSubView('diim'))->IsOn(); // 2010-06-02 2010-01-21 // remove the message when opening from apple-Open in finder void TTeps2000Application::PreviewFromDirectory(CList_AC* aFileList) // changed to support dropping folders on it 6-20-03 if (invalidFiles) { // 2010-06-02steve DisplayNormalMessage("Invalid File(s)"); if (numberOfFiles <= 0) return; } // 2010-05-30steve // try to move most of the CocoaContext declaration to top of method... // try to locate cause for crash // seems to be deleting wrong/alreadDeleted object void myNewSavePreferences() // go to the third one - seems like it happened with the one above it for p2fPrefObj TOutputFilePrefObject *opPrefObj = new TOutputFilePrefObject; // 2010-03-09 delete opPrefObj; // 2010-05-30steve FOUND IT wrong cut/paste psPrefObj; // fix possible memory leak void myNewReadPreferences() TPrintToFileSetObject *p2fPrefObj = new TPrintToFileSetObject; for (short counter = 1; counter <= 4; counter++) { ... } delete p2fPrefObj; // 2010-05-30steve delete or else memory leak??? // remove // DisplayNormalMessage(fileName); // 2010-05-28 void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() #ifndef __TepsXPOSVersion__ // 2010-05-28 if (!RescanTpiRainbowKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()) // 7-26-02 { DisplayNormalMessagePascal("\pKey Missing!"); // 04-13-07 make pascal ExitToShell(); } #endif // PrintSpoolerJobVariables.h #ifdef __TepsXPOSVersion__ #define kCurrentPrinterSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerJobFromNewShare + kPrinterSpoolerVerUsed + kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 2010-05-28steve #else // 2010-05-25steve added new PICTs for FG about box, splash, main window added new PICTs for BG splash, about, main PICT#310 splash = 298x118 = splash/about PICT#410 procesor main window = // 2010-05-25 make flash card pref to save customer folders too TFlashCardWritePrefs window title for new Teps-X Triprism version void TMainWindow::UpdateTitle() change pref file name launch correct Teps-Processor Triprism app void LaunchSpoolerApp(bool check) void myWriteFlashCardPref( bool doSynchNow ) // 2010-05-25 void myReadFlashCardPref( bool doSynchNow ) // 2010-05-25 create a target for tepsProcessorTriprism // 2010-05-24steve changes to make pos target work and expire correctly LOGO Sizes for FG About Box in splash screen PICT#310 280x105 MainWindow Logo PICT#312 527x190 newAboutBoxLogo PNG file -> file name stored in "Teps-X POS-Info.plist" using key = TepsAboutLogo TepsAboutLogo = aboutForTepsPos.png // add aboutForTepsPos.png to POS target // updated PICTs for "Teps-X POS.rsrc" // add key to "Teps-X POS-Info.plist" TepsAboutLogo = aboutForTepsPos.png // add code for checking POS field from webserver NSString* fRetHasPosFeature; // 2010-05-24steve - (NSString*) getHasPosFeature; // 2010-05-24steve -(void) initialize fRetHasPosFeature = nil; // 2010-05-24steve -(void) initialize2 if (fRetHasPosFeature) [fRetHasPosFeature release]; // 2010-05-24steve // 2010-05-24steve - (NSString*) getHasPosFeature { return fRetHasPosFeature; } -(int) doCheckServerInfo #ifdef __TepsXPOSVersion__ // 2010-05-24steve CHECK extra for POS version if ( [self getHasPosFeature] ) { NSLog (@"getHasPosFeature returned: [%@]", [self getHasPosFeature]); if ( NSOrderedSame == [[NSString stringWithString:@"false"] compare:[self getHasPosFeature] options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch] ) { // if POS Target and PosFeature is OFF // then we need to force the avail print count to ZERO!!!! if ( fRetPrintCount ) { [fRetPrintCount release]; } fRetPrintCount = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"0"]; // set to ZERO } } else { NSLog ( @"getHasPosFeature is NIL???" ); validData = false; } #endif - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"pos"]) // 2010-05-24steve { fRetHasPosFeature = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:fCurrentStringValue]; if (gDoVerbose) NSLog(@"fRetHasPosFeature is: [%@]\n\n",fRetHasPosFeature); } // call the new cocoaAboutBox for TepsPOS version void showAboutBoxCocoa ( void ) bool doCocoaMethod = false; #ifdef __TepsXRevenueVersion__ doCocoaMethod = true; #endif #ifdef __TepsXPOSVersion__ doCocoaMethod = true; #endif void showAboutBoxNew2 ( void ) #ifdef __TepsXPOSVersion__ // 2010-05-24steve CHECK extra for POS version doNewMethod = true; #endif // remove test code // 2010-05-24steve remove per edwin // TN_UP_POSViewBuilder *aBuilder = new TN_UP_POSViewBuilder(); // aBuilder->NewImageList(getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()); // aBuilder->BuildPage(); // 2010-04-16 fix gary's issue with partA/B/C cutting off.. UStampObject.cp CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() tmpStr = fileName.Copy(nextUnderscore+1, fileName.Length()-nextUnderscore); // 2010-04-16 copy/past error bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) tmpStr = fileName.Copy(nextUnderscore+1, fileName.Length()-nextUnderscore); // 2010-04-16 copy/past error only apply default exclusion mask if in start sitting void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) // 2010-04-15 speed up loading full page of images in drag and drop mode void TDropView::LoadPage(short pageNumber) void TDropView::ClearTemplate() void TDropPreviewImage::LoadImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 2010-04-15 read file overlays with Core Image instead of QT GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetFullSizeOverlayOffscreen() // 2010-04-13 fix issue with message 'please select an image' after printing/preview when printing packages OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) also make sure there was an active target before printing, add if aHandler if (fMode==kNewSpecialCKMode && aHandler && aHandler->GetIdentifier()=='pict') // 2010-04-13 2-5-07 // 2010-04-12 void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) fix issue with message 'please select an image' after printing/preview // 2010-04-09 highlight currently selected image in the thumbnail bar add funtions to class TImageFileObject bool IsSelectedImage() { return fSelectedImage; }; // 2010-04-09 void TImageFileObject::MarkAsSelectedImage(bool select) // 2010-04-09 void TThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 2010-04-02 // 2010-04-05 // 2010-04-06 add exclusion mask to use free form // 2010-03-30 copied changes from older version to add inclusion maske to current Teps-version // 2010-03-25 // 2010-03-26 // 2010-03-29 make changes to allow same image twice in ck and special new mode, also allow for rotated node with same image also save properties directly after zoom or shift action and not when dragging in a new image send out an event that will move same image on page automaticaly void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TDropPreviewImage::SetDragging(bool dragging) void TDropPreviewImage::Reset() // 2-6-02 void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesToFile() // 6-22-04 void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) void TImageObject::Calculate4ZoomAndInset(CRect_AC &srcRect, CRect_AC &dstRect, CRect_AC maxDstRect) // 2010-03-26steve // remove debug message bool findImage(FSSpec theFSSpec, CStr255_AC folderName, long image, TTEPSFileHandler *aHandler) // 2010-03-26 remove debug bad debug message DisplayNormalMessage(pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr); // prevent "prompt for images" to work if in customer order mode bool gotoSelectImageWindow() if (getMyInputPrefs()->enableCustomerOrderMode) // 2010-03-26 { DisplayNormalMessage("Prompt for Images is not supported in Customer order ModeÉ"); return false; } // for noerr, add extra pref "printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain" to NOT do presetpackage2 on return to main // change in resource file typedef struct tBarcodeAppPrefs short printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain; // 2010-03-26 Boolean setMyBarcodeAppPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr ) ptr->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain = false; // 2010-03-26 void TBarcodeAppPref::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain = aStream->ReadInteger(); // 2010-03-26 unsigned char reserved[180]; // 2010-03-26 was 182 // 2009-02-05steve was 192 // 2009-02-03steve was 194 // 12-04-08 // 11-11-08 10-17-08 //05-22-08steve [204]; void TBarcodeAppPref::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) aStream->WriteInteger(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain); // 2010-03-26 TBarcodeAppPreferences::~TBarcodeAppPreferences() if ( FindSubView('befq') ) // 2010-03-26 getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain = ((TCheckBox*)FindSubView('befq'))->IsOn(); void TBarcodeAppPreferences::SetSettings(tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr) if ( FindSubView('befq') ) // 2010-03-26 { ((TCheckBox*)FindSubView('befq'))->SetState(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain, kRedraw); FindSubView('befq')->ViewEnable(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackageBeforeCommand1, kRedraw); ((TControl*)FindSubView('befq'))->DimState(!getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackageBeforeCommand1, kRedraw); } // added 2010-03-26 void TBarcodeAppPreferences::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) case cReturnToMain: { if (fPreviewImagesWindow && ((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->PrintSpecialPackage()==false) break; // 08-20-09 if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackage2OnReturnToMain && // 2010-03-26 fPreviewImagesWindow && ((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->PrintSpecialPackage2()==false) break; // 2010-03-09 // ADDED resource 1092 to allow dynamic alert message to show name of package bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 ParamText(GetMyPackageName(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->specialPackageNumber2), gEmptyString,gEmptyString,gEmptyString); // 2010-03-26 if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->promptBeforeSending==false || MacAppAlert(1092, NULL)==1) // 2010-03-26 // 2010-03-09 // 2010-03-19 // released v15.5.20 // 2010-03-19 // fix crash with photoTouch target where no printPresetPackage prefs exist if (FindSubView('pack')) // 2010-03-19 ((TPopup*)FindSubView('pack'))->SetValues(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->specialPackageNumber,1, numberOfPackages, kRedraw); // 2010-03-09 if (FindSubView('pac2')) // 2010-03-19 ((TPopup*)FindSubView('pac2'))->SetValues(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->specialPackageNumber2,1, numberOfPackages, kRedraw); // 2010-03-09 // 2010-03-19steve // fix issue with carey where CK on operations window not working - but however, it did print void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 fChromaKeyMgr->SetParameters(prop.para); // 2010-03-18steve fix permission issues with reading/writing package count hidden files TFile *getPrintCountFile(bool forceSpooler, bool today) TFile *getPrintCountFileForSpecificDay(CStr255_AC dateString, bool forceSpooler) // 3-8-05 void createReport(bool spooler) char myPath[1024]; // 2010-03-18 FSRef fsref; memset(myPath, 0, 1024); if (FSpMakeFSRef(&tmpFSSpec, &fsref) == noErr && FSRefMakePath(&fsref, myPath, 1024) == noErr) { extern bool setPermission ( const char *itemPath, UInt32 permMode ); setPermission (myPath, 0777); } // 2010-03-12steve // insert preset Package Job as Normal Priority bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage() // 08-20-09 aGeneralPrintHandler->PrintWhat(cPrint_Package, true, false); // 2010-03-12steve - want to add job normal priority bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 aGeneralPrintHandler->PrintWhat(cPrint_Package, true, false); // 2010-03-12steve - want to add job normal priority // 2010-03-11 // fix issue with printing the preset package on return to main (with APPLE-1 case) only if apple1 is allowed bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 if (getMyInputPrefs()->enableCustomerOrderMode && !getMyInputPrefs()->alwaysShowAllCustomers && getCurrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfFiles() > 0) // 2010-03-11 // fix issue when "database file alias" is the very first item in image folder bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) if ((theType=='TEXT' && creator=='TPIz') || theType=='adpr') // 2010-03-11 always skip alias files // ignore image object's attribute in ck template when doing "save scaled image for web" // in other words - completely ignore the CK template when "save scaled image for web" GWorldPtr TImageObject::Draw4PrintingSpecial(short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 11-12-09 // 2010-03-11 never do chroma key for saving scaled image /*if (fDoComposite && GetHasChromakeyFeature(GetTpiKeyHandler()) ) // 04-14-08steve // 10-23-01 // 2010-03-09 // fix puopup display of packges for the two preset ones short numberOfPackages = GetNumberOfPackages(); ((TPopup*)FindSubView('pack'))->SetValues(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->specialPackageNumber,1, numberOfPackages, kRedraw); // 2010-03-09 ((TPopup*)FindSubView('pac2'))->SetValues(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->specialPackageNumber2,1, numberOfPackages, kRedraw); // 2010-03-09 // do not send preset if there are no images in thumbnail view bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage() // 08-20-09 { bool continueQuit = true; if (getCurrrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfFiles() > 0) // 2010-03-09 { bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 { bool continueQuit = true; if (getCurrrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfFiles() > 0) // 2010-03-09 { // apple-1 case cReturnToMain: { if (fPreviewImagesWindow && ((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->PrintSpecialPackage()==false) break; // 08-20-09 if (fPreviewImagesWindow && ((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->PrintSpecialPackage2()==false) break; // 2010-03-09 // 2010-03-09 // fix permission issue when copying to backup folder across network // 2010-03-09 set permission to read/write if possible for save as original only char myPath[1024]; // 2010-03-08 FSRef fsref; memset(myPath, 0, 1024); if (FSpMakeFSRef(©FSSpec, &fsref) == noErr && FSRefMakePath(&fsref, myPath, 1024) == noErr) { extern bool setPermission ( const char *itemPath, UInt32 permMode ); setPermission (myPath, 0777); } // 2010-03-09 add output file pref to specify jpeg compression when doing jpeg for web TOutputFilePrefObject TOutputFilePrefs short TPreferencesListView::GetPrefFromItemText(CStr255_AC itemText) add new view 1046 short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) add pref prompt before sending (special jpeg for web package) TBarcodeAppPref bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 move up function to print special (JPEG for web package) to do it after Command-1 and before loading new images bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2010-03-08 create an option to force the permission to read/write when creating new folder - commented out for now OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() create an option to force the permission to read/write when copying file from hot folder to sitting folder - commented out for now bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 enabled year field in view resource 1240 // 2010-03-08steve do not show error message when running FG and BG in mixed cpu format void TJobsListView::ShowPict(short item) // 4-18-03 if (offscreen==nil) { // 2010-03-08 - this error showed up when FG and BG are not running the same cpu type // the pnot info might be swapped // 2010-03-08steve DisplayNormalMessage("offscreen = nil"); } // 2010-03-04 add feauture to print a package after Command 1 BarcodeAppPreferences.cp bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage2() // 2010-03-04 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2010-03-02steve dragAndDrop mode went to the a different function to write job header with new feature for saving the correct parentfolder in the final job void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) tSpecialPrintToFilePref aPref; // 2010-03-01 re-write (parent)folder name structure drag & drop getMySpecialPrintToFilePrefs(&aPref, aCanvas); swapFromHost_SpecialPrintToFilePref ( aPref, true); aStream->WriteBytes(&aPref, sizeof(tSpecialPrintToFilePref)); // 9-16-03 TEMPORARY patch to prevent procesor from erroring out.. prevents job from sending out if being used in non ck or special new mode and using save as is or save scaled image ("You can only use the'Save CK Template As IS' or 'Save Scaled Original Image For Web'-attribute in Chroma Key or Special New Mode!") short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() if ( ValidateAllTemplatesForAttribute() == -99 ) return -1; // 2010-03-02 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForAttribute () // 2010-03-02 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForAttributeForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec ) // 2010-03-02 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForAttributeForPackage ( short packageNumber ) // 2010-03-02 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForAttributeForOrder ( tStudentOrderStruct *curStudentOrderList ) // 2010-03-02 // 2010-02-26steve // Change Job version number #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000837 // 2010-02-26 // try to fix the issue with the correct parent folder name // when images from different folders are in the same thumbnailview // and printing all image or marked images In FG void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) tSpecialPrintToFilePref aPref; // 2010-02-26 re-write (parent)folder name structure in BG short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) aStream->ReadBytes(&fPrin2FilePref, sizeof(tSpecialPrintToFilePref)); // 2010-02-26 re-read structure swapMySpecialPrintToFilePref ( fPrin2FilePref ); // 2010-02-26 // copy stuff that forces apple-1 to not work with barcode mode and startSitting and customerOrderMode ON NOTE: For AmuseMatte State Fair version ======================================= IF In StartSitting and CreateSittingFolder=BarcodeFolder (for use with TepsBarCodeApp) and CustomOrderMode=ON after doing the barcodeMatching, teps-x will NOT be in customerOrderMode and apple-1 will NOT Work - ie clear all the images so that user can mark the images and do a printToFileSet or PrintMarkedImages etc and quit IF In PreviewImages and CreateSittingFolder=BarcodeFolder and CustomOrderMode=ON apple-1 will continue to work - but also with the new search method // 2010-02-26steve - IS THIS GOOD FOR ALL CUSTOMERS OR DO WE NEED A PREF // ON the SAME station // they want the StartSitting to NOT be in Customer Order Mode - so they can see all the images loaded // BUT when in PreviewImages, they want to be Customer Order Mode // so in the Preferences, they turn ON = customer order mode // // very confusing - what is fBarcodeMode used for??? // PreviewImageWindow.cp ===================== bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 2010-02-26steve - IS THIS GOOD FOR ALL CUSTOMERS OR DO WE NEED A PREF // 2009-08-25steve if ( getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting() && getMyInputPrefs()->enableCustomerOrderMode && (getMyStartSittingPrefs()->folderCreationStringOrder == kTmpFolderType) ) { // 2009-08-25steve - do NOT try to enter studentOrderMode return true; } // 2010-02-25steve // // try to find out ronZ's problem why zoom's apply to all does not work correctly // //comment out stuff in: GWorldPtr TImageObject::GetImageFromImageSize() // 2010-02-25steve - comment all this out per edwin // if (getMyInputPrefs()->input==kKodakTIF || // getMyInputPrefs()->input==kKodakDirect || // getMyInputPrefs()->input==kKodakDirectMode2) // // try to fix problem with wrong parent folder name being sent to job // void TPrintView::WriteHeader(CStream_AC *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 // 2010-02-25steve move down getCurrentInputHandler()->SetCurrentFile(fFirstImageFile); // 3-2-01 // changed 9-16-03 tSpecialPrintToFilePref aPref; getMySpecialPrintToFilePrefs(&aPref, aCanvas); // 9-16-03 swapFromHost_SpecialPrintToFilePref ( aPref, writeAsMotorolaData); getCurrentInputHandler()->SetCurrentFile(fFirstImageFile); // 2010-02-25steve moved down // 2010-02-18steve // fix issue with uninitialized freeform region variables // void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 memset(fExclusionMaskPoints, 0, sizeof(fExclusionMaskPoints)); // 2010-02-18 memset(fJunkMaskPoints, 0, sizeof(fJunkMaskPoints)); // 2010-02-18 ... ... memset(fExclusionMaskPoints, 0, sizeof(fExclusionMaskPoints)); // 2010-02-18 memset(fJunkMaskPoints, 0, sizeof(fJunkMaskPoints)); // 2010-02-18 void drawFreeFormToOffscreen(GWorldPtr currPort, CPoint_AC exclusionFreeForm[cMaxPoints]) // 12-18-09 { return; // 2010-02-18 for now do nothing even is there is data void drawMaskToOffscreen(GWorldPtr currPort, CPoint_AC maskFreeForm[cMaxPoints]) // 12-18-09 { return; // 2010-02-18 for now do nothing even is there is data TCompositeMaskPicture::TCompositeMaskPicture() { fFirstClick = false; // 12-18-09 fFreeFormDrawing = false; fMutablePath = nil; memset(&fMaskPoints, 0, sizeof(fMaskPoints)); // 2010-02-18 } // show message as to why cant preview under specific case DisplayNormalMessage("For FlashDrive - Can not preview with 'Keep As Original'-option"); // 2010-02-18 // 2010-02-11 fix issue with hi res preview overlay being of the wrong size void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) if (getMyPreviewPrefs()->highResolutionPreview) // 2010-02-11 dpi = getMyPreviewPrefs()->myPreviewDPI; fix write to cd and write to usbFlashDrives short getCDItemNumberFromCanvasName(CStr31_AC canvasName) // 2010-02-11 { short item = 0; for (item = 1; item <= kNumberOfCanvases; item++) { if (gCDWriteCanvasSizes[item-1].name==canvasName) { return item; } } return getCurrentCanvasNumber(); } short TCDPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) { //tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()]; tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCDItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvas->name)]; // 2010-02-11 GWorldPtr TCDPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) { //tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()]; tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCDItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvas->name)]; // 2010-02-11 short getFloppyItemNumberFromCanvasName(CStr31_AC canvasName) // 2010-02-11 { short item = 0; for (item = 1; item <= kNumberOfCanvases; item++) { if (gFloppyWriteCanvasSizes[item-1].name==canvasName) { return item; } } return getCurrentCanvasNumber(); } GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) { //tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()]; tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getFloppyItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvas->name)]; short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) { //tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()]; tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr = &getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getFloppyItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvas->name)]; // 2010-02-11 void TGeneralPrintHandler::SetCanvasToPrint(tNewCanvasSizes *canvas, short printer) extern short getCDItemNumberFromCanvasName(CStr31_AC canvasName); // 2010-02-11 if (fPrinter==kCDWriteItem && getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCDItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvasToPrint.name)].saveFileType==kSaveAsOriginal) // 8-9-02 //if (fPrinter==kCDWriteItem && getMyCDWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()].saveFileType==kSaveAsOriginal) // 8-9-02 ....... ....... extern short getFloppyItemNumberFromCanvasName(CStr31_AC canvasName); // 2010-02-11 if (fPrinter==kFloppyWriteItem && getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getFloppyItemNumberFromCanvasName(fCanvasToPrint.name)].saveFileType==kSaveAsOriginal) // 2010-02-11 //if (fPrinter==kFloppyWriteItem && getMyFloppyWritePrefs()->copySpec[getCurrentCanvasNumber()].saveFileType==kSaveAsOriginal) // 8-9-02 // 2010-02-09 added "aboutForTepsShare.png" changed nib file changed Teps-X Share.plist to find png file changed Teps-X Share.plist new year in version string replaced with new PICTS 310 and 312 inside Teps-X Share.rsrc // 2010-02-09 fix bug where the newspecialCK window would move each time we do a "reset windows location" if (((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->GetMode()!=kNewSpecialCKMode) // 2010-02-09 ((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->SetWindowToDefaultLocation(); fix reset all windows location to include th enew specialCkTools window class TNewAllToolsWindow : public TNewCKToolWindow void SetDefaultLocation(); // 2010-02-09 void TNewAllToolsWindow::SetDefaultLocation() // 2010-02-09 { CViewRect newRect = gZeroVRect; CRect_AC dstRect; this->GetMaxIntersectedDevice(dstRect); newRect = CViewRect(dstRect.right - fSize.h, dstRect.bottom-fSize.v-1, dstRect.right, dstRect.bottom-1); this->SetFrame(newRect, kRedraw); } bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) if ( FindWindowWithIdentifier('natw') ) // 2010-02-09 ((TNewAllToolsWindow*)FindWindowWithIdentifier('natw'))->SetDefaultLocation(); // 2010-02-08 fix issue where oval/rect do not work after click on "clear mask" button void TCompositeMaskPicture::ResetMasks() // 9-1-06 // 2010-02-08 fFreeFormDrawing = true; fix issue when freeform is used (found by serge) bool doNewChromaKeying2(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, fixcoef *para, CRect_AC junkMaskRect, aMgr->SetDoExclusionMask(exclusionMaskStuff, orgImage, srcRect, dstRect, newRotationAngle, false); // 2010-02-08 bool doNewChromaKeyingEx(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, tChromaKeySettings *settings, bool saveAlphaChannel, aMgr->SetDoExclusionMask(&excl, image, srcRect, dstRect, newRotationAngle, false); // 2010-02-08 // 2010-02-05 copy changes from edwin for fix with marked images and UsbFlashDrives with saveAsOriginal option copy changes for usbFlashDrives with folders and "loose" file items ie delete only images in the BaseFloppyFolder then copy the new images and copy all items to usbFlashDrives afterwards (images, loose files, subfolders) // 2010-01-29 make that new renaming option dimmed out except for phototouch macys and share should NOT have it #ifdef __TepsXShareNewVersion__ // 2010-01-29 FindSubView('rad8')->ViewEnable(false, kDontRedraw); ((TControl*)FindSubView('rad8'))->DimState(true, kRedraw); #endif ((TEditText*)FindSubView('vue7')->FindSubView('frmt'))->SetText("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS", kRedraw); // 2010-01-29 // 2010-01-28 change flopp-write to FlashDrive-Write display NSLog if unable to save or restore print record TRefCntPrintInfo TTepsChooserPrintHandler::RestorePrintInfo(TFile* itsFile, bool useRsrcFork) // 12-8-03 void TNamedStdPrintHandler::SavePrintInfo(TFile* itsFile) // 12-8-03 fix bug when using nodes in ck template and having new save scaled image attribute on output template short TBGPrintView::DrawSpecialJob() // 11-12-09 TLayoutObject* TNodeViewObject::GetImageObjectFromNode() // 2010-01-28 // 2010-01-26 create funtion to delete all image files in folder only for write cd and flashdrive deleteAllValidImageFilesInFolder void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteCD() // 8-8-02 save bug where save as option did not get enabled with new server key void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 2010-01-21 make pref to delete image files from hot folder immediately after copying to sitting folder TInputPreferences bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 2010-01-15 implement leading zeros to be determined by preference // 2010-01-11 // 2010-01-12 add custom5 base name option to view 1264 update output preferences when loading packages void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand // 2010-01-04 - 2009-01-08 implement junk mask and exclusion mask using new free form mechanism next version should be 15.5.14 added test code to see if we can get marching ant to work??? // 2009-12-22 // 2009-12-21 new exclusion mask mechanism that allows you to click to draw a shape // 2009-12-17 fix read file error issue when using node object with image object that had CK feature on void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, CStream_AC *aStream, short curImage, bool isCKMode) // 6-23-04 fix issue in special one up mode where the 2nd image on a two-up template did not get drawn (in fact only the first one ever got drawn) Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 // 2009-12-15 STR#5001 - add " op800" printer settings // 2009-12-15 copy fix for crash in processor and snow leopard void myNewSavePreferences() delete p2fPrefObj; // 12-14-09 was deleting wrong object that was already deleted --> delete psPrefObj // 2009-12-11 copied changes fix error where path was not written to in drag and drop mode which caused a read file error in Processor void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) 1. fix issue in bad job error when sending from dragn/drop mode // 12-11-09 // forgot to write the path for the drag and drop mode char path[1024]; // 11-09-09 getCurrentInputHandler()->GetCurrentPath(path); long count = 1024; aStream->WriteBytes(&path[0], count); // 2. allow control-Click to show contextual popup if (event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1000 || event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1400) // right click 12-11-09 { TPopupCommand *aCommand = new TPopupCommand(this->GetWindow(), this->GetIdentifier()); gApplication->PostCommand(aCommand); return; } 3. fix control-Click in special NewCK mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) if (event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1000 || event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1400) // right click 12-11-09 { TPopupCommand *aCommand = new TPopupCommand(this, 'cpic'); gApplication->PostCommand(aCommand); return; } return; } else if (event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1000 || event->GetEventRecord(0).modifiers==0x1400) // right click 12-11-09 { TPopupCommand *aCommand = new TPopupCommand(this, 'cpic'); gApplication->PostCommand(aCommand); return; } 4. fix memory hogging issues void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 //fOriginalImage = myDisposeGWorld(fOriginalImage); // 12-11-09 remove lines unnecessary // 6-04-08 //fOriginalImage = myDuplicateGWorld(fOffscreen); // 12-11-09 remove lines unnecessary // 6-04-08 // 2009-12-10 copied changes #ifdef __UseServerKey__ // check for key running low after reading prefs extern bool checkForKeyRunningLow(); // 12-10-09 checkForKeyRunningLow(); #endif // 2009-12-10steve 1. to compiler under SnowLeopard => need to use gcc 4.0 not system default gcc 4.2 2. try to patch problem with activate/deactivate crashing under snow leopard - (bool) deactivateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber - (bool) activateThisMachine: (NSString*) serialNumber withLicense:(NSString*) licenseString withNickName:(NSString*)nickNameString // 2009-12-10steve void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DrawTriprismLogo(void) fTStaticText1->SetText ( CString_AC("©1993-2009"), kDontRedraw ); // 2009-12-10steve // 09-12-07 // 3-25-03 improve speed when in hot folder polling method bool TAllFilesHandler::IsValidImageFile(TFile *aFile) // 8-31-05 { // 2009-12-02 - try to speed up when checking item across network if (fNewAllFilesHandler && fNewAllFilesHandler->IsValidFile(aFile) ) return true; // 2009-12-04 fix loading settings save to ck template in start sitting mode fix auto node issue OSErr MyChooseNodeFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, short index) fix apply to same in drag and drop mode for shift/zoom option void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2009-12-03 fix read file error when ck attribute in output template is on void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) void TImageObject::WriteChromaKeySettings(CStream_AC* aStream) bool readDefaultChromaKeySettings(tChromaKeySettings *settings) // 12-03-09 Create new function to load color adjust values from template file when clicking on load template values void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKColorAdjustPropertiesFromTemplateFile() // 12-03-09 void TNewAllToolsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2009-12-02 fix issue with displaying error messages when 'show all warning/error messages' pref is on void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoError(short theErr) void DisplayNormalMessagePascal( Str255 s ) start saving color adjust attributes to template file void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesWithCKFile(bool checkIfChanged) // 1-31-07 // 2009-11-23 fix issue with excess bytes showing up in metadata usercomment and png NSString* originalPath = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: pathToSave length: strlen(pathToSave) encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]; // 2009-11-23 fix excess bytes NSString* originalPath = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: pathToSave length: strlen(pathToSave) encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]; // 2009-11-23 fix excess bytes fix macys issue with showing thumbanil and preview image when apple-1 window is up getCurrentInputHandler()->RemoveAllImages(); // 11-23-09 2009-11-19 remove extra release which caused crash... // 2009-11-19steve [(NSAutoreleasePool*)pool release]; [(NSAutoreleasePool*)pool drain]; // 2009-11-17 from edwin #ifdef __TepsXRevenueVersion__ short tmpAutoPrint = getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0; // 11-17-09 short tmpAutoPrint2 = getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode1; // 11-17-09 getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0 = false; // 11-17-09 getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode1 = false; // 11-17-09 2009-11-16edwin fix new hi res zoom button to save changes before previewing void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix new color adjust issue in drag and drop mode where sliders were not updated when clicking on another image (f.e. if 4-up) and subsequent confusion when applying to others void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TTEPSFileHandler::LoadColorSettings() // 11-16-09 2009-11-16steve 1. stop the warning messages bool isValidPhotoAdFile ( CStr255_AC tmpName ) // 2009-11-15steve DisplayNormalMessagePascal ( "isValidPhotoAdFile found INVALID File:\r["+tmpName+"]" ); // 2009-06-30steve pascal string 2. for the 10th time, fix the version number so it's for "All configuration" not just for active configuration 3. released photoTouch build to serge as v15.5.7 (15.5.6 was macysFF) // 11-09-09 // 11-06-09 write source path name to meta data if JPEG for website write source path name to end of png data if PNG create new attribute item ignore overlays // 11-06-09 enable date search view for al start sitting modes (customer order mode) bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) fix filling in of default year, month, day int setupTimeRangeInfo ( TWindow* aWindow ) // 11-03-09 if one file selected for cd, select all // 11-02-09 // 11-03-09 use new cocoa mechanism for polling of folder and subfolders for Macys (when creating cd'c) // 2009-11-04steve // copy lost changes from steve // and copy .xproject files for both FG and BG always have wrong versions // 2009-10-30 // fix the version numbers v15.5.4xxx // fix the "Build for Release" // make macy's call the right processor // make macy's processor call the correct "PrintCenter Share" version "TepsBackgroundHeaders_xcode_n Macys.h" // 2009-10-30steve #define kTepsProcessorAppName "\pTEPS-PRINT CENTER.app" // 2009-04-24steve #define kTepsProcessorAppName "\pTEPS-PRINT CENTER Share.app" // 2009-10-30steve #define kFreezeFrameMacysVersion true // also right correct job version headers to PrintCenter #else #ifdef kFreezeFrameMacysVersion // 2009-10-30steve #define kCurrentPrinterSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerJobFromNewShare + kPrinterSpoolerVerUsed + kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 2009-10-30steve #else // 208-08-11steve #define kCurrentPrinterSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerVer14 | kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 10-25-07 #define kCurrentPrinterSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerVerUsed + kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 12-12-2008 #endif #ifdef kFreezeFrameMacysVersion // 10-30-09 if (FindWindowWithIdentifier('pase')) { CStr255_AC tmp = getMyMacysPrintHandler()->GetFileNameToPrint(); pstrcpy((unsigned char*)fImageSpec.name, tmp); } #endif // 2009-11-02 // 2009-11-03 use cocoa function for polling the folders and copying files to cd folder fix issue with floating window after burning that would reappear automatically // 2009-10-29 issue with rotation in Macys mode CRect_AC TSlideShowView::DisplayImage(short imageNum, GWorldPtr gworld) change overlay files to uses .pct CRect_AC TSlideShowView::DisplayImage(short imageNum, GWorldPtr gworld) // 2009-10-27 issue where rotation is wrong if there is no meta data int CImageFile::GetOrientation() void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) // 2009-10-26 fix issue with editing template from preview image window and going to the finder and coming back to Teps where it selects wrong window void TTeps2000Application::RegainControl(bool checkClipboard) // 10-26-09 // 2009-10-23 Dispose of reply record immediately before disposing of dialog for preview images (test for Gary) bool CTepsNavClass::ChooseObjectReturnList(AEDescList *theList) OSErr CMyNavigation::ChooseObjectReturnList(AEDescList *theList) // 10-23-09 // 2009-10-23steve bool NavigationServicesAvailable() { return true; // 2009-10-23steve - NavServicesAvailable deprecated } // 2009-10-21steve add "fold" to info.plist for all targets so we can drag folder onto app icon to open contents // 10-20-09 assign new kodak lamination value to old structure for 8600 series short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() fKodakPrinterPrefs.laminate = fKodakColorAdjSettings.lamination.curVal; add myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustValues to tPrinInfoStruct assign structure for DNP DS40 and 80 bool TSpoolerPrintView::ProcessOffscreenAndWriteToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 3-14-06 update print job version (between processor and print-center) #define kPrinterSpoolerVer17 0x0217 // 10-20-09 // 10-15-09 forgot to swap color and lamination settings for kodak 8600 series printers void WriteColorCorrectionValue(CStream_AC *aStream, short thePrinterType) assign fKodakColorAdjSettings structure to tPrinInfoStruct for 8600 series also since this structure constains lamination seting short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() fPrinter==kXLS8600 || fPrinter==kDS8650 || fPrinter==kDS8657) // 10-15-09 printInfo.kodakColorAdjSettings = fKodakColorAdjSettings; IN FACT printInfo.kodakColorAdjSettings.lamination.curVal contains the lamination value for 8600 series // 10-14-09 add overlay to Macys images use Graphics/Santa folder void TPreviewImageWindow::CreateViews(TWindow *aWindow) // 07-21-09 TEPS GRAPHICS FOLDER Ä/Santa/Portrait.jpg TEPS GRAPHICS FOLDER Ä/Santa/Landscape.jpg if overlay is present it will always be used // 10-13-09 fixed bug in DNP printer prefs where it did not set the factory setting for sharpness correctly void TDNPPrinterPrefs::GetSettings() void TDNPPrinterPrefs::SetSettings() // 10-13-09 automatically bring up scan ticket window after successful burn void TShowBurnedImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo structure to tPrintInfoStruct change version number // 10-08-09 fix issue with group photo if no image object in node void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, CStream_AC *aStream, short curImage) // 2009-10-02steve // steve testing the DNP printers // fix the outputRect sizes // ok MENU 2049 through 2053 add cut modes to resource MENU 2053 // copied thumbnail fixes in CImageFile.cpp 09-29-09 // faster Nef thumbnails as well as making Tiff TN work too long maxPixelSize = 160; // 09-29-09 NSDictionary* options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: (id)kCFBooleanTrue, (id)kCGImageSourceShouldCache, (id)kCFBooleanTrue, (id)kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat, (id)kCFBooleanTrue, (id)kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageIfAbsent, // 09-29-09 CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &maxPixelSize), (id) kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize, // 09-29-09 nil]; // also do NOT apply newcoloradjust if all settings are at 0 defaults double mySaturationDefault = 1.0; // 09-25-09 double myBrightnessDefault = 0.0; double myContrastDefault = 1.0; double myRednessDefault = 1.0; double myGreennessDefault = 1.0; double myBluenessDefault = 1.0; double mySharpnessDefault = 0.0; double myGammaDefault = 1.0; double myExposureDefault = 0.0; double myHueDefault = 0.0; // 09-25-09 if all settings set to default dont do anything if (mySaturation == mySaturationDefault && myBrightness == myBrightnessDefault && myContrast == myContrastDefault && myRedness == myRednessDefault && myGreenness == myGreennessDefault && myBlueness == myBluenessDefault && mySharpness == mySharpnessDefault && myGamma == myGammaDefault && myExposure == myExposureDefault && myHue == myHueDefault) { return CGImageRetain(fImage); } // 2009-09-28steve if file "~/Desktop/keyInfo.plist" exists make the activation process easier by preFilling the info NewAboutBoxController.h NewAboutBoxController.mm [self getExpandedFullAutoFillLicenseStringPath:[NSString stringWithString:@"~/Desktop/keyInfo.plist"]]; // 2009-09-28steve // 09-25-09 create new constant __UseServerKey__ to determine whether to use green key or server key mechanism make Macys version use __UseServerKey__ // 09-24-09 fix bug when clicking on abort button in Databurn app for Macys void TPreviewImageWindow::DoNewFreezeFrameMacysSitting(CStr255_AC student) // 10-7-05 // 09-22-09 display special spooler folder in Sales Station Pref void TSalesStationPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) fix crash in camera station void TCameraStationWindow::SaveImageInTwoImagesMode() fix issue that caused file not to save short gDidCancelKodakColorBalance = true; // 09-22-09 create 'Alternate Ticket' button void TPreviewImageWindow::DoNewFreezeFrameMacysSitting(CStr255_AC student) // 10-7-05 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewMacysSitting(CStr255_AC customer) // 10-14-05 view 1534 // 09-17-09 fix color control issue in fine tuning mode and in operations window prefs (crop mark color) view 1215 and 2123 (change TControl class name to TColorControl) new class TColorControl void RegisterMacAppClasses() void TCroppingMarkWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCroppingMarkWindow::SetCropMarkColor(CRGBColor_AC cropMarkColor) void TColorTuningWindow::SetAttributes(PIXEL* myPIXELMapPtr, TPrimatteMgr2 *aMgr, TChromaKeyView *aView, CViewPoint subViewPoint) // 9-14-01 void TColorTuningWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 9-14-01 // 2009-09-15steve try to add new loop to scan for NikonLibrary // 2009-09-15 1. add fix for stampObject - for long file file names - gary lief bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) { GWorldPtr CurrPort; GDHandle CurrDev; CStr255_AC folderName, fileName, tmpStr; // 07-09-09 make tmpStrCStr255 instead of CStr31 // 09-10-09 make photad target build updated version numbers to .13 // 09-09-09 fix bug that cause ck chooser printing to crash GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) fix bug to remember last used database void TImportFileWindow::OpenDatabaseForThisSittingFolder() // 08-21-09 use Teps-Databurn.app for burning CD's in Macys version bool TPreviewImageWindow::BurnCDFolder(FSSpec fs) // 10-12-05 // 2009-08-21steve somehow forgot to remove the "what" in // 2009-08-21 DisplayNormalMessage ( "\p What" ); // 2009-08-21steve #ifndef __TepsXShareNewVersion__ getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->printSpecialPackageOnReturnToMain = false; #endif // 2009-08-20steve after getting version from edwin fix wording in rsrc for barcode added macappAlert 1091 // 2009-08-20edwin new special package feature on return to main TBarcodeAppPreferences bool TPreviewImageWindow::PrintSpecialPackage() // 08-20-09 bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) change view 1088 in Teps-X Share new.rsrc // 2009-08-20steve copy changefor fixes with the barcode reader mode ThumbnailListView.cp aView->FindSubView('pict')->ViewEnable(false, false); // 08-20-09 //DisplayNormalMessage(tmpFileName); // 08-20-09 remove line // 2009-08-19steve clean up some excess system error messages per noerr's complaints we were constantly revealing the names of the .dsStoret and t2 files even though i cleanueup abunch of spots, the main one is the setpermission function where it's exposing the name of the two hidden files .ds store t .ds store t2 // 08-18-09 // 08-20-09 create support for DNP DS-40 and DNP DS-80 printer create ScrollBar zoom support // 08-14-09 replace function name getMyCanvas with getCanvasFromMasterList // 08-11-09 remove "What" message bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) when dragging in new special mode process command immediately and flush mouse down events afterwards void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 2009-08-11steve copied changes from steve 2009-08-07steve for checking for parental control photoAdController.h NSString* fRetTitle; // 2009-08-07steve - parental control restriction photoAdController.m // 2009-08-07steve - (NSString*) getTitle { return fRetTitle; } // 2009-08-07steve if ([self getTitle] ) { NSLog (@"Restricted Internet Access returned: [%@]", [self getTitle]); validData = false; return -2; // 2009-08-07steve } if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"title"]) // 2009-08-07steve { fRetTitle = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:fCurrentStringValue]; if (gDoVerbose) NSLog(@"fRetPhotographer is: [%@]\n\n",fRetTitle); } if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"title"]) // 2009-08-07steve - for cases where the website is blocked parental control { isValid = YES; } NewAboutBoxController.mm // 2009-08-07steve if ( status==-2 ) { NSRunAlertPanel ( @"Please Contact Your Administrator...", @"Your internet access may be restricted via parental control.\n[%@]", @"OK", nil, nil, [aController getTitle] ); } // 08-10-09 remove all references to getCurretnCanvas when printing bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) bool TDropView::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(bool now) GWorldPtr TCDPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) close all tools window after delete key to clear image void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) after searching for underscore search for ' copy' pattern to prevent customer folder names with copy in it CStr255_AC getCustomerNameFromFileName(CStr255_AC fileName) // 5-18-04 // 2009-08-03steve // fix for kaman hue - not being read in at start sitting of new images color->hueAdjust = getMyCocoaImageColorDefaults()->hueAdjust; // 08-03-09 // 2009-07-30steve need to save/load Mitsu8000 media prefs // 2009-07-30steve class tMitsu8000WriteClass : public MStreamable_AC { MA_DECLARE_CLASS; public: tMitsubishiPrefPtr fMediaPref; void WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream); void ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream); bool SetPrinter(short printer); }; myReadMitsu8000MediaPrefs(); // 2009-07-30steve myWriteMitsu8000MediaPrefs(); // 2009-07-30steve // 2009-07-27 make sure the ck rotation is the same as the original input rotation if (loadCKPropertiesFromFile(this->GetFile(), &ckProp)==false) { } else { // 2009-07-27steve ckProp.imageSettings.rotation = fRotation; saveCKPropertiesToFile(this->GetFile(), &ckProp); } UpdateSplashScreenMessage ( "Validating Your LicenseÉ" ); // 2009-07-23steve // 2009-04-09steve added FactoryDefault.plist added NewAboutBoxController.mm to Processor Project Updated the nib file // 2009-07-22 gave serge a version // 2009-07-21 gave version for todd // 2009-07-21 // 2009-07-20 1. added more update to better show current key status with levelIndicator // create fsref from path FSRef fsref; FSPathMakeRef ( posixPath, &fsref, &isdirectory); // create fsspec from fsref FSSpec fsspecPath; err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &fsspecPath, NULL); // gave to serge for Kaman // 7-16-09 stop gap measure to prevent teps from working if UNABLE to write to hidden security key files bool canWritePrintCountFile() // 07-16-09 bool doKeyCheckMethodForPhotoAd(bool forceInterNetCheck) { if (canWritePrintCountFile()==false) return false; // 07-16-09 // 7-13-09 from edwin 1. fix drawing of thumbnail of ck template UCKfolderList.cpp // 2009-07-10steve fix issue with security key NewAboutBoxController.h NewAboutBoxController.m photoAdController.h photoAdController.m NewAboutBoxController.nib steve - remember to put back // 2009-07-01steve NSString *phpCommandFormat = @"http://ptbservices.phototouchinc.com/index.php?fuseaction=keys.getkey&serno=%@&keypw=merlinw1zard&printsused=%@&ckprintsused=%@"; // 2009-07-10 Use New Color Adjust Drag and drop mode replace view 1204 with new color adjust controls void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyColorSettingsToAll(bool all) // 07-10-09 void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TDropPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSelected(bool doSelect) void TDropPreviewImage::ApplyCKPropertiesToAllFiles() // 3-16-05 void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyCKSettingsToAllImages(tCKImageProperties *saveProp, FSSpec srcFS) // 07-10-09 void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyZoomShiftColorSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-3-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyColorAdjustSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool marked) // 7-21-04 void TCIFilterColorAdjustView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::StartEdit() // added five functions 4 virtual 2-5-02 void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::SavePropertiesToFile(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-5-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 3-2-04 replace view 2138 with new color adjust controls // 2009-07-10 display the path of sitting folder in the popup item? void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 2009-07-09 fix issue where it displayed only the first 31 characters of file name in the preview mode bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) fix issue where name had funny hex character if longer than 31 in new all tools window void TDropPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 4-12-04 honor do not display wanings and errors when clicking print canvas and not enoughimages marked Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::MarkedEnoughImages(templateInfo *aTemplate) // 2009-07-07 reenable variable angle view if it was disabled because one of the objects did not have variable angle enabled void TDropPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 4-12-04 // 2009-07-03 show about box date/time in long format // 2009-07-02 fix enabling/disabling menu items when in tepsShare mode void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() #ifdef __TepsXShareNewVersion__ if (doKeyCheckMethodForPhotoAd()) // 07-02-09 // 2009-07-02 convert the shareKey expiration date/time in the about box // 2009-06-30edwin when clicking set Default in new all tools window change alert message to include color adjust, ALRT 1089 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() change alert message when saving settings to template file, ALRT 1090 void TNewAllToolsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2009-06-30 1. fix reset of variable angle rotation (direct connnect) 2. fix display of thumbnailview orientation when auto ck is on or point and shoot is on (direct connect) // 2009-06-22 fix issue with accidental dragging... void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) unsigned long finalTick; // 06-22-09 Delay(10L,&finalTick); if (Button()) // 2009-06-18 // 6-18-09 fix issue with quickZoom and color background void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) this->BecomeTarget(); // 06-18-09 deselect items and force an update before passing offscreen dropView->ForceRedraw(); dropView->Update(); dropview.cp fix issues where the package prints the wrong template if the current canvas is not the same as the package teps-x.rsrc change MENU 2044 to show "6800, 6850" // 2009-06-11 LATER for quickZoom, honor external monitor pref void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( myDuplicateGWorld(dropView->fDrawOffscreen), nil, 1, 1, nil, nil); // 06-11-09 //DebugOutputToScreen(myDuplicateGWorld(dropView->fDrawOffscreen)) ; // 2009-06-11 before 5pm only allow the quickZoom button visible in v15 versions #if !(defined(__TepsXRevenueVersion__)) // 06-11-09 #if !(defined(__TepsXShareNewVersion__)) // 06-11-09 if (FindSubView('quic')) { FindSubView('quic')->Show(false, kRedraw); } #else // 2009-06-10 show the appname and version when forming the default save preference file name. void SaveToNewPreferencesFile () // 06-10-09 force pref to ck mode only for regular Teps-Version if pref is set for new special mode TTeps2000Application void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 Quick Zoom change view 1401 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // 6-2-09 1. fix issue with wrong number of images being saved to cd write or removable media 2. prevent apple-Q or appleW when CD Write or Floppy Write Window is still in front // 2009-05-26 // 2009-05-28 fix speed issue for PPC fix file in use issues CGImageRef createMyScaledImage(CGImageRef anImage) // 05-21-09 CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef, short firstAttr, short secondAttr) fix some memory issues CImageFile class ImageFilter class image size was displayed incorrectly GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage() // 2009-05-20steve 1. go to correct software update page in about box GotoNSuRL ( @"http://www.triprism.com/support/login.php"); // 2009-05-20steve // 2009-05-19 1. fix the Decrementing Counter problem 2. fix the Too many prints issue in NewSpecialMode in FG and save Template AsIs // 2009-05-15 fix issues with junk mask short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) void TChromaKeyTools::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCompositeMaskPicture::SetSelection2(tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]) // 2-4-05 void TCompositeMaskPicture::SetOffscreen(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 2009-05-14 fix chroma key issue where operations window did not match preview - (CGImageRef) createScaledCGImage // 05-12-09 // 2009-05-12steve 1. reduce amount of info being sent in the email form // 2009-05-12 fix memory problem with CImage class when using ImageFilter class to scale image - (CGImageRef) createScaledCGImage // 05-12-09 CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef, short firstAttr, short secondAttr) // 2009-05-07edwin late add field fReplaceSpaces to TStampObject to replace spaces with 0x0d void swapStampDesc(CStampDesc *desc, bool isMotorolaVersion) void swapFromHost_CStampDesc(CStampDesc *desc, bool isMotorolaVersion) void TStampObject::Set(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 void TStampObject::Get(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetFileNameStampString(CStr255_AC fileName) // 4-21-06 CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) change view 1109 (I created 'Replace spaces checkbox bit you can rename it or move it around if you want) // 2009-05-07edwin fix bug with mounting backup servers, did not get saved void TCustomizeBackupWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix the problem with reading and writing image properties on a server void saveColorAdjustToFile(TFile *aFile, myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color) // 01-08-09 bool loadColorAdjustFromFile(TFile *aFile, myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color) // 01-08-09 void savePropertiesToFile(TFile *aFile, tImageProperties *prop) // change 3-12-03 bool loadPropertiesFromFile(TFile *aFile, tImageProperties *prop) // change 3-12-03 void saveCKPropertiesToFile(TFile *aFile, tCKImageProperties *prop) // 6-22-04 bool loadCKPropertiesFromFile(TFile *aFile, tCKImageProperties *prop) // 6-22-04 fix bug in zoom faster issue in (old) special one up mode void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2009-05-07steve 1. added keyword to targets that require new about box logo TepsAboutLogo = NSString aboutForTepsShare.jpg aboutForTepsPhotoTouch.jpg // 2009-05-01 make POS target compile (add newcoloradjust and photoadcontroller to target) add constant #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 "Teps-X POS v14 Default Pref.plist" // 05-01-09 add "Teps-X POS v14 Default Pref.plist" to project (duplicate of "Teps-X v14 Default Pref.plist" for now) 1. WE Need the total number of prints in MAIN MENU window 2. easy way to send/register SerialNumber to website 0.Added group called "CocoaStuff" 1.moved the correct imageView.h and imageView.m to the CocoaStuff subFolder 2. for each target - remove the original "teps-x v14 default pref.plist" from each target OR do u default back to original if the targetDefault.plist does not exist?? 3. replace doWaitForServerResponse with didGetServerResponse // 2009-04-29steve // 2009-04-29steve - need to set a dummy name for the background targets to build #ifdef kBackgroundPrintApp #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 "Teps-X v14 Default Pref.plist" // 2009-04-29steve #endif // 2009-04-28 speed up zooming for multiple image ck views void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true keep mouse from sticking when zooming or shifting void THoldMouseDownButton::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC /*thePoint*/) // 9-13-07 speed up zoom AND shifting, bigger step each second you hold down void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TDropPreviewImage::ZoomFaster(bool zoomIn, short step) // 04-28-09 // 2009-04-27 added the #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 to the individual header files and duplicated current pref file (to be replaced with individual pref files #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 "Teps-X photoAd v14 Default Pref.plist" // 04-27-09 #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 "Teps-X photoTouch v14 Default Pref.plist" // 04-27-09 #define kPrefKeyForTepsFactoryDefaultsV14 "Teps-X Share v14 Default Pref.plist" // 04-27-09 // 2009-04-25steve 1. created the aggregate target // 2009-04-24steve 1. changed version numbers processor changes 1. #define __TepsXShareNew__ true // 2009-04-24steve 2. #define kTepsProcessorAppName in each target's precompileHeader file // 2009-04-24steve - defined based on target FSSpec tmpFSSpec = {xappvRefNum,xappDirID,kTepsProcessorAppName}; ????? MAKE TEP-X Targets do the SAME??????????????????????? 3. change the job headers between Processor and PrintCenter // 2009-04-24 fix issue with disabling of variable angle rotation slider bool TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, short dpi, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, void TDropPreviewImage::EnableAngleView (bool enableAnyAngle) // 04-24-09 void TNewCKToolWindow::SetDropView(TView *aView, bool doComposite) // 5-19-04 remove adjust button in special new mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) change title of toolwindow in special new mode view 2139 (Tools (New Beta)) if no print count file is found say forDemoOnly in Main window CStr255_AC GetKeyTypeString ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) start sitting and demo mode, no warning??? bool TMainWindow::HasStartSittingKey() // 2009-04-23 use core image sliders in macapp window class TCIFilterColorAdjustView fix annoying problem not being able to move the floatw indow with all the tools inn special new mode void TNewAllToolsWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2009-04-21 Teps-Processor fix issue with wrong exclusion mask void TBGPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream, short count, bool isCKSubJob) // 10-31-03 Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) Teps-X fix issue with aut rotate ck template and using 2 image objkect in ck template void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(CStream_AC *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 // 2009-04-21 update all Teps-Header files to have the #defines before the #include "constants.h" fix bug that did not save zoom and shift image properties before double clicking on image void TDropPreviewImage::DoZoomImage2 (short showWhat) // 10-18-04 // 2009-04-20 create function to determine if valid print count file exists bool hasValidPrintCountFile() // 04-20-09 fix issue with select ck window and print count windows interfering fix in resource, view 2142 // 2009-04-16 allow Teps-Share to show up if no clicks left to run as demo version also implement gNewMehod constant to allow new http check with decrementing the server count // 2009-04-14 change sliders of new color adjust window so as to adjust color immediately in operations window on letting go of the mouse // 04-10-09 fix for Core Image Resize with fComposite OFF // 2009-04-06 edwin add section to honor TAttribute object in Teps-X // 2009-04-09steve 1. fix some display text strings // 2009-04-06 v15.0.2 1. change newTepsShare processor logo // 2009-04-03 later v15.0.1 beta 1. remove prefs not avail for the new shareversion 2. fix pref view in #1088 // 2009-04-03 // release to todd v15.0.0beta // 2009-04-03 added target Teps-X Share and Teps-Processor Share based on photoAd target add missing security key message for photoAd target bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) 1. static BOOL gDoVerbose = false; // 2009-04-03steve // 2009-04-02 // 2009-04-01 1. fix issue with FG chooser printing not being logged correctly in the reports 2009-03-31steve 1. copy the document type extensions to the "tep-x pos-info.plist" CFBundleTypeExtensions icns psd PSD ps PS tif TIF tiff TIFF png PNG jpg JPG jpeg JPEG // 2009-3-31 remove new color adjust feature in Teps-X, leave it only in PhotoToouch and PhotoAd void validatetMyNewOneUpPrefs ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) // 10-11-04 void myNewReadPrefs() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() // 2009-3-30 fix the slow removing of thumbnails void TThumbnailToolsView::DoPreviewImagesChoice(short choice) // 6-7-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::RemoveAllImages() // 03-30-09 void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, fix issue with invalid defocus value, swapping issue bool readDefaultChromaKeySettings(fixcoef *para) bool writeDefaultChromaKeySettings(tChromaKeySettings *settings) // 2009-3-27 fix issue with hue for PPC, no byte swapping void swapMyCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo(myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color) // 01-08-09 void swapFromHost_MyCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo(myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color) // 01-08-09 also validate hue void validateMyCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo(myCocoaImageColorAdjustInfo *color) // 1-22-09 load defaults did not load default hue setting - (IBAction)handleDefaultButton:(id)sender apply new color adjust setting to all or marked image void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyNewColorAdjustSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool marked) // 03-27-09 bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() created new MENU option in MENU 5 created new view 1825 // 2009-3-26 create function to store regular and ck prints to hidden file long writePrintQtyToFile(long printCount, bool ckJob) // 2009-03-26 // 2009-3-26 fix bug where long graphics names cause problems when reading on other computers (hexa character issue) bool TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::SelectOverlayFile() also change view 1122 to show full graphics name // 2009-3-24 change for Pit to do lower dpi previews only (output stays the same) TPreviewWindowPrefs class GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) // 2009-03-03 //======================================================= 1. fix mouse clicking issue with ck templates view in the resources fix so that it does not do multiple selections 2. fix issue with both database window and barcode window showing up at the same time // 2009-03-03 TPostWindowMenuCommand *cmd = new TPostWindowMenuCommand(this, cDatabaseNotOpen, 30); cmd->Process(); //gApplication->PostCommand(new TPostWindowMenuCommand(this, cDatabaseNotOpen, 30)); // 9-9-03 3. fix issues with not loading the correct graphics when autoSwitch CK template option is ON // 3-3-09 fix issue with changing graphics and autoRotateCKTemplate on 4. make the POS target build and link to FG genericUitlityxxx.xx imagefilter.xx imageview.xx dialogcontroller.xx to BG imagefilter.xx // 2009-02-27 //======================================================= fix issue in image property structure - very important!!! typedef struct tImageProperties add hue correction to new color adjust window // 2009-02-26 //======================================================= fix 'file in use' error, however does not seem to work for Steve fix copying files to Teps-processor if duplicate to say ' copy 1.jpg' instead of '.jpg -1' OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) - need to check with edwin for fix save/load of ALL pref resources - make sure we are not forgetting some // 2009-02-19 //======================================================= 1. updated the info.plist to allow images to be dragged onto app icon and auto open 2. fixed some minor text sizes in resource // 2009-02-17 //======================================================= copied from edwin dated 2-17-09 1. fixed issue with the NewSpecialCKmode to correctly check for "prompt for editable text" on ck canvas // 2009-02-16 //======================================================= copied from edwin dated 2-16-09 1. fix problem with accidentally unmarking first thumbnail after printing - even though we did not print the first thumbnail happened in the newSpecialCK mode void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) if (mode!=kOneUpFillTemplateMode && mode!=kNewSpecialCKMode) // 2-16-09 || becomes && 1-30-07 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrintingNew(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, FSSpec ckTemplate) if (mode!=kOneUpFillTemplateMode && mode!=kNewSpecialCKMode) // 2-16-09 || becomes && 1-30-07 // 2009-02-13steve copied from edwin for saving to prefs // dated 2-13-09edwin //======================================================= 1. updated myCopyFileUtils.c - copy some of the missing teps-x prefs to dictionary - backup folders - floppy write prefs - Mitsubishi 3800 - Mitsubishi 9800 // 2009-02-12steve //======================================================= 1. fix backup to server issues bool TBackupFilesCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff if ( GetTpiKeyHandler () && GetTpiKeyHandler ()->GetTPIKeyTypeFound() < kTPIKeyType3 ) { #ifndef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-12steve - PhotoAd/PhotoTouch Versions ::PrintForDemo(anOffscreen,true); #endif } #endif 2. fix return main issue with photoAd/photoTouch void TTEPSFileHandler::CheckIfDeleteAllImages() #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-12steve // for photoAd/photoTouch - if NO monitor - we need to return automatically #ifndef kBackgroundPrintApp if ( getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->doDisplayMessageToUser==false) // 2009-02-12steve Assumes NO Monitor connected { return; } #endif #endif 3. fix the processor to decrement the correct count for photoAd/photoTouch in the processor - also read first from file before writing to it... short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() // 2009-02-12steve - need to read value first and then subtract it correctly long curCount = readPrintCountFromFile(); long newCount = curCount - dummyPrintQuantity; if ( newCount < 0 ) newCount = 0; writePrintCountToFile ( newCount ); // 2009-02-12steve- PROBLEM might have permission prob with two apps reading/writing the same file???? 4. show photoAd/photoTouch license counter value CStr255_AC GetKeyTypeString ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) sprintf ( displayTypeStr, "License Version [%i] (0x%02x)", countValue, countValue ); // 2009-02-12steve - show counter value 5. show counter value in Processor and FG for photoAd and PhotoTouch show type to "License Version" CStr255_AC GetKeyTypeString ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) { #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-04steve = keyless version return "License Version"; // 2009-02-12 #endif // 01-30-08steve if ( strlen(ptr->fKeyVersionString)==0 || strlen(ptr->fKeyTypeString)==0 ) { sprintf ( displayTypeStr, "%s", "¥¥ For DEMO ONLY ¥¥"); #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-04steve = keyless version - must log on to server // 2009-02-12steve sprintf ( displayTypeStr, "%s", "License Version"); // 2009-02-04steve { extern long readPrintCountFromFile(); long countValue = readPrintCountFromFile(); sprintf ( displayTypeStr, "License Version [%i]", countValue ); // 2009-02-12steve - show counter value } #endif 6. change global variable gPrintCount to local - Not sure if it will cause more problem with reading and writing to hidden file also change type to long instead of int bool checkForNet(bool forceInterNetCheck) { long gPrintCount = 0; // 2009-02-12steve - make local and LONG long writePrintCountToFile(long printCount) // recast to long // 2009-02-12steve if ( printCount < 0 ) printCount = 0; long readPrintCountFromFile( void ) // 2009-02-12steve force void short GetKeyTypeString_FG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, CStr255_AC &counterValueString, CStr63_AC &myKeyTypeStr ) short GetKeyTypeString_BG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, CStr255_AC &counterValueString, CStr63_AC &myKeyTypeStr ) 7. remove "for demo only" from the backup file bool TBackupFilesCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) #ifndef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-12steve - PhotoAd/PhotoTouch Versions ::PrintForDemo(anOffscreen,true); #endif // 2009-02-11steve //======================================================= 1. for photoAd/photoTouch - isValidPhotoAdFile returns true if NOT camera Hot Folder bool isValidPhotoAdFile ( CStr255_AC tmpName ) #ifndef kBackgroundPrintApp // 2009-02-11steve - we need to not do this if not CameraHotFolder mode if ( getMyInputPrefs()->kind == kCamera && getMyInputPrefs()->input==kDummyCameraInput ) // 2009-02-11steve return true; #endif 2. fix issue where backing up the files to backup server was not working if NO physical Green key Even in PHotoAd/photoTouch versions void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() #ifndef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2009-02-11steve - PhotoAd/PhotoTouch Versions if ( curKeyHandler && curKeyHandler->GetTPIKeyTypeFound() < kTPIKeyType3) { ApplicationBeep(); } else #endif // 2009-02-10steve 0. added 1261 resource to PhotoAd.rsrc - so that we can see more buttons in a smaller packageWindow 1. fix dragging issues especially when in void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) case 'zmin':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 case 'zmot':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 case 'left':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 case 'up ':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 case 'righ':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 case 'down':if (GetSelectedView() != nil && eventNumber==mHoldMouseDownButton) // 1-29-01 2. fix security key issue with photoad/phototouch when OSPrintCenter or CD short CheckForDefaultValidKeyPermission ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity, Boolean doSpool ) { short doAllow = false; printf ( "CheckForDefaultValidKeyPermission\n" ); #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 2-10-09 return doKeyCheckMethodForPhotoAd(); #endif // 2009-02-09 // copied change from edwin to make sure to call validate function at time of reading prefs void myNewReadPrefs() validateStartSittingPrefs ( getMyStartSittingPrefs() ); // 02-06-09 // copied change from edwin to force "hidden" startsittingChoice to kSpecialAllInCopy void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 ptr->defaultStartSittingChoice = kSpecialAllInCopy; // 02-06-09 // 2009-02-06steve remove possible debug message?? void HandleShowPI(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 6-04-08 // 2009-02-06 DisplayNormalMessagePascal("\pDragged down an image!"); #endif // 2009-02-05steve Open issues: 1. we need to display the License Key remainder amount ie from server?? 2. dont know if i've commented out stuff that regular Teps will not be using photoTouch new prefs... 3. for kCustom4BaseNameType for phototouch - NEED Edwin to add more UI to allow user to type in formatter string 4. look into whether ALL the prefs are read/written with appropriate swap functions // 2009-02-05steve // 2009-02-04steve Basically Now, PhotoAd and PhotoTouch versions are almost the same... PhotoTouch belongs to PhotoTouch customers PhotoAd belongs to TriPrism customers Teps-Share is similar to photoAd - except it requires a key and monitor... had to add new pref to FG and BG for Both PhotoAd and PhotoTouch so that we can configure for systems with a monitor and systems withOUT a monitor eg - benihana does NOT monitor - so we dont want a dialog window to stop the process accidentally and our newer camera types - NEEDs a monitor remember - some resource have NOT have macappView - but does have standard resources like STR# and etc... eg - we want the About box to show photoTouch, Inc info instead of triprism info changed a bunch of resources... // for Processor for PhotoAd and PhotoTouch // added "TepsBackgroundHeaders_xcode_n PhotoTouch.h" // added "Teps-Processor PhotoAd.rsrc" // added "Teps-Processor PhotoTouch.rsrc" // added member doDisplayMessageToUser to structure tBarcodeAppPrefs, *tBarcodeAppPrefPtr; short doDisplayMessageToUser; // 2009-02-05steve unsigned char reserved[126]; // 2009-02-05steve was 128 } tPrintServerPrefs, *tPrintServerPrefPtr, **tPrintServerPrefHandle; // 2009-02-05steve need to split out the Picts and STR# resources Teps-X PhotoAd.rsrc Teps-X PhotoTouch.rsrc CMNU #1 - make it more generic // added member doDisplayMessageToUser to structure tBarcodeAppPrefs, *tBarcodeAppPrefPtr; short doDisplayMessageToUser; // 2009-02-05steve 'dem5' // 2009-02-05steve getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->doDisplayMessageToUser = false; // 2009-02-05steve if ( FindSubView('dem4') ) { getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->doDisplayMessageToUser = ((TCheckBox*)FindSubView('dem4'))->IsOn(); } // use doDisplayMessageToUser pref to present dialog to user or not void DisplayNormalMessagePascal( Str255 s ) we need to display the License Key remainder amount ie from server?? dont know if i've commented out stuff that regular Teps will not be using photoTouch new prefs... checkout the whole "ssh' issue for kCustom4BaseNameType for phototouch - NEED Edwin to add more UI to allow user to type in formatter string figure out the whole problem with hidden popup identifier - how to force it correctly??? // 2009-02-03steve?????? if (((TPopup*)this->FindSubView('ssch'))->GetCurrentItem()==kSpecialAllInCopy) aboutbox = 1015 splashscreen = 1018 // 2009-02-04steve later 1. CStr255_AC GetKeyTypeString ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) sprintf ( displayTypeStr, "%s", "License Version"); // 2009-02-04steve // 2009-02-04steve - v14.5.2 as released to todd 1. fix view for 'rad7' - // dont know why we cnat change the radios - but we need to force to 'fff2" case to use // next available number AdjustForCustom4Mode(); // 2009-02-04steve 2. logos PICTs #310 and #312 for FG and BG - PICT# 410 - still need #310 for BG created PhotoTouch Target = same as PhotoAd except for logos, company name, etc... created "Teps-X PhotoTouch.plist" created "Teps2000Headers_xcode_n PhotoTouch.h" // make sure to invoke the correct procsessor #define __UsePhotoTouchResources__ true // 2009-02-04steve - for now - used to declare the correct processor app // 2009-02-04steve #ifdef __UsePhotoTouchResources__ pstrcpy(tmpFSSpec.name, "\pTeps-Processor PhotoTouch.app"); // 2009-02-04steve #endif created "Info-TepsProcessor PhotoTouch.plist" // 2009-02-03steve getMyNewOneUpPrefs()->enableNewColorAdjust 1043 = start sitting setup 1382 = copy folder prefs for start sitting 1264 = 'stbn' -> 1264 const ResNumber cResNumConfigCameraHotFolder = 1090; // 09-29-07 #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ 1. changed photoAd Version to new logos - PICTs #310 and #312 190 x 527 105 x 280 2. duplicated 1018 view for photoad info 3. 1701 - Visit Us Online... // added to structure tBarcodeAppPrefs, *tBarcodeAppPrefPtr; // add new pref for doNotAutoEnterStartSitting short doNotAutoEnterStartSitting; // 2009-02-03steve 'dem4' 1382 - copy folder prefs for start sitting 'stbn' -> 1264 added 'vue7' and 'rad7' #define kCustom4BaseNameType 6 // 2009-02-03steve added kCustom4BaseNameType for phototouch - NEED Edwin to add more UI to allow user to type in formatter string 4. create function to get date with formatter via std c bool getStdCDateTime ( char *timeBuffer, const char*dateFormatter ) 5. added kCustom4BaseNameType for phototouch - NEED Edwin to add more UI to allow user to type in formatter string void AdjustBaseNameOptionView (TWindow *topWindow, tCopyImagesPref *ptr ) case kCustom4BaseNameType: // 2009-02-03steve baseNameTypeString = "Custom4 (PhotoTouch)"; // get new name from getStdCDateTime CStr255_AC createNameForSittingImages ( CStr255_AC baseName, long aValue, CStr255_AC ext ) if ( getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.newName.type==kCustom4BaseNameType ) // dont prompt for baseName if kCustom4BaseNameType OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction8() if (getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.newName.type==kCustom4BaseNameType) // 2009-02-03steve // get new name from getStdCDateTime IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 else if (getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.newName.type==kCustom4BaseNameType) // 2009-02-03steve // 'rad7' void TCustomFileNameWindow::HandleRadios (TEventHandler* source) case 'rad7': // 2009-02-03steve void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() if (FindSubView('vue7')) FindSubView('vue7')->Locate(CViewPoint(200,200), kRedraw); // 2009-02-03steve // for freezeframe - added vue6 and rad6 for backward compatibility // 12-16-08 NEED to document changes // 12-12-08 define print mode popup for Shinko 2145 MENU 1090, view 1819 Teps-X void goToCHCS2145MediaPrefSettingsWindow(tMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) Teps-Processor CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 new version number between processor and print center #define kPrinterSpoolerVer15 0x0215 // 12-12-08 // 2008-12-10 v14a69 switch order of search for nikon camera esp for D700 some sort of conflict with another library OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 2008-12-10 find type0001 cameras first bool doType0001First = true; // 2008-12-10steve // 2008-12-04 // 12-04-08 // added pref to bypass invocation of macPos.app in the teps-xPos version // v14a68 short doNOTUseSesionPrinting; // 12-04-08 unsigned char reserved[194]; // 12-04-08 // 11-11-08 10-17-08 //05-22-08steve [204]; Boolean setMyBarcodeAppPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr ) ptr->doNOTUseSesionPrinting = false; // 12-04-08 // added new pref for sceneToBelieve if ( FindSubView('dses') ) // 12-04-08 getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->doNOTUseSesionPrinting = ((TCheckBox*)FindSubView('dses'))->IsOn(); void TBarcodeAppPreferences::SetSettings(tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr) if ( FindSubView('dses') ) // 12-04-08 ((TCheckBox*)FindSubView('dses'))->SetState(getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->doNOTUseSesionPrinting, kRedraw); // 2008-11-24 1. fix issue with saving images for macys v12 with the correct orientation (ie the entire buffer need to be rotation) // 2008-11-21 remove call to appleEvent to teps-ftpuploader // 2008-11-21steve - myCocoaSendAppleEventWithReply ( 'TPIf', 'teps', 'upnw', 0 ); // 11-20-08 // 11-21-08 new custom 3 name option for Freeze Frame bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 void AdjustBaseNameOptionView (TWindow *topWindow, tCopyImagesPref *ptr ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews ( IDType identifier ) bool TCustomServerCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() // 11-20-08 speed up thumbnails GWorldPtr TAllFilesHandler::GetThumbnailImage() // 11-18-08 change issue with key counter UInt16 short ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) save floppy write options void TFloppyWritePrefObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream) // 11-18-08 void TFloppyWritePrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) // 11-18-08 void myWriteFloppyWritePref( bool doSynchNow ) void myReadFloppyWritePrefs() // added 11-18-08 void myNewWritePrefs() void myNewReadPrefs() don't add underscore to image name when using original name when name is already unique GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) save Olmec800 media type bool tMyMediaWriteClass::SetPrinter(short printer) // 11-17-08 fix Teps-X POS issue when printing 3+ packages bool TSessionPrintWindow::ReadUpdatedPOSFile() long TImporter::NewReadImportFileWithDelimiter(TFile *importFile, Byte recordDelimiter, Byte fieldDelimiter, char dataString[kMaxRecordSize]) // 11-17-08 add new stamp (kCustomFilenameStampChoice) to allow for partA_partB_partCD name void TStampObject::Set(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 void TStampObject::Get(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 TStampObject::TStampObject() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2008-11-03steve // 11-13-08 from edwin - missing "breaks" 1. fix findCanvasNameInPrint2FileSetList to not fall thru the case statements // 2008-11-11 edwin new option for PhotoAd version to print portrait/lndscape package void TBarcodeAppPref::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) void TBarcodeAppPref::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) Boolean setMyBarcodeAppPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr ) void validateBarcodeAppPrefs ( tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr ) TBarcodeAppPreferences::~TBarcodeAppPreferences() void TBarcodeAppPreferences::SetSettings(tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr) void myNewReadPrefs() void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 2008-11-06 1. fix issue with never applying embedded profile somehow that code was commented out // 2008-11-04 edwin fix slow .cr2 thumbnail images CImageFile::CImageFile(short thumbnailOnly, FSRef *fileFSRef) GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetThumbNailImage() GWorldPtr TAllFilesHandler::GetThumbnailImage() // 2008-11-04steve copied changes for crop issue //if ( getRectOrientation (CRect_AC(0,0, hRatio, vRatio)) != getRectOrientation(imageRect) ) if ( getRectOrientation (CRect_AC(0,0, cropRect.right, cropRect.bottom)) != getRectOrientation(imageRect) ) // 11-03-08 steve I think you wanted to do this // 2008-10-31steve copy changes to fix 8660 jobs to printCenter void TSpoolerPrintView::ApplyColorSettings(short printer) // 3-14-06 // 2008-10-31 copy changes from edwin for using new navigation windows Dated 10-23-08 void TTeps2000Application::PrintAllOrders() // 4-8-03 void TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomerInfoFiles() // 12-12-03 // 2008-10-21steve // release as v14a63.6 hide "manually release" button in window #1406 // 2008-10-21 Version 13 had the ability to create a folder with three names (separated by underscore). Somehow got lost. void swapStampDesc(CStampDesc *desc, bool isMotorolaVersion) void swapFromHost_CStampDesc(CStampDesc *desc, bool isMotorolaVersion) void TStampObject::Set(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 void TStampObject::Get(CStampDesc *stampDesc) // 10-15-02 TStampObject::TStampObject() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) short FindPosFromPosition(const CStr255_AC& pattern, CStr255_AC& source, short position) // 10-21-08 view 1209 MENU 1088 // 2008-10-20 fix bug that showed funny characters when clicking on empty node in drag and drop mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) remove extra number text (35) from view 1101 fix bug where the UP-DR200 Media Options weren't being remembered when you quit and reopen TEPS X. bool tMyMediaWriteClass::SetPrinter(short printer) // 2008-10-17 make preference for new negative quantity method to be able to turn it off add Resource file Teps-X POS.rsrc void TSessionPrintWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() Boolean setMyBarcodeAppPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr ) void TBarcodeAppPref::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) void TBarcodeAppPref::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) TBarcodeAppPreferences::~TBarcodeAppPreferences() void TBarcodeAppPreferences::SetSettings(tBarcodeAppPrefPtr ptr) // 2008-10-14 // 2008-10-16 create feature that interprets negative quantity being entered from the macPos to print the difference only create class TPrintDataList, TPrintDataObject void TGeneralPrintHandler::SetCanvasQuantity(short qty) // 10-14-08 void TSessionPrintWindow::CreatePrintDataList() // 10-16-08 constant cPrint_Canvas_Batch void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() // 2008-10-14 fix issue with UPC Code, should be length plus 1 void TPackageEditWindow::WritePackage() void TPackageEditWindow::SetPackageNumber(short packNum, bool isNew) short getPackageNumberFromUPC(CStr255_AC upc) // 9-4-08 CStr255_AC GetMyPackageUPC(short item) // 8-27-08 // 2008-10-02steve 1. fix issue with UPCCode field being overflowing #define kUPCCodeMaxLen 15 // 11 // 2008-10-02steve // 2008-10-02steve - why is FF sparebytes 14? not 18 = 11+7?? // 2008-10-02steve memcpy(&gPrintPackage.UPCCode, &tmpStr[0], 10); void TPackageEditWindow::WritePackage() // 2008-10-02steve - make sure we constrain and not exceed UPCCode[] buffer size short maxCopyLen = std::min(tmpStr.Length(),kUPCCodeMaxLen ); memcpy(&gPrintPackage.UPCCode, &tmpStr[0], maxCopyLen); void TPackage::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream, tPrintPackage *aPackage) if (aPackage->UPCCode[0] > kUPCCodeMaxLen) memset(&aPackage->UPCCode, 0, sizeof(aPackage->UPCCode)); // 2008-10-02steve use constant // 9-10-08 // 2008-10-01steve 1. fix issue with deleting days old sitting folder 2. make D700 show up with the nikon D3/D300 #define cNikonCameraString_D3xx "Nikon D3/D300/D700 ubc\0" // 2008-10-01 added D700 // 01-04-08 // D3 and D300 Type0001 // 2008-09-30steve 1. fix issue where processor would crash if there is a bad job (but dont know how bad job got written???) // 2008-09-29steve // release v14a62 to serge nancy spaceshots 1. make the write to floppy also accept cf-card as a floppy... // 2008-09-26steve wait 2 secs in the photoAd mode before copying the image from the hot folder into the main images folder it appears that we dont see a tempFile name of any sort first... bool File ( CStr255_AC tmpName ) { bool isValid = true; #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ waitfor(120); // 2008-09-26steve // 9-23-08 fix issue with group photo (an other one that I dont understand how it worked in v13) void TGroupPhotoObject::SetCurrentCategory() bool IsExistingGroupPhotoFile(FSSpec *fs, CStr31_AC category) // 9-19-08 add Teps-X Macys target and make it compile still work to do on writing preferences // copied changes GeneralPrintHandler fix schoolphotography with customer orders void TSchoolPhotographyView::PrintOrder() // 8-7-00 { tStudentOrderStruct aStruct[kMaxStudentOrderPkg]; GetPackageQuantities(aStruct); // 9-16-08 this can not work???? aStruct = fTempStruct; // 9-16-08 try temp variable copied other changes from edwin during the last few days... // 9-4-08 verify order void TSessionPrintWindow::SetNewPrintRecords(tSessionPrintStruct printRecords[kNumberOfSessionPrintItems], short numberOfRecords) // 9-4-08 bool TSessionPrintWindow::AddItem(long imageNumber, long packageNumber) void TSessionPrintWindow::RemoveItemFromQueue(short selectedItem) short getPackageNumberFromUPC(CStr255_AC upc) // 9-4-08 Modal window 1407 // 8-29-08 create function to get/set MacPOS directory FSSpec getPOSDirectory() // 8-29-08 void TSessionPrintWindow::CreatePOSFile() bool TSessionPrintWindow::ReadUpdatedPOSFile() fill in actions in DoHandleDoScriptCommandFromMacPOSApp only display error string if error OSErr GetValidFileFSSpec ( CStr255_AC newLongName, FSSpec *srcFSSpec, bool doCreate, bool doReplace ) fix yearbook photo the name is nil issue void getYearbookPhotosAndProcess(FSSpec fs) // 9-18-03 short TBGPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 8-27-08 call MacPOS to start new order after writing file void TSessionPrintWindow::PrepareForSendJobsToSpooler() create new function OSErr mySendStartOrderEvent() // 8-27-08 start setup for receiving commands void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, create new function to get package UPC CStr255_AC GetMyPackageUPC(short item) // 8-27-08 write out MacPOS order file in new format void TSessionPrintWindow::CreatePOSFile() // 8-26-08 Disable print canvas tab, does not seem to disable both tabs void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) created kiosk window with 18 buttons void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) prevent space bar from grabbing image void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) use shortDate for custom folder name choice which follows international formats CStr31_AC getCustomFolderName() declare temporary structure for customer order mode issue void TSchoolPhotographyView::EndPreview(TImageFileObject *anObject) void TSchoolPhotographyView::UpdateCustomView () bool editPackageQuantity(GWorldPtr offscreen) // 8-22-08 fix annoying update bug in print preview window bool TMyProgressIndicator::Continue(long howMuch) make stop button work correctly and show text on it for print preview window GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate, GWorldPtr offscreen, CRect_AC tmpRect, GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4CKPrinting(short dpi) // 9-13-04 view resource 9001 in Progress.rsrc // 8-21-08 make save as is attribute only work for print to file void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() fix issue with multiple selection of chroma key option icons bool TMyIconRadio::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis, EMouseDownType mouseDownType) fix issue with multiple selection of tabs create class TMySmallTabbedView changed views 2135 and 2139 fix issue with selection of new ck template while leaving window open, it loaded the incorrect image void TPreviewImageWindow::SetNewCKTemplate(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) // 4-9-04 // 8-20-08 fix bug where exclusion mask was not determined correctly because it could not read preperties from attributes short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 8-19-08 use TImporter class to read in updated POS file void TSessionPrintWindow::ReadUpdatesPOSFile() TDataList *TImporter::ReadImportFileWithDelimiter(TFile *importFile, Byte recordDelimiter, Byte fieldDelimiter) // 8-19-08 use geMyInputPrefs()->doAutoPreviewNewImageToExtMon to detremine whether or not to open Teps-Previewer App void TInputPreferences::GetSettings() // 4-25-06 void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 8-18-08 check for securotey key before adding package to queue in POS mode bool validateSecurityKey() // 8-18-08 bool TSessionPrintWindow::AddItem(long imageNumber, long packageNumber) photoAd - look for 8-8-08 for previews see photoAdController for checking security key line 945 Uteps2000Applications STR#4002 list of all the exact printer anmes #ifdef _TepsMitsubishiVersion_ // 6-29-05 if (anListMenu) { while (CountMenuItems(anListMenu) > 0) DeleteMenuItem(anListMenu,1); /* myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP8000D"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi 9000/9500"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi 9550"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP-3020DU"); // 5-16-06 myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP-3020DAU"); // 5-16-06 */ // 07-21-06 change order per ed from mitsu myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi 9550"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP-3020DAU"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP-3020DU"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi 9000/9500"); myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pMitsubishi CP8000D"); } #endif pos - sessionPrintWindow.cp resID = 1404, 1405, 1406 put whole thing in subview... writing job file void TSessionPrintWindow::CreatePOSFile() // 2008-08-11 1. fix Processor PHOTOAD - to send out a different job number #define kPrinterSpoolerJobFromPhotoAd 0xa000 // 2008-08-11steve additional header needed for photoAD #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ #define kCurrentPrinerSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerJobFromPhotoAd + kPrinterSpoolerVer14 + kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 2008-08-11steve #else // 208-08-11steve #define kCurrentPrinerSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerVer14 | kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 10-25-07 #define kCurrentPrinerSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerVer14 + kPrinterSpoolerJobFromTepsXcode; // 10-25-07 #endif 2. CALL a different "Teps-Print Center PhotoAd.app" short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ FSSpec tmpFSSpec = {xappvRefNum,xappDirID,"\pTEPS-PRINT CENTER PhotoAd.app"}; // 2008-08-11steve call a different version #else FSSpec tmpFSSpec = {xappvRefNum,xappDirID,"\pTEPS-PRINT CENTER.app"}; // 02-26-03 add dash #endif // 7-18 through 7-22-08 create POS version // 6-30-08 change contrast popup create MENU 1086 swith on the fly when changing between 9800 and other printers with contrast table void TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs::SetSettings(tMitsubishiPrinterPrefPtr ptr) short TSpoolerPrintView::FinishJob() set color conversion to None when colorsync profiles enabled for 9800 printer // 06-23-08steve rename to version 14a57.5 // 6-16-08 1. fix byte-swapping issue with buffer to gworlds short convertDKCtoGworld2 ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr ) short convertDKCtoGworld3 ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr ) // 8-26-05 short convertDKCtoGworld4Sepia ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr ) // 5-10-04 // 6-13-08steve 1. fix 600 dpi issue for 3800 to resize(Stretch) to the 600 vPix only 2. fix the view of correct cutsize popups for 3800 8x10 and 8x12 options short getOneChannelFromGWorldToOneHandle ( short whichChannel, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr, Handle onePlaneHandle, short doRotate ) // 6-12-08 added cut mode and 2 media types MENU 1083, 1084 added resolution 300/600 dpi MENU 1085 changed view 1077, 1824 files: Mitsubishi9000MediaPrefs.cp MitsubishiPrinterPreferences.cp Teps-Processor SpoolerPrintView.cp use RGB Planar bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 6-10-08 added Mitsubishi 3800 // 6-06-08 fix issue with distorted balloon view after clicking on graphic void TFolderOverlayList::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 6-05-08 enable live scrolling only when Command key down void TShowValueScrollBar::TrackScrollBar(short partCode) void TShowValueScrollBar::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, // 6-04-08 add 'use monitor profile' option void TColorSyncPrefObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) // 9-28-07 void TColorSyncPrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) // 9-28-07 void swap_MyColorSyncPrefs(tColorSyncPrefs &data, bool isMotorola) void swapFromHost_MyColorSyncPrefs(tColorSyncPrefs &data, bool isMotorola) Boolean setMyColorSyncPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tColorSyncPrefPtr ptr ) TColorSyncPreferences::~TColorSyncPreferences() void TColorSyncPreferences::SetSettings(tColorSyncPrefPtr colorsyncPref) speed up color adjust by keeping a duplicate 'original' image in memory TDropPreviewImage::TDropPreviewImage() TDropPreviewImage::~TDropPreviewImage() void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TDropPreviewImage::RedrawImageWithNewColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustSettings, bool reloadFile) GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::GetOriginalPreviewImage() speed up dragging of thumbnails void TThumbNailView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) fix colorsync preference issues, they were not written void TPrintView::WriteHeader(CStream_AC *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 Teps-Processor short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) update version number #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000834 // 6-04-08 add message for PhotoAd target when image is dragged down from thumbnail bar void HandleShowPI(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 05-29-08steve 1. fix issue where custom name mode was always prompting regardless if checkbox is on or off case 0: tmpString = getMyStartSittingPrefs()->defaultFolderName; // replace dateStr with tmpString 5-29-08 break; case 1: extern CStr31_AC getCustomFolderName(); tmpString = getCustomFolderName(); // replace dateStr with tmpString 5-29-08 break; // 05-22-08steve 1. copied changes from edwin's 5-19-08 project related to "swapEditableTextWithLocationID" a. see 5-16-08 or 5-19-08 from edwin b. then steve may have renamed/added some to 5-22-08steve 2. decided to force it OFF when reading just in case getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->swapEditableTextWithLocationID = aStream->ReadInteger(); // 05-19-08 #ifndef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 05-22-08steve getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->swapEditableTextWithLocationID = false; // 05-22-08steve - since this option is only changeable in photoad #endif 3. steve reworded the text in the photoAd.rsrc // 05-22-08steve 1. fix issue in photoAd where is multiple images come in at the same time, they were not being loaded individually as to allow autoPrint to work... short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 #ifdef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 05-22-08steve - we want to force the scan to stop here - so that // the last image gets loaded into the thumbnail view also gets loaded into the operations // if we are AutoPrinting package or canvas if ( getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0==true || getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode1==true ) { InvalidateFolderModDate(); break; } #endif 2. fix possible color correct issues with using CIImage to read files bool TNewAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) bool TNewAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile() return ( // 05-22-08steve pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.JPG" ) || // 03-27-08steve pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.CRW" ) || pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.CR2" ) || pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.NEF" ) ); 3. fix forced preferences #ifndef __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ // 05-22-08steve use correct constant name // if NOT photoAd version, this should always be forced getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0 = false; // 04-10-08steve getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode1 = false; // 05-15-08steve demoMode1 // 04-10-08steve #endif 4. copied appleEvent from 5-19 project OSErr mySendAppleEvent(IDType theMessage) // 5-19-08 5. copied changes from edwin sendAppleEvent to Teps-FtpUploader after a saveForWeb in photoAd version 6. Updated Teps-X PhotoAd.rsrc to include the new pref 'swed' swapEditableTextWithLocationID // 5-16-08steve 1. fix log message issue and the BG project not recognizing the #define __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ true // 5-12-08 // 05-16-08steve 1. added tepsPhotoAdLog.txt file option so as NOT to output message to user 2. fixed issue with newCKMode and the tabs not being enabled/disabled when no ck image in newCKMode // 05-15-08steve 1. fix issue with autoDemoPrint issues when switching ck template when images rotates from one orientation to another orientation // 5-14-08 add new file name renumbering option kNewImageNumberMode_UseTime: // 5-14-08 CStr31_AC getBaseNameNew ( tBaseNameStruct *newNamePtr ) add custom folder name option void TCustomFolderNameWindow::SetSettings() void TCustomFolderNameWindow::GetSettings() OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() change: view 1263 view 1264 // 05-13-08edwin updated one more package error string to use DisplayNormalMessagePascal short validatePackage(short item, short imageNumber) reorganize resources Teps-X Share.rsrc, Teps-X Santastic.rsrc and Teps-X PhotoAd.rsrc only contain unique resources for App and will be linked first // 05-12-08edwin Add PhotoAd target to both projects #define __TepsXPhotoAdVersion__ true // 5-12-08 Re-Add the two demo options to auto print when a new image comes in add option to auto startup in start sitting mode void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() change package does not exist string to use DisplayNormalMessagePascal short validatePackage(short item, short imageNumber) auto quit when receiving quit apple event even when in Operations window void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, // 05-12-08steve 1. copied changes from edwin to fix BIG leak in processor void TBGPrintView::ProcessSubAsOutput() // 12-1-04 { fOutputOffscreen = myDisposeGWorld(fOutputOffscreen); // 05-12-08 // 05-06-08steve 1. copied changes from edwin PrintServerPrefs.cp fix annoying message display with garbage chars void LaunchSpoolerApp(bool check) DisplayNormalMessagePascal("Could not Start Spooler App because an Error occurred "+tmpStr); // 05-06-08 change to DisplayNormalMessagePascal 2. copied changes from edwin TEPS-PROCESSOR - UImageObject.cp fix double scope of the same variable Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) //bool success = false; // remove this line 05-06-08 // 05-02-08steve copied changes from edwin for mitsu popup preferences fixed in resource files for Teps-X and Teps-Share // 05-01-08 case nilHandleErr: // 04-25-08 WE NEED TO FIND OUT HOW TO STOP THIS DisplayNormalMessage(4102,8); break; // 05-01-08 add Mitsubishi 9800 printer // remove debug message when Teps-Processor does page with group photos GWorldPtr TGroupPhotoObject::GetFullSizeOverlayOffscreen() { // 04-29-08steve remove message DisplayNormalMessagePascal(fFileSpec.name); // fix double-shadow text problem void TBaseTextObject::ResetText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 for (CSubViewIterator iter(fView); iter; ++iter) // 04-29-08 { TView *theSubView = iter; if (theSubView->GetIdentifier() == 'pict') { ((TDropPreviewImage*)theSubView)->fInitialized=false; ((TDropPreviewImage*)theSubView)->Prepare4Drawing(false); } } // 04-28-08steve fix issue where ck templates would disappear when dragging mouse in new special (Teps-Share) mode void TVerticalCKFolderList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 4-28-08 add function make tools window in new special mode stay at the position where you last left it also fixed mechanism TFloawWindowHandler to actually save the window position when you move them #define kPrefKeyForFloatWindowDefaults @"floatWindow " // 4-28-08 void myWriteFloatWindowPref( tFloatWindows floatWindows[kNumberOfFloatWindows], bool doSynchNow ) void myReadFloatWindowPref(tFloatWindows floatWindows[kNumberOfFloatWindows]) // 4-28-08 void TNewAllToolsWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) // 4-28-08 void TNewAllToolsWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) fix issue where single click will not load an image anymore void TThumbNailView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) // 04-25-08steve 1. try to fix the eFilm Card Reader NOT showing up under Leopard remapped all removable drives as kOSVolType_CFlash under leopard - there's no difference includes floppy, cruzer, pcCardReaders as well as external firewire drives bool GetOSVolumeType_IOKit ( short inVRefNum, eOSVolumeType &myVolumeType, eOSPortType &myPortType ) if ( (std::strcmp( theName, "IOUSBMassStorageClass" ) == 0) ) { identifiedVolumeType = true; myVolumeType = kOSVolType_CFlash; } // Released as v14alpha52 // EDWIN - we NEED to fix NIL ERROR // when dragging an image into the operations window in dragAndDrop mode and other places too.. even double-clicking does it too.. case nilHandleErr: // 04-25-08 WE NEED TO FIND OUT HOW TO STOP THIS DisplayNormalMessage(4102,8); break; // 04-25-08steve 1. just make the double-clicking work with the thumbnail view void TThumbNailView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) bool allowSingleClickAndDrag = true; // 04-25-08steve if ( allowSingleClickAndDrag ) if (event->GetClickCount()==2) // 04-25-08 change 2170 to do single Selection only somehow make it NOT drag beyond 2 columns!!! 2. move up the newAllToolsWindows void TNewAllToolsWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 04-25-08steve if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()) // 4-24-08 if start sitting move it up a little { newRect.top -= 40; newRect.bottom -= 40; } this->SetFrame(newRect, kRedraw); 3. got todd's new factory default pref for v14 teps-x // 04-24-08steve 1. fix problem with zoom/shift NOT remembered when printing from package/kiosk window if (theType=='ok ') { //((TPreviewImageWindow*)((TTeps2000Application*)gApplication)->fPreviewImagesWindow)-> // 4-24-08 //PrintPackage(source->GetIdentifier()-'pck0', getMyPrintServerPrefs()->enableBackgroundPrinting, false, false); TPreviewImageWindow *previewWindow = ((TPreviewImageWindow*)((TTeps2000Application*)gApplication)->fPreviewImagesWindow); previewWindow->SaveCurrentImageSettings(); previewWindow->PrintPackage(source->GetIdentifier()-'pck0', getMyPrintServerPrefs()->enableBackgroundPrinting, false, false); } 2. fix saving/loading previewWindowPrefs void TPreviewWindowPrefClass::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) aStream->WriteInteger(getMyPreviewPrefs()->previewFolderButtonDefault); // 4-24-08 void TPreviewWindowPrefClass::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) getMyPreviewPrefs()->previewFolderButtonDefault = aStream->ReadInteger(); // 4-24-08 // 04-24-08steve 1. fix dragging box issue N_UpThumbnailView.cp void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) //if (!getMyInputPrefs()->useThumbNails || getMyPreviewPrefs()->thumbnailSize==kLargeThumbnailSize) // remove 4-24-08 // show = false; 2. fix large thumbnail N_UpThumbnailView.cp void TThumbNailView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) // PostCommand(NewDataDragger(aPIPackage)); move down 4-24-08 else PostCommand(NewDataDragger(aPIPackage)); // moved down 4-24-08 // 04-24-08steve 1. fix old time color issue bool ConvertOffscreenToSepiaNew ( GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen, short conversionType) // 2-5-07 // 04-24-08steve ConvertOffscreenToSepia(dstOffscreen, settings, dstOffscreen); ConvertOffscreenToSepia(dstOffscreen, getMyOldTimePhotoPrefs()->fColorAdjustInfo, dstOffscreen); //04-24-08 forgot to copy the changes // 3-13-07 bool ConvertOffscreenToSepiaSpooler ( GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen, short conversionType, tOldTimePhotoPrefs oldTimePhotoPrefs) // 2-5-07 // 04-24-08steve ConvertOffscreenToSepia(dstOffscreen, settings, dstOffscreen); ConvertOffscreenToSepia(dstOffscreen, oldTimePhotoPrefs.fColorAdjustInfo, dstOffscreen); //04-24-08 forgot to copy the changes // 3-13-07 2. fix byte swapping bool fillPixelMap ( GWorldPtr worldPtr, long pixelColor ) *curPixelPtr = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(*curPixelPtr); // 04-24-08steve // 04-23-08steve // fixed issues with older canon firewire cameras ie the EOS-1D series // had to RE-Prototype the function EdsError downloadImage(EdsDirectoryItemRef directoryItem, bool doInChunks=true ) ; // 04-23-08steve // we need to determine if it is a firewire canon camera or not // also - context is now being passed with the current TMyCanonCameraHandler object EdsError EDSCALLBACK handleObjectEvent( EdsObjectEvent event, EdsBaseRef object, EdsVoid * context) // 12-4-07 bool doInChunks = true; // 04-23-08steve if ( context ) { TMyCanonCameraHandler *myInfo = (TMyCanonCameraHandler*)(context); if ( myInfo->fIsIEEE1394Camera ) doInChunks = false; } // added member variable in TMyCanonCameraHandler class fIsIEEE1394Camera = false; // 04-23-08steve // pass the current TMyCanonCameraHandler object to EDSCALLBACK handleObjectEvent OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() error = EdsSetObjectEventHandler(fCamera, kEdsObjectEvent_All, handleObjectEvent, this); // 04-23-08steve pass more info // added more constants for the older camera CStr255_AC getImageQualityFromValue(EdsInt32 value) // 12-20-07 // need a better solution to find the current camera settings void TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) EdsError TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::BuildPopup( TPopup* curPopup, MenuHandle &curMenuHandle, EdsPropertyID curEdsPropertyID, EdsPropertyDesc *curEdsPropertyDesc, CStr255_AC (*getStringFromValue)(EdsInt32) ) // 04-16-08steve // copied change to fix the popup menu for previewImage button from main menu void TMainWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 04-15-08 // copied change for metatag rotation and autoCKtemplate and start sitting void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, if (loadNewTemplateIfNecessary((TImageFileObject*)changeData)==true) break; // 04-15-08steve fix group photo issue Teps-X void TGroupPhotoObject::WriteToNew(CStream_AC* aStream) void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage(short newNum) // 10-21-02 copy changes from my Core Image resize function in UImageObject.cp in Teps-Processor Teps-X add item to MENU resource 1017 --> Core Image Resize Demo // 04-14-08steve 1. fix issue with security key at startup bool checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, bool doExitToShell ) // 4-14-08steve 1. fix more issue with for demo only short TBGPrintView::SendToPrinter(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff // 04-14-08steve if ( true == GetTpiKeyHandler()->CheckDoPrintForDemoBG ( dummyPrintQuantity ) ) if ( CheckDoPrintForDemo ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ) ) // 04-14-08steve { // dont have enough key count or not the right type of key!!! PrintForDemo(outputOffscreen); } #endif #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff // 04-14-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 04-14-08steve #endif short TBGPrintView::SendToPrinter(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff // 04-14-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler, dummyPrintQuantity ); // 04-14-08steve #endif Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) #ifdef kRemoveKeyStuff if (fDoComposite) // 10-23-01 #else // 04-12-08steve if (fDoComposite && GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetHasChromakeyFeature()) // 10-23-01 if (fDoComposite && GetHasChromakeyFeature(GetTpiKeyHandler()) ) // 04-14-08steve // 10-23-01 #endif Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 #ifdef kRemoveKeyStuff if (fDoComposite) // 10-23-01 #else // 04-14-08steve if (fDoComposite && GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetHasChromakeyFeature()) // 10-23-01 if (fDoComposite && GetHasChromakeyFeature(GetTpiKeyHandler()) ) // 04-14-08steve // 10-23-01 #endif 1. fix more issue with share versiona nd key void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() /* 04-14-08steve - dont need?? #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff CreateTpiRainbowKeyHandler(); tpiRainbowKey* curKeyHandler = GetTpiKeyHandler (); if ( false == GetTpiKeyHandler()->CheckIfValidKeyForThisApp() ) { #ifndef _VendorVersion_ ApplicationBeep(); ApplicationBeep(); ApplicationBeep(); // remove 3/6/01 DisplayNormalMessage ( "\p Invalid or Missing Triprism Key!!!" ); // added 3/6/01 extern void DisplayMissingSecurity ( ); DisplayMissingSecurity(); ExitToShell(); #endif } #endif */ #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff // 04-14-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->CheckForKeyCountRunningLow (); CheckForKeyCountRunningLow ( GetTpiKeyHandler() ); // 04-12-08steve #endif // 4-14-08steve 1. copied fix for bug with the newSpecialCK mode and print to file if ((theView->GetPrintMode()==5 || theView->GetPrintMode()==6) && theView->HasSubJob() && theView->IsDrawingSubJob()==false) // 4-14-08 2. tried to fix redraw issue myNewApplicationPollEvent(); //4-14-08 3. force quit it missing proper key in share and amusematte versions doExitToShellIfKeyNotValid = true; // 04-14-08steve - force it to quit // 04-12-08steve 1. remove amuseM.h from teps-share headerin FG and BG 2. fix teps-share precompiled headers FG and BG for Shared version // 04-12-08steve #define kRemoveKeyStuff true 3. remove tepsBackgroundHeaders_xcode_d.h from all FG targets // 04-10-08steve EDWIN - i see that u have a teps-amusematte - maybe we can use the tepsSantastic that i duplicated and removed the options?? or?? 1. copied changes for SelectImageWindow.cp 2. removed the processor from RENAMING the "teps-printcenter/jobsToBePrinted" folder path // 04-10-08steve STOP RENAMING... FSpRename(&(tmpFS), CStr255_AC(kPrintCenterFolderString)); // 11-14-03 3. fix barcode pref view - so that it wont crash if the views are missing 'sant' 'dem0' 'dem1' 4. force some prefs after reading based on which teps-vesion // 04-10-08steve - we NEED to force some of the prefs based on the Targets #ifndef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // if NOT santastic version, this should always be forced getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic = false; // 04-10-08steve #endif #ifndef kTepsPhotoAdVersion_ // if NOT photoAd version, this should always be forced getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0 = false; // 04-10-08steve getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->demoMode0 = false; // 04-10-08steve #endif 4. duplicate .rsrc for each of the target builds // 04-08-08 1. copied fix for large thumbnail view (dated 4-07-08) 2. fixed alpha channel not being masked correctly bool mySetGworldAlphaChannelToByteValue ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, unsigned char alphaByte ) *sPixelPtr = tempPixel; // 04-08-08steve // 04-07-08 fix view 1247 to not be resizable fix save key parameter option not to show file type popup OSErr CMyNavigation::SaveFile(FSSpec *fs) fix save key parameter option not to show default file name OSErr MySaveFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, CStr255_AC defaultName, OSType saveFileType, CStr255_AC windowTitle) void CTepsNavClass::SetDefaultName(CStr255_AC defaultName) // 04-07-08 void CMyNavigation::SetDefaultName(CStr255_AC defaultName) // 04-07-08 swap key parameter setting to read and write PPC format void SaveKeyParameterToFile ( TFile *aFile, fixcoef *aPARA) void TChromaKeyView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 04-04-08 add Teps-Share key fix bug with long graphics file name GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber() GWorldPtr createCacheFileForOffscreen(GWorldPtr offscreen, FSSpec tmpFSSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CRect_AC tmpRect) bool SaveOffscreen2CacheFileNew ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, FSSpec fileSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CPoint_AC origSize) //12-23-02 call myNewApplicationPollEvent wherever we called myApplicationPollEvent to produce more update in Teps-Processor myApplicationPollEvent(); // 04-04-08 replaced myApplicationPollEvent fix save all or marked to file void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAllOrMarkedAs(CommandNumber aCmdNumber, bool showProgress) fix saving as PNG for web when shifting images, byte swapping issue bool mySetGworldAlphaChannelToByteValue ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, unsigned char alphaByte ) // 04-03-08 add alert 1087 do warn before deleting barcode data create customer folder too for new custom2 mode short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) fix bug that caused multiple drives not to show for pc-card copy, remove #ifdef in: pascal short countNumberOfVolumes (eOSVolumeType checkVolumeType, Str255 volumeNames[6], short vRefNums[6]) // 3-7-06 auto fill customer name with military time in customer order mode and start sitting bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) TBarcodeAppPreferences // 04-01-08 add Teps-Processor Share target, add compiler header and plist file and change pref name add kEnterPreviewWindowBarcodeChoice constant for preview mode add item to MENU 2000 and 2005 void TMainWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add 'View' 1317 fix for drawing thumbnails void TMyThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) fix to replace DoPollEvent mechanism bool DoHandleDoScriptCommandFromBarcodeApp ( CommandNumber aCommandNumber, TAppleEvent* message, TAppleEvent* reply ); // 09-05-07 OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() make sure to set database prefs to default so delitmiter default is tab void setAllMyDefaults() // 03-28-08 // 03-30-08 add Teps-Share target - Teps2000Headers_xcode_n Share.h - Teps-X for Share-Info.plist -> add kAllowBarcode change preferences file name verify changes in UTeps2000Application, DummyCameraHandler, and PreviewImageWindow Add view 8000-8003 to Teps-X.rsrc file update MENU 1011 to have 'TepsBarcode Folder' as 5th item add demo buttons to auto print current canvas and package 1 BarcodeAppPreferences.cp and .h void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) use AmuseMatte Key for this moment // 03-28-08 add print to file feature custom 2 to save to folder that is created with part of foldername before underscore void tPrintToFileWriteClass::WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream) void tPrintToFileWriteClass::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) bool setMyPrintToFileItemPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr, short which) void goToPrint2FileItemPrefSettingsWindow(tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr) void TPrintToFileSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 10-2-07 short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 03-27-08steve 1. use NSImage to read jpegs bool TNewAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) bool TNewAllFilesHandler::IsValidFile() return ( pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.JPG" ) || // 03-27-08steve pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.CRW" ) || pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.CR2" ) || pstrcomp2 ( (unsigned char*) ext, (unsigned char*) "\p.NEF" ) ); 2. fix rotation issue with autoSwitch ck template ON short TImageFileObject::GetOrientation() // 3-3-04 { if (fOffscreen==nil) // 3-27-08 { short theImage = getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->GetEqualItemNo(this); getCurrentInputHandler()->SetCurrentFile(theImage); fOffscreen = getCurrentInputHandler()->GetThumbnailImage(); } 3. fix saving of templates issue void TLayoutView::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) const 4. fix funny chars in message in template view short TLayoutView::SaveChanges(bool showDialog, bool saveAs) 5. make version string show entire counter value in mainwindow void TMainWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) CStr255_AC swVersion = "\pUnknown Version"; // 03-27-08steve // 03-21-08steve Need to USE NEW Lib for RESCANNING Security KEY - Should Improve SPEED especially for the processor!!!! NEED TO CHECK TEPS-X FOR LOOPHOLE IF ANY??? why is scanning for security key so SLOW??? // 3-21-08teve 1. fix more issues with canon camera like the mark III so that camera can take shots NEED to SET the Capacity Property OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() if ( !fIsLegacy ) // 03-21-08steve - extras to do for PTP Cameras { if ( !isLocked ) { error = EdsSendStatusCommand(fCamera, kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UILock, 0); if ( error==EDS_ERR_OK ) { isLocked = true; EdsCapacity capacity = {0x7FFFFFFF, 0x1000, 1}; error = EdsSetCapacity(fCamera, capacity); if ( isLocked ) EdsSendStatusCommand(fCamera, kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UIUnLock, 0); if ( error!=EDS_ERR_OK ) { DisplayNormalMessage ( "UNABLE to Set the Camera's Buffer Size!\nPlease Check Camera Body!!" ); } } } } 2. fix issue where controls were not being sent to canon EdsError TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetProperty(EdsPropertyID inPropertyID, EdsInt32 inParam, const EdsVoid* inPropertyData) //12-17-07 BOOL canWrite = YES; // 03-21-08steve NO; // 03-03-08steve 3. add more ISo settings for canon camera case 0x0000006b: return "2000"; //03-21-08steve case 0x0000006d: return "2400"; //03-21-08steve 4. from edwin - fix issue with zoom/shift values not carried trhu void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyZoomShiftColorSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-3-04 loadPropertiesFromFile(anObject->GetFile(), &prop); // 3-21-08 5. from edwin - fix minor update to thumbnail view void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) if (FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)) { FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->Invalidate(FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->GetQDExtent()); // 3-21-08 //FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->ForceRedraw(); FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->Update(); } // 03-20-08steve // copy changes from edwin from last few days... // fix NOT being able to build in leopard and run back in tiger??? //03-20-08steve CStr31_AC gCategory = gEmptyString; // 1-22-03 //03-20-08steve CStr31_AC gName = gEmptyString; // 1-22-03 CStr255_AC gMyCategory = gEmptyString; // 3-17-08 change variable name CStr255_AC gMyName = gEmptyString; // 3-17-08 change variable name // oneUpPreviewImage.h // 3-17-08 void SetGraphicsOffscreen(CStr255_AC myCategory = gEmptyString, CStr255_AC myName = gEmptyString); // 03-20-08steve reprototype// 5/8/01 void GetCategoryAndFilename(CStr255_AC &myCategory, CStr255_AC &myName); // 03-20-08steve reprototype CStr255_AC fCategory; // 03-20-08steve changed from CStr31_AC // 5-8-01 CStr255_AC fGraphicsFileName; // 03-20-08steve changed from CStr31_AC // 5-8-01 // previewImageWindow.cp CPoint_AC TPreviewImageWindow::GetOffsetOfPreviewImage(CPoint_AC &previewImageSize, short &zoomValue, CStr255_AC& myCategory, CStr255_AC &myName) // 3-17-08 { CPoint_AC theOffset = CPoint_AC(0,0); if (fMode == kOneforAllMode) { ((TOneUpPreviewImage*) FindSubView('cpic'))->GetCategoryAndFilename(myCategory, myName); // 3-17-08 theOffset = ((TOneUpPreviewImage*) FindSubView('cpic'))->fOffset; zoomValue = ((TOneUpPreviewImage*) FindSubView('cpic'))->fSteps; if (((TOneUpPreviewImage*) FindSubView('cpic'))->fOffscreen) { CRect_AC offscreenRect = myGetPortRect(((TOneUpPreviewImage*) FindSubView('cpic'))->fOffscreen); previewImageSize = offscreenRect.GetSize(); } } return theOffset; } // previewImageWindow.h CPoint_AC GetOffsetOfPreviewImage(CPoint_AC &previewImageSize, short &zoomValue, CStr255_AC& myCategory, CStr255_AC &myName); // 03-17-08steeve for edwin // 5-9-01 // UImageObject.cp //????? Why only 31 chars???? theOffset = ((TPreviewImageWindow*)aWindow)->GetOffsetOfPreviewImage(previewImageSize, fInsetSteps, myCategory, myName); fCategory = myCategory.Copy(1,31); fGraphicsName = myName.Copy(1,31); // fix ck template and node object issues void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, CStream_AC *aStream, short curImage) if (aLayoutObject->fType==kImageObjectType) // 3-20-08 { if (((TImageObject*)aLayoutObject)->fDoComposite) { ((TImageObject*)aLayoutObject)->WriteChromaKeySettings(aStream); } } in the processor void TNodeViewObject::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream) // 10-31-03 switch(classID.type) { case kImageObjectType: aStream->ReadBytes(&imageDesc, classSize); swapImageDesc(&imageDesc, fIsMotorolaVersion); // copied from edwijn 03-20-08steve TImageObject *anOnj = TImageObject::New(&imageDesc); if (imageDesc.doComposite) // 3-20-08 { TChromaKeySettings *pref; pref->ReadFrom(aStream, &(anOnj->fCKsettings)); tChromaKeySettings settings = anOnj->fCKsettings; swapChromaKeySettings(&settings); anOnj->fCKsettings = settings; anOnj->fChromaKeySettings = settings.para; gInwardFlag = settings.inwardFlag; gDefocusValue = settings.defocusValue; gShrinkValue = settings.shrinkValue; gExclusionMaskRect = settings.junkMask; anOnj->fJunkMask[1] = settings.junkMasks[1]; anOnj->fJunkMask[2] = settings.junkMasks[2]; } //fLayoutObjects->Insert((TLayoutObject*) TImageObject::New(&imageDesc)); // 3-20-08 fLayoutObjects->Insert(anOnj); // 3-20-08 break; // fix issue with ROOT fsspecs void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::UpdateFolderString(tFolderFSSpec *ptr, bool saveAliasHandle) short vRefNum = ptr->file.vRefNum; // 3-20-08 long parID = ptr->file.parID; if (((CStr31_AC&)ptr->file.name).Length()!=0) parID = GetFolderDirID(ptr->file); if (IsExistingDirectory(vRefNum, parID)) // 3-20-08 // fix issue with raw thumbnails coming as blank // 3-13-08 from edwin GWorldPtr TAllFilesHandler::GetThumbnailImage() if (tmpOffscreen!=nil) // 3-13-08 if not nil maybe let it fall through using new class to read thumbnails // fix speed issues with start sitting and copying pc card images OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() myNewApplicationPollEvent(); // 3-14-08 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 myNewApplicationPollEvent(); // 3-14-08 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList4 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 6-25-04 myNewApplicationPollEvent(); // 3-14-08 bool TMyProgressIndicator::Continue(long howMuch) //fProgressWindow->ForceRedraw(); // remove this line 3-14-08 //fProgressWindow->Update(); // remove this line 3-14-08 // fix speed issue with meta-tag data void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) if ( doTestMetaData ) { //CocoaContext context; // 03-14-08 by edwin steve //CImageFile anImage(&fsref); // 3-14-08 use new function that does not load fImage CImageFile anImage(&fsref, true); // 3-14-08 use new function that does not load fImage // fix CImageFile for metatag images CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef) : fImage(NULL), fMetaData(NULL), fSaveMetaAndOpts(NULL) { CocoaContext cocoa; /* // 03-20-08steve - commented out by edwin /* 03-20-08steve - commented out by edwin if ( source ) // created in class constructor // 03-14-08 by edwin // 03-20-08steve CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef, bool toGetPropertyOnly) : fImage(NULL), fMetaData(NULL), fSaveMetaAndOpts(NULL) { // 03-11-08steve // remove UNLOCK message OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 03-11-08steve remove annoying message especially if kEdsSaveTo_Host FAILS - camera not found // DisplayNormalMessage ( "Unable to UNLOCK camera" ); // 03-03-08 // still having some problems with canon // still need a function to determine if a property can be SET or NOT??? EdsError TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetProperty(EdsPropertyID inPropertyID, EdsInt32 inParam, const EdsVoid* inPropertyData) //12-17-07 // copied changes from edwin // fix issue with the left and right arrows in database window void TImportFileWindow::SetPanelData(short desiredIndex) this->ForceRedraw(); // 3-3-08 this->Update(); myNewApplicationPollEvent(); // 02-29-08steve try to test speed issue with threading again???? // 02-28-08steve more fixes related to old canon legacy cameras added warning to older camera if the back lcd panel is ON... user must turn it OFF!!! OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 02-28-08steve if ( fIsLegacy ) { error = EdsSendStatusCommand(fCamera, kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UILock, 0); if (error != EDS_ERR_OK) { if (fCamera) { error = EdsCloseSession(fCamera); EdsRelease(fCamera); fCamera = NULL; } DisplayNormalMessage ( "PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU TURN OFF the LCD Display On Back of Camera Body!!!" ); return -1; } else { EdsSendStatusCommand(fCamera, kEdsCameraStatusCommand_UIUnLock, 0); } } if a canon camera property does not exist - we need to empty out the popup and dim it EdsError TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::BuildPopup( TPopup* curPopup, MenuHandle &curMenuHandle, EdsPropertyID curEdsPropertyID, EdsPropertyDesc *curEdsPropertyDesc, CStr255_AC (*getStringFromValue)(EdsInt32) ) else { // 02-28-08steve - we failed - descriptor does NOT exist // just empty out the popup with N/A and dim it!!! char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "02-28-08steve Error inside TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::BuildPopup = [0x%x]", err ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); while (CountMenuItems(curMenuHandle) > 0) DeleteMenuItem(curMenuHandle,1); curPopupItem = 1; myAppendMenu(curMenuHandle, "\pN/A..."); (curPopup)->EnableItem(curPopupItem, false); (curPopup)->DimState(true, kRedraw); } // 02-27-08steve // try to fix OLD Legacy Canon Cameras Like the 20D // ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // Basically - with the OLD Legacy Canon Cameras - we need to ALWAYS LockDown the UI before issuing commands!!!!! // ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // created new variable fIsLegacy to determine OLD verses new cameras class TMyCanonCameraHandler : public TCameraHandler, public TAllFilesHandler bool fIsLegacy; // 02-27-08steve // make use of variable fIsLegacy to determine OLD verses new cameras OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 02-27-08steve - need to set for legacy model or not if(error == EDS_ERR_OK) { if(deviceInfo.deviceSubType == 0) { fIsLegacy = true; // 02-27-08steve // DisplayNormalMessage ( "02-27-08steve FOUND OLD LEGACY Camera" ); } } // make use of variable fIsLegacy to determine OLD verses new cameras EdsError TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetProperty(EdsPropertyID inPropertyID, EdsInt32 inParam, const EdsVoid* inPropertyData) //12-17-07 EdsError TMyCanonCameraHandler::GetProperty(EdsPropertyID inPropertyID, EdsInt32 inParam, const EdsVoid* inPropertyData) //12-17-07 EdsError TMyCanonCameraHandler::GetPropertyItems(EdsPropertyID inPropertyID, EdsPropertyDesc* outProperyDesc) //12-17-07 // 02-26-08steve copied changes for teps-Processor and os-printCenter issues - edwin marked as 2-25-08 // 02-25-08 bool Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber); // 2-25-08 //fPrintInfo->PosePrintDialog(GetDocName(), itsCommandNumber); // 2-25-08 remove this line // 02-25-08 // renamed to 14alpha41 1. copied changes from edwin fix meta-tag data issue and the funny characters "Ä" 2. put back stuff from speed issue test //02-25-08 put back try to speed processor again... short betterResizeGworldToGworld ( GWorldPtr srcGworldPtr, Rect srcGworldBound, GWorldPtr destGworldPtr, Rect destGworldBound, short resizeType, bool allowCancel) // 02-22-08steve myYieldToAnyThread(); // 09-99-07 // 02-21-08steve later copied changes from edwin 02-21-08edwin v14alpha40.5speedtest 1. allow better updating of progress window when copying images during startSittingPC-Card... // 02-21-08steve try to speedup processor - especially on single cpu machines remove the yielding - between objects... will slow down fg alot // 02-21-08steve myYieldToAnyThread(); // 09-99-07 steve // 02-20-08steve 00. NEED to test for speed issue??? 0. copied changes from edwin from 2-19-08 0. allow user to cancel out when previewing Multiple pages short DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, short rows, short cols, OSErr theErr = noErr; // 2-19-08 // 02-20-08steve DoPrintPreview2(offscreen1, cPrintPreviewWindow2, false, fileName); // 3-10-04 theErr = DoPrintPreview2(offscreen1, cPrintPreviewWindow2, false, fileName); // 2-19-08 return theErr; // 02-19-08edwin copied by steve return noErr 1. remove line in file IsVolumeCDROM.cp // 02-20-08steve #include "IsVolCDROM_OS9.h" 2. TEST for speed problem withprocessor again short betterResizeGworldToGworld ( GWorldPtr srcGworldPtr, Rect srcGworldBound, GWorldPtr destGworldPtr, Rect destGworldBound, short resizeType, bool allowCancel) UInt32 pauseAtLines = 50; // 02-20-08steve original values #ifdef kBackgroundPrintApp // 02-20-08steve pauseAtLines = dy/3; // 02-20-08steve #endif // 02-20-08steve if (outputLines%50==0) if (outputLines%pauseAtLines==0) // 02-20-08steve { // 09-99-07 gProgressIndicator->IdleProgress(); extern OSErr myYieldToAnyThread(void); // 09-99-07 myYieldToAnyThread(); // 09-99-07 } // 02-19-08steve 1. Put back source file "isVolCDRom_iokit.cp" into our target build again 2. try to fix the issue the returnFlashCardVolume - which was NOT returning anything... pascal short returnFlashCardVolume (eOSVolumeType checkVolumeType, Str255 &volumeName) // 10-21-04 // 02-19-08steve typedef OSStatus kern_return_t; // 02-19-08steve typedef struct {}* mach_port_t; // 02-14-08steve fixed the issue with drag/drop and rotation issue // 02-14-08 copied changes from edwin if the canvas is set for first page and marked images - then we are in drag and drop clearly - we dont need to mark anything... // bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) /* CPoint_AC tempOffset = theOffset; short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 2-14-08 add if getAppMode()!=kDragDropPreviewMode //4-16-07 if (getAppMode()!=kDragDropPreviewMode && (currentTemplate.templateMode1==kPrintAllImages || currentTemplate.templateMode1==kPrintMarkedImages)) // 2-12-08 fix update error when shifting and/or zooming and pressing the apply to all button in drag and drop mode void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyShiftOptionsToAll(bool all) void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyZoomOptionsToAll(bool all) void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyShiftAndZoomOptionsToAll(bool all) fix wrong shift when doing n-up, shifting one and apply to all did not set fScalingFactor when reading from memory short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) correct popup menu for updr200 add window 1822 and MENU resource 1077 void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void goToUPDR200PrefSettingsWindow(tMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) // 2-12-08 add prompt before removing from thumbnail bar feature change view 1069 add ALRT 1032 change class TPreviewWindowPrefs change void TThumbnailToolsView::DoPreviewImagesChoice(short choice) // 2-11-08 add option so we have 5 backup folders in our pref bool TCustomServerCopyHandler::ProcessFunction2() add constants in constants.h tBackupFilesPtr getMyBackUpPrefs(short which) // 2-11-08 void setMyNewBackupPrefsToFactoryDefaults() // 2-11-08 void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoCopyImagePrefsWindow(tCopyImagesPref *ptr) void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) CStr255_AC getDefaultBackupFolderName(short index) // 2-11-08 short getAliasIDforBackupFolder(short index) // 2-11-08 void myNewValidateBackupFolder(tBackupFilesPtr ptr, short which) // 2-11-08 void validateBackupFolders() // 2-11-08 void myWriteBackupFolderPref( bool doSynchNow ) void myReadBackupFolderPref() void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() bool TBackupFilesCommand::ShowDestinationDialog(FSSpec *tmpFSSpec) change view 1290 and 1382 // 02-08-08steve // v14a40next // copied more changes from edwin dated 2-8-08 and 2-9-08 0. copy todd's new factory default .plist 0. remove "Teps-X v13 Prefs" from main Teps-X target we need to do the same for vendor version - and have the vendor version read from new plist type for internal factory defaults 1. replace processor resource to reflect the new save as option "image+graphics name" // teps-processor.rsrc 2. remove debug code that forced chooser count to zero all the time short getPrintCount(TFile *aFile, tPrintQuantityInfoPtr ptr) // 2-9-08 remove debug statement //ptr->chooserCount = 0x000; short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() switch (fPrinter) // 2-8-08 replace if statement { case kPrint2File: case kPrint2FileSet1: case kPrint2FileSet2: case kPrint2FileSet3: case kPrint2FileSet4: addToPrintCount(dummyPrintQuantity, kPrintToFileCount, fPrinter, fCanvasNumber); break; // 02-07-08steve - still Missing "image+graphics name" as print to file save as option - get count does not reflect the chooser prints very well??????? // try to speed up load/save of prefs again bool CopyToUserDefaultsObjectForKey ( NSDictionary *myDictionary, NSString* keyName, bool forceCopy ) // 01-07-08steve [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize]; // copy more changes from edwin // look for // 2-7-08 or 2-07-08 // in teps-x // if it is a counter key and is zero, // give an error first and dont display the dialog // make sure counter key is NOT zero and give error bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::PoseJobDialog() if ( !CheckForDefaultValidKeyPermission ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity, true ) ) // 02-07-08edwin { DisplayMissingSecurity (); return ( false ); } // dim out more file menu items when there is NO key // "save cropped files..." // "save marked as ck template" // "save with mask" // in tepsProcessor // fix bluish color issue with saving to web size short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) // 02-07-08steve --- NEED To Check???? // 2-7-08 this fixes it however I dont know why we only skipped it for kSaveAsJPEG if (fPrintToFileSet.saveAlphaChannel==false && ptr->fileType!=kSaveAsJPEG && ptr->fileType!=kSaveAsJPEG4Web) { extern bool mySetGworldAlphaChannelToByteValue ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, unsigned char alphaByte ); mySetGworldAlphaChannelToByteValue ( anOffscreen, 0xff ); } // 02-06-08 // gave a version to todd already // 02-06-08steve IS MENU 1210 being shared by more than one window... the 5x7 was dimmed out???? IS IT BEING SHARED later on??? bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) // 02-06-08steve bool doSpool = false; // 02-06-08steve - dont know if this should be the same as isPrintingThroughSpooler???? if ( !CheckForDefaultValidKeyPermission ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity, true ) ) // 02-06-08steve { return ( false ); } // call new method to check for key // short CheckClickCountBeforeProcessing ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) // updated libSuperProKey.a library - TSuperProKey.xcodeproj // to not show up so many message that give away the contents of our buffer locations change bad message short CheckForKeyCountRunningLow ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) // 02-06-08steve printf ( "CheckForKeyCountRunningLow => ERRORED OUT???? Should NOT Be HERE!!!\n" ); printf ( "CheckForKeyCountRunningLow...\n" ); // 02-06-08steve // 02-05-08steve // copied more changes from edwin marked 2-5-08 1. fixed the Teps-X.rsrc for window titles for JunkMask and ExclusionMask // Fix BOTH FG and BG 1. FG - fix the ck issue when color adj is on AND has junk mask // FG - UImageObject.cp bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) if (fJunkMask[1].rect!=gZeroRect) // 2-5-08 copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(fImage, fJunkMask); if (fJunkMask[1].rect!=gZeroRect) // 2-5-08 copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(fImage, fJunkMask); if (fJunkMask[1].rect!=gZeroRect) // 2-5-08 copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(fImage, fJunkMask); 2. BG - fix the ck // BG - UImageObject.cp if (fJunkMask[1].rect!=gZeroRect) // 2-5-08 moved down { extern void copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(GWorldPtr imageOffscreen, tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]); copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(fImage, fJunkMask); } // 02-04-08steve copied more changes from edwin since sat 1. copied tepsx.rsrc which should have: a. clear mask button added b. menu 1042 udpated to have the "three 4x8s" (code should have still been in there) // 02-02-08steve copied changes from email while at tradeshow // 2-1-08edwin // teps-x.rsrc fixed resource 2148 defocus values // 2-1-08edwin // UImageSettingsWindow.cp view 1105 Image Settings Window, other angle view showed even when selection was no rotation 90 CW or 90 CCW, also source change: void TImageSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) if (((TPopup*)source)->GetCurrentItem()<5) // 2-1-08 FindSubView('myvw')->Locate(CViewPoint(300,300), kRedraw); else FindSubView('myvw')->Locate(CViewPoint(0,67), kRedraw); //FindSubView('myvw')->Show(((TPopup*)source)->GetCurrentItem()==5, kRedraw); if (anObject->fUseAnyAngle==false) // 2-1-08edwin FindSubView('myvw')->Locate(CViewPoint(300,300), kRedraw); else FindSubView('myvw')->Locate(CViewPoint(0,67), kRedraw); this->Invalidate(FindSubView('myvw')->GetFrame()); this->Update(); myNewApplicationPollEvent(); // 2-1-08edwin // DragAndDropToolWindow.cp // source change for 1 degree when variable angle is disabled void TNewCKToolWindow::SetOwnerView(TPreviewImage *aView) // 4-12-04 if (((TDropPreviewImage*)fPreviewImage)->UseAnyAngle()) //2-1-08steve only set if enabled { short angle, angleDirection; angle = ((TDropPreviewImage*)fPreviewImage)->GetAngle( angleDirection); if (angleDirection==kCCW) ((TScrollBar*)FindSubView('angl'))->SetValue(-(angle), kRedraw); else ((TScrollBar*)FindSubView('angl'))->SetValue((angle), kRedraw); fLastRotationValue = ((TScrollBar*)FindSubView('angl'))->GetValue(); ((TNumberText*)FindSubView('anva'))->SetValue(fLastRotationValue, kRedraw); } // 1-31-08edwin // UTeps2000Application.cp // source change for 1 degree when variable angle is disabled void TTeps2000Application::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent *event) // 2-26-07 Enable(cSaveCroppedImage, getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->GetSize() > 0 && GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()); // 1-31-08 //Enable(cSaveCroppedImage, getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->GetSize() > 0); // 1-31-08 remove here move up // 01-30-08steve NEED to change kKeyTeps2000Pro to eKeyType!!!!!! // Also NEED to Check if removed references to: #define kKeyTeps2000Event kTPIKeyType9 #define kKeyTeps2000Pro kTPIKeyType3 #define kKeyTeps2000Spooler kTPIKeyType3 #define kKeyTeps1000 0 // a key must exist #define kKeyTepsChromakey kTPIKeyType8 // 10/3/01 #define kKeyTepsNetworkKey kTPIKeyType10 // 9/11/02 NEED to check counts for Floppy????? but used kCDWriteItem????????? //FloppyPrintHandler.cp //addToPrintCount(dummyPrintQuantity, kCDWriteCount, kCDWriteItem, getCurrentCanvasNumber()); // 8-5-02 // replace functions from TSuperProKey class to local short CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity, Boolean doSpool ); // 01-30-08steve moved from TTSuperProKey short GetHasChromakeyFeature ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ); // 01-30-08steve moved from TTSuperProKey short CheckForKeyCountRunningLow ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ); // 01-30-08steve moved from TTSuperProKey //¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // ¥¥¥ HAD To RE-DO the Project for the libSuperProKey.a //¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // TSuperProKey.h - CHANGED too 1. eTepsKeyVersion GetTPIKeyVersionFound ( void ); // 01-30-08steve 2. remove CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool // remove references to kTPIKeyNotFound // try to make the demo mode work // WE MAY HAVE TO REMOVE FROM the other targets too // Teps2000Headers_xcode_n.h //========================== //¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // 01-30-08steve #define kRemoveKeyStuff true //¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // MainWindow.cp //========================== void TMainWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) bool TMainWindow::HasStartSittingKey() // 01-30-08steve - need to determine version of key as well as type of key #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ case TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyVersion_TepsSantasticV14: #else case TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyVersion_TEPSXPreV14: #endif // NameStdPrintHandler.cp //========================== bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve // UTeps2000Application.cp //========================== void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 01-30-08steve #ifndef kRemoveKeyStuff void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() // 01-30-08steve - REDO Enable(cSaveToDailyGeneral, (GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()) ); // 3/3/00 add extra parentheses Enable(cSaveToSpecialGeneral, (GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()) ); // 3/3/00 add extra parentheses Enable(cSaveToUserdefinedGeneral, (GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()) ); // 3/3/00 add extra parentheses Enable(cSaveCompositionAs, fPreviewImagesWindow && !((TPreviewImageWindow*)fPreviewImagesWindow)->fPrintPackageModeEnabled && (GetTpiKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists()) ); // 3/3/00 add extra parentheses void TTeps2000Application::CheckForSecurityKey() bool doExitToShellIfKeyNotValid = false; // 01-30-08steve // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->CheckForKeyCountRunningLow (); CheckForKeyCountRunningLow (GetTpiKeyHandler()); // 01-30-08steve // GeneralPrintHandler.cp //========================== bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ case TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyVersion_TepsSantasticV14: #else case TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyVersion_TEPSXPreV14: #endif // TepsPrintHandler.cp //========================== short TTepsPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve void TTepsPrintHandler::PrintToFile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec) // 01-30-08steve if ( status ) GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( 1 ); if ( status ) ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), 1 ); // 01-30-08steve Boolean ValidatePrint(Boolean isForeground, short printerType, Boolean setPrintQuantity) // 01-30-08steve if (false == GetTpiKeyHandler()->CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool ( dummyPrintQuantity, !isForeground ) ) if (false == CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity, !isForeground ) ) // 01-30-08steve // CDPrintHandler.cp //========================== GWorldPtr TCDPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve short TCDPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve // FloppyPrintHandler.cp //========================== GWorldPtr TFloppyPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve short TFloppyPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity ); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity ); // 01-30-08steve // PrintToFileHandler.cp //========================== // 01-30-08steve GetTpiKeyHandler()->ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( dummyPrintQuantity - tmpNum); ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( GetTpiKeyHandler(), dummyPrintQuantity - tmpNum ); // 01-30-08steve // PreviewImageWindow.cp //========================== bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) if (false == RescanTpiRainbowKeyHandler()->CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool ( 1, false ) ) // 3-25-05 { DisplayMissingSecurity (); return; } // 01-30-08steve put closing brace in right spot // 01-30-08steve #endif } // SaveToServerCommand.cp //========================== void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() // 01-30-08steve tpiRainbowKey* curKeyHandler = GetTpiKeyHandler (); TTepsSuperProKey* curKeyHandler = GetTpiKeyHandler (); // 01-30-08steve // myTepsSecurityKey.cp //========================== // 01-30-08steve - added short CheckDoAllowCompositeFileSave ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short isHiResImageType ) void DisplayMissingSecurity ( ) short CheckClickCountBeforeProcessing ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) short CheckDoPrintForDemoBG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) short CheckDoPrintForDemoFG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) // 01-30-08steve - moved this out of the TTepsSuperProKey class // 10-31-07 - this might need to be moved to myTepsSecurity.cp short CheckDoAllowForegroundPrintingToSpool ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity, Boolean doSpool ) CStr255_AC GetKeyTypeString ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) bool checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, bool doExitToShell ) // myCopyFileUtils.c //========================== bool CopyToUserDefaultsObjectForKey ( NSDictionary *myDictionary, NSString* keyName, bool forceCopy ) // 01-29-08steve // try to fix issue with saving long file names as printToFileSet // processor project // UBGPrintView.cp - move stuff around and see why we have that long filename issue // bool NewSaveOffscreenToFileNew(short outputType, // FSSpec serverUniqueFSSpec; // 01-29-08steve moved up do { // // 01-29-08steve moved this down here // BUT NOW - wasSaved = file was Copied to the destination or not // otherwise, no meaning to try to save the attributes if ( wasSaved ) // removed this change from earlier - did edwin change this and for what??? void TTEPSFileHandler::InsertFilesFromReplyRecord(AEDescList selection) // 11-5-07 if (/*getCurrentInputHandler()->*/IsValidFile(aFile)) // 01-29-08steve did EDWIN change this??? if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsValidFile(aFile)) // 01-29-08steve put back??? // 01-29-08steve -Copied Edwin's changes // 1. did edwin change this and for what??? void TTEPSFileHandler::InsertFilesFromReplyRecord(AEDescList selection) // 11-5-07 if (/*getCurrentInputHandler()->*/IsValidFile(aFile)) // 01-29-08steve did EDWIN change this??? // 2. fix for zoom problem - use temp value // UPrintView.cp tmpNum = getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere; // 1-29-08 USE tmp variable swapFromHost_UInt16 ( (UInt16 &)tmpNum/*getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere*/, writeAsMotorolaData ); aStream->WriteInteger(tmpNum/*getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere*/); // 11-06-02 tmpNum = getMyPreviewPrefs()->croppingMode; // 1-29-08 USE tmp variable swapFromHost_UInt16 ( (UInt16 &)tmpNum/*getMyPreviewPrefs()->croppingMode*/, writeAsMotorolaData ); aStream->WriteInteger(tmpNum/*getMyPreviewPrefs()->croppingMode*/); // try to fix that bizarre issue with the "dir cat issue" // 01-29-08steve - try to find all the MisUse of the strcpy command // TepsFileHandler.cp OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) bool TTEPSFileHandler::CopyScaledImageFile(short percentage, FSSpec fileSpec, short fileNumber) bool TTEPSFileHandler::CopyScaledImageFile2(short percentage, FSSpec fileSpec, short fileNumber, CStr255_AC newName) // UPrintView.cp void copyFileToPrintServerFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // PrintCountStuff.c // need to recast void myNumToCString ( long theNum, char* cstr ) // 01-29-08steve re-prototype // startSittingPrefs.cp - just a notation bool checkIfValidSittingFolder(short vRefNum, long parID) // 10-7-02 // myStrings.c // make sure we dont go beyond 255!!!! void pstrcpy ( Str255 s1, const Str255 s2 ) // myCopyFilesUtils.c // changed the used code section??? short doCopyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) // 01-29-08steve char tmpString[31]; char tmpString[64]; // 01-29-08steve dummyString.CopyTo(tmpString); // 01-29-08steve strcpy((char*)theSpec.name,tmpString); pstrcpy ( theSpec.name,tmpString ); // 01-29-08steve // 01-28-08steve do more xml testing NSDictionary CFDictionary // 01-28-08steve try to find the issue with the dir cat error??? short doCopyTheFileInChunks ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) bool getXFileInfoStuff ( FSSpecPtr myFSSpecPtr, CInfoPBRec *pb ) // 1-28-08 change bug in start sitting prefs where strings are not maintained void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteMyBaseNameStruct(tBaseNameStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteMyCopyImagesPref(tCopyImagesPref &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteMyBackupFilesStruct(tBackupFilesStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadMyBaseNameStruct(tBaseNameStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadMyCopyImagesPref(tCopyImagesPref &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadMyBackupFilesStruct(tBackupFilesStruct &data, CStream_AC *astream) void TStartSittingPrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) fixed bug where bogus numbers appeared for sony printer settings if opening pref window after a print void WriteColorCorrectionValue(CStream_AC *aStream, short thePrinterType) read default preferences from factory default file fix output canvases to only read in current printer pref after copying from default file void myReadOutputCanvasesForPrinter(short whichPrinter) // 1-28-08 bool CopyPrinterCanvasesFromDefaultPrefFile(short printerType) // 1-25-08 also read in associated media pref bool CopyPrinterCanvasesFromDefaultPrefFile(short printerType) // 1-25-08 read defaults from file for: Chromakey Mode Pref void TNewOneUpPrefs::SetFactorySettings() Input Pref void TInputPreferences::SetFactorySettings() Start Sitting Pref void TStartSittingPrefs::SetFactorySettings() Print toolbar, preview window, thumbnail window void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetFactorySettings() Sony Printer Settings void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetFactorySettings() Kodak Printer Settings void TKodakPrinterPrefs::SetFactorySettings() change void myReadSonyPrinterPref(short which, bool factorySettings = false ); // 1-28-08 reprototype add bool factorySettings to determine if we are reading from preferences file or from factory settings // 01-26-08steve // steve added test code to read xml file which will contain our new orders extern void testXMLFile ( void ); // 01-26-08steve debug testXMLFile ( ); // 01-26-08steve // fix issue with not copying the two new printers prefs's canvases // TepsPreferencesKeys.h #define kPrefKeyForBaseOutputCanvasesMaxCount kNumberOfPrinters // 01-26-08steve use Constants.h 40 // 09-27-07 OR FROM Constants.h?????? // also save the printers prefs options NSMutableDictionary* CopyUserPreferencesToDictionary ( void ) anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForSonyUPGR700Prefs; // 01-26-08steve anObject = [oldPrefs objectForKey: anObjectKeyName]; if ( anObject ) [newTepsPrefDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:anObjectKeyName]; anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForSonyUPDR200Prefs; // 01-26-08steve anObject = [oldPrefs objectForKey: anObjectKeyName]; if ( anObject ) [newTepsPrefDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:anObjectKeyName]; bool CleanUpOldPrefsInUserDefaults ( void ) anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForSonyUPGR700Prefs; // 01-26-08steve addToNewListAndRemoveFromNSUserDefaults ( newRootDictionary, anObjectKeyName ); anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForSonyUPDR200Prefs; // 01-26-08steve addToNewListAndRemoveFromNSUserDefaults ( newRootDictionary, anObjectKeyName ); // 01-25-08 copied changes from edwin for "set factory default" // 01-25-08steve // fix call to just copy one object from a dictionary to the user default dictionary bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile2 ( NSString *selectedFile, NSString* keyName, bool forceCopy ) CopyToUserDefaultsObjectForKey ( myDictionary, keyName, forceCopy ); // 01-25-08steve // 01-25-08steve // try to fix issue with funny characters with NSString bool GetPathFromResourceFolderFromAppBundle ( const char *resFileName, CFStringRef &pathRef ); // 01-25-08steve bool LoadFromTEPSXv14PreferencesFile ( void ) // 01-24-08steve // clearer messaging OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() DisplayNormalMessage("Did NOT Successfully Initialize the Canon SDK"); // 01-24-08steve // fix issue with preferences if one existed at startup bool CopyToUserDefaultsObjectForAllKeys ( NSDictionary *myDictionary, bool forceCopy ); // 01-24-08steve bool CopyToUserDefaultsObjectForKey ( NSDictionary *myDictionary, NSString* keyName, bool forceCopy ); // 01-24-08steve bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile2 ( NSString *selectedFile, bool forceCopy ); // 01-24-08steve bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile2 ( NSString *selectedFile, NSString* keyName, bool forceCopy ); // 01-24-08steve bool GetPathFromResourceFolderFromAppBundle ( const char *resFileName, char *pathName ); // 01-24-08steve bool CopyOneObjectFromFactoryDefaultToNSUserDefaults ( NSString *keyName ); // 01-24-08steve // 1-24-08 add sony UPD-R200 void TPrintView::WriteHeader(CStream_AC *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 void WriteColorCorrectionValue(CStream_AC *aStream, short thePrinterType) tDefaultMediaTypePrefPtr getMyUPDR200Prefs() // 1-24-08 short findCanvasNameInUPDR200List(CStr255_AC canvasName) // 1-24-08 tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetFactorySettings() #define kPrefKeyForSonyUPDR200Prefs @"Sony UPDR200 Prefs" // 1-24-08 void myNewWritePrefs() void myNewReadPrefs() TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) Teps-Processor void TBGPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(CStream_AC *aStream, short thePrinterType) void TSpoolerPrintView::ApplyColorSettings(short printer) // 3-14-06 CRect_AC TSpoolerPrintView::GetOutputRect(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo) // 8-23-06 bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 01-23-08steve // next version to be v14a38next // EVENTUALLY - // Do we need a Default.plist for Processor too???? // copied one simple change from steve's v14 project // dated 01-21-08steve GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage() { // 01-21-08steve DisplayNormalMessage ( "TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage" ); // 01-14-08steve - yes i do see // fixed issue with the factoryDefaults.plist was NOT being copied when "com.triprism.teps.plist" did NOT exist bool LoadFromTEPSXv14PreferencesFile ( void ) // Created new group called "Factory Defaults" // ====================================================== // created the factory default plists and added them to their // respective targets and subFolders // ====================================================== // todd started to create them - but may NOT be done yet... // ====================================================== // Need to do a "Reveal in Finder" Teps-X v14 Default Pref.plist Teps-X Sony v14 Default Pref.plist ????? did NOT know where's the subFolder for the AMUSEMATTE Target???? // use constant instead of hardcoded number void myWriteOutputCanvases( bool doSynchNow ) // 10-09-07 reprototype NSMutableArray* array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:kNumberOfCanvases]; // 01-23-08steve use kNumberOfCanvases // created new prototype function for better consistency in the future bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile ( NSString *selectedFile ); // 01-23-08steve new prototype // make these function(s) call new above prototype bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile ( void ) bool LoadFromTEPSXv14PreferencesFile ( void ) // 1-22-08 copy changes from yesterday into latest version fix bug that did not allow to automatically create thumbnails for all CK templates (it only did current directory instead of going through sub folders) void createThumbNailsForAllCKFilesInSubFolder(long dirID) // 1-21-08 void createThumbNailsForAllCKTemplateFiles() // 3-23-04 fix bug that caused shifting to jump too much (too big of a jump with each click) void TDropPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) also made changes to class TMyMouseDragger add TStaticText instead of TNumberText for displaying shift/zoom values on screen void TDropPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 and update numbers while holding down buttons, add this->Update after SetText void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) read defaults from v14 pref file bool LoadFromTEPSXv14PreferencesFile ( void ) void setAllMyDefaults() do not initialize Canon SDK until FindCamera TMyCanonCameraHandler::TMyCanonCameraHandler() OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() remove DisplayNormalMessage in TDummyCameraHandler TDummyCameraHandler::TDummyCameraHandler() { // DisplayNormalMessage ( "TDummyCameraHandler::TDummyCameraHandler" ); // 01-14-08steve - yes i see this // 01-18-08steve try to improve the speed of the processor on the quad duo core = 8 processors but seems like no difference... so - it seems either the algo is really bad or macapp is really bad with threading seems like very little difference with the print-to-file OSErr myYieldToAnyThread(void) void TPrintBGBehavior::EnableBackgroundPrinting(Boolean enable) // 01-18-08steve { bool doNewMethod = false; // 01-18-08steve if ( doNewMethod) { ItemCount totalCpus = MPProcessors (); // 01-18-08steve if ( totalCpus >2 ) { this->SetIdleFreq(0); // 01-17-08steve if lots of processor dont bother sleeping } else { this->SetIdleFreq(kBackgroundPrintingIdleTime); // 09-99-07 } } else { this->SetIdleFreq(kBackgroundPrintingIdleTime); // 09-99-07 } } // 01-14-08steve NEED to remove a bunch of Debug Messages in the forms of DisplayNormalMessages and NSLogs // 01-14-08steve // try to debug why if CanonCameraHandler is input, cannot get TNewAllFilesHandler to work???? GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage() { DisplayNormalMessage ( "TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage" ); // 01-14-08steve - yes i do see TDummyCameraHandler::TDummyCameraHandler() { DisplayNormalMessage ( "TDummyCameraHandler::TDummyCameraHandler" ); // 01-14-08steve - yes i see this // Try to add more NIL Pointer checking in CImageFile.cpp NSDictionary* options = nil; // 01-14-08steve TEST with nil CImageFile::CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef) // 01-14-08steve if ( absURL==nil ) { NSLog ( @"CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef) CFURLCreateFromFSRef returned NIL???" ); // 01-14-08steve } // 01-14-08steve if ( image==nil ) { NSLog ( @"CImageFile(FSRef *fileFSRef) CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex returned NIL???" ); // 01-14-08steve - this is where it first fails?? fImage = nil; // 01-14-08steve fMetaData = nil; // 01-14-08steve } else { // 01-14-08steve // steve try to fix canon extension issue EdsError getNextDownloadStreamRef ( EdsDirectoryItemInfo dirItemInfo, EdsStreamRef &stream ) const short cExtLen = 4; // 01-14-08steve 3-lettersPlusDot char newName[512]; char ext[128]; short length = strlen(dirItemInfo.szFileName); // 01-14-08 get extension from camera file name memset ( ext, 0, sizeof(ext) ); // 01-14-08steve memset ( newName, 0, sizeof(newName) ); memcpy(ext, &dirItemInfo.szFileName[length-cExtLen], cExtLen); // 01-14-08steve reverse it with the right lenght ((TMyCanonCameraHandler*)getCurrentCameraHandler())->SetExtension(ext); // 01-14-08 sprintf ( newName, "temp_%i%s", TickCount(), ext ); // 01-14-08steve do it in one shot CStr31_AC TMyCanonCameraHandler::GetExtension() { // 01-14-08steve return ".JPG"; return fExtension; // 1-14-08 } void TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetExtension(char ext[128]) // 1-14-08 { fExtension = ext; { // 01-14-08steve testing char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetExtension=> [%s]", ext ); // 01-14-08steve testing // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 01-14-08steve testing } } class TMyCanonCameraHandler : public TCameraHandler, public TAllFilesHandler void SetExtension(char ext[128]); // 1-14-08steve // 01-14-08steve // steve copying canon extension stuff from Edwin's 01-14-08 project CStr31_AC TMyCanonCameraHandler::GetExtension() void TMyCanonCameraHandler::SetExtension(char ext[128]) // 1-14-08 void SetExtension(char ext[128]); // 1-14-08steve // v14alpha37next // 01-10-08steve later 1. remove excess message if canon camera not found 2. fix canon issue with duplicate images coming into the thumbnail view OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() bool TMyCanonCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // make sure it's not recursively called fIsSaving = true; // 01-10-08steve gApplication->SetIdleFreq(kMaxIdleTime); // 01-10-08steve // make sure we store the name of the current tempfile we are working on memcpy ( &fCurFSSpec, &spec, sizeof(FSSpec) ); // 01-10-08steve bool TMyCanonCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // make sure the tempfile is the tempfile we are working on // AND that this tempfile is INDEED TRULY deleted from the CanonScratchFolder // 01-04-08 around noon // v14alpha36 // 01-10-08 merge all changes from edwin from past 3 days // 01-09-08 2. In CK Template Category When Moving Slider from left to right with lots of CK Templates the Slider does not work properly bool THGridViewBalloonBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 01-08-08 When in CK MOde and Adjust the Exclusion or Junk Mask . The cropping tools do not display correctly when dragging out a Marque void TSelectionTracker::TrackFeedback(TrackPhase aTrackPhase, When previewing Images from the operation window and you reelect open Preview images from the Folder icon it will not open the folder. void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromOtherFolder(bool displayHowManyAdded) // add bool 4-23-04 When adjusting color in the Special One or CK mode and adjust the slider the number does not change void TShowValueScrollBar::TrackScrollBar(short partCode) 1. When in CK MOde and Adjust the Exclusion or Junk Mask . The cropping tools do not display correctly when dragging out a Marque TChromakeyWindow.cp void TSelectionTracker::TrackFeedback(TrackPhase aTrackPhase, 4. When previewing Images from the operation window and you reelect open Preview images from the Folder icon it will not open the folder. But if you select individual images a group of images it will work TepsFileHandler.cp void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromOtherFolder(bool displayHowManyAdded) // add bool 4-23-04 6. When adjusting color in the Special One or CK mode and adjust the slider the number does not change fixed today, also fixes sepia tone and old time photo slider in prefs DragAndDropToolWindow.cp void TShowValueScrollBar::TrackScrollBar(short partCode) // 01-07-08 copied change for rotation fix from edwin if (FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)) { FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->Invalidate(FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->GetQDExtent()); // 1-07-08 //FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->ForceRedraw(); FindSubView('tn00'+theNum)->Update(); } // 01-07-08 // fix key count issue short ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) // 01-07-08 dont give warning if NOT click count key { TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyType curKeyType = ptr->GetTPIKeyTypeFound (); switch ( curKeyType ) { case TTepsSuperProKey::eKeyTypeLiteMatte: case TTepsSuperProKey::eKeyTypeDemoMatte: case TTepsSuperProKey::eKeyTypeCounterMatte: // 11-26-07 steve DisplayNormalMessage ( "You HAVE NO More Click Count!!!" ); // 11-26-07 steve ExitToShell(); // 11-26-07 steve break; } } // 01-04-08 later // v14alpha36next // Added Support for Nikon D3/D300 Module = Type0001 Module.bundle // Function.c #define kNikonModule_Type001 "Type0001 Module.bundle" // 01-04-08 D3,D300 BOOL Search_Type0001_Module( void* Path ) // NikonBaseCameraHandler.cp TNikonType0001CameraHandler2::TNikonType0001CameraHandler2 () bool TNikonType0001CameraHandler2::SearchModule(FSSpec *ModulePath) // NikonBaseCameraHandler.h typedef enum eNikonCameraTypeEnum cNikonCamera_D3xx // 01-04-08 // D3 and D300 Type0001 #define cNikonCameraString_D3xx "Nikon D3/D300 ubc\0" // 01-04-08 // D3 and D300 Type0001 // NikonCameraHandler.cp OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 01-04-08 add support for D3,D300 cameras if ( !foundCamera ) { if (fNikonCameraHandler) delete fNikonCameraHandler; fNikonCameraHandler = new TNikonType0001CameraHandler2; if (fNikonCameraHandler->FindCamera()==noErr) foundCamera = true; } // 01-04-08 // v14alpha35 give to todd for imaging usa show =============================================== // 01-03-08 EDWIN - please merge this readme stuff into your project // 01-03-08steve // try to fix the issues with matching camera settings with window and camera body and with factory defaults void TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::SetAsDefault() // fixed why it was off ONE void TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // cleaned up code so that it will be MUCH EASIER in the future to add more POPUPS OSErr TMyCanonCameraHandler::FindCamera() this->SetImageQuality(getMyCanonCameraSettings()->fileType); // 01-03-08steve // fixed why fileType was being set wrong - used to be shorts - now all LONGs typedef struct tMyCanonCameraSettings { long fileType; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts long whiteBalance; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts long EVValue; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts long shutterSpeed; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts long aperture; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts long ISO; // 01-03-08steve define as longs instead of shorts unsigned char reserved[256]; } tMyCanonCameraSettings, *tMyCanonCameraSettingsPtr, **tMyCanonCameraSettingsHandle; CStr255_AC getWhiteBalanceStringFromValue(EdsInt32 value) // 12-21-07 return "WHAT White Balance???"; // 01-03-08 steve class TMyCanonCameraControlWindow : public TWindow EdsError BuildPopup( TPopup* curPopup, MenuHandle &curMenuHandle, EdsPropertyID curEdsPropertyID, EdsPropertyDesc *curEdsPropertyDesc, CStr255_AC (*getStringFromValue)(EdsInt32) ); // 01-03-08steve added // MyCanonCameraControlWindow.cp EdsError TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::BuildPopup( TPopup* curPopup, MenuHandle &curMenuHandle, EdsPropertyID curEdsPropertyID, EdsPropertyDesc *curEdsPropertyDesc, CStr255_AC (*getStringFromValue)(EdsInt32) ) void TMyCanonCameraControlWindow::SetAsDefault() // 1-3-08 save canon default and initialize camera tMyCanonCameraSettingsPtr getMyCanonCameraSettings() // 1-3-08 void setMyCanonCameraSettingsToDefault() // 1-3-08 void TCanonCameraObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream) // 1-3-08 void TCanonCameraObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream) // 1-3-08 void myWriteCanonCameraPref ( bool doSynchNow ) // 1-3-08 void myReadCanonCameraPref() // 1-3-08 void myNewReadPrefs() // 12-20-07steve MyCanonCameraHandler.cp MyCanonUtilityFunctions.c fixed issues with missing popup items and indices popups are OneBased and propDesc[] are ZeroBased Indices returned better reading text for imageQuality // 12-20-07 edwin CHANGED????? added imageQuality popups and?????? // 12-19-07 fix selecting overley to use new navigation stuff bool TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::SelectOverlayFile() fix Save As option void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAs(short imageNumber) make sure that saving templates and nodes uses new naviagtion stuff short TLayoutView::SaveChanges(bool showDialog, bool saveAs) fix save composition as Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::CanPrintToFile(CFSSpec_AC *fileSpec) new navigation functions bool CTepsNavClass::SaveTemplateFile(FSSpec *spec) // 12-19-07 void CMyNavigation::SetSaveFileType(OSType saveFileType) // 12-19-07 OSErr CMyNavigation::SaveTemplateFile(FSSpec *fs) // 12-19-07 // 11-26-07 validate print to file set folder short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) OSErr TBGPrintView::ValidatePrintJob() // 11-26-07 #define kTPI_InvalidPrintToFileSetServerError 109 // 11-26-07 void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoError(short theErr) add resource ALRT 1004 with three buttons instead of four 11-20-07 save properties to current file before applying setting to all or marked images bool TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) case cApplySettingsToAllImages: // 1-5-04 11-20-07 fix junk mask, forgot to read and write it void TChromaKeySettings::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *aStream, tChromaKeySettings *settings) void TChromaKeySettings::WriteTo(CStream_AC *aStream, tChromaKeySettings *settings) swap bytes bool myCopyMaskGworldToAlphaChannel ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, GWorldPtr mGWorldPtr ) 11-19-07 assign junk mask structures void TBGPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream, short count, bool isCKSubJob) // 10-31-03 change job file version number #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000833 // 11-19-07 11-16-07 void swapChromaKeySettings(tChromaKeySettings *settings) // 9-21-07 void swapFromHostChromaKeySettings(tChromaKeySettings *settings) // 9-21-07 add to tChromaKeySettings structure tJunkMaskStructure junkMasks[4]; // 11-16-07 void TImageObject::WriteChromaKeySettings(CStream_AC* aStream) // try to REmove all references to the OLD Eve3 Key Stuff tpiEve3KeyHandler.c replace all refs to "myNewSecurityKey.h" with "myTepsSecurityKey.h" Added new group folder "TepsSecurityKey.h" ¥¥¥¥ Any time we wish to do a displayNormalMessage or etc, we should NOT put in TSuperProKey file!!!!!! ¥¥¥¥ SHOULD NOT BE GETTING ANY ERROR MESSAGES IN THE CONSOLE LOGs!!!! // 11-19-07 // v14alpha33 ubc check for REAL santasticMode if NOT -then behaves like normal app bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 11-19-07 if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic) // 9-18-07 #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting()==false) // 9-18-07 { // 11-19-07 if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic) // 9-13-07 if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic && fMode==kOneUpFillTemplateMode) // 11-19-07 short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() if (getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic && mode==kOneUpFillTemplateMode) // 11-19-07 // 11-16-07 // UBGPrintView.cp // void TBGPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(CStream_AC *aStream, short count, bool isCKSubJob) // 10-31-03 gInwardFlag = settings.inwardFlag; // 11-16-07 gDefocusValue = settings.defocusValue; // 11-16-07 gShrinkValue = settings.shrinkValue; // 11-16-07 gExclusionMaskRect = settings.junkMask; // 11-16-07 // 11-16-07 // v14alpha32 ubc 1. update ck pref values for ck and marked/all images void TImageObject::WriteChromaKeySettings(CStream_AC* aStream) if (fView && fView->GetChromaKeyMgr()) { if (fReadFromCKPref) // 11-16-07 settings.para = fPARA; else settings.para = *(fView->GetChromaKeyMgr()->GetParameters()); // 11-16-07 // v14alpha31 ubc // give to rick@thePartyNeverStops.com // temporarily patch problem when "auto-switch ck template" is ON void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now, TView *aView) if ((anObj->GetOrientation()==kLandscape && FindPos("_LANDSCAPE", templateName)==0) || (anObj->GetOrientation()==kPortrait && FindPos("_PORTRAIT", templateName)==0)) // 11-16-07 do not reload template if already OK // 11-15-07 oops later 1. oops forgot to remove message CStr255_AC GetKeyCounter1String ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr ) { // 11-15-07 DisplayNormalMessage ( "GetKeyCounter1String" ); // 11-15-07 2. fix the counter updating in about box OSErr GetAboutBoxInfoStuffNew ( unsigned char *swVersion, unsigned char *counterStr, unsigned char *serialStr, unsigned char *keyTypeStr ) mySProKey->FillInDisplayInfoStrings(); // 11-15-07 put back in 3. make it update the counterValues real time void TPreviewImageWindow::UpdateCounterValue() short GetKeyTypeString_FG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, CStr255_AC &counterValueString, CStr63_AC &myKeyTypeStr ) short GetKeyTypeString_BG ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, CStr255_AC &counterValueString, CStr63_AC &myKeyTypeStr ) void TPrintBGBehavior::UpdateCounterValue() { // 11-15-07 #ifdef kRemoveKeyStuff // 11-15-07 return; // 11-15-07 #endif eTepsKeyType GetTPIKeyTypeFound ( void ); // 11-15-07 // 11-15-07 // released to todd to ship out overnite 1. copied changes from edwin to fix crashing in processor with missing printToFileSet pref void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::UpdateFolderString(tFolderFSSpec *ptr, bool saveAliasHandle) if (IsExistingFile(&ptr->file)) // 11-15-07 2. make the processor decrement any NONzero counter location call short ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, short printQuantity ) from short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() 3. reprototype // 11-15-07 MOVE to myTepsSecurity.cp short ProcessClickCountAfterPrint ( short printQuantity ); // 10-31-07 NOT Implemented YET 4. added functions RB_BOOLEAN ReadPhysicalKeyDataByteLocation( short theCell, RB_WORD &data ); // 11-15-07 RB_BOOLEAN WriteMemoryCounter1 ( RB_WORD wData ); // 11-15-07 RB_BOOLEAN ReadMemoryCounter1 ( RB_WORD &rData ); // 11-15-07 // 11-12-07 - edwin // 11-13-07 - edwin replace all old Navigation calls with new class CTepsNavClass created new function myNewChooseFolder: bool myNewChooseFolder(short &vRefnum, long &dirId, bool selectDefaultLocation, short dialogStrID) // 11-12-07 gets called instead of myChooseFolder TepsFileHandler.cp void TTEPSFileHandler::InsertFilesFromReplyRecord(AEDescList selection) // 11-5-07 created new function that gets called from Preview Images that inserts whole selection in thumbnail window (you can combine a combination of folder and files now) // 11-13-07 - steve still marked them as 11-12-07 // copied edwin change - to help fix one of the menuBar issue TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() aWindow = FindWindowWithIdentifier('nupc'); // 11-12-07 if (aWindow) { aWindow->SetFreeOnClosing(true); aWindow->Close(); delete aWindow; aWindow = nil; } // 11-12-07 // v14a22 // ======== 1. Try to Fix Issue with multiple-GrabImage commands to the Nikon Camera class TNikonCameraHandler : public TAllFilesHandler, public TCameraHandler bool SuspendChecking(void); // 11-12-07 bool EnableChecking(void); // 11-12-07 bool fSuspendChecking; // 11-12-07 TNikonCameraHandler::TNikonCameraHandler() bool TNikonCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() bool TNikonCameraHandler::SuspendChecking(void) bool TNikonCameraHandler::EnableChecking(void) 2. make GrabImage command RETURN an Error if an error occurred!!! OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::GrabImage() #define kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry kAccessIOStateInitialize+6 // 11-12-07 // grab issued to soon - so need to reIssue again bool doNewMethod = true; // 11-12-07 if ( doNewMethod ) { // 11-12-07 if FAILED - StayHere???? OSErr retOSErr = getCurrentCameraHandler()->GrabImage(); if ( retOSErr==noErr ) { printf ( "Setting for NextState = kAccessIOStateWaitDone\n" ); gAccessIOState = kAccessIOStateWaitDone; if ( getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList() ) // 09-19-07 steve ((MDependable_AC*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList())->Changed(cAccessIOStateWaitDone, nil);// 09-19-07 steve } else { printf ( "Setting for NextState = kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry\n" ); gAccessIOState = kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry; } } // 11-12-07 reason for kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry this mode // is that we doNOT check for the control lines - and just loop thru to reIssue the Grab Command case kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry: { ApplicationBeep(); OSErr retOSErr = getCurrentCameraHandler()->GrabImage(); if ( retOSErr==noErr ) { printf ( "Setting for NextState = kAccessIOStateWaitDone\n" ); gAccessIOState = kAccessIOStateWaitDone; if ( getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList() ) ((MDependable_AC*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList())->Changed(cAccessIOStateWaitDone, nil);// 09-19-07 steve } else { printf ( "Setting for NextState = kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry\n" ); gAccessIOState = kAccessIOStateWait2ndGrabRetry; } } break; // 11-11-07 // v14a21 around 5:30pm // ==================== 1. fixed resource for package count for 1194 for santastic only 2. reset santastic window pkg count from 22 to 0 3. added ALRT 1086 short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 11-11-07 if (fCanvasQuantityHasBeenSet==false) // 9-19-03 { fCanvasQuantityHasBeenSet = true; // 11-11-07 fCanvasQuantity = 1; if ( fPrintWhat==cPrint_Package) { // 11-11-07 if NOT Santastic Window does NOT exist - neeb a better check?? // if ( false == getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic ) if (nil == FindWindowWithIdentifier('nupc') ) // 11-11-07 new Amusematte n-up window { fPackageQuantity = 1; } } else { fPackageQuantity = 1; } } #else if (fCanvasQuantityHasBeenSet==false) // 9-19-03 { fPackageQuantity = 1; // 11-11-07 WHY ALWAYS fCanvasQuantity = 1; } #endif case cPrint_Package: { // 11-11-07 char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "switch(cPrint_Package) fPackageQuantity = [%i]", fPackageQuantity ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 sprintf ( mesg, "switch(cPrint_Package) doPrompt = [%i]", doPrompt ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 } // 10-22-04 writeCD = CheckForCDWriteItemInPackage(); // 8-8-02 writeCD = CheckForPrinterItemInPackage(kCDWriteItem); // 10-22-04 writeFloppy = CheckForPrinterItemInPackage(kFloppyWriteItem); // 10-22-04 { // 11-11-07 char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "Point2 fPackageQuantity = [%i]", fPackageQuantity ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 } #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 11-11-07 // if NOT Santastic Window does NOT exist - neeb a better check?? //if ( false == getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic ) if (nil == FindWindowWithIdentifier('nupc') ) // 11-11-07 new Amusematte n-up window { if ( doPrompt==false ) GetPrintQuantityFromPrefs (fPrinter, fPackageQuantity); } else { // do NOT touch fPackageQuantity } #else #ifndef kFreezeFrameMacysVersion if ( doPrompt==false ) GetPrintQuantityFromPrefs (fPrinter, fPackageQuantity); #endif #endif if ( doPrompt && false==DoPromptForPrintQuantity ( fPrinter, fPackageQuantity) ) return -1; // 5-7-04 { // 11-11-07 char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "Point2 fPackageQuantity = [%i]", fPackageQuantity ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 } short qty = fPackageQuantity*getNumberOfItemsInPackage(fPackageNumberToPrint); // 4-9-03 // 11-11-07 - DEBUG to check computation of print Quantity { char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "Calculated PrintQuantity = [%i]\nfPackageQuantity = [%i]", qty, fPackageQuantity ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 } getCurrentInputHandler()->SetTotalNumberOfSheets(qty); // 4-9-03 break; // 11-11-07 still not working // v14a20 const ResNumber cResNumPrintSummaryWindowSantastic = 1194; // 11-11-07 // TPrintCountWindow for Santastic fix this resource view as well too #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 11-11-07 // 11-11-07 reset amusematte running total customer count { TView* numTextView = FindSubView('r600'); // 11-11-07 if ( numTextView ) ((TNumberText*)numTextView)->SetValue(info.customerCount, kDontRedraw); // 11-11-07 if ( numTextView ) DisplayNormalMessage ( "FindSubView('r600') is NOT nil" ); // 11-11-07 } #endif // 11-11-07 debug char mesg[255]; sprintf ( mesg, "Package[%i] count = [%i]\n", i, packQty[i] ); // DisplayNormalMessage ( mesg ); // 11-11-07 // v14a20 // change resource file // adde fileName text string to santa zoom view // change from 22 to 0 in the portrait ck templ qty0 of 2204 // fix crash #include "DragAndDropToolWindow.h" // 11-11-07 void TPreviewImageWindow::CloseToolWindows() // 10-19-04 ((TNewCKToolWindow*)aWindow)->SaveSettings(); // 11-11-07 aWindow->Close(); // 11-11-07 //aWindow->DoEvent(mButtonHit,aWindow->FindSubView('done'),nil); // myApplicationPollEvent(); //4-13-05 // 11-11-07 added this function void TNewCKToolWindow::SaveSettings() // 11-11-07 { if (fPreviewImage) fPreviewImage->SaveAllSettingsToImage(); if (fDoComposite) { ((TChromaKeyTools*)FindSubView('tool'))->InitializeModes(); // 5-5-04 ((TChromaKeyTools*)FindSubView('tool'))->Refresh(false); // 5-5-04 } } void TModalPreviewImageWindow::SetNewCKTemplate(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, short imageNumber) TImageFileObject *anObj = ((TImageFileObject*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->At(imageNumber)); //11-11-07 ((TDropPreviewImage*)theSubView)->PreviewImage(((TImageFileObject*)getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->At(imageNumber))); ((TMyImageToolsView*)this->FindSubView('imtl'))->SetPreviewImage(((TDropPreviewImage*)theSubView)); // 11-11-07 if ( anObj ) { // ((TStaticText*)FindSubView('file'))->SetText(CString_AC(anObj->GetFileName()), kRedraw); //11-11-07 TStaticText* filenameView = ((TStaticText*)FindSubView('file')); // 11-11-07 if ( filenameView ) filenameView->SetText(CString_AC(anObj->GetFileName()), kRedraw); } // 11-10-07 // release as v14alpha19 // 11-10-07 also USED new superprokey BUILT library.a instead of rebuilding tools/source file /Tools/Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.0/¥CurrentTriprismLibraries/SuperProKey/library/libSuperProKey.a // added ALRT 1086 // 11-10-07 // 11-10-07 maybe check here #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ { bool boxConnected = false; AccessIOHandler* curAccessIOHandler = ((TTeps2000Application*)gApplication)->fAccessIOHandler; if ( curAccessIOHandler ) { boxConnected = ( curAccessIOHandler->IsConnected() ) } if ( (false==getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic) && (boxConnected==false) ) { if (getCurrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfMarkedImages() > 0) { // do your stuff first after which they will have to rescan short retValue = MacAppAlert(1086, NULL); if ( retValue==1 ) { // yes - we forgot return false; } //PrintPackage(1, true, false, true); // then continue forward } } } #endif // 11-10-07 // 11-9-07 #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 11-9-07 #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ if (false==getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->enableSantastic) ) { // 11-08-07 1. return something for bool checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, bool doExitToShell ) return isValidKey; // 11-08-07 2. do NOT validate esp if called at startup Boolean setMySittingDirectoryPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tSittingDirectoryPrefPtr ptr ) // 11-07-07 TSuperProKey.cp UBackgroundPrintApp.cp UTeps2000Application.cp myTepsSecurity.cp myTepsSecurity.h bool checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, bool doExitToShell ) 1. Try to make it so that santastic key ONLY runs on santastic version and Teps-X key ONLY runs on standard Teps-X key 2. try to speed up the reading of the physical key RB_BOOLEAN TTepsSuperProKey::ReadPhysicalKeyData() short maxBytesToRead = kSPP_MinBytesToRead; // 11-07-07 Make IT FASTER 3.make santastic key show up as santastic key case TTepsSuperProKey::eTepsKeyVersion_TepsSantasticV14: // sprintf ( tempBuffer,"%s", "Teps-Share V14" ); // 11-07-07 sprintf ( tempBuffer,"%s", "Teps-Santastic V14" ); // 11-07-07 4. make teps-x and teps-processor both call the same startup key function void TTeps2000Application::CheckForSecurityKey() void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() bool checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( TTepsSuperProKey* ptr, bool doExitToShell ) bool isValidKey = checkForValidKeyAtStartup ( GetTpiKeyHandler() ); 5. added more splash screen messages to track down the lock up of validation of folders 6. In the Processor - remove "testSuperprokey.xx" from the Group/File list 7. only check for accessIO box in Santastic version // 11-07-07 #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 11-07-07 // 09-04-07 steve // we really want this ON IF we are running the Santastic Version????? ONLY fAccessIOHandler = new (AccessIOHandler); if ( fAccessIOHandler ) { if ( !fAccessIOHandler->IsConnected() ) { // may NOT be loaded yet... DisplayNormalMessage ( "You Are MISSING the ACCESS/IO Control UNIT??????" ); printf ( "fAccessIOHandler->IsConnected() is NOT connected AT Startup???\n" ); } } #endif // 11-1-07 // 11-01-07 added save the "Create Default if Not Found" checkbox options for kPrefKeyForSittingFoldersPref added kPrefKeyForSittingFoldersPref NSMutableDictionary* CopyUserPreferencesToDictionary ( void ) bool CleanUpOldPrefsInUserDefaults ( void ) // copied changes from edwin to save the prefs for the "create default if not found" MA_DEFINE_CLASS(TSittingDirectoryPrefObject); // 11-01-07 class TSittingDirectoryPrefObject : public MStreamable_AC void TSittingDirectoryPrefObject::WriteTo(CStream_AC *astream) // 11-1-07 void TSittingDirectoryPrefObject::ReadFrom(CStream_AC *astream) // 11-1-07 void myWriteSittingDirectoryPref( bool doSynchNow=false); // added 11-1-07 void myReadSittingDirectoryPref() // added 11-1-07 void myNewWritePrefs() void myNewReadPrefs() // fix crashing issue when key is not plugged in void TTeps2000Application::CheckForSecurityKey() // prevent about box from getting crap string OSErr GetAboutBoxInfoStuffNew ( unsigned char *swVersion, unsigned char *counterStr, unsigned char *serialStr, unsigned char *keyTypeStr ) // 11-1-07 copied changes from edwin to make bg chooser printing NOT crash STILL have problem with the chooser window wanting to become active bool TTepsChooserPrintHandler::DoPrintCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) ((TCarbonPrintJob*)info)->SetNoDialog(true); // 11-01-07 ((TCarbonPrintJob*)info)->BanishPrintDialog(); // 11-01-07 bool returnState = true; // 11-01-07 bool doNewMethod = true; // 11-01-07 if ( doNewMethod ) // 10-31-07 later make the about box bigger to see the type of security connected key cResNumTeps2000SplashView 1015 1018 // 10-99-07 need to remove these // TAKE A LOOK AT LATER 10-99-07 NameChooserStdPrinhandler.cp NOT used in FG?????? TTepsChooserPrintHandler URedirectedChooserPrintHandler NOT used in FG???? // for scene to believe // 10-31-07 // v14alpha16 ============= ReMove displays of error/debug messages --------------------------------------- // 10-31-07 printf ( "This TProgressWindow Has NO Chasing Arrows\n" ); // 10-31-07 printf ("TNoTouchWindow::DoInitForCarbonEvents\n" ); // 10-31-07 printf ( "This TProgressWindow Has NO Chasing Arrows\n" ); // 10-31-07 printf ("TNoTouchWindow::DoInitForCarbonEvents\n" ); // 10-31-07 1. Started to Change the SecurityKey - in the "CurrentTriprismLibraries" folder TSuperProKey.cp TSuperProKey.h class TSuperProKey bool FillInDisplayInfoStrings ( TTepsSuperProKey *mySProKey ); // 10-31-07 char fKeySerialNumberString[255]; // 10-31-07 char fKeyTypeString[255]; // 10-31-07 char fKeyVersionString[255]; // 10-31-07 2. prohibit the chooser jobs going to the processor short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() // 10-31-07 - chooser printing the bg is NOT working for now { getMyChooserPrefs()->alwaysPrintThroughProcessor = false; printf ( "Forcing getMyChooserPrefs()->alwaysPrintThroughProcessor to FALSE = 10-31-07\n" ); } 3. if ( fDisplay ) fDisplay->DisplayMessage ( "TSuperProKey::DisplayMessage=> " + theString ); // 10-31-07 // 02-16-06 void TSuperProKey::DebugMessage ( std::string theString, bool forceMessage ) bool FindAnySuperProKey () 4. make the about box show the securityKeyInfo at startup void MyStartupSplashWindowUpdateCurrentVersions ( TView *aView ) if ( aView ) aView->ForceRedraw(); // 10-31-07 force the redraw 5. update the "looking for GREEN Key" at startup splashScreen 6. do NOT show the "testing 19" static text in MainWindow#1000 // 10-30-07 copy changes from edwin 1. NameStdPrintHandler.cp and Preferences.cp from edwin TFile* GetChooserPrinterPrefFile() // 10-30-07 2. added more printfs to see why the spooler cannot do chooser printing correctly // 10-30-07 support chooser printing Add printing_car.rsrc to project // 10-29-07 // v14alpha15 // try to fix issue when there is NO media options read-in from package pref - dont touch the existing one // v13 never saved out the media options when saving the packages to a file void readInAssociatedMediaPref(short printer) // 5-25-06 tFloppyWritePrefs tempFloppyWritePrefs; // added 10-29-07 // 10-29-07 - clear out just in case so we know that it is ALL Zeros memset ( &defaultMediaPref,0,sizeof(defaultMediaPref) ); // 10-29-07 memset ( &data,0,sizeof(data) ); // 10-29-07 memset ( &mitsubishiMedia,0,sizeof(mitsubishiMedia) ); // 10-29-07 memset ( &CDdata,0,sizeof(CDdata) ); // 10-29-07 memset ( &tempFloppyWritePrefs,0,sizeof(tempFloppyWritePrefs) ); // 10-29-07 // 10-29-07 replace all ReadStruct with ReadStruct2 // 10-29-07 only assign if ReadStruct2 succeeds // 10-27-07 (dated the 27th but really done on the 26th) // 10-26-07 v14alpha14 - given to sceneToBelieve 2145 is TNikonCameraControlWindow 1. save packages out to v14 fromat #define kPrefKeyForTepsPackagesV14 @"Teps v14 Packages Dictionary" // 10-27-07 2. use new method to load/save packages case cDuplicatePackageFile: // 9-17-01 // 10-27-07 new method extern void SaveToNewPackagePreferencesFile (); // 10-27-07 SaveToNewPackagePreferencesFile(); // 10-27-07 break; case cLoadOtherPackageFile: // 9-17-01 { // 10-27-07 new method bool doNewMethod = true; // 10-27-07 if ( doNewMethod ) { extern bool LoadFromNewPackagesPreferencesFile ( void ); // 10-27-07 LoadFromNewPackagesPreferencesFile(); // 10-27-07 } else { extern bool myLoadOtherPackageFile(); myLoadOtherPackageFile(); } } 3. changed NikonCameraControlWindow to just have TWO buttons = OKAY and "Set As Default" teps-x.rsrc #2145 4. do NOT auto setAsDefault when okay button is clicked // 10-27-07 dont want to do this ((TNikonCameraControlWindow*)aWindow)->SetAsDefault(); 5. give better window title name to Save Teps Preferences void SaveToNewPreferencesFile () [sp setTitle:@"Save Preferences to File..."]; // 10-27-07 6. do new method of saving/loading package files NSMutableDictionary* CopyPackagePreferencesToDictionary ( void ); // 10-27-07 void SaveToNewPackagePreferencesFile (); // 10-27-07 void SaveToNewPackagePreferencesFile ( NSString *newPathName ); // 10-27-07 bool LoadFromNewPackagesPreferencesFile ( void ); // 10-27-07 // 10-25-07 // 10-25-07 - gave out to release v14alpha13 Use "Comic Sans MS" Bold,Extended, 18pt Blue change 'TxSt' #1001 back to applicationFont 10pt added 'TxSt' #1052 to Tekton Bold 18pt Change resource #1001 to use TxSt #1052 1. try to make the TNoTouchWindow's window bar be shifted up by 20 pixels up - so it's NOT visible when the app's menuBar is Hidden Processor - 1. change the printJob headers from Boolean to shorts 2. change the job version number between teps-processor and printCenter AmuseMatte - 1. change PICT#161 for santastic's discover logo and 2200 also // 10-19-07 released to scene to believe // 10-19-07 removed eraseAdorner from 2142 fix window 1001 - utils window removed eraseAdorner from 1001 hide picture 433 from 1001 (the striped lines) added three texts in place of the picture 433 added TxSt - 1000 to be tekton bold 18pt blue - which means we now need to install this font const ResNumber cTCKUpListWindow = 2142; // Custom Open CK template Nav Window // 10-18-07 - copied stuff from edwins email 1. fix toolTips (balloonHelp) TIconShowBalloonBehavior *aBH = new TIconShowBalloonBehavior(FindSubView(theType), strID, ind, kCenterAtBottom); // 10-18-07 2. copy resources STR#4113 3. fix step #4 of ck - with selecting the color pixel // 10-17-07 1. myCreateNameUtils.c show correct function name when erroring out DisplayNormalMessage ( "newGetUniqueNameWithCopy - Cannot loop beyond 5000???"); // 10-17-07 DisplayNormalMessage ( "newGetUniqueNameWithCopy - Should never be here either?????" ); // 10-17-07 2. need new function to start using cocoa/CF to duplicate file has problem with incorrectly modifiying FSSpec short doNSCopyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDstParentFSSpecPtr, char *dstFileName, bool overwriteExisting);// 10-17-07 3. need to re-do a lot of functions to something like OSErr createNewFolder2 ( CStr31_AC theName, short vRefNum, long parID, FSSpec *theNewFolderFSSpec); // 10-17-07 4. try to fix issue with printToFile to SMB Server AS WELL as MAC OS volumes short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-14-04 { return DoNewPrintToFile2 ( anOffscreen ); // 10-17-07 } 5. new function to save gworld to LOCAL folder first bool NewSaveOffscreenToFileNew(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, FSSpec &fileSpec, // 10-17-07 this WILL get modified!!!! bool overwriteExisting, short dpi, short JPEGQuality, short saveOnPC ); // 10-17-07 6. try to fix ABOUT BOX - still having problem with 'but1' and 'but2' void TAboutWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void GotoURL ( CStr255_AC theURL ); // 10-17-07 // 10-16-07 fix for Kodak 9810 to use BGR and 6800 and 8500 to use Sequential RGB // 10-15-07 // 10-16-07 added all prefs that were not implemented yet anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForNoritsuNetOrderPrefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForOlmecOP800Prefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForDatabasePrefs; // anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForMitsu90009500Prefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForMitsu8000Prefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForMitsu9550Prefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForMitsu3020Prefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForMitsu3020DAUPrefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForOSPrintCenterPrefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForExternalVideoPrefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForSlideShowPrefs; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForOutputFiles; // anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForPreviewImagesPref; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForPromptForImagePref; // 10-15-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForGraphicsPref; // anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForFujiPG3000Prefs; // 10-16-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForFujiPG3500Prefs; // 10-16-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForFujiPG4000Prefs; // 10-16-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForFujiNC600Prefs; // 10-16-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForCustomerOrderPrefs; // 10-16-07 anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForLogFilePrefs; // 10-16-07 // 10-13-07 1. fixed issue with RAW images thru using CIImage CImageFile::CImageFile(std::string path) put back code that we took out because of COLOR ISSUES ======> Still NEED to FIND Problems 2. fix reading of raw files GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetPreviewImage() // 10-13-07 CImageFile anImage(mPath); // 10-13-07 fails to keep the funny characters like "Main Images Folder Ä" // CImageFile anImage(typeName); // 10-13-07 use the NSString method - keeps funny characters in tact CImageFile anImage(&fsref); // 10-13-07 use the FSRef also works GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetFullSizeImage() GWorldPtr TNewAllFilesHandler::GetThumbNailImage() // 10-13-07 - even though from 10-12-07 merge into edwins project // 10-13-07 //============ 1. build the nikon camera compressionLevel list correct (fileType ie) fixes issue with compressionLevel List in PopUp NOT matching the camera body OSErr TNikonBaseCameraHandler2::ChangeFileType(short which) { BOOL bRet; eNikonFileType theType = (eNikonFileType) which; bool doNoTranslation = true; // 10-13-07 if ( doNoTranslation ) { bRet = mySetEnumCapability( pRefSrc, kNkMAIDCapability_CompressionLevel, which); ((TNikonCameraHandler*)getCurrentCameraHandler())->SetExtension(".JPG"); // 10-13-07 THIS is wrong if NEF } 2. register the TFineTuneWindow now that we got it to work 3. make the nikon camera window ALWAYs do a save as default when click on okay 3. make the canon camera window ALWAYs do a save as default when click on okay 4. Use LARGE TEXTEDIT Window in Santastic MODE??? // 10-12-07 edwin implemented load/save prefs of these added the following preferences keys: kPrefKeyForNoritsuNetOrderPrefs kPrefKeyForOlmecOP800Prefs kPrefKeyForDatabasePrefs kPrefKeyForMitsu90009500Prefs kPrefKeyForMitsu8000Prefs kPrefKeyForMitsu9550Prefs kPrefKeyForMitsu3020Prefs kPrefKeyForMitsu3020DAUPrefs class TMitsubishiPrinterPrefObj : public TUpdColorAdjustInfoObject // 10-12-07 class TNoritsuPrinterPrefObject : public TUpdColorAdjustInfoObject class TOlmecOP800PrinterPrefObject : public TUpdColorAdjustInfoObject // 10-12-07 // 10-11-07 //============ / copied from edwin // inputPreferences.cp // save camera hot folder settings and camera app name // added 1226 resource // added TxSt 1226 application14Bold // 10-11-07 NOT USED const ResNumber cThumbNailToolsWindow = 1226; const ResNumber cPredefStringsListWindowAllLarge = 1226; // 10-11-07 // 10-11-07 copied changes from edwin 1. fixes target issue with the large ck window in santastic mode 2. show progress indicator after entering id via apple-1 barcode window 3. fix funny characters in operations window title when there is NO ck template selected in ck mode // 10-11-07 fix color adjust issues short convertDKCtoGworld3 ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr ) // 8-26-05 // 10-10-07 // if accessIOHandler is connected, then use larger window const ResNumber cCameraStatusLargeWindow = 1218; // 10-10-07 for accessIO Window case cShowCameraStatusWindow: aWindow = FindWindowWithIdentifier('cams'); if (aWindow==nil) { // 10-10-07 aWindow = TViewServer::fgViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(cCameraStatusWindow,NULL); ResNumber cameraStatusWindowResID = cCameraStatusWindow; #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ // 10-10-07 check for accessIO box - if connected - use the larger cCameraStatusLargeWindow AccessIOHandler *curHandler = ((TTeps2000Application*)gApplication)->fAccessIOHandler; if ( curHandler ) { if ( curHandler->IsConnected() == true ) { cameraStatusWindowResID = cCameraStatusLargeWindow; } } #endif aWindow = TViewServer::fgViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(cameraStatusWindowResID,NULL); } // 10-10-07 SEE ==> document in TepsPreferencesKey.h preferences that still need to be saved clean up this file too removed // 09-27-07 memoryleak [baseString retain]; // 09-27-07 memoryleak [baseString release]; // 10-09-07 defined TepsVersionNumber as v14alpha10 for Processor Project for all THREE targets now we just need to change it 3x -- once for each target before we had to change in each info.plist 3x3 = 9 times for all targets combined // sent version to edwin around 4pm had to make changes in myCopyFileUtils.cp for the preferences name and typo in calling myWriteChromaKeyPrefs() // 10-09-07 save the three new prefs to file anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForColorSyncPrefs; // 10-09-07 anObject = [oldPrefs objectForKey: anObjectKeyName]; if ( anObject ) [newTepsPrefDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:anObjectKeyName]; anObjectKeyName = kPrefKeyForPrintCountPref; // 10-09-07 anObject = [oldPrefs objectForKey: anObjectKeyName]; if ( anObject ) [newTepsPrefDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:anObjectKeyName]; { // 10-09-07 saving editable text CONTENTS in loop const short cMaxArraySize = kPrefKeyForEditableTextMaxCount; // 10-09-07 NSString *baseString = kPrefKeyForEditableTextPrefs; // 10-09-07 for ( short i=1; i<=cMaxArraySize; i++ ) { anObjectKeyName = [baseString stringByAppendingFormat:@"%02i", i]; anObject = [oldPrefs objectForKey: anObjectKeyName]; if ( anObject ) [newTepsPrefDictionary setObject:anObject forKey:anObjectKeyName]; } } // 10-09-07 // copy changes from edwin // fix why zero angle rotation does NOT stay at zero degree??? 1. fix the angle rotation issue and update text when slider moves case 'angl':if (fPreviewImage != nil) this->Update(); // 10-9-07 2. fix issue if angle is ZERO if (theValue == 0) // 10-9-07 // call new prototypes void TDropPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() extern void myWriteChromaKeyPrefs( bool doSynchNow=false); // 10-09-07 reprototype myWriteChromaKeyPrefs(true); // 10-09-07 force true void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() extern void myWritePreviewPref( bool doSynchNow=false); // 10-09-07 reprototype // 9-14-07 myWritePreviewPref(true); // 10-09-07 force true void TPreviewImage::ChangeCropping() extern void myWritePreviewPref( bool doSynchNow=false); // 10-09-07 reprototype // 9-14-07 myWritePreviewPref(true); // 10-09-07 force true // make the preferences functions more consistent make consistent writeMyPreviewPref to myWritePreviewPref readMyPreviewPref to myReadPreviewPref readMySepiaTonePref to myReadSepiaPref readMyOldTimeColorPref to myReadOldTimeColorPref // change name from 1000 to no 1000 DoTepsSettingsMenuItem from DoTeps1000Settings?? // FG and BG // force app to quit after doing a "Load Preferences" case cLoadNewPrefFile: { short input = getMyInputPrefs()->input; // 09-26-07 if (myLoadNewPrefFile(fCreator)) extern bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile ( void ); // 09-26-07 if (LoadFromNewPreferencesFile()) { // 10-09-07 Always force - does NOT care about which button returned if (MacAppAlert(1025, NULL)==1) { ExitToShell(); } break; // if user hold down all three keys - ctrl-alt-cmd - at startup // teps will NOT search and validate all the server paths // UTeps2000Application.cp // 10-09-07 - allow expert user to stop checking for servers bool doValidateFolder = true; doValidateFolder = (! ( IsCommandKeyDown() && IsOptionKeyDown() && IsControlKeyDown() )); if ( doValidateFolder==false ) { DisplayNormalMessage ( "Do You Know What You Are Doing???" ); } // try to fix the blue color cast issue when doing hi res preview and printing in processor // when we use the angle rotation option // UImageObject.cp for FG and PROCESSOR // 10-09-07 wrong for intel mySetAllPixelsInOffscreen ( workGWorld ); // 10-09-07 do NOT use mySetAllPixelsInOffscreen especially for intel cpus extern bool myFillOffscreen ( GWorldPtr myMaskGWorldPtr ); myFillOffscreen ( workGWorld ); // 10-09-07 // 10-08-07 1023 make 'stop' button the cancel button look for 10-08-07 look for 10-8-07 // fix issue with filename disappearing void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // 10-06-07 all changes marked at 10-06-07 1. try to fix problem with nikon camera if disconnected tooo long ?? still not sure if that worked 2. fix problem with nikon camera if camera not found the first time it allowed the start sitting to work the second time around - even though still no camera??? 3. fix problem cQuit and cAEQuit???? need to test quit from all difference windows of running app 1190 package count window added REGISTER_CLASS_AC(TPackageTotalsWindow); // 10-5-07 fix 1208 fix sizes TRGBValuesWindow - RGB Coordinates Densitometer // add buttons to 2207 2207 - added the reset zoom/shift button 'rszh' 2207 - added the reset color adj button 'rscs' // teps1000Preferences.cp // saving print count prefs #define kPrefKeyForPrintCountPref @"printCountPref" // 10-5-07 //adding package totals for print count stuff // fix issue with zooming out void TMyImageToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) { bool updateTotal= false; if ( (eventNumber == mStartMouseDownButton) && fPreviewImage ) // these lines fix update problem 10-5-07 { fPreviewImage->SetDragging(true); } if (eventNumber == mLetGoMouseDownButton) // these lines fix update problem 10-5-07 { if (fPreviewImage) fPreviewImage->SetDragging(false); } // try to fix crashing issues - when nikon camera is disconnected - OSErr TNikonBaseCameraHandler2::FindCamera() DisplayNormalMessage( "TNikonBaseCameraHandler2::FindCamera => Module object can't be opened.\n" ); // 10-05-07 removed some test displayNormalMessages // add buttons to 2207 2207 - added the reset zoom/shift button 'rszh' 2207 - added the reset color adj button 'rscs' // initialize with correct ck values ckProp->imageSettings.cropping = getMyPreviewPrefs()->croppingMode; // 10-5-07 ckProp->imageSettings.hRatio = getMyPreviewPrefs()->HRatio; // 10-5-07 ckProp->imageSettings.vRatio = getMyPreviewPrefs()->VRatio; // 10-5-07 ckProp->imageSettings.cropWhere = getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere; // 10-5-07 merge the file types ALRT 2200 = center it to main screen make "edit existing ck template" open with the ck list view // 10-04-07 edwin set defaults for ck settings mode void loadFromDefault(tCKImageProperties *ckProp) // 10-4-07 void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) fix pref issue when clciking on cancel only allow one Teps-Processor // 10-04-07 need to give to serge to test testing 12 // 10-4-07 copied changes from edwin 0. changed job version between teps-x and processor!!!!!! 1. check for another spooler running 2. fix ck template attribute issue case kAttributeObjectType: // 11-23-04 aStream->ReadBytes(&atDesc, classSize); swapAttributeDesc(&atDesc, fIsMotorolaVersion); fSubjobResizeMode = atDesc.CKTemplateResizeMethod; // 10-4-07 fSaveCKTemplateAsIs = atDesc.doNotSaveToOutputTemplate; // 10-4-07 10-03-07 1. added the correct method to search for nikon cameras 2. fix issue with trapping cAEQuit in essence we want the fmainWindow to be the frontMost window of our app (even if app is in background) if ( fMainWindow == GetFrontWindow() ) // 10-03-07 i would like to check for utils window also - if that is the foremost by itself then its okay to quit too. 3. allow calculate to work 10-03-07 ======== Processor Copy Bundle Resources - remove excess copies teps-x added the teps document icons types void T_NUPCKViewWindow::CalculateTotal() // 9-25-07 { // 10-03-07 return; // 09-26-07 2200 make quantity view NOT editable????? not enabled - looks dimmed??? WHY NOT a TStaticText???? 10-02-07 CameraStatusWindow.cp PreviewImageWindow.cp CommandNumber.h #1135 = TAttributeSettingsWindow // 10-02-07 steve - already given out version 14alpha6 next one is v14alpha7 #1000 = "testing 10" 10-2-07 add custom option for print to file set change delay value to floats create myNewApplicationPollEvent for some progress and about box update issues 1. fix preferences issues look for 10-1-07 for edwin's changes 2. added TNumberText to barcode app prefs 3. Added 5th package view to santastic vertical and horizontal view 4. add button "teps-processor..." id='proc' 5. use the barcode barcodePref->value1 and barcodePref->value2 // 10-01-07 - Need to wait delay if ( getMyBarcodeAppPrefs() ) { short valueInSeconds = getMyBarcodeAppPrefs()->value1; // 10-01-07 use value1 if ( valueInSeconds ) { long valueInTicks = valueInSeconds * 60; waitfor ( valueInTicks ); } } TWindow *aWindow = TViewServer::fgViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(1028,NULL); // 09-29-07???? why is the print qty window????? 1103 1104 select graphic ovrlay 1105 image object settngs 1106 create/open nodes menu window 1107 image coordinates TCoordinatesWindow 1108 resize tool info TSettingsWindow 1109 StampToolObjectSettings TStampSettingsWindow 1111 TTextSettingsWindow 1114 TNodeViewSettingsWindow 1115 duplicateNode rows/cols 1116 TObjectSizeWindow layoutSize/Constrain aspectRatio 1117 TLayoutSizeInfoWindow 1118 templateUtilMenuWindow 1119 TEditTextSettingsWindow 1120 TLayoutObjectListWindow 1121 TDropOverlayWindow 1122 TFileOverlaySettingsWindow 1123 TAlignWindow (has eraseAdorner) 'slow' 1125 TCopyToSpoolerWindow 1126 Database OR File?? 1129 ChromakeyUtilMenuWindow 1130 pick the overlay to replace 1131 TBackColorSettingsWindow 1132 autoLayout nodes 1133 TGroupPhotoSettingsWindow 1134 TDatabaseSettingsWindow 1135 TAttributeSettingsWindow for CK templates 1186 TKodakUtilWindow 1187 NewStartSittingSetupView/????? 1189 for desktopdarkroom??? 1192 colorsync window??? 1201 tn_upThumNailView Window 1204 TDragAndDropToolWindow 1206 TPrintToolBarWindow Expert 1208 TRGBValuesWindow - RGB Coordinates Densitometer 1210 TPrintToolBarWindow Beginner 1211 TCameraStatusWindow 1212 TExternalVideoWindow 1213 TCroppingMarkWindow 1214 number of images added 1215 TCroppingMarkWindow??? 1220 TPredefStringsWindow 1221 EditStringOrLabel for ONE 1223 EditStringOrLabel/??? for ALL 1225 TColorAdjustWindow 1240 TStudentBarcodeWindow SwipeBarcode 1242 TSchoolPhotographyWindow 1243 TSchoolPhotographyWindow KioskWindow??? 1244 PrintThisPackage window 1245 TPackageQuantityWindow 1246 convert file window???? 1247 rotate marked or all images 1248 dragAndDropSettings for tepspref 1249 TSlideControlWindow 1253 TSlideControlWindow??? expert 1254 TFileInfoWindow 1260 TShiftAndZoomWindow 1261 TSchoolPhotographyWindow?????? 1263 TCustomFolderNameWindow <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1264 TCustomFileNameWindow sub item under start sitting setup 1265 TBackupWindow 1266 selectFolder TFolderListView 1268 TSelectOneFolderWindow 1269 TCustomFileNameWindow 1271 TVideoMonitorStampWindow 1275 font pref window for ???? 1286 TImportFileWindow 1292 TFindPCCardWindow 1293 TPasswordView enter password 1294 TCDWritePrefWindow 1295 enter school/database name 1300 thumbnail view?? each thumbnail??? 1380 TPackageWindow 1381 edit package TPackageEditWindow 1382 CustomizeStartSitting TCustomCopyPrefWindow <<<<<<<< 1385 show print package items 1390 TShowBurnedImageWindow 1540 TStudentBarcodeWindow swipeCardWindow // 09-29-07 steve dated everythin 29th MADE cUtilitiesWindow have id='utlw' MADE 1035 have id='prfW' solution the crashing problem is to make sure when pref window is opened - it dimms out the forceQuit command menu items 9000 1125 1127 1128 fix crashing when pref window is front and dockIconQuit if (fMainWindow && fMainWindow->IsShown() && fMainWindow->IsActive() ) // 09-29-07 IsActive() // 09-12-07 try not to crash // 09-28-07 add Editable text saving add Colorsync saving fix some update issues void myApplicationPollEvent() // 2-22-02 { // 9-28-07 again DONT POLL return; return; - Santastic Window, add aView->Update - Progress Indicator, add Invalidate and Update in Continue - Thumbnail bar void LaunchSpoolerApp(bool check) add: #ifdef kAmuseMatteVersion_ pstrcpy(tmpFSSpec.name, "\pTeps-Processor amuseMatte.app"); // 09-28-07 #endif // 09-27-07 // BOTH TEPS-X and Teps-Processor 1. Change all version to be v14alpha5 ubc 2. fix possible memory leaks with dangling retains look for: // 09-27-07 memoryleak [baseString retain]; 3. use WriteToMyUserDefaults and ReadFromMyUserDefaults in aliasHandleUtils.cp packageUtils.c 4. use constants from TepsPreferencesKeys.h 5. added bool addToNewListAndRemoveFromNSUserDefaults ( NSMutableDictionary *newRootDictionary, NSString* anObjectKeyName ) // 09-27-07 got project back from edwin #define kBaseJobVersionNumber 0x0000831 //0x0000821 // 9-27-07 // ==================================================================================== // FIX Teps-Processor Preference?????? case cDuplicatePreferenceFile: extern void SaveToNewPreferencesFile ( void ); // 09-26-07 SaveToNewPreferencesFile(); // 09-26-07 break; myDuplicateResFile(); break; case cLoadPreferenceFile: // remove 7/20/00 myLoadNewPrefFile(fCreator); // remove 7/20/00 ReadPreferences(); // change 7/20/00 // 09-26-07 if ( myLoadNewPrefFile(fCreator) ) extern bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile ( void ); // 09-26-07 if ( LoadFromNewPreferencesFile() ); { if (MacAppAlert(1025, NULL)==1) { ExitToShell(); TQuitCommand *aCommand = new TQuitCommand(cQuit); aCommand->Process(); } //ReadPreferences(); } break; // 09-26-07 #define kPrefKeyForTepsEntirePrefsV14 @"Teps-X v14 Prefs Dictionary" // 09-26-07 #define kPrefKeyForTepsEntirePrefsProcessorV14 @"Teps-Procssor v14 Prefs Dictionary" // 09-26-07 // N_UPCKViewBuilder.cp const short cMaxPackage = 5; // 09-26-07 // 09-26-07 need to put these in the commandNumber.h file ResNumber cSantasticWindow = 2200; // 09-26-07 ResNumber cSantasticDropView = 2201; // 09-25-07 ?????????? is it used ?????? ResNumber cSantasticLandscapeView = 2202; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticPortraitView = 2203; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticPortraitPkgView = 2204; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticLandscapePkgView = 2205; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticLargePreview6 = 2206; // 09-26-07 ???????? is this used?????? ResNumber cSantasticLargePreview = 2207; // 09-26-07 bool myLoadNewPrefFile(IDType creator) { DisplayNormalMessage ( "myLoadNewPrefFile Should NEVER Be Called Again!!!!" ); // 09-26-07 return false; // 09-26-07 void myDuplicateResFile() { DisplayNormalMessage ( "myDuplicateResFile Should NEVER Be Called Anymore!!!!"); // 09-26-07 return; //09-26-07 // Teps1000Preferences.cp - CHANGED a bunch of stuff to get Teps-X to Save and Load Plist Preferences // call new function for saving prefs case cSavePrefFile: // 09-26-07 new method tooo soon?? extern void SaveToNewPreferencesFile ( void ); SaveToNewPreferencesFile(); // 09-26-07 ???? break; myDuplicateResFile(); break; case cLoadNewPrefFile: { short input = getMyInputPrefs()->input; // 09-26-07 if (myLoadNewPrefFile(fCreator)) extern bool LoadFromNewPreferencesFile ( void ); // 09-26-07 if (LoadFromNewPreferencesFile()) { ReadPreferences(); // 3-29-05 if (input != getMyInputPrefs()->input) { destroyFileHandler(input); initializeInputHandler(); } if (MacAppAlert(1025, NULL)==1) { this->PostCommand(new TQuitCommand(cQuit)); } } } // UTeps2000Application.cp // // bool doForTepsCamera = false; // 09-26-07 this is really if we are in the new Teps-Camera Mode void TTeps2000Application::CheckForSecurityKey() { bool doForTepsCamera = false; // 09-26-07 this is really if we are in the new Teps-Camera Mode if ( doForTepsCamera ) // 09-26-07 { } void TTeps2000Application::Close() { bool doForTepsCamera = false; // 09-26-07 this is really if we are in the new Teps-Camera Mode if ( doForTepsCamera ) // 09-26-07 { // DisplayNormalMessage ("TTeps2000Application::Close - Need to Quit Camera App Before Quitting" ); // 09-05-07 extern OSErr mySendAppleEventWithNoReply ( OSType targetAppOSType, AEEventClass eventClass, AEEventID eventID ); mySendAppleEventWithNoReply ( 'TPIc', 'aevt', 'quit' ); } ????? I thought MacAppAlert - usually Centers the dialog in the window - at least horizontally??? changed resource #2200 - make it look better counterText is larger and centered and stickToBottom // N_UPCKViewBuilder.cp const short cMaxPackage = 5; // 09-26-07 // 09-26-07 need to put these in the commandNumber.h file ResNumber cSantasticWindow = 2200; // 09-26-07 ResNumber cSantasticDropView = 2201; // 09-25-07 ?????????? is it used ?????? ResNumber cSantasticLandscapeView = 2202; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticPortraitView = 2203; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticPortraitPkgView = 2204; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticLandscapePkgView = 2205; // 09-25-07 ResNumber cSantasticLargePreview6 = 2206; // 09-26-07 ???????? is this used?????? ResNumber cSantasticLargePreview = 2207; // 09-26-07 // check for NILs if ( aStatText ) // 09-26-07 check for NIL // void T_NUPCKViewWindow::ClearAllOrders() when ClearAllOrders ALSO need to clear counter Text to ZERO too // ==================================================================================== // From Edwin // UBGPrintView.cp for the processor and the ck modes // TChromaKeyWindow.cp and .h // Different Chroma Key issues, still some to be resolved: Teps-X - UImageObject.cp Fill in vertical and horizontal shift values, fill in zoom values for Santastic window plus add source for reset shift/zoom and reset coloradjust: N_Up... Fix for vertical shift issue: UimageObject.cp in TEPS-PROCESSOR void swapImageDesc(CImageDesc *desc, bool isMotorolaVersion) // 9-21-07 iuse swap funtion from Teps-X, offset .v was not swapped Also change for CK issue // Fix for File overlays without alpha channel: Shared for Teps-X and Teps-Procerssor GWorldPtr getFileOverlayGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 12-23-04 { CRect_AC bounds; CPoint_AC size; ComponentResult theErr = noErr; // 9/21/07 remove this line to use clear offscreen // return getGWorldFromFileSpecWithoutColorsyncProfile(theFSSpec, 1, size); // Fix for printing packages from print tool bar: if (source->GetIdentifier()=='tab1') // 9-21-07 { fPreviewImageWindow->SetPrintPackageMode(((TTabbedView*)source)->GetValue()==2); if (FindWindowWithIdentifier('tivw')) { ((TTemplateIconWindow*)FindWindowWithIdentifier('tivw'))->DoEvent(eventNumber, source, event); } } // 09-99-07- // 09-19-07 // 09-20-07 steveResizeImage.c remove all the commented out code look for 09-99-07 no need for chasingArrows.rsrc #define kBackgroundPrintingIdleTime 15 // 09-9-07 // 120 // 5-15-01 change executable name to "TEPS-Processor" trying to speedup the processor processor TChasingArrows // edwin 9-14-07 2. clear order - give warning first 3. print all - give message first and if NO prints or no packages - give some error or warning // steve 9-14-07 <==== SEARCH for this void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) { TWindow::DoPostCreate(aDocument); // 09-14-07 stop it from moving this->SetMoveBounds(CRect_AC(0,0,1,1)); // 09-14-07 // 09-14-07 void TPreferencesWindow::Activate(bool entering) { TWindow::Activate(entering); if (entering) { this->Focus(); this->Erase(); } } // fix external video monitor fExternalVideoWindowServer = new TExternalVideoWindowServer; if ( fExternalVideoWindowServer ) { fExternalVideoWindowServer->DoInit(); } // show menu bar TMenuBarManager::fgMenuBarManager->ShowMenuBar(); //09-14-07 ================================================================================================================== // 9-13-07 fix "Bad error" by doing Start Sitting twice Create enable santastic version pref in Barcode preferences that opens ck preview window when barcode is entered create Teps1000Preferences.cp: void myWriteNikonCameraPref() // 9-13-07 Teps1000Preferences.cp: void myReadNikonCameraPref() // 9-13-07 to set default also call set default make the minimum size of the n-up ck view the width of the scroller allow print toolbar and school photography window to move around freely fix funny text issue in school photography view #include "UCompositeWindow.h" // Fix Resources to draw properly // fix code force redraw void TPreferencesWindow::Activate(bool entering) void TBackgroundPrintWindow::Activate(bool entering) { if ( entering ) { this->Erase(); } also - allow window to move freely // 09-12-07 allow window to move freely CRect_AC noBounds(-5000, 0, 5000, 5000); this->SetMoveBounds(noBounds); Testing TCompositeWindow # define qBackwardCompatible 0 DOES NOT WORK // 09-12-07 WHY TWICE?????????? if ( fMainWindow) fMainWindow->SetActiveState(false, kDontRedraw); // 6-15-04 if ( fMainWindow) fMainWindow->SetActiveState(true, kRedraw); May cause problem in one of our windows??? # define qBackwardCompatible 1 // 09-12-07 per steve g AND used txST#1000 - charcoal Red - Does NOT work ALSO - VERY DITHERED Looking Text???? TComposite window does NOT work??? Seems okay with this # define qBackwardCompatible 0 // 09-12-07 // NEED TO LINK in NEW MACAPP from 9-12-07!!!!!!!!!! // ALSO -> 1. CoreSwitches_AC.h qBackwardCompatible = 1 2. new TextBox_AC.cpp from SG // 09-12-07 // just found the newer universal based nikon modules // so we do NOT really need to include them in our applicationPackage since the .dylib must be in their predetermined folder => "/Library/Application Support/Nikon/Camera Control Modules/" // TRY to fix the Dismiss problem while inside the Idle() // needed to force a dummy event so that the new carbonEventLoop will catch it // ALSO - order does count??? - invalidate before turning off the idle frequency // this->DoInvalidateRegion(GetVisRegion()); // 09-12-07 force dummy event // this->SetIdleFreq(kMaxIdleTime); // 09-12-07 force dummy event // 09-11-07 1. add D80 module libNkPTPDriver.dylib New D40 module for D40X 2. remove the copy of xtra Teps v13 Prefs into the /Contents/MacOS folder 3. remove MoreFilesXReadMe.txt from copyBundleResource 4. hide and show menuBar when entering and exiting santastic mode 5. fix splashScreen and aboutBox 6. Search for D80 Camera too Function.c NikonBaseCameraHandler.cp NikonBaseCameraHandler.h NikonCameraHandler.cp #include // 09-11-07 OSErr TNikonCameraHandler::FindCamera() { // 09-11-07 MUST BE PPC OR Rosetta bool doCheckForPPC = true; // 09-11-07 if ( doCheckForPPC ) { const NXArchInfo *current_arch; current_arch= NXGetLocalArchInfo(); // this tells us which type of bundle is running if (!( current_arch->cputype == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC || current_arch->cputype == CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 ) ) { printf( "\r\r========== Nikon Modules supported on PPC CPUs or Running Under Rosetta ============\r\r" ); DisplayNormalMessage ( "TNikonBaseCameraHandler2::FindCamera => Nikon Modules Supported ON PPC or Rosetta!!" ); return -1; } } cNikonCamera_D80 // 09-11-07 #define cNikonCameraString_D80 "Nikon D80\0" // 09-11-07 try to fix background color of santastic window 09-05-07 1. on Close() the application - quit the 'TPIc' application 2. steve may have messed up the rsrc 3. added aedt 1200 to handle events from camera app 09-04-07 steve 1. added stuff for the AccessIO hardware 2. made the appleEvent work with the Canon app 3. but could NOT get the nikon app to work??? // 07-03-07 write print count file separate from v13 version // 04-18-07 discovered problem with processor running under rosetta 1. rename "kNoKeyVersion" to "kGiveOutAsAlphaVersion" 2. #define kNoKeyVersion true // 04-13-07 // 04-17-07 make sure "TepsVersionNumber" is assigned to ALL BUILD CONFIGURATIONS (from target version pref)!!!!!!!!!! TepsVersionNumber = 0.1.1 // 04-17-07 adlib 1189 - turn on actually cannot do in adlib - since code is always reading the input prefs for "enable customer order" mode checkbox to turn on this checkbox // fix PrintToFileSet.cp // try to add the superprokey // 02-23-07 had to comment out edwins test for reading meta data - somehow it crashes on steve's computer??? for both processor and teps-x 1. added the "universal-release" build - REDUCES the final output file drastically!!!! 2. removed the old debug TARGET - replaced with the above "debug" build (renamed original universal build as "universal - debug") 3. fix issue with icns not showing up for our fg and bg apps - name of the icns file is CASE-Sensitive - do NOT put .icns in the plist file - just the first name - CANNOT have resource fork in the icns file?? changed some of the build flags to see if it will make any difference.. // 09-20-05 PRINT CENTER STILL THE OLDER VERSION HEADER!!!!! // 09-20-05 // check for new security key // add to c++ preprocessor pref // 09-20-05 // ¥ settings required for security key ¥ #define _MACX_ 1 #define _LINUX_ 1 #define _kLookForTepsKey_ true // printqueue.cp bool foundDCKey = FindDiscoveryCoveKey(); // added myTimer.h to project // added testSuperProKey.cp // added testSuperProKey.h if ( FindDiscoveryCoveKey ()==false ) // 9-15-05 // make sure volume gets unmounted bool Print(tPrintInfo fPrintRecs[kMaxNumberOfPrintJobs], short numberOfJobs) // 09-14-05 // if (getMyFreezeFrameFolderPrefs()->printSpooler2.use && ( getMyFreezeFrameFolderPrefs()->printSpooler2.volumeName, &theVRefNum )) // 6-14-05 // forgot to call the function named findVolumeNumberFromVolumeName2 if (getMyFreezeFrameFolderPrefs()->printSpooler2.use && findVolumeNumberFromVolumeName2( getMyFreezeFrameFolderPrefs()->printSpooler2.volumeName, &theVRefNum )) // 6-14-05 //9-2-05 show cubby hole number in cd burn list create new class TBurnCDFolde CStr255_AC TBurnCDFolderGridView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const allow preview from order list void TOrderList::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC /*thePoint*/) // 8-9-05 only change folder name when createSubFolder==true short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-14-04 // 08-08-05 validate customer and burn cd folders before going into pref window void TCDBurnPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) validate customer and burn cd folders before going into window void TTeps2000Application::SelectCDBurnFolder() // 6-15-05 validate spooler session and master folder before going into burn cd window void TFreezeFramePrefs1::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) give a message when selecting less then the minimum images void TCDSelectionWindow::SetPackage(short packNum) bool TCDSelectionWindow::GetImagesForPackage() void TBuyPackageView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) set maximum for images CD to 100 make image select window for CD 800 pixels wide instead of 900 (make columns smaller) issue with not seeing right scroll bar make reprint start button go to customer list window void TFFMainWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) create sub class of TIconCheckBox for right click high res preview void TMyIconCheckBox::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 8-8-05 // 08-05-05 try to fix timeout problem when copying lots fo files during photographer copy mode // 08-04-05 try to get security key library in there to work too // 08-03-05 // release as v1.0.2 to jen // use new FF logo // change job version number to be specific to discovery cove only and NO other teps version #define kJobVersionTEST 8899 // 08-03-05 USE for TESTING ONLY esp with no security key #define kCurJobVersion kJobVersionTEST // 08-03-05 USE for TESTING ONLY esp with no security key // 8-1-05 resolve speed issue from reprint mode short TTEPSFileHandler::PutFilesInListForFreezeFrame(short vRefNum, long dirID, bool checkIfEqual) // 8-1-05 void TTeps2000Application::SelectCustomerFolder() show progress when saving files for customer void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveMarkedToCustomerFolder2() // 7-25-05 launch script if date is incorrect bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) find scripts inside package OSErr myJumpToBackupAppWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-30-00 void TBurnCDFolderWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber, TEventHandler* source, TEvent* event) void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() 7-22-05 remove total is from check out window always enter photgrapher id manually short getPhotographerID(tPhotographerIDPtr ptr, bool rotate) 7-20-05 change rotation to 180 degrees for cubby hole number void ShowCubbyHoleWindow() TTextView::TTextView() // 7-19-05 void TTextView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TTextView::SetRotation(short rotation) // 7-19-05 fix up and down arrows for sony printers void TSonyPrinterPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) DC-X changes upgrade to OS-X and make CD-Burn mechanism // 4-1-05 finish 2nd junk mask void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesToFile() // 6-22-04 void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 void TImageObject::SetImageFSSpec(FSSpec aFSSpec) void TImageObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) Teps-Processor void TImageObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) // 3-30-05 create 2nd junk mask void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesToFile() // 6-22-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SetJunkMaskData(tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]) // 3-30-05 void TDropPreviewImage::GetJunkMaskData(tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]) // 3-30-05 void TCompositeMaskPicture::GetSelectionData(tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]) // 3-30-05 void copySelectionToAlphaChannelOffscreen(GWorldPtr imageOffscreen, tJunkMaskStructure junkMask[4]) // 3-30-05 // 3-28-05 and 3-29-05 bool myLoadNewPrefFileWithNewCopyAllResource(IDType creator) // 3-28-05 void myDuplicateResFile() void convertGeneralPrefs() // 3-29-05 void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) use new copy all data and resource funtion for duplicating and loading prefs void myDuplicateResFile() void myDuplicateResFile(CStr31_AC fileName) TFile* GetPreferenceFile() bool myLoadNewPrefFile(IDType creator) // 3-25-05 new preference stuff implement load from old if teps encounters newer pref file bool checkForValidVersionNumber(tPrefStruct *aPrefStruct, bool fromPref) // 12-10-01 OSErr TPreferenceDocument::CopyFromV11ToV12(TFile *newFile) // 3-25-05 check for key when trying to save with mask void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 3-25-05 start new pref setup // 3-22-05 try REBEL camera and more testing for ISO and exposure compensation disable exposure compensations for now // 3-21-05 fix bug with trying to write print job to locked directory void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 3-14-05 - 3-18-05 spilt up CAMERA and FILE stuff so that all input choices are4 able to read all kinds of files through TAllFilesHandler // 3-11-05 more Canon Camera Stuff void TCanonCameraHandler::GetRelData(cdUInt32 NumData) unlock UI sfor continuous grab // 3-8-05 new print count stuff to get totals for a particular day void TPrintCountWindow::SetNewDate(unsigned long newDate) // 3-8-05 short getPrintCountForSpecificDay(tPrintQuantityInfoPtr ptr, CStr255_AC dateStr, bool spooler) // 3-8-05 TFile *getPrintCountFileForSpecificDay(CStr255_AC dateString, bool forceSpooler) // 3-8-05 void TPrintCountWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 3-7-05 // 3-8-05 CANON raw file image settings, window and save to file and processor OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 3-4-05 set defaults for Kodak6800, Mitsubishi9500 and Shinko printers //2-21-05 - 2-28-05 use package stuff for teps-x and Teps-Processor implement Canon Direct Connect with UI //2-11-05 - 2-18-05 Start Canon reading RAW files more Shinko printing stuff UPD-R150 changes saving print to file set with subfolder //2-9-05 read kodak images from CD-Rom GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 GWorldPtr TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 5-19-03 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 2-3-05 // 2-4-05 add printers CHC-S1245 (8x10 printer) CHC-S9045 Mitsubishi 9000/9500 printer // 1-25-05 - 1-31-05 CK Stuff implement junk mask and defocus using new library // 1-19-05 Chromakey Stuff new lib void TPrimatteMgr2::SpillPlus() // 1-19-05 void TPrimatteMgr2::SpillMinus() // 1-19-05 void TPrimatteMgr2::MattePlus() // 1-19-05 void TPrimatteMgr2::MatteMinus() // 1-19-05 void TPrimatteMgr2::DetailPlus() // 1-19-05 void TPrimatteMgr2::DetailMinus() // 1-19-05 // 1-18-05 Chromakey Stuff new lib // 1-17-05 set title of kodak 8500 window void goToKodak8500MediaPrefSettingsWindow(tKodakMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) save for PC without resource Boolean setMyPrintToFilePrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintToFilePrefsPtr ptr ) TPrintToFilePrefs::~TPrintToFilePrefs() void TPrintToFilePrefs::SetSettings(tPrintToFilePrefsPtr ptr) Boolean setMyPrintToFileSetPrefsToFactoryDefaults ( tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr, short which) void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::GetSettings(short which) void TPrintToFileSetPrefs::SetSettings(tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr) bool NewSaveOffscreenToFile(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, bool overwriteExisting, short dpi, short JPEGQuality, short saveOnPC) // 1-17-05 short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-14-04 short TBGPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 1-14-05 change popup for updr150 const ResNumber cUPDR150MediaTypeWindow = 1805; // 1-14-05 void goToUPDR150PrefSettingsWindow(tMediaTypePrefPtr ptr) // 1-14-05 disable shift/zoom without select void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) fix step 4 bug OSErr TPrimatteMgr::InitializeNew() // 1-13-05 fix step 4 bug void TPrimatteMgr2::Reshape_for_spill_slider(float v) /* Ranges from -30,000 to +30,000 */ // 9-14-01 void TPrimatteMgr2::Reshape_for_trans_slider(float v) /* Ranges from -30,000 to +30,000 */ // 9-14-01 void TPrimatteMgr2::Reshape_for_detail_slider(float v) /* Ranges from -30,000 to +30,000 */ // 9-14-01 force kiosk and order windows to fron short DoPrintPreview2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) // 12-22-04 implement defocus for Teps- and Processor void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPrimatteMgr2::SetScalingFactor(short factor) // 12-22-04 void TPrimatteMgr2::DisplayImage () write new defocus values to job file void TImageObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const and on the processor side read them from pref file void TImageObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) save new defocus values to pref file void SaveKeyParameterToFile ( TFile *aFile, fixcoef *aPARA) read new defocus values from pref file bool getDefaultChromaKeySettings(fixcoef *para) add Canon input void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 short translateCameraSourceToInput(tSource *source) void TInputPreferences::PrepareInputPopup(IDType theType) void TMainWindow::UpdateTitle() TCameraHandler *getCurrentCameraHandler() void TTeps2000Application::initializeInputHandler() void TTeps2000Application::destroyFileHandler(short input) // 11-07-01 changed important!!! // 12-21-04 fix bug in Teps-Processor that caused the fsPCreate Error message when saving old job files OSErr CreateUniqueFSSpecNew ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag, bool overwriteExisting ) add saving to PNG and PSD to Teps-Processor popup bool NewSaveOffscreenToFile(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, bool overwriteExisting, short dpi, short JPEGQuality) CStr255_AC getExtensionFromFileType ( short formatType ) // 12-20-04 Create new class TCompositeMaskPicture try new external mask method bool TPrimatteMgr2::RedoExternalMask(CRect_AC newRect) // 12-20-04 bool doChromaKeying(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, fixcoef *para) // 12-17-04 use new wrapper class for ChromaKey void TDropPreviewImage::DoChromaKeying(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, bool reshape) void TLoadDefaultCommand::DoIt() void TPrimatteMgr2::SetParameters(fixcoef aPARA) // 12-17-04 fixcoef* TPrimatteMgr2::GetParameters() // 12-17-04 right click for popup menu in operationswindow(preview image) void TPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) make attribute object visible fix crash in Print To File Set specs window // 12-15-04 use new wrapper class for ChromaKey create new class TPrimatteMgr2 TPrimatteMgr2* GetChromaKeyMgr() { return fChromaKeyMgr; } // 12-15-04 TReshapeTracker::TReshapeTracker(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber, TPrimatteMgr2 *aMgr, TView *itsView, CViewPoint point, TView *chromaView, float factor) : TTracker(itsCommandNumber, itsView, false, false, NULL, itsView, nil, point) // 12-15-04 USENEWMETHOD TReshapeRectCommand::TReshapeRectCommand(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber, TPrimatteMgr2 *aMgr, TView *itsView, CRect_AC rect, TView *chromaView) : TCommand( itsCommandNumber, itsView, true, false, nil) // 12-15-04 USENEWMETHOD // 12-13-04 set as default button in color adjust mode + fix bug when rotating using color adjusted image TOneUpPreviewImage::~TOneUpPreviewImage() void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::ReloadImage() // 3-21-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 3-2-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 7-21-04 // 12-10-04 allow shift zoom in CK mode if only 1 image even when not selected void TDropPreviewImage::DoShiftZoom(CStr2_AC theCharacter) // 12-10-04 void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) show button representation of volumes if more than one flash card volume pascal short countNumberOfVolumes (eOSVolumeType checkVolumeType, Str255 volumeNames[4], short vRefNums[4]) // 12-10-04 if doing pc-card copy and no images were copied display a message void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() do not ask to delete images from pc-card until in preview image window void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 12-8-04 USE NEW FLASH CARD METHOD FOR FINDING PC-CARD if input is file and new method checkbox is on OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::FindCamera() short myNewCheckForPCCard () bool TFindPCCardWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) pascal short countNumberOfVolumes (eOSVolumeType checkVolumeType) // 12-8-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::CloseToolWindows() // 10-19-04 // 12-7-04 prepare for sorting database fields; FUNCTIONS ARE NOT BEING CALLED YET void TImageFileList::SetSortFields(short field1, short field2) CompareResult_AC TImageFileList::CompareDB(const void* item1, const void* item2) const bool findStringAndReturnRecordNew(tRecordStruct *data, CStr255_AC fileName) // 12-07-04 // 12-6-04 make jump to image editor work with colorsync profiles bool TKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool resetRotation) // 7-22-03 // 12-3-04 apply embedded profile QT changes GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpecWithoutColorsyncProfile(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scalingFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 12-3-04 GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 7-29-02 GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 // 12-1-04 implement saving CK template without output canvas (one to one) void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() void TAttributeObject::Set(CAttributeDesc *AttributeDesc) void TAttributeObject::Get(CAttributeDesc *AttributeDesc) void TAttributeObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) void TAttributeObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const void TAttributeSettingsWindow::Apply() void TAttributeSettingsWindow::SetAttributeObject(TAttributeObject *anObject) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) void TBGPrintView::ProcessSubAsOutput() // 12-1-04 short SaveCKTemplateAsIs() { return fSaveCKTemplateAsIs; }; // 12-1-04 // 7-23-01 // 11-30-04 finish implementation of attribute object void TDropView::DrawViews(CRect_AC theRect, FSSpec templateFSSpec, bool isNewType) // 9-7-01 void InitMacAppClasses() short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) TLayoutObject *TPrintView::AttributeObjectExists() // 11-30-04 PicHandle TLayoutObjectListView::GetPictureHandle(GridCell aCell) // 11-29-04 MACYS fix print quantity TGeneralPrintHandler::TGeneralPrintHandler() disable apply to all and marked for MACYS version IDType TKodakTIFFFileHandler::DoColorBalance() TEPS only allow 1 attribute object void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) TLayoutObject *TLayoutView::AttributeObjectExists() // 11-24-04 print to file set a through b save alpha channel option bool setMyPrintToFileItemPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr, short which) void goToPrint2FileItemPrefSettingsWindow(tPrint2FileItemPtr ptr) Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 // 11-23-04 create new funtion for copying alpha channel bool myCopyMaskGworldToAlphaChannel ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, GWorldPtr mGWorldPtr , CRect_AC srcRect, CRect_AC dstRect) // 11-23-04 bool doChromaKeying(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, fixcoef *para, bool saveAlphaChannel) // 11-23-04 fix to read correctly newer objects void TLayoutView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 void TPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 // 11-16-04 again // version 11a125 // 11-16-04 again - fix problem with sepiatone window crashing teps - change resource 1075 'clad' to 'coad' // 11-16-04 delay for dummy camera handler short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void TInputPreferences::GoToHotFolderSettingsWindow(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 9-4-02 save chroma key image as any type void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKImageWithMask() // 9-1-04 // 11-15-04 add string to Node View Object to identify marked image number CStr255_AC TLayoutObjectListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const redraw oject list window on clicking apply in node view object window void TLayoutObjectListView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) default to mouse tool in node and template window void TLayoutView::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) add option to auto node and node window to create from to to bottom void TTemplateView::CreateNodeLayoutPage(TNodeViewObject *firstObject) // 10-21-02 void TTemplateView::CreateN_UP_Page(TNodeViewObject *firstObject, short rows, short cols, short markedImageNumber, bool vertical) // 11-15-04 void TTemplateView::CreateAutoNode() // 10-21-02 change view reource 1115 and 1132 // 11-10-04 // fix package window with missing texts and labels resource 1381 // fix database object in layout view having the wrong pop item after looking at pref void TDatabasePreferences::InitializeLabelPopup() // 11-20-03 added menu 1039 // fix package price error // packageWindow.cp void TPackageEditWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) ((TFloatText*)FindSubView('pric'))->SetMax(999.99, kRedraw); // 11-10-04 // 11-10-04 // 11-09-04 // only reprint station allows either macys key or v11 key // all other mode must have macys key void TReprintModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TSalesStationWindow::SendPackageToProcessor(short packageItem, CStr255_AC fileName, short quantity) // 9-28-04 // supporting functions short tpiRainbowKey::FindATriprismKey ( void ) short tpiRainbowKey::FindATriprismKeyEither ( bool checkOther ) short tpiRainbowKey::DetermineTypeOfTriprismKeyFound ( eve3InfoPtr aKeyPtr ) short tpiRainbowKey::DetermineTypeOfKeyFound ( eve3InfoPtr aKeyPtr, eTepsKeyVersion whichKeyVersion ) bool CheckForMacysKey ( CStr255_AC whichStationString ) bool CheckForMacysKeyRePrintMode ( CStr255_AC whichStationString ) tpiRainbowKey* RescanTpiRainbowKeyHandlerRePrintMode ( void ) short tpiRainbowKey::FindATriprismKeyEither ( bool checkOther ) short tpiRainbowKey::DetermineTypeOfTriprismKeyFound2 ( eve3InfoPtr aKeyPtr ) // 11-09-04 - fix problem with sepiatone window crashing teps - change resource 1075 'clad' to 'coad' // 11-05-04 release v11.0b124 teps release v1.0.1b3 macys // 11-05-04 // fix ck mode with #4 not working // 11-05-04 // added fix for macys where there's a background screen to prevent users clicking on finder by mistake // 11-04-04 // start to add stuff for nikon d2h camera BOOL Search_D2H_Module( void* Path ) short TNikonBaseCameraHandler::GetFileType() // 9-16-04 TNikonD2HCameraHandler::TNikonD2HCameraHandler () bool TNikonD2HCameraHandler::SearchModule(FSSpec *ModulePath) OSErr TNikonD2HCameraHandler::ChangeFileType(short which) // fix status message short TNikonRawFileHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // add 2 more file types for d2h cNikonFile_NEF_JPEG_normal, // added 11-04-04 cNikonFile_NEF_JPEG_fine // added 11-04-04 // renamed cNikonFile_NEF_JPEG with cNikonFile_NEF_JPEG_basic // 11-03-04 release a v1.0.1b2 for macys // 11-3-04 no key check for Macys version when sending job bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) add utility to delete and move ck templates TChromakeyFolderContentsView3 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) void TChromakeyFolderWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TChromakeyFolderWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TChromakeyFolderWindow::MoveCKTemplate() // 11-03-04 CStr255_AC TChromakeyFolderContentsView2::GetFileNameOfSelectedCell() // 11-03-04 changed void TChromakeyFolderContentsView3::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 11-03-04 void TChromakeyFolderContentsView3::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 11-03-04 void EditExistingLayout(IDType layoutType) // 11-2-04 remove key for sales station window (what about reprint station window) void TSalesModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) replace 'are you done with this photo' ALRT with a modal dialog void TSalesStationWindow::SavePackageToJobFile(short item) add seperate pref file for MACYS spooler version CStr255_AC v11PrefFileName = "TEPS-PROCESSOR MACYS v11 Prefs"; fix macys issues void TCameraStationWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCameraStationWindow::DoSetupMenus() create new class TExitToMainWindow void TSalesStationWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TSavePackageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 11-2-04 void TSavePackageWindow::DoSetupMenus() remove send to spooler message void TSalesStationWindow::SavePackageToJobFile(short item) Resource changes // 11-1-04 create new option for marking last photo as yearbook photo TSortedByNameFileList* findCustomerAndPutInList(FSSpec theFSSpec, CStr255_AC customer) // 11-1-04 void CompileLogFileFromFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) void TTEPSFileHandler::CreateInfoFile4FilesInDirectory() // 12-12-03 void TTEPSFileHandler::MarkLastOneAsSpecial() // 11-1-04 short GetChoice1() // 9-18-03 // 10-29-04 // change LABELS in teps-x.rsrc for macys windows // adjusted the macy windows to look more aesthetic // make sure temp file is deleted before acquiring next image in camera station mode bool TCameraStationWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // remove beeps when nikon module not found // in teps-Processor macys version, force getMyPrintServerPrefs()->saveJobFileAfterPrinting to true all the time void TPrintBGBehavior::EnableBackgroundPrinting(Boolean enable) void validatePrintServerPrefs ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 Boolean setMyPrintServerPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) // make sure validation occurs all the time - when reading and writing prefs void TBackgroundPrintingPrefs::ReadPrefs() // added 8-2-00 void TBackgroundPrintingPrefs::WritePrefs() const // added 8-2-00 // make sure print station main menu does show up when default set to open in print station main menu void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 10-29-04 fix issue with grabbing second image before saving old one void TCameraHandler::DeleteTempFiles() // 10-29-04 void TDummyCameraHandler::DeleteTempFiles() // 10-29-04 void TKodakCameraHandler::DeleteTempFiles() // 10-29-04 void TKodakTIFFFileHandler::DeleteTempFiles() // 10-29-04 void TNikonRawFileHandler::DeleteTempFiles() // 10-29-04 fix issue with moving Teps to back and cliking in preview window when floppy write window is up void TPreviewImageWindow::Activate(bool entering) // 10-29-04 // 10-28-04 // ADDED VersionMacy.rsrc for MACYS' version v1.0.1b1 // remove annoying beep // but why was beep there to begin with??? bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // create a target for Teps-Processor-Macy #include "TepsBackgroundHeaders_car macys.h" /* was "Prefix file" */ // update Teps-X-Macy's version // CameraStationWindow.cp void TCameraModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // FreezeFrameMacysFunctions.c // FreezeFrameMacysFunctions.h bool CheckForMacysKey ( CStr255_AC whichStationString ) // xxmyNewSecurityKey.h added macys key which is really v9 PROMATTE key to work with their existing batch of keys // ReprintModeWindow.cp void TReprintModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // SalesStationWindow.cp void TSalesModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 10-28-04 release as v11a123 // 10-27-04 new template for CK mode GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::CreateCKOffscreen(short showWhat) // 10-12-04 Boolean setMyNewOneUpPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add camera menu void TCameraStationWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TCameraStationWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TCameraStationWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) change floating popup string depending on camera void TCameraStationWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) CStr255_AC TCameraHandler::GetCameraSettingsString() // 10-27-04 CStr255_AC TKodakCameraHandler::GetCameraSettingsString() // 10-27-04 CStr255_AC TNikonRawFileHandler::GetCameraSettingsString() // 10-27-04 // 10-26-04 fix mark as special image eroor TFile *createCustomerInfoFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) CStr255_AC getYearbookPhotoFileName(FSSpec fs) // 10-26-04 OSErr setYearbookPhotoFileName(FSSpec fs, CStr255_AC fileName) // 10-26-04 void TImageFileObject::MarkAsSpecialImage(bool write) // 9-8-03 back color for external video monitor TAnyBackgroundAdorner Boolean setMyExternalVideoPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tExternalVideoPrefPtr ptr ) void TExternalVideoPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) TExternalVideoPrefs::~TExternalVideoPrefs() void TExternalVideoPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TExternalVideoPrefs::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 10-26-04 selection mechanism for ck template if missing void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // 10-25-04 implement auto mark new images bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, new way of setting ck template when template does not exist plus set default void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) void TPreviewImageWindow::SetNewCKTemplate(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) // 4-9-04 void TCKFolderList::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) remove "Sucess with FSCreateFileUnicode" message TFile *createFileObject(FSSpec &tmpFSSpec) // 10-22-04 make floppy write item work with packages short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 bool TGeneralPrintHandler::CheckForPrinterItemInPackage(short item) // 10-22-04 // 10-21-04 write to floppy #define kFloppyWriteItem 4 // 10-21-04 use kSonyM55 short myCheckForFlashCard (eOSVolumeType myVolumeType, Str255 &volumeName, short *vRefNum) new class TFindFlashCardWindow pascal short returnFlashCardVolume (eOSVolumeType checkVolumeType, Str255 &volumeName) // 10-21-04 TGeneralPrintHandler::TGeneralPrintHandler() short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 OSErr TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteFloppy() // 10-21-04 short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() tNewCanvasSizes gFloppyWriteCanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 10-21-04 tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void doFloppyWriteFactorySettings() // 10-21-04 void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const short getResSaveNumberFromPrinterType(short printerType) // 2-22-01 void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResourcesVersion14() void DestroyPrintHandler(short printerType, TTepsPrintHandler *aTepsPrintHandler) TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) // 10-20-04 fix remove hierarchical menu in ck mode, does NOT show popup anymore when click once and hold down mouse in ck image object void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) prevent clear when CK tool window is open void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) fix crash when clearing image and reloading void TDropPreviewImage::ResetView() fix bug with invalidate editable text void TDropView::MyInvalidate(CViewRect area) // 10-20-04 void TBaseTextObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short nodeRotation, // 10-19-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() setting as default save to pref show edit text when dropping image if (dropView) dropView->ResetEditText(); //10-19-04 close toolwindows on printing void TPreviewImageWindow::CloseToolWindows() // 10-19-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) fix edit text overwrite void TOverlayView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) default to last used tab (ie CK, shift, color) void TNewCKToolWindow::SetDropView(TView *aView, bool doComposite) // 5-19-04 12. When you are in CK Mode and you click on a image the adjust window should activate. ( Similar to Drag n Drop Mode.) void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) 2. When in the ChromaKey Mode and you have a image box floating in the middle of a template and you Zoom all the way out to see you will see a large black area outside the image box. But if you print preview the image all looks fine. void TDropPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true set as default for CK mode void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 10-19-04 void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() add color settings to prefs typedef struct tNewOneUpPrefStruct fix issues with apply to all TOneUpPreviewImage::TOneUpPreviewImage() : TCameraPreviewImage() void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetDefaultsFromPrefs() // 10-19-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, 1. When in the ChromaKey Mode and you select Template and then select the upper category the thumbnails do not load the first time. void TCKFolderList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) When Images are in the TEPS-Processor in the Pending Jobs please show a Thumbnail of the Job that is selected void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) Please move the Delete Images in the Image Menu down away from the Remove Images Menu put 2 separators in there // 10-18-04 add preview template for CK preview GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::CreateCKOffscreen() // 10-12-04 CLongintList_AC *TDropView::GetCurrentImagesUsed() // 10-18-04 void TDropView::SetCurrentImagesUsed(CLongintList_AC *theList) // 10-18-04 3rd option for full screen preview in CK mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, void TDropPreviewImage::DoZoomImage2 (short showWhat) // 10-18-04 bool TDropView::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, // 10-24-01 void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) fix 31+ character foldername void TTEPSFileHandler::GetFolderInfo(CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) // 10-15-04 add preview template for CK preview typedef struct tNewOneUpPrefStruct GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::CreateCKOffscreen() // 10-12-04 void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) more than 31 characters for save as OSErr CMyNavigation::SaveFile(short stringIndex, FSSpec *fs) void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAs(short imageNumber) Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::CanPrintToFile(CFSSpec_AC *fileSpec) have right string for selecting start sitting folder void TStartSittingPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) Freeze Frame Macys go to Nikon camera window through color balance IDType TNikonRawFileHandler::DoColorBalance() // 10-15-04 fix crash when opening preference and rreturning to main void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 10-12-04 for CK preview to video monitor TDropPreviewImage::~TDropPreviewImage() void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // 2-7-02 GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::CreateCKOffscreen() // 10-12-04 void TDropPreviewImage::DoZoomImage2 (bool forCK) // 10-11-04 also make it work outside preview image bool TDropView::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, // 10-24-01 TNewOneUpPrefs::~TNewOneUpPrefs() void TNewOneUpPrefs::SetSettings(tNewOneUpPrefPtr pref) remove FramOval's void TLayoutObjectResizeTracker::TrackFeedback( TrackPhase aTrackPhase, // 10-11-04 option voor CK preview when zooming void TDropPreviewImage::DoZoomImage ( bool doHighResImage ) void TDropPreviewImage::DoZoomImage2 (bool forCK) // 10-11-04 Boolean setMyNewOneUpPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) void validatetMyNewOneUpPrefs ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) // 10-11-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() make Macys Version work with Nikon camera bool TNikonRawFileHandler::Check4NewFilesOnly() // 10-11-04 // 10-8-04 fix Macys Issues // 10-6-04 fix moving images to trash void TTEPSFileHandler::MoveImageToTrash(short aNumber, bool check) // 6-4-04 create new function for copying file with long name void getUniqueNameWithCopyBeforeExtForLongNames(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 10-6-04 use in: OSErr CreateUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag, bool overwriteExisting ) void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveToFolder(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress) dummy camera handler mode with use original name, make long names work bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 copy to backup folder fix void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() bool NewSaveOffscreenToFile(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // 10-5-04 fix new save file method OSErr CMyNavigation::SaveFile(short stringIndex, FSSpec *fs) use for save composition as Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::CanPrintToFile(CFSSpec_AC *fileSpec) delete .i files with image files void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteImage(short aNumber, bool check) // changed 8-15-00 void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteAssociatedFiles(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 10-5-04 short TTEPSFileHandler::CheckIfDelete(short aNumber, short resID) // added 8-15-00 // 10-4-04 update image name after renaming file in customer order view void TPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) combine steve's version with Macys Freeze Frame // through 10-1-04 Add Macys Freeze frame Stuff // 9-29-04 really was 9-28-04 // remove obsolete use of kPortraitLook/kProductLook void validateMyKodak760Settings(tKodak760Settings *settings) TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::TBaseKodakProCameraHandler() void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, KPDCImageRef theImage) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetMetaData2Default(tMetaData *data) // 12-3-01 // 09-27-04 // fix resource 2140 and 2142 to have 'ok ' be the default button action // 09-23-04 // released as v11a106 // move some of the member functions from TNikonRawFileHandler to TNikonBaseCameraHandler // change references from fCameraHandler to fTrueCameraHandler // 09-22-04 // in TNikonCameraControlWindow class // change all references of getCurrentCameraHandler to fCameraHandler // show the name of the actual connected camera body short TNikonRawFileHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // change function names SetMyNewBoolCapability -> mySetBoolCapability SetMyNewEnumCapability -> mySetEnumCapability SetMyNewCapability -> mySetCapability SetMyNewEnumUnsignedCapability -> mySetEnumUnsignedCapability // remove old function calls short getExposureShortValue(float value) // 9-21-04 // fix nikon EV settings // need to compute with double instead of floats void TNikonCameraControlWindow::SetSettings() short getExposureShortValue2(double value); // 09-21-04 pass double instead of float // 9-17-04 // copied changes from steve's project for 9-02-04 for searching nikon libs in nikon installed folders // 9-16-04 // release as v11a105 // 9-16-04 // fix erroneous message in teps processor when do kPrint2FileSet3 and kPrint2FileSet4 short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) // use new path and pdf doc name for help file link Boolean LaunchTepsOperationManual ( void ) // make kodak camera handler class handle spacebar to grab an image bool TKodakCameraHandler::DoHandleMyKeys(TToolboxEvent *anEvent) // 9-16-04 // 9-16-04 create more settings for Nikon camera BOOL myGetCapabilityValue( LPRefObj pRefObj, ULONG ulCapID, short *value) // 9-16-04 BOOL myCreatePopup( LPRefObj pRefObj, ULONG ulCapID, MenuHandle aMenu, short *current) // 9-16-04 void TNikonCameraControlWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TNikonCameraControlWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) bool TNikonBaseCameraHandler::ReconnectWithoutCleanup() // 9-13-04 short TNikonBaseCameraHandler::ChangeCameraSetting(unsigned long ulCapID, short newSetting) // 9-16-04 short TNikonBaseCameraHandler::GetCameraSetting(unsigned long ulCapID) // 9-16-04 short TNikonRawFileHandler::GetFileType() // 9-16-04 short TNikonRawFileHandler::GetCameraSetting(unsigned long ulCapID) // 9-16-04 short TNikonRawFileHandler::CreateCameraSettingPopup(unsigned long ulCapID) // 9-16-04 space bar grabs image bool TNikonRawFileHandler::DoHandleMyKeys(TToolboxEvent *anEvent) // 9-16-04 // 9-14-04 fix more issues with reconnecting Nikon camera void TNikonRawFileHandler::SetCameraDisconnected(bool set) // 9-14-04 OSErr TNikonRawFileHandler::FindCamera() change image size and shutter speed setting for nikon camera void TNikonCameraControlWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void setMyNikonCameraSettingsToDefault() // 9-13-04 fix issues with reconnecting Nikon camera void CALLPASCAL CALLBACK ModEventProc( NKREF refProc, ULONG ulEvent, NKPARAM data ) bool TNikonBaseCameraHandler::ReconnectWithoutCleanup() // 9-13-04 OSErr TNikonRawFileHandler::ReConnect() // 9-13-04 bool TNikonRawFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() bring kiosk window to front after preview short DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, short rows, short cols, // 9-10-04 void TInfoScroller::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event,CPoint_AC hysteresis) // 9-10-04 deselect all object by clicking in scroller part make jump to image thumbnail index and image number 4 positions as well as number under thumbnails all field length be 255 for database fields typedef struct tRecordStruct { CStr255_AC field[40+1]; // 9-10-04 } tRecordStruct; void TRecordObject::Set(short fieldNum, CStr255_AC string) // 9-10-04 CStr255_AC TRecordObject::Get(short fieldNum) // 9-10-04 CompareResult_AC TDataList::CompareStrings(const CStr255_AC& s1,const CStr255_AC& s2) const // 9-10-04 ArrayIndex_AC TDataList::GetEqualItemNo(CStr255_AC string, short fieldIndex) // 9-10-04 ArrayIndex_AC TDataList::GetEqualItemNoUnique(CStr255_AC string, short fieldIndex) // 9-10-04 set correct default extension for save composition as Boolean TTepsPrintHandler::CanPrintToFile(CFSSpec_AC *fileSpec) implement save as PNG bool NewSaveOffscreenToFile(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, bool overwriteExisting) CStr255_AC getExtensionStringForSaveAsType(short theType) // 9-10-04 bool TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAsCustomType(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress, for compile orders - need a checkbox - compile order without copying the images TFile* SaveFilesAsJPEGAndWriteLogFile(FSSpec fs, tCompileLog log, bool doAllFiles, short copyFiles) // 9-10-04 void CompileLogFileFromFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) short GetChoice4(short *all, short *ignoreFilesWithoutOrders, short *copyFiles) // 9-10-04 in customer order mode, want to be able to start with a number other than 1 TCameraHandler::TCameraHandler() void TCameraHandler::SetCustomerStartValue(short value) // 9-10-04 bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 9-8-04 fixed some more redraw issues with new drawing method void TDropPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TDropView::ResetTemplate() fix cllicking the close box of image settings window in edit template mode void TImageSettingsWindow::CloseByUser(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 7-2-04 // 9-7-04 fixed some more redraw issues with new drawing method void TFolderOverlayList::SetNewOverlaySettings(short image) worked on new class to save to and read from cache file GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2PrintOffscreen(FSSpec fileSpec, short dpi, TPrintView *theView, GWorldPtr offscreen) // 1-23-04 TCacheFile TCacheFileHandler void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TTeps2000Application::Close() // 9-2-04 fix some issues with loading pref file TDummyCameraHandler::~TDummyCameraHandler() void TDummyCameraHandler::ClearDummyFileList() TNikonRawFileHandler::~TNikonRawFileHandler() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 9-1-04 create new hierarchical menu to save mask only, image with mask and CK image with mask void TDropPreviewImage::SaveMask(CommandNumber cmdNumber) // 9-1-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SaveMaskOnly() // 9-1-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SaveImageWithMask() // 9-1-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKImageWithMask() // 9-1-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) if database is off and you click on Customer database present an alert with option to turn on database void TestImportFileWindow() // 8-8-03 create option to save .PNG files OSErr writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi) OSErr writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi, short JPEGQuality) // 4-23-04 // 08-31-04 fix issues with Nikon Camera's void CALLPASCAL CALLBACK ModEventProc( NKREF refProc, ULONG ulEvent, NKPARAM data ) OSErr TNikonBaseCameraHandler::CleanUp() OSErr TNikonBaseCameraHandler::ChangeFileType(short which) bool TNikonRawFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() void TNikonRawFileHandler::ExitToMain() // 08-30-04 make an option to skip all when duplicate record in importing void TImportFileWindow::MergeData() // 8-20-03 use old color processing method when full size image and no sharpness GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) fix schoolphotograph issue with nikon cameras that always showed all images instead of only current one bool TNikonRawFileHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) // 08-13-04 dim other angle cluster when use other angle is off remove all together from special one up adjust window fix cropping issue CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio, short dpi) // 8-13-04 // 8-12-04 // 8-11-04 draw drag and drop mode and chroma key mode through offscreen void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true void TDropPreviewImage::ResetView() void TDropPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 4-12-04 void TPreviewImage::StartEdit() // added five functions 4 virtual 2-5-02 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) void TChromaKeyTools::Refresh ( bool doVerbose ) void TBaseTextObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short nodeRotation, void TBaseTextObject::ResetText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, // 8-10-04 rotate any angle new class TRotateAnyAngleScrollBar fix bug when applying zoom/shift factor with one empty node to not crash void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyZoomOptionsToAll(bool all) fix issue in chroma key mode where it prints wrong image short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 // 08-04-04 // copied from 7-28-04 // fix issue when zoom aspect and source aspect ratio are the same or square // ZoomOffsetUtils.c void InsetRectsFromWhere(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, short fromWhere ) // 08-04-04 // make sure to pass signed long BOOL mySetRangeCapability( LPRefObj pRefObj, ULONG ulCapID, SLONG theValue ) // 08-03-04 // KodakCameraHandler.cpp // fix issue with convert and jumping to photoshop of a .dcr file to .tif file bool TKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool resetRotation) // 7-22-03 // TEPS-X.rsrc // ICEPICK Window 2128 - fix slider bars and number texts // ClickBalanceWindow.cp // fix issue with teps crashing when trying to adjust for radius/noise kodak image correction void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TNoiseThresholdWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 8-01-04 // add progress windows when reading/importing/merging database file // some are really large ImportFiles.cp // fix issue with nikon camera control window for the first time - does not find corresponding EV value NikonCameraControlWindow.cp // 7-30-01 // make sure to pass signed long BOOL mySetRangeCapability( LPRefObj pRefObj, ULONG ulCapID, SLONG theValue ) // allow nikon camera class pass to quicktime inherited class // however, does not read kodak files at all if input set to nikon camera handler // allow set default to work for nikon camera control window via teps // user must "set as default" to make it work the next time around // send these default values when start sitting from teps // all others are left alone except for these shown in the nikon camera control window // 7-23-04 fix bug when resetting color adjust values void TColorAdjustView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TColorAdjustView::ResetValuesForOffscreen() // 7-23-04 void TDragDropColorAdjustView::ResetValuesForOffscreen() // 7-23-04 void TNewCKColorAdjustView::ResetValuesForOffscreen() // 7-23-04 void TPreviewColorAdjustView::ResetValuesForOffscreen() // 7-23-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::ReloadImage() // 3-21-03 set path and media settings to factory default when clicking factory button void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() // 7-22-04 // fix problem with print to file set in teps-processor short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-14-04 // added debug code to test out saving image with mask in alpha channel // dropPreview.cp // moreIncludes.h // moreIncludes.c void TDropPreviewImage::SaveMask() bool myCopyMaskGworldToAlphaChannel ( GWorldPtr sGWorldPtr, GWorldPtr mGWorldPtr ) // 07-21-04 real time color adjust in special one up mode void TColorAdjustView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TOneUpPreviewImage::RedrawImageWithNewColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustSettings, bool what) // 1-6-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 7-21-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::StopEdit() // 7-21-04 make button to apply color adjust to marked/all images void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyColorAdjustSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool marked) // 7-21-04 void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) make button to apply zoom/shift to marked/all images void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyShiftZoomSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 7-21-04 void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) make changes to save chromakey window to show templates and not show popup and new category button void TChromakeyFolderContentsView::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) PicHandle TChromakeyFolderContentsView::GetPictureHandle(GridCell aCell) // 7-2-04 void TChromakeyFolderWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 07-20-04 work on showing rotated images correctly in drag and drop mode void TDropPreviewImage::SetDoOtherAngle ( short useAnyAngle, short rotationAngle, short angleDirection) // 7-20-04 bool TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, short dpi, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) void TImageObject::DrawImageWithAngle(GWorldPtr tmpGWorld, GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, CRect_AC srcRect, CRect_AC dstRect) // 7-20-04 short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) create function to save black & white composite offscreen void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 07-19-04 set image size of nikon files // 07-16-04 draw all layers under chroma key object void TDropPreviewImage::NewPrepareOverlayOffscreen() // 10-25-01 void TDropPreviewImage::DrawWithOffset(GWorldPtr overlayOffscreen) void TOverlayView::DrawWithOffset(GWorldPtr overlayOffscreen, bool maskCopy) // 7-16-04 read preview image from Nikon file GWorldPtr TNikonRawFileHandler::GetPreviewImage() // 07-14-04 fix bug with bacling up images after a rename void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() fix bug when choosing image from image object window GWorldPtr ReadFile(TFile *aFile) bool isValidFile(TFile *aFile) read Nikon images in Teps-Processor GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 // 07-12-04 // 07-13-04 Create support for Nikon images create new class TNikonRawFileHandler TKodakCameraHandler::TKodakCameraHandler() TKodakCameraHandler::~TKodakCameraHandler() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetThumbnailImage() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetPreviewImage() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetFullSizeImage() // 07-09-04 recalculate color adjust on letting go of mouse button void TShowValueScrollBar::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) // override fix issue where write protected Kodak files could not be read IDType TKodakCameraHandler::DoColorBalance() OSErr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CanHandleFile(FSSpec fileSpec) // 7-9-04 // 07-08-04 // fix issue with kodak image either locked or tagged for read only // will still give error message if trying to apply image setting GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // fix issue with canon mark_II camera in hot folder mode short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // fix memory leak with kodak sharpen lib sharpenManager.cp // just dim and display name of profile missing from kdoak image setting void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) bool isProfileAvailable(short look, Str255 &profileName, short *vRefNum, long *parID) // add three more kodak looks CStr255_AC GetImageProfileName(short theLook) // 6-26-03 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLookFromProfileString(CStr255_AC profileName) // 7-15-03 DCSEventLook = 17, // 07-08-04 DCSCommercialProductLook = 18, // 07-08-04 DCSWeddingLook = 19, // 07-08-04 MENU #2022 // 7-7-04 Support Command Delete in CK and Drag&Drop mode if only one image void TDropPreviewImage::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-10-03 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) fix a bug that caused CK mode to crash when clicking adjust for non chroma template void TDropPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 4-12-04 fix error when reading kodak images from a locked volume GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) support opening of images through new CK list window create new class TChromakeyFolderContentsView2 void RegisterMacAppClasses() allow saving CK template as regular template bool TLayoutView::SaveChromaKeyTemplate(FSSpec *tmpFS) // 7-6-04 reset window positions in template window mode to match up windows so you can see them all at the same time in 1024x768 mode CPoint_AC TLayoutObjectListWindow::GetOffset() // 7-6-04 finnish new window for saving chroma key tmplates void TChromakeyFolderWindow::NewCategory() // 7-6-04 bool TLayoutView::SaveChromaKeyTemplate(FSSpec *tmpFS) // 7-6-04 plus resource changes window 2140 and 2141 // 7-2-04 deselect object when closing window void TImageSettingsWindow::CloseByUser(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 7-2-04 void TLayoutView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) add new class to save chroma key templates TChromakeyFolderWindow TChromakeyFolderContentsView // 6-30-04 when resetting shift/zoom reset numbers void TNewCKToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) page down did not load correctly when doing a print in drag and drop bool TDropView::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(bool now) stop button did not work when copying from pc-card short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList4 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 data did not get cleared correctly when clicking on find tab bool TImportFileWindow::HandleWhichTab ( EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event ) sometimes gave unique error when updating record short TImportFileWindow::AddPanelData() // 8-8-03 change from void to short short TImportFileWindow::ReplacePanelData() // 8-25-03 // 6-29-04 zoom and shift proportionally in special one up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::Zoom(bool zoomIn) void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 6-28-04 create new functions for saving zoom and shift in chroma key mode void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 6-22-04 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() // 6-28-04 change functions bool loadCKPropertiesFromFile(TFile *aFile, tCKImageProperties *prop) // 6-22-04 add fields for default offset and zoom settings for chroma key mode ptr->defaultOffset = CPoint_AC(0,0); // 6-28-04 ptr->defaultZoom = 0; // 6-28-04 ptr->autoLoadImageProperties = 0; // 6-28-04 zoom and shift proportionally in special one up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 Scan excessively in printserverprefs.cp // 6-25-04 create sorted list for adding 50+ images TSortedByNameFileList* putAllFilesInFolderInList(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 6-25-04 OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList4 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 6-25-04 save bug with printing from single up mode with wrong zoom, cropping OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 6-23-04 fix removing of wrong thumbnail when in CK mode void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage, bool isCKMode) // 6-23-04 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 6-22-04 do some test with saving CK properties to file void TDropPreviewImage::SaveCKPropertiesToFile() // 6-22-04 void TDropPreviewImage::LoadCKPropertiesFromFile() // 6-22-04 do testing with faster update for applying color adjust void TOneUpPreviewImage::RedrawImageWithNewColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustSettings, bool what) // 1-6-04 // 6-18-04 fix issues with image properties with print all orders etc. void TOneUpPreviewImage::SavePropertiesToFile(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-5-03 OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) fix image object not being constrained first time void TLayoutView::DropImageObject() bool TLayoutView::GetNewObjectSize(CViewRect &bounds, bool &constrain) // 6-18-04 // 6-16-04 add matte level for kodak 8500 in reserved1 field Command delete moves image to trash void TDropPreviewImage::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-10-03 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-10-03 always eject disks with new auto locate pref on short myNewCheckForPCCard () update filename under images when renaming files void TImageFileObject::RenameFile() fix issue with slow printing with test folder ( 7 second delay) void TBaseTextObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short nodeRotation, CPoint_AC theSize, bool isColor, bool isMirror, short textRotation) void TOverlayView::SetNewOffscreen(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 6-16-04 add color settings for mitsubishi printer TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs::~TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs() void TMitsubishiPrinterPrefs::SetSettings(tMitsubishiPrinterPrefPtr ptr) // 6-15-04 add popup for editable text button to also show database record TPopupCommand::TPopupCommand(TView *aView, IDType theType) : void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) save new kodak printer color settings void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const fix graphic icon issue when choosing print all orders void TFolderOverlayList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) do not change ratio of groupphoto when no image is loaded void TGroupPhotoObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, send new kodak color settings to processor void WriteColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) // 6-14-04 add color adjust for 6800 and 86xx myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr getMyKodak6800PrinterPrefs() // 6-14-04 myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr getMyKodak86xxPrinterPrefs() // 6-14-04 Boolean setMyKodak6800PrinterPrefToFactoryDefaults ( myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr ptr ) // 6-14-04 Boolean setMyKodak86xxPrinterPrefToFactoryDefaults ( myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr ptr ) // 6-14-04 fix bug in reloading images in jumping to edit template and jumping back to preview images window void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImagesUsed(CLongintList_AC *theList) // 4-19-04 fix repeat start sitting for school mode void TThumbnailToolsView::DoStartSittingChoice(short choice) // 6-7-04 // 6-10-04 add kodak 8500 printer and mediatype window void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void doKodak8500FactorySettings() // 6-10-04 void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const short getResSaveNumberFromPrinterType(short printerType) // 2-22-01 TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 add edit node button on node settings window void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TLayoutView::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) add new color adjust function for processor bool ApplyColorSettingsToOffscreen(GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myUpdColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen) // 6-10-04 // 6-9-04 fix coloradjust info to use same variable all across the board GWorldPtr TDragDropColorAdjustView::GetOffscreenAndColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo *ColorAdjustInfo) update toolwindow color adjust settings void TDropPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 void TOneUpPreviewImage::UpdateToolWindowSettings() // 5-19-04 fix issue that caused images not to get marked anymore void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) set Kodak 6800 dpi to 300 void doKodak6800Settings() // 2-11-04 apply colorsettings when doing high res preview void TPreviewImage::DoZoomImage ( bool doHighResImage ) add other folder to compile school log file options void CompileLogFileFromFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) other void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 6-8-04 make new class TKodak8500PrinterPrefs new output canvas and pref for Kodak 8500 printer (hidden for no) new function void myNewCopyResourceFork(FSSpec srcFSSpec, FSSpec dstFSSpec) // 6-8-04 to copy resource forks call in: OSErr myTFileMoveFile ( TFile *aFile, short vRefNum, long destDirID ) // 6-7-04 separate default folder button action for preview images and start sitting TPopupCommand::TPopupCommand(TView *aView, IDType theType) : add previewFolderButtonDefault and removeImagesDefault to tPreviewPrefStruct Boolean setMyPreviewPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) TPreviewWindowPrefs::~TPreviewWindowPrefs() void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromFolderAndSubFolder(bool displayHowManyAdded) // 6-7-04 void TThumbnailToolsView::DoStartSittingChoice(short choice) // 6-7-04 void TThumbnailToolsView::DoPreviewImagesChoice(short choice) // 6-7-04 void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 6-3-04 fix image popup menus to match and add move to trash feature bool DoImagePopupMenuChoice(short choice, short imageIndex) // 6-4-04 void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) give a message when trying to do kodak image settings on a none kodak file IDType TKodakCameraHandler::DoColorBalance() bool DoImagePopupMenuChoice(short choice, short imageIndex) // 6-4-04 correct naming for move to trash feature (to match dragging to trash in finder) OSErr CreateUniqueFSSpecNew ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag, bool overwriteExisting ) short copyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) redraw file name when moving tot top or bottom void TThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 6-2-04 // release as v11b9 copied changes for auto-converting old editableTextObjectWithDatabase to new databaseObject // fix issues with old versions of layout views and newer software and vice versa #define kJobVersion18 8818 // 6-02-04 #define kJobVersionLimit kJobVersion18 // 6-02-04 kJobVersion17 // 4-23-04 #define kCurJobVersion kJobVersion18 // 06-02-04 kJobVersion17 // 4-23-04 UInt32 GetValidFileVersion ( CList_AC *theList ); // 06-02-04 void TLayoutView::WriteTo(TStream *aStream) const #define kLayoutFileVersion2 1102 // added 06-02-04 #define kCurLayoutFileVersion kLayoutFileVersion2 // 10-14-02 // fix issue with db text not sent properly to spooler from drag and drop mode void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) // 6-1-04 release as v11b8 // 6-1-04 // use kodak sharpen lib withOUT allocating a second buffer // only sharpen on high res image // 5-29-04 // 5-28-04 // make all the kodak GetImage go thru one common function // 6-1-04 fix bug in prompt for images bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, long image, CStr31_AC folderName) void TTEPSFileHandler::LoadImagesIntoResourceFile(TFile *resourceFile, CPoint_AC theSize, long numOfImages) // 6-1-04 // 5-27-04 // ColorSyncUtils.c // ColorSyncUtils.h CMError myCreateCWTransform ( CMWorldRef &cw, Handle &inputData, FSSpec &outputProfFSSpec ) CMError myCreateCWTransform ( CMWorldRef &cw, FSSpec &inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec &outputProfFSSpec ) CMError myMatchRGB48Data ( CMWorldRef &cw, char* imageData, long width, long height ) CMError myMatchLAB48Data ( CMWorldRef &cw, char* imageData, long width, long height ) OSErr myFindProfileByName ( FSSpec &profileFSSpec, CStr255_AC &profileName ) // myGWorldStuff.h // myGWorldAndBuffer.c OSErr myConvert16bitBufferToGWorld ( GWorldPtr &anOffscreen, unsigned char *pbyBuffer, long width, long height ); // created 05-27-04 // kodakProCameraHandler.cp // kodakProCameraHandler.h GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ProcessImageAndConvertToGWorld ( unsigned char *pbyBuffer, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) KPDCStatus GetDeviceLinkName ( KPDCModelCodes csCameraModel, KPDCIlluminants csBaseIlluminant, CStr255_AC &csDeviceLinkName ); // 5-27-04 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48OLD ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48NEW ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) CMError myMatchBitmapWithHandle ( unsigned char *imageData, long width, long height, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, Handle inputData, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ) // 7-15-03 // SharpenManager.cp // SharpenManager.h KPDCStatus TSharpenManager::Initialize() KPDCStatus TSharpenManager::CreateSharpeningObject(KPDCRect imageBoundaryRect, short amountToSharpen, short sharpenRadius, short sharpenThreshold) KPDCStatus TSharpenManager::Sharpen(KPDCRect* inFirstStripRect, KPDCPixelLayout* inFinalBufferPixelLayout) KPDCStatus TSharpenManager::Sharpen ( KPDCRect* inFirstStripRect, KPDCPixelLayout* inPixelLayout, KPDCPixelLayout* outPixelLayout ) // 5-25-04 // copied changes from 5-18-04 for kodak camera KPDC_DCSProSLRc KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) KPDCModelCodes TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyCameraModel(KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr) // 9-23-02 // 5-25-04 void TDropView::DrawViews(CRect_AC theRect, FSSpec templateFSSpec, bool isNewType) // 9-7-01 short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 void InitMacAppClasses() void TLayoutView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 short checkIfNewLayoutFileAddToList(TStream *aStream, CList_AC *theList) // 10-17-02 void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) when setting default kodak dcs settings write to pref file void TKodakTIFFFileHandler::SetCurrentSettingsAsDefault() // 5-24-04 create Database Object new class TDatabaseObject, TDatabaseSettingsWindow plus changes to: void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TDropView::ResetEditText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 void RegisterMacAppClasses() void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) CStr255_AC TLayoutObjectListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const void TTextObject::Invalidate(TScalableView* aView) new functions: bool findInDatabaseAndReturnString(CStr255_AC string, short fieldNumToReturn, CStr255_AC &stringToReturn) // 5-24-04 bool findStringAndCopyToDatabaseStructure(CStr255_AC string) // 5-24-04 // 5-19-04 add color adjust to new tool window use new toolwindow always in chroma key mode and special one up mode changes to class TNewCKToolWindow, TDropPreviewImage, TOneUpPreviewImage, TPreviewImage, TCameraPreviewImage // 5-18-04 create customer info files for directory through popup menu for preview images void TMainWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) create support for database and customer orders if there is no underscore in the name new function: CStr255_AC getCustomerNameFromFileName(CStr255_AC fileName) // 5-18-04 bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) bool FindStringAndCopyToEditableText(CStr255_AC string) // 4-15-03 bool FindStringAndReturnRecord(tRecordStruct *data, short imageNumber) // 9-24-03 TFile* SaveFilesAsJPEGAndWriteLogFile(FSSpec fs, tCompileLog log, bool doAllFiles) // 2-9-04 void WriteLog(TFile *packageLogFile, FSSpec fs, CStr255_AC newName, TNewDataList *dataList) // changed 9-30-03 void removeProcessedFilesFromList() // 9-29-03 void removeFilesWithoutOrderFromList() // 9-29-03 void TSchoolPhotographyView::SetStudentSpec(CStr255_AC fileName, bool newStudent) bool TOrderSummaryWindow::IsCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC fileName) void TOrderView::ChangeOrder() void TTEPSFileHandler::CreateInfoFile4FilesInDirectory() // 12-12-03 make exact match work correctly for database bool FindStringAndCopyToEditableText(CStr255_AC string) // 4-15-03 fix issue where file was created with extension .i.info void writeStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr ) // 5-17-04 // release as v11b7 again // allow max digits of image number to be 6 change resource 1264 change resource 1091 #define kMaxImageNumberDigits 6 // 05-17-04 was 5 #define kCustom2MaxDigit 5 // 05-17-04 always 5 for koko #define kMaxImageNumberValue 999999 // 05-17-04 was 99999 void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews3 () void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForCustom2Mode () CStr31_AC FormImageNumber ( long value, bool doPad, short maxDigits ) void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 // make sure starting number is a LONG CStr255_AC createName(CStr255_AC baseName, long aValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, short numOfZeros) // 05-17-04 long TBaseNameWindow::SetStartingNumber(long theNumber) long fStartingNumber // if basename has no "_" copy from start position CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // fix issue with prompt for file attempting to read .i or .info files bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, long image, CStr31_AC folderName) // 5-15-04 // release as v11b7 // do not refresh chromakey image if template has no image object with chromakey option void TPrimatteMgr::DisplayImage () // 5-14-04 // make set time work for all kodak cameras KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetClockTime (unsigned char myStiffKodakSeconds[4] ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetCameraTimeToThisMacTime () void TKodakUtilWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) // make function more robust KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::DCS760SetProperty ( char *propertyName, void *propertyData ) // make the capture image command work for all kodak cameras OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::GrabImage() // 9-8-03 // 05-13-04 // remove some extra displayNormalMessage warnings // put back autonode button in nav window for new node object // put back 'ditl' ressource #801 // 5-12-04 // fix issue with random incidences where print package did nothing // make sure -1 is not passed as count parameter for checking number of specific object types short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForGroupPhotoForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, CLongintList_AC *list) // 10-27-03 short getNumberOfOverlayGroupPhotoObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, short &count, CLongintList_AC *aList) // 10-27-03 void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) // return correct count short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForGroupPhotoForPackage ( short packageNumber, CLongintList_AC *list) // 10-27-03 // make sure function returns true bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ) // fix crash when printer menu list starts with a separator void TOldLayoutView::SetupPrinterMenu() // 5-12-04 // try to compile with new libs for slr/n // 5-11-04 later // add extra change to make sure that "pause" "resume" in processor will force read of duplicate job names // duplicate job names does NOT mean duplicate job // 5-11-04 // release as v11b6 again with 5-11-04 as date // fix bug when no teps-processor pref file (v10 or v11) ever existed // fix bug when "print all orders" from main menu with os-printCenter job in package // 5-10-04 copy whole resource file for Teps-Processor void myNewCopyDataAndResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) // 5-10-04 create new funtion for Sepia short convertDKCtoGworld4Sepia ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr myGworldPtr ) // 5-10-04 call from: bool ConvertOffscreenToSepia ( GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen ) do not do sepia on an overlay if it is a cut out one void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, // 4-30-04 // fix issue where "adjust" button was not enabled // 4-28-04 implement new print package for all images (hold down mouse over print package button) OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintThisPackageForAllImages() // 4-28-04 TPopupCommand::TPopupCommand(TView *aView, IDType theType) : do not promt for editable text when use database is on in object void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) reset current job after deleting all files void TPrintBGBehavior::ResetAll() // 4-28-04 void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) wait a while until ready drawing object before enabling delete and exit button TPrintJobTaskManager::TPrintJobTaskManager() void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() fix issue with name shorter than 38 characters by using alias OSErr GetAllFilesInDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) // 4-27-04 close new toolwindow when deselecting image void TDropPreviewImage::SetSelected(bool doSelect) update shift zoom numbers when selecting other image void TDropPreviewImage::SetSelected(bool doSelect) // 4-26-04 create mechanism for printing packages for all images void TGeneralPrintHandler::GetImageNumberToPrint(bool dontCheckCanvas) short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackageForAllImages(bool markedOnly) // 4-26-04 fix void getUniqueNameWithCopyBeforeExtension(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 5-2-03 // 4-23-04 pass JPEG image quality to Processor short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 OSErr writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi, short JPEGQuality) // 4-23-04 put copy before extension when jumping to image editor void convertFileAndJump2ImageEditor(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 7-22-03 remove funny frame when doing Apple double click in CK mode short DoPrintPreview2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) continue implementing print to file set c and d Teps-Processor short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() void TBGPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) fix bug in drawing filename longer then 31 char. under thumbnails void TN_UPThumbNailView::DrawFileName(TView *aView, short i) // 1-7-04 fix factory settings for print to file sets void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void doPrintToFileSetFactorySettings(short printerType); // 04-23-04 void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() do not display how many added when choosing repeat preview images void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesFromOtherFolder(bool displayHowManyAdded) // add bool 4-23-04 void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 4-21-04 start implementing print to file set c and d bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const short getResSaveNumberFromPrinterType(short printerType) // 2-22-01 void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResourcesVersion14() TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 // 4-19-04 create an option to view the result of changing sepia settings by clicking apply button (from pref) void TDropPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // 2-7-02 set default folder in chroma key prefs to pref's default folder when saving and selecting void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) short TLayoutView::SaveChanges(bool showDialog, bool saveAs) reload images after coming back from drag and drop mode void TPreviewImageWindow::SetCurrentImagesUsed(CLongintList_AC *theList) // 4-19-04 CLongintList_AC *TPreviewImageWindow::GetCurrentImagesUsed() // 4-19-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) // 4-16-04 finish new print to file set implementation CStr255_AC TBGPrintView::GetNewBaseNameForPrintToFile(tSpecialPrintToFilePrefPtr ptr) // 4-16-04 void TBGPrintView::SetCurrentImageName(CStr255_AC imageName) // 4-16-04 // 4-15-04 // re-release as 10b13 // fix problem with sending multiple images to processor in drag and drop mode short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 // 4-13-04 // 4-14-04 add new print to file set prefs to Teps-Processor short TPreferencesListView::GetPrefFromItemText(CStr255_AC itemText) void TBGPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) short TBGPrintView::DoNewPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-14-04 void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 TPrintToFileSetPrefs void TBackgroundPrintingPrefs::IBackgroundPrintingPrefs() void TBackgroundPrintingPrefs::ReadPrefs() // added 8-2-00 void TBackgroundPrintingPrefs::WritePrefs() const // added 8-2-00 short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() create default folders for new print to file set mode void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() // 4-13-04 add new tool window on top for Chromakey mode when kiosk window is open IDType TNewCKToolWindow::GetCurrentTool() // 4-13-04 void TNewCKToolWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) // 4-13-04 void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) void TDropPreviewImage::StartEdit() // 4-12-04 IDType TDropView::GetCurrentTool() // 4-13-04 // gave out as 10b13 // fix the fix to truncate dup kodak .dcr/.tif files when names less than 31 chars // 04-12-04 // fix factory default issues with os chooser printer canvases // also changed MENU 1003 chooser to os print center void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() // 04-09-04 // 04-12-04 add categories for chromakey folders; in newoneuprefs: add CStr63_AC defaultFolder; Boolean setMyNewOneUpPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TNewOneUpPrefs::SetSettings(tNewOneUpPrefPtr pref) TNewOneUpPrefs::~TNewOneUpPrefs() adjust IsExistingTemplateFile2 to allow subfolders bool IsExistingTemplateFile2(FSSpec *dirFSSpec) GWorldPtr TPrintView::DrawViewForThumbNail(FSSpec templateFSSpec) add a function to auto create default sub folder in chromakey folder at startup and copy all files in it void setupNewCKFolder() // 4-9-04 void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() short GetNumberOfFolders(short vRefNum, long parID) // 4-9-04 short moveAllFilesInFoldertoDestFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, FSSpec dstFS) // 4-9-04 add new window for chromakey templates, new class TNewCKToolWindow TCKFolderList TCKFolderWindow allow for edit chroma key templates void TPreviewImageWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) void TPreviewImageWindow::SetNewCKTemplate(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) // 4-9-04 void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 04-07-04 fix bug in Kodak settings window, noise reduction value and radius were reversed on the screen void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) show correct window when choosing delete marked or delete unmarked, was reversed void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteMarkedImages(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // changed 3-8-04 // 04-06-04 fix chromakey memory error void TestChromaKey2(GWorldPtr fg, GWorldPtr bg, TPrimatteMgr *aMgr, TView *aView, short operationMode) // 4-14-03 void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) limit zoom in chromakey window void TChromaKeyView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix error with sending long file names to Teps-Processor OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveMarkedFilesAsCK() // 3-23-04 write zeros for shift zoom rotation values so that it shows the whole thing // 04-02-04 // fix saving dup kodak .dcr/.tif files when sending jobs to processor OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) // set correct default layout window to inches void TLayoutSizeWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 3-23-04 create Save Marked files as CK void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveMarkedFilesAsCK() // 3-23-04 create thumbnails for all chroma key templates void createThumbNailsForAllCKTemplateFiles() // 3-23-04 remove loading of save attributes in CK mode void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 3-22-04 support new kodak camera KPDCModelCodes TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyCameraModel(KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr) // 9-23-02 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) creat ethumbnails for chroma key templates void TLayoutView::doSave(FSSpec theFSSpec) void createThumbnail4CKTemplateFile(TFile *aFile) // 3-22-04 void GoToChromaKeyTemplateWindow() // 9-17-01 // 3-19-04q Fix redraw of "return to main" button void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 3/17/04 Used newly converted IcePick resource files "Teps-X.rsrc" "Teps Processor.rsrc" // 3-16-04 // Change from "Chooser" to "OS Print Center" PreferencesWindow.h // really remove "save" button in CK mode in source void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // fix issues all/marked images all pages with group photo when first image is a group photo GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) // 3-15-04 remove 'save'-button in CK mode View Resource 1401 Do not rotate Group Photo Thumbnails and do not use image properties void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) void TImageFileObject::DrawContents(TView *itsView, short aNumber) use resize to fit for Group photos instead of stretch to fit bool TGroupPhotoObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) Teps-Processor Boolean TGroupPhotoObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) also in drag and drop mode void TGroupPhotoObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, CPoint_AC theSize, bool isColor, bool isMirror, bool isSepia) // 7-29-03 TOverlayView::TOverlayView() void TOverlayView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TOverlayView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TOverlayView::UpdateRelativeGraphics() // 5-10-01 default to group photo 1 and set settings correspondingly when creating new group photo object void TGroupPhotoSettingsWindow::SetGroupPhotoObject(TGroupPhotoObject *anObject) // 3-12-04 make it easier to deselect image in CK mode res change make auto mark work when placing an order void TSchoolPhotographyView::EndPreview(TImageFileObject *anObject) when setting up packages, after changing the printer name, the canvas names DO NOT change on the fly. void TPackageEditWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) 3. the "cancel" button now works when printPreviewing multiple pages. however, the progress box for each page NO LONGER displays anything it's completely blank - GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) make some more resource changes // 3-10-04 fix auto marked ordered images at startup void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) AND through preview image window menu void markOrderedImages() 2. make dimmed (untouchable) printers in the output canvases print popup list never show up in print toolbar void TOldLayoutView::SetupPrinterMenu() 1. drag and drop view of template containing group photo should update automatically after marking a different thumbnail as the group photo void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) 7.CANCEL button does not work when print preview more than one page short DoPrintPreview ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doUseTExternalVideoWindowServer, CStr255_AC fileName, TImageFileObject *anObject) short DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, short rows, short cols, TImageFileObject *obj1, TImageFileObject *obj2) // 3-10-04 changed to short do not preview or print group photo's when doing all images long TTEPSFileHandler::GetNumberOfNonStaticFiles() // 3-10-04 GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TTepsPrintHandler::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop) short TPrintView::GetNextImageFile() in Teps2000.rsrc 4. dim out kodak 6800 and mitsubishi // 3-9-04 3. dont crash when unable to create the info file OSErr readCustomerInfo(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, tCustOrderPtr ptr) start implementing Print To File Set A + B but disable in menu for now changes in Preferenceswindow and Teps1000Preferences.cp and constants files disable mitsubishi kodak 6800 and new print to files all together 5. do not send job to processor if any item is dimmed out from #4 or any other printers in the future TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) // 3-8-04 make some resource changes (Image Menu, etc), remove references to Teps Spooler update zoom shift window when dragging void TOneUpPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) void TDropPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) create correct USED printer list, maintain seperators and order void TOldLayoutView::SetupPrinterMenu() 1. Enable "Remove ALL" void TTEPSFileHandler::RemoveMarkedImages(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // changed 3-8-04 void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) 2. enable "Delete ALL" (must prompt) void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteMarkedImages(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // changed 3-8-04 void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) 3. "Repeat Preview Images" void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) 4. Default "transparency" option to ON ALWAYS do NOT show option in node object void TNodeViewObject::ReadFrom(TStream *aStream) TNodeViewObject::TNodeViewObject() void TNodeViewObject::Set(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::Get(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::INodeViewObject(const CViewRect& itsBounds, FSSpec fileFSSpec, TView *aView) 5. Color sync for monitor preview must NOT be used when doing final colorsync for output void applyEmbeddedProfile(GraphicsImportComponent theGI, GWorldPtr newGWorld) // 3-5-04 fix bug in processing marked images all pages wen there is a marked image number void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) continue support for all images, all pages in CK mode void TTepsPrintHandler::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop) add transparent attribute to auto node void TNodeViewObject::SetTransparent(bool transparent) // 3-5-04 void TTemplateView::PlaceAutoNode(CStr255_AC fileName) // 10-21-02 // 3-3-04 create support for all images, all pages in CK mode short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream, short currentImage) // 3-3-04 void TPrintView::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) short TPrintView::GetNextCKImageFile() // 3-3-04 1. get "Apply Cropped/Zoom/Shift Settings" to: marked images all images short TImageFileObject::GetOrientation() // 3-3-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyZoomShiftColorSettingsToAllImages(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-3-04 fix bug in Revert Image void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 3-1-04 // 3-2-04 create support for writing longer file names for print to file and job files CStr255_AC getBaseNameFromName(CStr255_AC fileName) // 3-2-04 changed from CStr31_AC to CStr255_AC CStr255_AC FormFileNameNew ( CStr255_AC baseName, CStr255_AC imageNumber, CStr255_AC extension ) // 3-2-04 CStr255_AC FormFileNameNew ( CStr255_AC baseName, long aValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool doPad, short maxDigits ) // 3-2-04 CStr255_AC getUniqueNameForPrintToFileNew (CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, short leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) //3-2-04 CStr255_AC getPrintToFileName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) CStr255_AC getPrintToFileName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, short quantity) // 8-7-02 Teps-Processor short TBGPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) fix bug with using l(andscape) and p(ortrait) keys in one up mode and double preview mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 3-2-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::RotateSelectedImage(bool portrait) // 2-24-04 // 02-27-04 create support for longer file names CStr255_AC TImageFileObject::GetFileName() // 2-27-04 CStr255_AC TTEPSFileHandler::GetFileName() OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) void TImageFileObject::RenameFile() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() void TDropPreviewImage::GetNodeAndImageInfo(CStr255_AC &nodeName, CStr255_AC &imageName, CPoint_AC &fileSize, CStr255_AC &pathName) short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) // 8-7-01 // 02-25-04 add string for group photo object void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) fix for chromakey rotate image bug Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 02-24-04 create support for l(andscape) and p(ortrait) keys void TPreviewImageWindow::RotateSelectedImage(bool portrait) // 2-24-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 02-23-04 fix problem with zooming ratio void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyShiftAndZoomOptionsToAll(bool all) TImageFileObject::TImageFileObject() void TImageFileObject::SetScalingFactor(short aFactor) // 2-23-04 short GetScalingFactor() { return fScalingFactor; }; // 2-23-04 void TTEPSFileHandler::SetScalingFactor(short aFactor) short TTEPSFileHandler::GetScalingFactor() // 02-20-04 fix problem with pc import file TDataList *TImporter::ReadImportFile(CLongintList_AC *orderList) TDataList *TImporter::GetFirstTenRecords(short &fieldCount) // 9-11-03 pascal Boolean MyNavObjectFilterProc(AEDesc * theItem,void * info, void * callBackUD, NavFilterModes filterMode) // 2-18-04 // 02-18-04 create option to apply embedded profile or not Boolean setMyColorSyncPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tColorSyncPrefPtr ptr ) TColorSyncPreferences::~TColorSyncPreferences() void TColorSyncPreferences::SetSettings(tColorSyncPrefPtr colorsyncPref) bool applyProfile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Handle profHandle) fix issue in chromakey mode that reverts back to old image when going to zoom mode void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) create filter routine for choosing import files to allow .txt files OSErr myChooseImportFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, CStr255_AC message) // 8-12-03 pascal Boolean MyNavObjectFilterProc(AEDesc * theItem,void * info, void * callBackUD, NavFilterModes filterMode) // 2-18-04 set new factory default for match orientation print toolbar pref Boolean setMyPreviewPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 02-17-04 // sent version to gary as 10b9 // read embedded profile when in teps-processor too bool applyProfile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Handle profHandle) // 02-13-04 // 10b8 took to show - loaded on denny's computer??? // fix potential crash when adjust window and ck image tool bar are both opened at the same time void TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2-11-04 // 10b7 // force CK tool to show up when in CK preview mode // 02-10-04 // set initialize mitsubishi canvases for new prefs void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() // create the new "Teps Processor Folder Ä" as default name (NOT "Teps-Spooler Folder Ä") void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 2-9-04 create option to save pref to pref file from define canvas window void EditCanvas(tNewCanvasSizes *aNewCanvas) make preference default rigth on returning to main (for canvases) TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() fix school log file issues for non-processed files only TFile* SaveFilesAsJPEGAndWriteLogFile(FSSpec fs, tCompileLog log, bool doAllFiles) // 2-9-04 void writeDataToLogFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, TNewDataList *data, bool doAllFiles) // 2-9-04 // 02-09-04 // release as 10b6 // must be used with teps-printcenter 1.8.4 // remove test message if hot folder is empty // set factory initialization of customize start sitting to enter operations window // 02-06-04 // fix mitsubishi cut in half option to be same as margin cut pref // fix mitsubishi output sizes to be full size of specified media // add all the popups prefs for mitsu printer // 1-30-04 fix compile log file issues SchoolLogFileUtilities.c fix preview image pref iussues bool validateMyPreviewImagePrefs ( tPreviewImagePrefPtr ptr ) void TPreviewImagePrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() Teps-Processor add support for Mitsubishi bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 1-28-04 create support for Mitsubishi media type void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 void TBGPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) Draw Node view transparent when checkbox is on in edit template view void TNodeViewObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) // 1-27-04 fix crash for Kodak Pro Images bool isProfileAvailable(short look, Str255 &profileName, short *vRefNum, long *parID) resource changes // 1-23-04 // 1-26-04 add 5th option to print to file base name -> date time stamp change MENU 2033 CStr255_AC getPrintToFileName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) transparent Nodes bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2PrintOffscreen(FSSpec fileSpec, short dpi, TPrintView *theView, GWorldPtr offscreen) // 1-23-04 GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2DragAndDropViewPrint(GWorldPtr offscreen, short dpi) GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short dpi, CRect_AC tmpRect, short transparent) // 1-26-04 GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TNodeViewObject::Set(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::Get(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::WriteTo(TStream *aStream) const void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::SetNodeViewObject(TNodeViewObject *anObject) GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate, GWorldPtr offscreen, CRect_AC tmpRect, bool transparent) // 1-26-04 8 wallets is VERY slow with print all orders from main menu void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 fix bug where print all orders from main menu did not work bool confirmDatabaseWindow() // 11-6-03 // 1-21-04 Add multi Processing for dual processor computers for better resize OSStatus myResizeThreaded(void *parms, void *parms2) // 1-21-04 short betterResizeGworldToGworld ( GWorldPtr srcGworldPtr, Rect srcGworldBound, GWorldPtr destGworldPtr, Rect destGworldBound, short resizeType, bool allowCancel) // 1-20-04 add QuickTime thumbnail read PicHandle GetThumbnailFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec) PicHandle getTNGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 1-20-04 if use thumbnail input pref = true do not use thread for loading images void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) void TN_UPThumbNailView::LoadPage(long aNumber) void TN_UPThumbNailView::DrawThumbNails() fix bug with editable text when jumping to template from preview window TLayoutObject* TEditTextObject::New(CEditTextDesc *textDesc) Add multi Processing for dual processor computers void main() bool ApplyColorSettingsToOffscreen(GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen) OSErr upd2500ColorAdjustRGBHandle ( Handle imageHandle, short red, short green, short blue, short dark, short light, short gamma ) OSStatus myColorAdjustThreaded(void *parms, void *parms2); fix bug with not reading in right UPDR100 pref cut in half short findCanvasNameInUPDR100List(CStr255_AC canvasName) // 1-20-04 void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 // 1-19-04 fix a bug to put preview winodw at right spot when dock on left side void TPreviewImageWindow::SetWindowToDefaultLocation(void) // 1-19-04 // 1-7-04 implement filename under thumbnail void TN_UPThumbNailView::LoadPage(long aNumber) void TN_UPThumbNailView::CreateThumbNailViews(short begin, short end, bool show) void TN_UPThumbNailView::DrawFileName(TView *aView, short i) // 1-7-04 Boolean setMyPreviewPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) TPreviewWindowPrefs::~TPreviewWindowPrefs() void TPreviewWindowPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) pass media info structure for UPDR100 to Teps-Processor define new job version kJobVersion16 write the bytes void WriteColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) and read them back in Processor void TBGPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) fix focus issues for all windows with color controls void TNewFontStyleSettingsView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TColorTuningWindow::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 9-14-01 void TBackColorSettingsWindow::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 7-23-02 void TImageSettingsWindow::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 7-23-02 void TTextSettingsWindow::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 1-6-04 fix bug with applying colorsettings to all images void TOneUpPreviewImage::RedrawImageWithNewColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustSettings) // 1-6-04 fix bug with cropping mark window void TCroppingMarkWindow::Draw(const CViewRect &area) Add Mitsubishi Canvas #define kMitsubishi 23 // 1-6-04 void TOldLayoutView::SetupPrinterMenu() #define kMitsubishiCanvasPrefs kCDWriteCanvasPrefs + 100 // 1-6-04 tNewCanvasSizes gMitsubishiCanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 1-6-04 tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void doMitsubishiFactorySettings() // 1-6-04 short getResSaveNumberFromPrinterType(short printerType) // 2-22-01 void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResourcesVersion14() TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) // 1-5-04 create function to apply zoom/shift/color settings to all images bool loadPropertiesFromFile(FSSpec fs, tImageProperties *prop) // 1-5-04 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TTEPSFileHandler::ApplyZoomShiftColorSettingsToAllImages(tImageProperties *prop) // 1-5-04 save new UPDR100 prefs void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const compile new MacApp to test with chooser printing - works well now // 12-31-03 // 1-2-04 implement UPDR100 settings, media type and cut in half void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() create new files UPDR100Prefs.cp and .h put button on chroma key tool window to go to zoom mode void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TDropPreviewImage::GoToZoomChromaKeyMode() // 1-2-04 close zoom/shift window before printing void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) // 12-12-03 create function to create info files for all files in a folder void TTEPSFileHandler::CreateInfoFile4FilesInDirectory() // 12-12-03 void TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomerInfoFiles() // 12-12-03 // 12-9-03 // NEED TO ADD WARNING TO README.TXT about conflict in preference // copied changes from 11-25-03 and 12-2-03 for database prefs Boolean setMyDatabasePrefsToFactoryDefaults ( tDatabasePrefsPtr ptr ) void TDatabasePreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TDatabasePreferences::SetSettings(tDatabasePrefsPtr ptr) // adlib 1076 added label 'fvue' // copied changes from 12-1-03 from 9.9b103 version // show name of folder in camera status window short TDummyCameraHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // adlib 1211 make textbox larger to accommodate 2 lines of text // copied stuff from 12-1-03 about deleting images during sitting //inputPreferences.h // added deleteHotFolderDuringSitting to tInputPrefs structure // inputPreferences.cp // add pref to delete hot folder images during sitting // defaulted to ON for noerr bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 void TInputPreferences::GoToHotFolderSettingsWindow(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // adlib 1090 added check box for deleteHotFolderDuringSitting // dummyCameraHandler.cp // after 30 items, delete hot folder items leaving 10 remaining const short kDeleteAfterHowManyFiles = 30; // 12-1-03 90; // 11-12-03 bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 12-9-03 fixed issue with deleting job files make chooser preference for printing through processor Boolean setMyChooserPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tChooserPrefPtr ptr ) void TChooserPreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) TChooserPreferences::~TChooserPreferences() void TChooserPreferences::SetSettings(tChooserPrefPtr chooserPref) bool TChooserPreferences::IsChanged() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() save and restore print and page setup structure correctly in Teps-X void TNamedStdPrintHandler::SetImageWindow(TPreviewImageWindow *aWindow) TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() // 12-5-03 // 12-8-03 pass print and page setup structure correctly from Teps-X to Processor save and restore print and page setup structure correctly in Teps-X void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) TRefCntPrintInfo TNamedStdPrintHandler::RestorePrintInfo(TFile* itsFile, bool useRsrcFork) // 3-21-01 void TNamedStdPrintHandler::SavePrintInfo(TFile* itsFile, bool useRsrcFork) // 3-21-01 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, TFile *aFile) // 12-8-03 fix a bug that did not save change in cropping when hitting Command 3 void TOneUpPreviewImage::ChangeCropping() // 12-5-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::SaveAllSettingsToImage() // 12-5-03 void TPreviewImage::SaveAllSettingsToImage() // 12-5-03 // 12-3-03 create new mechanism for print jobs with "All Files"-folder in Print Jobs Folder void TPrintBGBehavior::IPrintBGBehavior() Boolean findAllJobFiles ( tPrintServerPrefs *infoPtr ) // 12-3-03 OSErr getAllFilesInNewDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) // 12-3-03 // 12-2-03 Support Chooser printing through Teps-Processor CString_AC TTepsChooserPrintHandler::GetDocName() const // 12-2-03 void TTepsChooserPrintHandler::SetDocName(CStr255_AC docName) // 12-2-03 CStr255_AC TPrintBGBehavior::GetJobFileName() // 12-2-03 create new mechanism for print jobs with "All Files"-folder in Print Jobs Folder OSErr GetAllFilesInDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) OSErr getAllFilesInNewDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) // 12-3-03 void TSortedFileList::Insert(void* item) // 12-1-03 Support Chooser printing through Teps-Processor created new files: -URedirectedChooserPrintHandler.h + cp -NamedChooserStdPrintHandler.h + cp new function void TChooserPrint::SetOffScreen(GWorldPtr OffScreen, short resolution) // 12-1-03 short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() void TBGPrintView::DoChooserPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resolution) // 12-1-03 // 11-26-03 fix issue with chroma key mode where it did not use the 2nd crop method for printing Teps-Processor Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 Teps-X bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 11-24-03 refresh all windows after message database not found void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) (work on saving colorsettings for special one up mode) // 11-21-03 // added menu item for "camera hot folder" to delete hot folder contents // title of menu item is from input prefs camera name // 11-20-03 // try to fix acquire speed hot folder with nikon camera short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // 11-19-03 // release as v9.9b101 // fix teps-processor method of auto-fitting the text in the box // need to move function to common file myUtils.c void myMakeTextFit(CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC textString, short temp, tTextInfo style) // 10-18-02 // fix problem with update of image preview window in drag and drop mode with editable text void TBaseTextObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short nodeRotation, // 11-17-03 // fix the auto fit function to prevent infinite loop void myMakeTextFit(CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC textString, short temp, tTextInfo style) // 10-18-02 // 11-14-03 DECIDE on whether to auto delete images after 90 images in list bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 11-14-03 // pass the correct params to getFolderName void TPrintToFilePrefs::UpdateFolderString(IDType identifier, tFolderFSSpec *ptr, bool saveAliasHandle) void TProcessedJobsPrefs::UpdateFolderString(IDType identifier, tFolderFSSpec *ptr, bool saveAliasHandle) // 11-14-03 // fix the auto fit function to never send negative value to TextSize void myMakeTextFit(CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC textString, short temp, tTextInfo style) // 10-18-02 // 11-12-03 remove menu option to delete contents of hotfolder change delete funtion to not delete 10 last files void TDummyCameraHandler::DeleteAllandRestartSitting() // 11-11-03 const short kDeleteAfterHowManyFiles = 90; // 11-12-03 automatically call funtion when files >= kDeleteAfterHowManyFiles bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() fix issue with saving alias handles void CopyDataAndResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) bool CopyDataAndReplaceOldResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) Teps-X main images alias handle special images alias handle backup 1 alias handle backup 2 alias handle Teps-Processor alias handle Teps-Processor - processed job alias handle // 11-11-03 create a new funtion to delete contents of hotfolder (invisible items too) void TDummyCameraHandler::DeleteAllandRestartSitting() // 11-11-03 create and delete menu dummy camera to access above option void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() // 11-10-03 // release as v9.9b9100 // add invisible files to master list short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // if file returns as fnfErr, then break out and try later short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 if (err == -43) break; // 11-10-03 // when checking for new kodak tiff files, use dummy source bool TKodakTIFFFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 6-2-03 // 11-07-03 // respond to apple event calls for quitting teps-processor if processor has NO active jobs UBackgroundPrintApp.cp void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, // 11-06-03 // change some url links to teps update page Aboutstuff.c DoDebugNewStuff.cp DoDebugNewStuff.h newAboutStuff.cp // 11-06-03 make a faster mechanism for n-up using 300 dpi and better resize void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) TEPS-PROCESSOR short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) GWorldPtr getMyLastNodeOffscreen(Str255 aName) // 11-6-03 void setMyLastNodeOffscreen(GWorldPtr ptr, Str255 aName) // 11-6-03 Boolean TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 11-3-03 created new printing pref to show group files before printing all orders TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() void TTEPSFileHandler::PrintAllOrders() // 4-7-03 added new (2nd) progress window for print all orders void TTEPSFileHandler::PrintAllOrders() // 4-7-03 Teps-Spooler delete all jobs also deletes GROUP PHOTO FOLDER contents void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) fixed a bug with finding the current Group photo file in the current folder bool findFileInFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 10-21-03 // 10-30-03 fix problem with prompting for editable text in nodes of packages // 10-29-03 // 10-30-03 // 10-31-03 create new class TGroupPhotoObject create new class TGroupPhotoSettingsWindow changes to: void TDropView::DrawViews(CRect_AC theRect, FSSpec templateFSSpec, bool isNewType) // 9-7-01 GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *theView, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, CStr31_AC theNodeFileName, short markedImageNumber, bool isSepia) // 7-29-03 short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) // 8-7-01 void RegisterMacAppClasses() void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) void TLayoutView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 void TPrintView::DoNewReadObjects(TStream *aStream, short count) // 10-31-03 void TFileOverlayObject::SetCurrentCategory() void TFileOverlayObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const void TFileOverlayObject::WriteToNew(TStream* aStream) // 10-15-02 void TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::Apply() void TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::SetFileOverlayObject(TFileOverlayObject *anObject) PicHandle TLayoutObjectListView::GetPictureHandle(GridCell aCell) CStr255_AC TLayoutObjectListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const short checkIfNewLayoutFileAddToList(TStream *aStream, CList_AC *theList) // 10-17-02 void TOverlayView::UpdateRelativeGraphics() // 5-10-01 GWorldPtr TPrintView::DrawViewForThumbNail(FSSpec templateFSSpec) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 10-27-03 continue implementation of prompt for group photo short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForGroupPhoto () // 10-24-03 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForGroupPhotoForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, CLongintList_AC *list) // 10-27-03 short getNumberOfOverlayGroupPhotoObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, short &count, CLongintList_AC *aList) // 10-27-03 // 10-24-03 create validate for group photo to prompt when groupphotos are not present short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForGroupPhoto () // 10-24-03 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForGroupPhotoForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, CLongintList_AC *list) // 10-27-03 create mechanism to show graphic on one up preview when holding down command key void setCurrentGraphicsOffscreen(GWorldPtr offscreen) GWorldPtr getCurrentGraphicsOffscreen() // 10-24-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoZoomImage ( bool doHighResImage ) // 10-24-03 // 10-22-03 Make mechanism to delete GRoup Photo Files by holding down mouse button over delete all job change MENU 2000 add command number cDeleteAllFromGroupPhotoFolder change following functions: void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 10-21-03 // Fix Apple Event Call // fix conflict with jump to image editor myAppleEventUtils.c OSErr myJumpToBackupAppWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-30-00 OSErr sendOpenFileAppleEventToAppWithAppFSSpec2 ( OSType appSignature, FSSpec fileToOpen ) OSErr sendOpenFileAppleEventToAppWithAppFSSpec(OSType appSignature, FSSpec fileToOpen, FSSpec appToOpen) reprototype MyFindProcess as non-static FinderLaunch.h OSStatus MyFindProcess( OSType creator, OSType type, ProcessSerialNumber *outProcess ) // 10-21-03 // release as 9.9b87 // fix .ds_store file problem with cd burning version void deleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 10-20-03 // 10-21-03 New Group Photo Mechanism void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage(short newNum) // 10-21-02 void TFileOverlayObject::SetCurrentCategory() void TFileOverlayObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const void deleteFileInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec); // 10-21-03 void findFileInFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec); // 10-21-03 make a new input pref to determine whether to show all customers or one at a time bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() dont write customer info file if no underscore is found in file name OSErr writeCustomerInfo(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, tCustOrderPtr ptr) OSErr readCustomerInfo(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, tCustOrderPtr ptr) // 10-17-03 black background for previews TBlackBackgroundAdorner still white rectangle around button tried to fix it did not work // 10-16-03 fixed rotated editable text issue TBaseTextObject::TBaseTextObject() // 10-14-02 void TBaseTextObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short nodeRotation, CPoint_AC theSize, bool isColor, bool isMirror, short textRotation) void TBaseTextObject::ResetText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 prevent thumbnails from auto loading when preview pref is off in school mode bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // version 9.9b86 // fix zoom factor in special one up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() // launch the backup app via a script instead of the alias // checks for existence of both scripts first // force the kiosk window the front when refreshing // disable the resize button from the kiosk window adlib 1261 and 1243 // 10-15-03 fix issues with two different canvases in one package for chooser printing (add a delay after first one) short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() fix custom server copy issues with backup folder (formerly All In Pref) that crashed when using Kodak Pro images when attempting to open colorbalance window and did not open color balance window at all for Kodak TIFF files bool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CanHandleFile(FSSpec fileSpec) void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() another fix for save prefs (packages) // version 9.9b85 fix save and load of print to file prefs in BG and FG myCopyFileUtils.c // 10-15-03 fix issues with two different canvases in one package for chooser printing (add a delay after first one) short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() fix custom server copy issues with backup folder (formerly All In Pref) that crashed when using Kodak Pro images when attempting to open colorbalance window and did not open color balance window at all for Kodak TIFF files bool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CanHandleFile(FSSpec fileSpec) void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() another fix for save prefs (packages) // version 9.9b85 fix save and load of print to file prefs in BG and FG myCopyFileUtils.c // 10-7-02 updated about windows and splash screens (picts 310, 311, 312, 410) for teps-x and teps-processor to have the os-x striped background updated teps-x main window updated teps-processor main window updated utils window wind#1058 wind#1292 wind#1296 wind#1077 // 10-07-02 // released version b92 to serge for two other customers // removed some debug messages from 10-06-03 // 10-06-03 try to debug where steve saneto has problem with reading from pc-card // 9-30-03 Read in all old orders into List before processing TFile* SaveFilesAsJPEGAndWriteLogFile(FSSpec fs, tCompileLog log) void WriteLog(TFile *packageLogFile, FSSpec fs, CStr255_AC newName, TDataList *dataList) // changed 9-30-03 create new class TLogRecordObject() TLogRecordObject::TLogRecordObject() // 9-30-03 void TLogRecordObject::Set(short fieldNum, CStr255_AC string) // 9-30-03 CStr255_AC TLogRecordObject::Get(short fieldNum) // 9-30-03 TDataList *TImporter::ReadLogImportFile() // 9-30-03 void TImporter::ReadLogFieldsFromRecord(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList) // 9-30-03 ArrayIndex_AC TDataList::GetEqualItemNoLog(CStr255_AC string, short fieldIndex) // 9-30-03 void writeDataToLogFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, TDataList *data) // 9-30-03 // 9-29-03 implement processed or all orders mechanism bool wasCustomerProcessed(CStr31_AC customerName) // 9-29-03 OSErr markAsProcessed(CStr31_AC customerName, bool mark) // 9-29-03 void removeProcessedFilesFromList() // 9-29-03 void CompileLogFileFromFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) make a mechanism to remove all files without orders from the list to only copy images that actually have orders associated with them void removeFilesWithoutOrderFromList() // 9-29-03 make a new window to set options to process all or non-processed files and to ignore file without orders short GetChoice4(short *all, short *ignoreFilesWithoutOrders) // 9-29-03 add view 1362 add creation date to customer info file OSErr readCustomerInfo(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, tCustOrderPtr ptr) // 9-26-03 reset yearbook photo when unmarking special image void TImageFileObject::MarkAsSpecialImage(bool write) // 9-8-03 when clicking save when editing database update corrensponding info file if in preview mode short TImportFileWindow::ReplacePanelData() // 8-25-03 make new edit current customer option void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetCustomerAndEdit() // 9-26-03 clear yearbook photo folder before starting new batch void getYearbookPhotosAndProcess(FSSpec fs) // 9-18-03 and Teps-Processor short TBGPrintView::DoSpecialPrintToFile(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 9-18-03 // 9-12-03 prevent log folders from being in popup list when selecting one folder from main images folder CList_AC* getSubFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 9-11-03 // 9-11-03 ignore records with underscore sign "_" when importing void TImporter::ReadFieldsFromRecord(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList, CLongintList_AC *orderList) fix problem with importing more then 20 fields short TImporter::ReadFieldsFromRecord2(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList) // 9-11-03 TDataList *TImporter::GetFirstTenRecords(short &fieldCount) // 9-11-03 void TImportListView::SetImporter(TImporter *anImporter, bool prev) create function to get all subfolder in mainimages folder to create popup choice CList_AC* getSubFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 9-11-03 do not allow for underscore sign "_" when entering custoimer id bool setCurrentStudent(CStr255_AC theString) // 9-10-03 skip empty records when importing void TImporter::ReadFieldsFromRecord(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList, CLongintList_AC *orderList) read in first 10 records of import file to check data, use new mechanism to prevent funky characters void TImporter::ReadFieldsFromRecord2(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList) // 9-10-03 TDataList *TImporter::GetFirstTenRecords() // 9-10-03 void TImportListView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TImportListView::SetImporter(TImporter *anImporter, bool prev) void TImportListView::CloseImportFile() // 9-9-03 fix compile log file issues TFile* SaveFilesAsJPEGAndWriteLogFile() void CompileLogFileFromFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) fix a bug that made it not possible to select an item from popup in open existing school bool getCurrentHighSchoolName(CStr255_AC &school, bool &choseExisting) // 8-15-03 default to desktop folder for impost files bool TImporter::ChooseImportFile() if no records in database give appropriate message OSErr TImporter::OpenImportFile() if use database pref is on but no database open give warning and present a choice to go to the open database window void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) change prompt string to "Please Select a File To IMPORT" bool TImporter::ChooseImportFile() // 9-8-03 // added back grab image from kodak pdc camera control menu item OSErr TCameraHandler::GrabImage() OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::GrabImage() // 9-8-03 DCErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::GrabImage() // 9-8-03 CameraHandler.h KodakCameraHandler.h KodakTiffFileHandler.h // install kodak camera control if input is kodak direct connect TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // add date/time warning if autodelete sitting folders is on void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 9-8-03 implement yearbook photo mechanism CStr31_AC getYearbookPhotoFileName(CStr255_AC theStudent) // 9-8-03 TImageFileObject::TImageFileObject() void TImageFileObject::MarkAsSpecialImage(bool write) // 9-8-03 bool IsSpecialImage() { return fSpecialImage; }; // 9-8-03 void TThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 9-5-03 // added warning message when expected folders are NOT found at start of teps-x void TTeps2000Application::ITeps2000Application() // 9-05-03 create find customer bool TPreviewImageWindow::FindCustomer() // 9-5-03 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() removed close box for object list window fixed bug that did not display template size in info window when opening existing template void gotoTemplateEditor(IDType layoutType, FSSpec theFileSpec, TWindow *returnWindow) // 9-04-03 fix clicking Cmd 3 multiple times TPreviewImageWindow::TPreviewImageWindow() bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetNextCustomer() // 8-28-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetPreviousCustomer() // 8-29-03 fixed ??? for customer name when selecting customer without images void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) display first image when found next or previous customer bool TPreviewImageWindow::SetForNewCustomer(CStr255_AC newCustomer) // 8-29-03 AUTO DELETE SITTING FOLDERS add two fields to tPreviewPrefStruct autoDeleteSittingFolders daysToDeleteSittingFolders changed functions: Boolean setMyPreviewPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 TPreviewWindowPrefs::~TPreviewWindowPrefs() void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() added MENU 1029 for number of days // 9-03-03 AUTO DELETE SITTING FOLDERS void deleteOldSittingFolders(short numOfDays) // 9-3-03 create new functions for yearbook photo stuff CStr31_AC getYearbookPhotoFileName() // 9-3-03 OSErr setYearbookPhotoFileName(CStr31_AC fileName) // 9-3-03 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 9-02-03 update pref file form package file just in case we need it void updatePackageFileSave2PrefFile() bug in database stuff OSErr FindStringAndOpenDbWindow(CStr255_AC &string, CStr255_AC &dbName) // 8-18-03 // 8-28-03 // 8-29-03 implement exact match for customer ID bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) Boolean setMyDatabasePrefsToFactoryDefaults ( tDatabasePrefsPtr ptr ) TDatabasePreferences::~TDatabasePreferences() void TDatabasePreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TDatabasePreferences::SetSettings(tDatabasePrefsPtr ptr) OSErr FindStringAndOpenDbWindow(CStr255_AC &string, CStr255_AC &dbName) // 8-18-03 make preview work for school photograpy mode, on entering bring up first student Command-3 will move to next student Command-2 will go to previous CStr255_AC getNextCustomerFromInfoFile(CStr255_AC student, FSSpec theFSSpec) // 8-28-03 bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetNextCustomer() // 8-28-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::GetPreviousCustomer() // 8-29-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::SetForNewCustomer(CStr255_AC newCustomer) // 8-29-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) void TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) CommandNumber.h const CommandNumber cGetNextCustomer = 1231; // 8-28-03 const CommandNumber cGetPreviousCustomer = 1232; // 8-29-03 implement set dat time for kodak DCS Camera unsigned long ConvertLongToStiffKodak ( unsigned long myMacSeconds, unsigned char *stiffKodakSeconds ); // 8-28-03 DCErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::SetCameraTimeToThisMacTime () // 8-28-03 void RegisterMacAppClasses() fix bug to set current filespec when no files in directory void TTeps2000Application::DoNewPreviewImages(bool chooseOne) // 8-27-03 fix bug with enabling/disabling find tab void TImportFileWindow::AdjustView() if find string is greater than any record go to last record bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTab2 ( IDType sourceID ) make UI for which camera to search for first pro or DCS camera add field cameraSearchOrder to tInputPrefs bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void TInputPreferences::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) void TInputPreferences::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::GetFindCameraSortOrder ( void ) // 8-26-03 disable tabs when in add mode as soon as you start typing void TImportFileWindow::AdjustView() bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTab3 ( IDType sourceID ) when hitting cancel from customer order window give message that you have to enter valid id or else return to main bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 8-25-03 making different improvements to database utility file: Import files.cp bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 8-22-03 making different improvements to database utility file: Import files.cp fix bug in print summary to chooser void TOffscreenPicture::SetDrawForPrinting(bool forPrinting) // 8-22-03 void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TOrderSummaryWindow::SetupForPrinting(TView *printView) make TEditTextObject with use database work correctly when printing void TEditTextObject::GetStringToDraw(CStr255_AC &theString, bool forPrinting) void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 8-21-03 making different improvements to database utility file: Import files.cp // 8-20-03 making different improvements to database utility file: Import files.cp allow database access from utilities window void TUtilitiesWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) // 8-19-03 making different improvements to database utility file: Import files.cp // 8-18-03 store import file name in customer info file bool FindStringAndOpenDbWindow(CStr255_AC string, CStr255_AC &dbName) // 8-18-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) new mechanism of creating and/or opening existing school bool TImporter::SpecifyImportFile(CStr255_AC schoolName) // 8-18-03 // 8-15-03 create new funtion to backup current school database to school database folder void TImportFileWindow::Backup() // 8-15-03 backup current school database on return to main ~TPreviewImageWindow() new mechanism of creating and/or opening existing school bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTab4 ( IDType sourceID ) bool getCurrentHighSchoolName(CStr255_AC &school, bool &choseExisting) CList_AC* getFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 8-15-03 // 8-13-03 sort database on last find field TDataList::TDataList() // 8-13-03 void TDataList::SetSortField(short theField) // 8-13-03 CompareResult_AC TDataList::Compare(const void* item1, const void* item2) const ArrayIndex_AC TDataList::GetEqualItemNoUnique(CStr31_AC string, short fieldIndex) // 8-13-03 bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTabCommon ( IDType sourceID ) // 8-12-03 fix a bug that made teps crash when doing color balance for 560 or 660 images void TColorBalanceView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) IDType TKodakTIFFFileHandler::DoColorBalance() default to school database folder when choosing import file and exporting bool TImporter::ChooseImportFile() void TImportFileWindow::ExportData() // 8-8-03 OSErr mySaveImportFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, CStr255_AC defaultName, OSType saveFileType, CStr255_AC title) // 8-12-03 OSErr myChooseImportFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, CStr255_AC message) // 8-12-03 pascal void myOSXEventProc(NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, void* callBackUD) // 8-12-03 void setDefaultFolder(FSSpec *myFS) // 8-12-03 save and load label templates bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTab4 ( IDType sourceID ) void TLabelListView::InitializeLabelView() void saveLabelsAsTemplate(TWindow *aWindow, bool ask4FileName) // 8-12-03 void loadLabelsFromTemplate(TWindow *aWindow, bool ask4FileName) // 8-12-03 void loadLabelsFromTemplateToDataList(TStringArray *dataList) // 8-12-03 // 8-11-03 bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) save found record to customer info file when clicking OK created new file customerorder.c and customerorder.h create school database folder gSchoolDbFolderFSSpec void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 8-8-03 change database import window from float to modal window type change resource 'view' 1286 void TImportFileWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) allow data to be exported out of utility so added records can be saved bool TImportFileWindow::HandleEventTab4 ( IDType sourceID ) short TImportFileWindow::AddPanelData() // 8-8-03 change from void to short void TImportFileWindow::ExportData() // 8-8-03 void TestImportFileWindow() // 8-8-03 // 8-8-03 //compile with newest july 2003 sdk headers // version 9.9b81 // 8-8-03 // FOR PDC_SDK_CARBON Cameras only // update the acquire status message immediately void TKodakCameraHandler::SaveImage() // 3-12-03 // after finding camera - delete images in memory of camera body OSErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::FindDCSCamera() // 6-2-03 // when images are deleted from memory in camera body, an event will get generated // need to check that fLastImage = -1 // otherwise it will attempt to transfer a new image bool TKodakTIFFFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 6-2-03 // always transfer image index 0 // delete the image index 0 after successful transfer to cpu bool TKodakTIFFFileHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // 6-3-03 // 8-8-03 // search for all kodak cameras seachForOlderKodakCamerasOnly = false OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::FindCamera() // 3-12-03 // 8-7-03 // prevent .ds_store file from calling AddFilesToList3 forever short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 // setup idle frequency - to 30ticks long TTEPSFileHandler::GetIdleFreq() // declare as virtual class TTEPSFileHandler virtual long TTEPSFileHandler::GetIdleFreq() // 8-6-03 // setup maximum images to be shot to tiff camera DCErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::SetForMemoryStorage() // OSErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 6-2-03 create new funtion to a string after entering ID bool FindStringAndOpenDbWindow(CStr255_AC string) // 8-6-03 // 8-5-03 update drag and drop view with database fields void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 // 8-4-03 // import tab delimited file for school mode changes create new class TDatabasePreferences and new structure tDatabasePrefs new view resource 1076 and new MENU 2039 multiple changes in PreferencesWindow.cp (constants) for new Database Prefs multiple changes in Teps1000Preferences.cp (constants) for saving and writing Database Prefs new file DatabasePrefs.cp and DatabasePrefs.h // allow visual check of data after student ID is entered TCameraHandler::GetCurrentStudent() bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) automatically open last opened database AliasHandle gDatabaseAliasHandle = nil; // 8-4-03 bool TImporter::ChooseImportFile() bool TImporter::CheckForImportFile() // 8-4-03 void TImportFileWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TImportFileWindow::LoadData() // 8-4-03 void TImportFileWindow::SetPanelData(short desiredIndex, IDType theView) // 8-4-03 TView* TImportFileWindow::GetCurrentPanel () allow for comma delimited and tab delimited void TImporter::ReadFieldsFromRecord(char dataString[kMaxRecordSize], long theSize, CSortedList_AC *newList, CLongintList_AC *orderList) TStringArray *TImporter::GetNextRecord(bool prev) // 7-29-03 // version 9.9b80 // release nostalgia-x to bill adlib changes for BOTH TEPS-X and NOSTALGIA-X view #1114 - change wording to "Sepia Conversion" view #1045 - change wording to "Sepia Conversion" wind #1076 - change wording to "Sepia Conversion" // make sure 'cpia' checkbox is dimmed if not from main menu void TCanvasPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPreferencesListView::DisableViews(short theNum) // 7-29-03 // make sepia changes to support sepia on nodes void TDropPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TDropPreviewImage::ReloadImage() void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 GWorldPtr TDropPreviewImage::GetOriginalPreviewImage() void TDropPreviewImage::SetDropImageSpecs(bool isColor, bool isMirror, short markedImageNumber, bool isSepia) // 7-29-03 void TDropView::CheckFirstDrag(TDropPreviewImage *anImage) GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *theView, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, CStr31_AC theNodeFileName, short markedImageNumber, bool isSepia)// 7-29-03 void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, float factor, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, CPoint_AC theSize, bool isColor, bool isMirror, bool isSepia) // 7-29-03 bool TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, short dpi, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, CStr31_AC nodeFile, CPoint_AC theSize, short markedImageNumber, bool isSepia) // 7-29-03 GWorldPtr TOverlayObject::ApplySettingsToOffscreen(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::SetNodeViewObject(TNodeViewObject *anObject) void TNodeViewObject::Set(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::Get(CNodeDesc *nodeDesc) void TNodeViewObject::INodeViewObject(const CViewRect& itsBounds, FSSpec fileFSSpec, TView *aView) void TNodeViewObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) TEPS-SPOOLER Boolean TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) void TNodeViewObject::ReadFrom(TStream *aStream) // 7-28-03 // make sepia changes to support sepia on nodes GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2DragAndDropView(FSSpec fileSpec, TView *theView, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TView *theView) fix problem with white lines when using back color bool TBackColorObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) TEPS-SPOOLER Boolean TBackColorObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 7-18-03 // change scale of sepia prefs from +/-32 to +/-100 Boolean setMySepiatonePrefToFactoryDefaults ( tSepiatonePrefPtr ptr ) bool ConvertOffscreenToSepia ( GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen ) // 7-17-03 // remove debug from 7-9-03 // created new function for applying new sepia conversion bool ConvertOffscreenToSepia ( GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen ) // 7-14-03 // fix slow dragging and zooming in special one up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() // 7-22-03 create new function to jump to image editor with right rotation and jump back to TEPS-X correctly void convertFileAndJump2ImageEditor(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 7-22-03 call it in: void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 7-21-03 write rotation to properties file immediately after rotating in thumbnail bar void TImageFileObject::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) create new funtion: void applyEmbeddedProfile(GraphicsImportComponent theGI, GWorldPtr newGWorld) call it in: GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 7-29-02 GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &resolution) // 1-2-03 // 7-16-03 add function to apply embedded profile to offscreen CMError myMatchOffscreenWithHandle ( GWorldPtr offscreen, Handle inputData ) // 7-16-03 add profile if embedded GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 create new class TSharpenManager // 7-14-03 // 7-15-03 support passing profile handle instead of FSSpec for Kodak Looks changed functions: KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLook(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef) // 5-6-03 new functions: Handle TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLookData(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef) // 7-15-03 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLookProfileName(CStr255_AC &profileName) // 7-14-03 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLookFromProfileString(CStr255_AC profileName) // 7-15-03 CStr255_AC TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetProfileNameFromDataHandle(Handle theData) // 7-15-03 CMError myMatchBitmapWithHandle ( unsigned char *imageData, long width, long height, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, Handle inputData, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ) // 7-15-03 enable profile in list if file contains this profile (even if not in either folder) void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLookProfileName(CStr255_AC &profileName) // 7-14-03 // 7-3-03 // copied files from edwin for kodak colorsync stuff // also copied resource MENU 2022 // 7-1-03 // really fix this // check for either "TEPS-" or "TEPS" for valid teps spooler folder // otherwise, will give annoying message void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() // 7-1-03 // release as b77 for fuji 3500 printer // 6-30-03 // check for either "TEPS-" or "TEPS" for valid teps spooler folder // otherwise, will give annoying message void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() // fix saving prefs for 3500 void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const SaveStruct(&gCurPictrography3500ColorAdjSettings, kFujiPict3500Prefs, "Pictrography3500 Prefs", sizeof(myFujiColorAdjustInfo), kPrefRsrcType);//6-30-03 // 6-25-03 // release as b76 for bill hallada // 6-25-03 // when saving images to cropping folder, save crop info and zero out shift/zoom info void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAsCropped() // 4-22-03 // fix issue when user clicks too many times on >> or << buttons in thumbnail view (caused thumbnail to have erroneous index number and/or image in thumbnail view void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TN_UPThumbNailView::ScrollTo(IDType theType, bool OptionKeyDown) // 6-24-03 added faster thumbnail removal void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles(bool isPreview) add two constants in CommandNuber.h const CommandNumber cStopLoadPage = 1351; // 6-24-03 const CommandNumber cStartLoadPage = 1352; // 6-24-03 void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) add bool fLoadPage to class definition // 6-24-03 // Need to fix TIFF camera with prompt to save option // NEED to make sure that user has correct version of // PDC_SDK_CARBON.Lib // 948KB / Created 6/12/02 / no modification date // version 2.1.1b6.9 // make DCS330 camera work tethered to teps. // 6-23-03 // release as b75 // release nostalgia-x to bill ashley // release teps-x to bill halada // update to new nostalgia logo // 6-20-03 // added "****" to bundle to allow all files to be accepted by teps-x in finder // change to b75 // change url to be triprism.com void DebugInternetConfig ( void ) // matched up changed from 6-18-03 project given to bob messina (see below) // do not allow auto load of kodak default settings when in start sitting bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // 6-20-03 ApplyColorSettings(&dstFSSpec); // 6-17-03 // fix assigment problem void TPreviewImage::ReloadImage() // allow ability to open all images in a folder dropped onto the app icon void TTeps2000Application::PreviewFromDirectory(CList_AC* aFileList) // changed to support dropping folders on it 6-20-03 // 6-20-03 if no look profile avaiable use the atcapture attribute if avaiable KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLook(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef) // 5-6-03 use better resize if preview image is smaller then view size void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // 6-19-03 use better resize for preview images TPreviewImage::TPreviewImage() TPreviewImage::~TPreviewImage() void TPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TPreviewImage::ReloadImage() void TPreviewImage::ResetView() void TPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) void TCameraPreviewImage::RedrawImageWithNewColorSettings(myImageColorAdjustInfo colorAdjustSettings) // 6-18-03 fix a bug that did not allow images to come in when in camera hot folder mode confirm save bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveForHotFolder(FSSpec *saveFSSpec, FSSpec *dstFSSpec) // 6-5-03 short ALRT "Do you want to save a new default" when clicking set default for kodak images void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TColorBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) fix another bug with saving color settings to kodak images coming in (hot folder or pc-card) TKodakTIFFFileHandler::TKodakTIFFFileHandler() // 6-17-03 apply kodak settings when new images come in bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 ApplyColorSettings(&dstFSSpec); // 6-17-03 changed funtions bool TCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::OpenFileAndDoAllocation(FSSpec *fileSpec) TKodakTIFFFileHandler::TKodakTIFFFileHandler() create new funtions: void TCameraHandler::ApplyColorSettings(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 6-17-03 void TKodakCameraHandler::ApplyColorSettings(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 6-17-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ApplyColorSettingsFromPref() // 6-17-03 DCErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::OpenImage(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 6-17-03 DCErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::ApplyColorSettingsFromPref(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 6-17-03 confirm save for hotfolder should only work for camera mode bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveForHotFolder(FSSpec *saveFSSpec, FSSpec *dstFSSpec) // 6-5-03 // 6-20-03 copied from steve's readme file // 6-18-03 // release as v9.9b74 // for bob messina // make preview to external video monitor work for all mode except drag and drop bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage(bool &saved, FSSpec *saveFSSpec) // do not prompt if pc-card copy mode bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveForHotFolder(FSSpec *saveFSSpec, FSSpec *dstFSSpec) // 6-5-03 if ( getMyInputPrefs()->kind!=kCamera ) return true; // 6-18-03 // get camera hot folder to show new images if external video option is on bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveForHotFolder(FSSpec *saveFSSpec, FSSpec *dstFSSpec) // 6-5-03 return true; // 6-18-03 make camera hot folder show new image with external video option on // force load of external video image when image is acquired/saved (not for drag n drop mode) void TKodakCameraHandler::SaveImage() // 3-12-03 void TPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // 6-17-03 // changed files KodakProCameraHandler.cp KodakProCameraHandler.h KodakCameraHandler.cp KodakCameraHandler.h // allow existing images in sitting folder to show up when resuming with tethered kodak camera OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::ProcessFunction6() // 6-17-03 // fix bad acquire problem with 760 camera after attempting to get preview from camera body GWorldPtr TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler::GetImageFromCameraBody(KPDCUInt16 resID) // had to make some private members public KodakProCameraHandler.h // define as virtual in class TBaseKodakProCameraHandler virtual GWorldPtr GetImageFromCameraBody(KPDCUInt16 resID); // 6-17-03 // add to class TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler : public TBaseKodakProCameraHandler GWorldPtr GetImageFromCameraBody(KPDCUInt16 resID); // 6-17-03 // change to version b74 // 6-17-03 // release as v9.9b73 // 6-17-03 // fix possible bad free of a freed block short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() // 6-16-03 // fix possible memory leak when saving job file to teps-print center bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // make sure to check for valid kodak file properly bool TKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) // 6-11-03 // fix to get 14n to acquire correctly with correct color and rotation // fix so that teps does not infinitely acquire the same image after user clicks on cancel // from the prompt to save // 6-11-03 // try to make direct connect with dcs camera work with prompt to save option on // 6-9-03 call setMyCDWritePrefToFactoryDefaults when creating new pref file void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() set default for nameType Boolean setMySaveFilePrefToFactoryDefaults ( tSaveFilePrefPtr ptr) create new function for prompt before saving mechanism GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetPreviewImageFromCameraNew(FSSpec *saveFSSpec) // 6-9-03 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImageFromCameraBody(KPDCUInt16 resID) // 6-9-03 // 6-4-03 // 6-5-03 add support for prompt to save for dummy camera handler bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveForHotFolder(FSSpec *saveFSSpec, FSSpec *dstFSSpec) // 6-5-03 fix a bug that made rename file window appear twice void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) Fix deactivation of window bug when using spooler bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) Force activate of preview window short DoPrintPreview2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) // 6-4-03 sent to edwin // 6-4-03 added support for Kodak DCS Direct connect bool TKodakCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 3-12-03 // need to close the profile calling the search function void MyProfileSearch(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool useMacStandGamma, CStr255_AC &profileDescription) bool FindProfile(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, Str255 theProfileName) CStr255_AC TProfileListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const // 6-3-03 // fix teps processor to NOT rotate sony 8x10 300dpi print jobs // add case kSony8800dpi300 bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) added funtions for Kodak DCS Direct connect bool TKodakTIFFFileHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // 6-3-03 // 6-2-03 added funtions for Kodak DCS Direct connect OSErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::FindDCSCamera() // 6-2-03 OSErr TKodakTIFFFileHandler::initializeForDCS() // 6-2-03 bool TKodakTIFFFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 6-2-03 // fix prompt for images (esp 14n images) from operations window void TSelectImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 5-30-03 // release as beta // v9.9b72 // 5-29-03 do not show progress window when doing slide show in preview window void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 void TCameraPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject, bool showProgress) // 5-29-03 fix bug in drag and drop mode where page up did not work correctly with one-up void TDropView::LoadPreviousPage() fix a bug where it showed a 2nd slide control window when hitting the enter key wehn in slide show mode (in preview window) void TSlideShowBehavior::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) fix a bug with auto node when creating one and not saving it and closing the window (gave disk error) void TDesignWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) // 8-8-00 make resource change to auto node and image object view (add down and across) make kSonyUPDR100item only portrait bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) make stamps do auto fit void TStampObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) bool TStampObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) TEPS-SPOOLER void TStampObject::DrawTextOnOffscreen(CStr255_AC textString, CRect_AC theRect, float scalingFactor, short dpi) Boolean TStampObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 5-28-03 fix bug with loading marked images when unmark after printing is on bool TDropView::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(bool now) reset current page counter after print when umark after printing is on void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // 5-23-03 prevent quit when queue enabled void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, TAppleEvent* message, TAppleEvent* reply) // 5-21-03 // 5-22-03 set status to idle when resuming teps-processor void TPrintBGBehavior::EnableBackgroundPrinting(Boolean enable) add third column (==profile class ->mntr, prtr or scnr) to colorsync profile list CStr255_AC TProfileListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const void MyProfileSearch(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool useMacStandGamma, CStr255_AC &profileDescription) change view 1088 add flushing and additional checking befor renaming processed file bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) fix using template with different Image objects some with high res some with preview size GWorldPtr GetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(FSSpec imageFSSpec, float rotation, myImageColorAdjustInfo colorSettings, short imageSize) void SetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(GWorldPtr theImage, FSSpec imageFSSpec, float rotation, myImageColorAdjustInfo colorSettings , short imageSize) // 5-22-03 GWorldPtr GetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(short imageNum, float rotation, myImageColorAdjustInfo colorSettings, short imageSize) GWorldPtr GetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(short imageNum, float rotation, short imageSize) void SetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(GWorldPtr theImage, short imagenum, float rotation, myImageColorAdjustInfo colorSettings, short imageSize)// 5-22-03 void SetCurrentImageGWorldPtr(GWorldPtr theImage, short imagenum, float rotation, short imageSize) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) Spooler bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) no message when rotating image in node when not possible void TImageSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) match popup action (choosing rotation) when doing node in template rotation void TNodeViewSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fixed a bug that did not rotate Kodak 660 image correctly in Processor GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 fix stop queue button void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoError(short theErr) // 5-20-03 fixed a bug that did not rotate high res 14N images GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetFullSizeImage() GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 add a button to spooler when error occurs to stop the queue void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoError(short theErr) fix last kelvin setting problems void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TClickBalanceView::SetKelvinSliders(short which) // 5-19-03 // 5-19-03 make more kelvin temperature changes void TClickBalanceView::SetKelvinSliders(short which) // 5-19-03 void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) create new function for 14N files to speed up high res preview GWorldPtr TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 5-19-03 also allow for cancel bool checkForCancel() // 5-16-03 implement Kelvin Balance for Kodak DCR images void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) bool GetKelvinEnabled() { return fKelvinEnabled; }; // 5-16-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetKelvinBalanceID(KPDCUInt16 kelvinSettings[3]) // 5-16-03 set memoryfullDelete to true to grab the maximum number of images OSErr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::FindCamera() prevent aliases from being reset when auto create folder is off void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() createLocalSpoolerFolder void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() createLocalSpoolerFolder createMainFolder createSpecialFolder // 5-15-03 fix extension for JPEG files problem CStr255_AC getExtensionFromFileType ( short formatType ) // 5-13-03 do more error handling for writing processed file bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) create new function UInt64 getAvailableHardDiskSpace(short refNum) // 5-13-03 // 5-12-03 fix some bugs that made images not come in when reading from pc-card TDummyCameraHandler::TDummyCameraHandler() OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 fixed meta data problem KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetMetaData(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef, tMetaData *data) // 9-25-02 use thumbnail or preview size for kodak images when specified in image object GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 upd-R100 is always portrait bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 5-9-03 change spooler folder name to TEPS-PROCESSOR FOLDER #define kBGSpoolerFolderString "TEPS-PROCESSOR FOLDER Ä" // changed name 5-9-03 implemented Cut Out Graphic folder that will not be used for printing #define kTepsCutOutsFolderName "CUT-OUT FILES" // 5-9-03 FSSpec gCutOutFilesFSSpec = { 0, 0, "\p" }; // added 5-9-03 void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TFileOverlayObject::SetCurrentCategory() void TFileOverlayObject::CopyOverlayFileToSpoolerFolder() bool TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) void TImageObject::DrawGraphics(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, CRect_AC tempQDRect) // 11-08-02 void TImageObject::SetImageFSSpec(FSSpec aFSSpec) // 5-8-03 finalized Kodak Pro settings void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TClickBalanceView::SetSettings() void TNoiseThresholdWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ApplySettingsToOtherImages(bool markedOnly) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetDefaultRadiusSettings(KPDCInt32 IDs[5]) // 5-8-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetDefaultNoiseStrengthSettings(KPDCInt32 IDs[5]) // 5-8-03 // 5-7-03 added some more default settings changed structure tKodak760Settings changed function: void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetAsDefault(long illuminant, long look, long sharpness, float EVValue, unsigned short balanceValues[3], long noiseMode, long noiseValue, long noiseRadius, KPDCInt32 newSharpness[3]) // 5-7-03 void TClickBalanceView::LoadDefaults() reload images after changing noise, sharpness void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add validation of default .dcr images void validateMyKodak760Settings(tKodak760Settings *settings) save new settings (noise radius and new sharpness) to file when in direct connect mode bool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec) fix profiles for 760M images KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) create new funtion void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetLook(short look) // 5-7-03 // 5-6-03 fix look issues void TClickBalanceView::SetSettings() // 10-29-01 CStr255_AC TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImageProfileName(short theLook) // 5-6-03 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLook() enum { // 5-6-03 kPortraitStandardLook = 1, kPortraitGrayscaleLook = 2, kPortraitReducedLook = 3, kProductStandardLook = 4, kProductGrayscaleLook = 5, kProductReducedLook = 7, LastIndexLook }; KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetLook(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef) // 5-6-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) // 5-5-03 added features for Kodak camera's void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) void TClickBalanceView::SetSettings() // 10-29-01 TSharpeningWindow KPDCBool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CanDoSharpen() // 5-5-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetNewSharpness(KPDCInt32 IDs[3]) // 5-5-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetNewSharpness(KPDCInt32 IDs[3]) // 5-5-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetAvailableNoiseReductionModes(KPDCInt32 IDs[10], KPDCUInt32 *dwAttrSize) // 5-5-03 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetNoiseRadius(KPDCInt32 noiseRadius) // 5-5-03 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetNoiseRadius() // 5-5-03 changed window 'view' 2125 added 'view' 2127 // 5-4-03 void getUniqueNameWithCopyBeforeExtension(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 5-2-03 // 4-30-03 trying to add icon to job file void TPrintView::CreateThumbnailForJobFile(TFile *aFile) // 4-18-03 fix cropping issues CRect_AC TPreviewImage::GetCropRect() // 10-12-00 // 4-29-03 change cropping function to work correctly CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio, short dpi) // 12-09-02 CRect_AC TPreviewImage::GetCropRect() // 10-12-00 display zoon and shift settings in window void TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) change 'view' 1260 // 4-28-03 write thumbnail to processed file changed function: bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) added functions: void TSpoolerPrintView::WriteThumbnailToFile(TFile *aFile) // 4-28-03 PicHandle getThumbnailResourceAsPicHandle(TFile *aFile) // 4-28-03 use spooler creator ID for job file so that Teps-Processor starts up when double clicking job file and use 'JPEG' as filetype so thumbnail shows up in the finder void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) do NOT insert processed file in fCompletedList because it should not be processed by Teps-Processor bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 4-25-03 create some more help functions for image properties void getDefaultProps(tImageProperties *prop) void getDefaultPropsAndRotation(tImageProperties *prop) // 4-25-03 revert image will default back to preview prefs void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // 4-24-03 create a funtion to save properties to all files void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePropertiesToAllFiles(tImageProperties *prop) // 4-24-03 when files first come in write default props to files if pref is on void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) // 4-22-03 change to v9.9b63 make apple-/ work with save cropped images // declare constant for saving cropped images const CommandNumber cSaveCroppedImage = 1228; // 4-22-03 // put break line before default - in case future confusion of falling thru cases void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // try to show filename of converting file void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAsCropped() // 4-22-03 // 4-22-03 created menu option File - Save Cropped FilesÉ changed functions void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() created new function: void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAsCropped() // 4-22-03 constant: const CStr31_AC kCroppedFolderString = "Cropped Files"; // 4-16-03 // v9.9b62 // for nostalgia // change target name to "Nostalgia-X" // change output name to "NOSTALGIA-X" // change ashley logo #312 - logo should only have Nostalgia-X // copy changes from 3-13-03 in myNewSecurityKey.cp // copy changes from 3-13-03 in printServerPrefs.cp // copy changes from 3-13-03 in teps1000Preferences.cp TepsNostalgia.rsrc STR#4000 #15 Teps-Processor STR#5000 #15 Teps-Processor Teps-Spooler.µ // copy changes from 3-13-03 in backgroundPrintingPrefs.cp // change target name to "Nostalgia-Processor" // change output name to "NOSTALGIA-PROCESSOR" // 4-21-03 fix a sort bug in Teps-Processor CompareResult_AC TSortedFileList::Compare(const void* item1, const void* item2) const cleaned up new feature of showing thumbnail in Teps_processor void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPrintPreview::SetOffscreen(GWorldPtr offscreen) always show first image of a template as the PICT-icon void TPrintView::CreateThumbnailForJobFile(TFile *aFile) // 4-18-03 void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) fixed issue with dropping back color object in small node void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 4-18-03 create resource fork for job file to save thumbnail void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) create new function to create thumbnail for job file void TPrintView::CreateThumbnailForJobFile(TFile *aFile) // 4-18-03 change job file name to use sequential number + file name + canvas name void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) hide utitlities window when going to template window to prevent clicking on it void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) void TDesignWindow::Close() Teps-Spooler create function to display pict when clicking on job list void TJobsListView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC /*thePoint*/) void TJobsListView::ShowPict(short item) // 4-18-03 GWorldPtr getThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec) // 4-18-03 // 4-17-03 make back color object size of layout and move to back void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) fixed a bug of opening up multiple customer order windows void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) --> cOpenCustomerOrderWindow make back color object work correctly Teps-X bool TBackColorObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) Teps-Processor bool TBackColorObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 4-16-03 make sure that file-quit and Teps-X-Quit do the samje thing void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, TAppleEvent* message, TAppleEvent* reply) fixed a bug that caused a crash in my case when reading from CD-Rom - uninitialized variable bool TThumbNailWindow::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis, EMouseDownType mouseDownType) temporarily disable remove after printing when in order summary mode void TOrderSummaryWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) enable backgound window for edit template and node mode void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) fix bug in enabling window // 4-11-03 // 4-14-03 fix chroma key window problem void TChromaKeyView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* /*event*/, CPoint_AC /*thePoint*/) create checkbox in TeditableText object to auto load through database void TEditTextObject::Get(CEditTextDesc *textDesc) void TEditTextObject::Set(CEditTextDesc *textDesc) TEditTextObject::TEditTextObject() class TEditTextObject : public TTextObject void TEditTextSettingsWindow::SetTextObject(TEditTextObject *anObject) void TEditTextSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) create new function for TImportFileWindow TDataList *GetDataList() { return fDataList; }; // 4-15-03 void FindStringAndCopyToEditableText(CStr255_AC string) // 4-10-03 fixed the problem of files not coming in alphabetically created new class: TSortedByNameFileList short TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesSortedList(short vRefNum, long dirID, CSortedList_AC *list) // new 4-10-03 short pstrcomp3 ( Str255 s1, Str255 s2 ) // 4-10-03 changed function: bool myChooseImageFolder (short &vRefnum, long &dirId, bool selectDefaultLocation, short dialogStrID, bool &isFolder, short &numOfFiles) // 4-9-03 prevent quit when in zoomed-in chroma key window void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) -> cQuit implement new stamps - package quantity - package -> number of items - total number of sheets created new functions: void TTEPSFileHandler::SetPackageNoToPrint(short packageNum) // 4-9-03 void TTEPSFileHandler::SetPackageQuantity(short quantity) // 4-9-03 void TTEPSFileHandler::SetTotalNumberOfSheets(short total) // 4-9-03 short getNumberOfItemsInPackage(short item) // 4-9-03 short GetPackageNoToPrint() { return fPackageNumber; }; // 4-9-03 short GetPackageQuantity() { return fPackageQuantity; }; // 4-9-03 short GetTotalNumberOfSheets() { return fTotalSheets; }; // 4-9-03 changed functions: TGeneralPrintHandler::TGeneralPrintHandler() short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintOrder() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDrawForPreview() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) added three item to MENU resource 1108 changed 'view' 1109 added constants #define kPackageQuantityChoice 6 // 4-9-03 #define kPackageNoOfItemsChoice 7 // 4-9-03 #define kTotalSheetsChoice 8 // 4-9-03 // 4-8-03 create new function to count the number of print in an order to prepare for stamp short TGeneralPrintHandler::CalculateNoOfPrints4Order() // 4-8-03 do not call unmountVolume if camera hot folder mode void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) -> cReturnToMain create void TTeps2000Application::PrintAllOrders() // 4-8-03 access it by holding button in Preview images -> 5th item in popup // 4-7-03 give a message if image gets shifted out of the view void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() change reference to getMyInputPrefs()->cameraSource.mode==kSchoolPhotography to getMyInputPrefs()->enableCustomerOrderMode bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 void TCameraHandler::GetFileName(long theNum, CStr255_AC &fileName) bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) ~TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() add field to tInputPrefs - autoLoadImageProperties change 'view' 1041 to add check box - enable customer order mode change the following functions: bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) bool TInputPreferences::IsChanged() void TInputPreferences::PrepareModePopup(IDType theType) // 4-7-03 change constant kSepiaCanvasType from 2 to 99 // 4-4-03 void TTeps2000Application::destroyFileHandler(short input) // 11-07-01 changed important!!! fix bug that caused crash when switching to Kodak input create new window for mark range void TTEPSFileHandler::MarkRange(bool mark, short begin, short end, bool broadCast) // 4-4-03 // 4-3-03 change window 1215 to make OK and cancel button work with keys // 4-1-03 TEPS-PROCESSOR do not use additional number when using image name for print to file name short TBGPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) TEPS-X write print to file name type to Processor void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) add menu option ato change layout size void TLayoutView::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TLayoutView::DoSetupMenus() const CommandNumber cChangeLayoutSize = 1117; // 4-1-03 // 3-26-03 // fix zoom/shift from special one up when source and destination aspect ratio are the same void InsetRectsFromWhere(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, short fromWhere ) // 3-28-03 // resource changes to teps-processor // changes to BackgroundPrinting.rsrc window id 1001 - change string "Press start to start Teps-Processor" window id 1002 - change window title to "Teps-Processor Settings" change #define kSpoolerMesg_First "Press 'StartÉ' To Start Teps-ProcessorÉ" TEPS-X change window id 1077 references to Teps-2000 and Spooler change window id 1125 references to Spooler // 3-25-03 // resource changes to teps-processor // changes to BackgroundPrinting.rsrc // adlib changes - window 1001 fix window title - "teps-processor" jump to teps-x - view 1015 change to year 2003 - view 1043 - make it more clear to users which folder to print!!!!!!!!!!!! // resorcerer CMNU 4 - change spooler refs to "teps-processor" // change pref item name // resorcerer STR#4000 - 3 => "Teps-Print Center" // PreferencesWindow.h #define kPrefProcessedJobString "Teps-Print Center" // 3-25-03 "OS-X Spool Folder" // change main window to have correct year void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DrawTriprismLogo(void) // 3-25-03 // resource changes to teps-x // changes to teps-2000.rsrc // adlib changes - view 1015 change to year 2003 - view 1018 change to year 2003 - view 1049 change refs from "spooler" to "teps-processor" - view 1702 change "jump to spooler" to "teps-processor" - view 1703 change "jump to spooler" to "teps-processor" - view 1061 bring back prefs to select print to file folder (needed for custom orders) // change name and give better help notes MENU 2033 - change "image+template name" to "teps custom order name" // Resourcerer Changes ALRT 1062 - change "spooler" to "Teps-Processor" // change pref item name // Resourcerer Changes STR#4000, #15: from "Print Spooler" to "Teps-Processor" // PreferencesWindow.h #define kPrefSetupPrintServerString "Teps-Processor" // 3-25-03 // 7/13/99 // change main window title void TMainWindow::UpdateTitle() // 3-25-03 change next function to find new 14N camera OSErr TKodakCameraHandler::FindCamera() change next function to check for new files for new 14N camera bool TKodakCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() add following function to correctly display status when doing Kodak direct short TKodakCameraHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // 3-25-03 change following function to return error code insead of bool OSErr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::FindCamera() OSErr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // 3-25-03 changed from void to OSErr OSErr TKodakPro3SLRCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // 3-25-03 changed from void to OSErr OSErr TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // 3-25-03 changed from void to OSErr OSErr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // 3-25-03 changed from void to OSErr use old save pict function to save picts instead of QT call void writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi) add dpi to save pict Boolean SaveAsPICTFile(CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short dpi) // 3-25-03 PicHandle Offscreen2PicHandle ( GWorldPtr offscreen, short dpi) // 3-25-03 change following function to set and return input/camera handlers TCameraHandler *getCurrentCameraHandler() void TTeps2000Application::initializeInputHandler() void TTeps2000Application::destroyFileHandler(short input) // 11-07-01 changed important!!! // 3-24-03 fixed a problem that did not delete a folder when it had an invisible file .DS_Store inside of it void TFolderListView::DeleteFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, CStr255_AC theName) get and set file type and creator before creating resource fork for thumbnails PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 if printing all images all pages begin job file name with tickcount to get a unique sort void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) TEPS-SPOOLER add a compare to job file name to sort by name if creation date is equal CompareResult_AC TSortedFileList::Compare(const void* item1, const void* item2) const // 3-21-03 fixed the problem where the file crashed if there was no resource fork PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 fixed a bug that did not reload the preview image in the special one up mode when doing Kodak color balance void TOneUpPreviewImage::ReloadImage() // 3-21-03 // 3-20-03 allow to change sepia setting from print toolbar void EditCanvas(tNewCanvasSizes *aNewCanvas) save cropping prefs after changing them to make sure preview/print matches on screen result void saveMyCroppingPreferences() // 3-20-03 void TPreviewImage::ChangeCropping() // 3-19-03 fixed writing header of job file to resolve issue with floats void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) check for .dcr image first and then check if Text file bool TKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) save image properties to file before printing void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) TEPS-PROCESSOR read image properties from file Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 // 3-18-03 improve speed for zooming in/out and shifting when in chroma key mode (don't key when holding down button) void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true create a function to validate the image properties bool validateProperties(tImageProperties *prop) // 3-18-03 set default image properties TOneUpPreviewImage::TOneUpPreviewImage() : TCameraPreviewImage() add image properties void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) void TOneUpPreviewImage::SavePropertiesToFile(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-5-03 add 2nd argument to following funtion: void TPreviewImage::SetCropping(short mode, bool save2Pref) // 3-18-03 when copying files to the spooler also copy tImageProperties struct if input pref 'autoLoadImageProperties' is on OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) read image properties from image files when print preview bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 3-17-03 add couple of fields to structure tImageProperties short cropping; // 3-17-03 float hRatio; // 3-17-03 float vRatio; // 3-17-03 short cropWhere; // 3-17-03 unsigned char reserved[116]; // 3-17-03 add camera model Kodak Pro 760M KPDCModelCodes TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyCameraModel(KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr) // 9-23-02 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) save crop ratio, crop mode etc. to image file void TOneUpPreviewImage::SavePropertiesToFile(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-5-03 // 3-14-03 implement sepiatine conversion TEPS-X #define kCurJobVersion kJobVersion12 // 3-14-03 GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) TEPS-PROCESSOR short TSpoolerPrintView::FinishJob() void TBGPrintView::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) implement Kodak 14N for TEPS-PROCESSOR GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 // 3-13-03 create new Sepiatone prefs file: sepiatonePrefs.cp change: void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const support Kodak Pro 4 Images create class: TKodakPro4SLRCameraHandler changed: TKodakCameraHandler() CloseKodakLibs() ~TKodakCameraHandler() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetThumbnailImage() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetPreviewImage() GWorldPtr TKodakCameraHandler::GetFullSizeImage() IDType TKodakCameraHandler::DoColorBalance() KPDCModelCodes TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyCameraModel(KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr) // 9-23-02 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) // 3-12-03 fixed problem where it changed kodak pro files to TEXT files void savePropertiesToFile(TFile *aFile, tImageProperties *prop) // change 3-12-03 bool loadPropertiesFromFile(TFile *aFile, tImageProperties *prop) // change 3-12-03 void removeImageProperties(TFile *aFile) // change 3-12-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddToList(TFile *aFile) // reprototype 3/19/01 // 03-06-03 fix a bug in chooser printing when creating new templates short checkForNewLayoutFile(TStream *aStream, templateInfo* infoPtr ) // 3-6-03 OSErr ReadObjects ( FSSpec fileSpec, templateInfo* infoPtr ) changed a function to revert images to original void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) implement revert all and marked void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) fixed a bug that caused zooming to be incorrect CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio, short dpi) // 12-09-02 // 03-05-03 load thumbnails with correct rotation void TImageFileObject::IImageFileObject(TFile *aFile, float rotation) create new function void TImageFileObject::ResetRotation() // 3-5-03 void TOneUpPreviewImage::SavePropertiesToFile(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 3-5-03 create new input pref -> autoLoadImageProperties file: InputPreferences.cp use in: bool loadPropertiesFromFile(FSSpec fs, tImageProperties *prop) // 3-3-03 void savePropertiesToFile(FSSpec fs, tImageProperties *prop) // 3-3-03 if single up mode startup in special one up mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) create revert to original for current, marked and all void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) fixed a bug that caused a crash when running school photography mode from write protected device bool readStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr) // 03-03-03 // 03-04-03 create new structure tImageProperties in file ImageProperties.c void savePropertiesToFile(FSSpec fs, tImageProperties *prop) // 3-3-03 bool loadPropertiesFromFile(FSSpec fs, tImageProperties *prop) // 3-3-03 save properties when returning to main ~TOneUpPreviewImage() save properties when previewing other image void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) loading properties when previewing new image void TOneUpPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 03-05-03 // release to bill SEPIATONE v9.9b55 // Check for changes in TEPS-PRINT Center as well // 03-05-03 // for NOSTALGIA-X // dim chromakey item in drag-n-drop menu // changed menu 2012 of tepsNostalgia.rsrc // put back the old logo from os-9 version for sepiatone // PICT 312 AshleyLogo.rsrc // 03-04-03 // removed some views in the print-to-file prefs // removed some view in the printing pref // adjusted print folder button in printer spooler pref // adjusted print folder button in sitting folder pref // 3-3-03 correct portrait/landscape settings for various printers bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) fix redraw issue in drag & drop mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TDropPreviewImage::SetDragging(bool dragging) // 2-28-03 // 2-27-03 TEPS-PROCESSOR add useDualBuffer to processed file short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() add following prefs to Cutomer order prefs - autoMarkOrderedImages - salesTax - shippingHandling changes in: void TCustomerOrderPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) ~TCustomerOrderPrefs() void TCustomerOrderPrefs::SetSettings(tCustomerOrderPrefPtr ptr) void TSchoolPhotographyView::EndPreview(TImageFileObject *anObject) void NewCopyDataAndResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) // 3-8-02 void TOrderSummaryWindow::SetupForPrinting(TView *printView) void TOrderSummaryWindow::CalculateTotalPrice(TView *aView, float totalPrice) // 2-28-03 void TOrderSummaryWindow::Reset() free school photography window on return to main to prevent having 2 windows ~TPreviewImageWindow() // 2-26-03 // next release as v9.9b52 fix school order entry mode // 2-26-03 // released as v9.9b52 TEPS-X v9.9b52 TEPS-PROCESSOR v9.9b52 TEPS-PRINT CENTER v1.6.4 fix apply to all kodak tiffs when there are non-kodak tifs in the folder created new logos for all 3 apps (forgot to add dash "-" to the file name for TEPS-PRINT CENTER) // 2-25-03 fixed bug that caused crash when shifting image out of view in 4-up mode void myNewCopyGWorldToGWorld create pref file in new location and read from old one void TPreferenceDocument::IPreferenceDocument(TPreferenceBehavior* itsPreferenceController) void TPreferenceDocument::CopyFromOldPrefFile(TFile *newFile) // 2-25-03 TEPS-PROCESSOR set default spooler folder to "Jobs To Be Printed" void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() create pref file in new location and read from old one void TPreferenceDocument::IPreferenceDocument(TPreferenceBehavior* itsPreferenceController) void TPreferenceDocument::CopyFromOldPrefFile(TFile *newFile) // 2-25-03 // 2-24-03 change projects to generate: TEPS-X TEPS-PROCESSOR TEPS-PRINT CENTER change from printServer to launch "Teps-Processor" and "Sepiatone-Processor" (forgot to add dash "-" to the file name" // 2-24-03 // release as v9.9b50 // SEPIATONE-X v9.9b50 // SEPIATONE-PROCESSOR v9.9b50 // PrinterSpooler v1.6.3 make nostalgia compile and work change logo remove buttons and features from prefs remove buttons from utils window remove rotate angle prevent school photo mode - force to event mode prevent chromakey from being accessed change default template to color/sepia only sony upd70a and chooser printers allowed make fg invoke "SEPIATONE-PROCESSOR" create a separate prefs file for both "SEPIATONE-X Prefs" and "SEPIATONE-PROCESSOR Prefs" // 2-21-03 fix bug that did not make prompt for images work the first time void TTEPSFileHandler::GetPathName(CStr255_AC &thePathName) fix resolution problem in prompt for images window void TSelectImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 2-20-03 void TDropPreviewImage::SetSelected(bool doSelect) make school photography mode work with selected images in drag and drop mode // 2-19-03 create TCustomerOrderPrefs - showEmptyOrders - graphic file -> add graphic file to chooser print // 2-13-03 // 2-14-03 // 2-17-03 // 2-18-03 changes in droppreviewimages.cp to fix school mode changes in schoolphotographyview.cp add chooser printing remove keep thumbnail in memory pref if not delete hotfolder do not allow school photography mode void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 2-11-03 // 2-12-03 fixed bug that made teps crash in school photography mode when not deleting hot folder at startup void TPreviewImageWindow::SetNumberOfFiles(short numberOfFiles) fixed a bug in compiling school log file bool SaveAsJPEGFile(CStr31_AC nameString, GWorldPtr aBGGWorld, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) create TOrderSummaryWindow and TOrderListView to give summary of school photography orders // 2-10-03 create any angle rotation for images - UImageObject.cp - UImageSettingsWindow.h // 2-7-03 // release as b32 // fix resizing issue for 2nd crop in single mode (non dragNDrop and nonChromakey) ResizeUtils.c ResizeUtils.h UImageObject.c (BG and FG) // FG bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio, short dpi) // 02-06-03 // BG Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio, short dpi) // 2-7-03 release as b31 // 2-5-03 fix color drawing in single image mode // 1-23-03 // release as b30 make fuji cards work with find files in sub directory short TDummyCameraHandler::AddAllFilesInSubFoldersToList(FSSpec theFSSpec) added line 946 AND short deleteAllFilesInSubFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 9-19-01 added line 37 void specialDeleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 4-30-02 added line 164 fix units to match inches, centimeters and pixels void TObjectSizeWindow::CalculateAndSetNewValue(IDType floatText, short oldUnit, short newUnit) // 1-22-03 default to last chosen graphic until you quit: void TOneUpPreviewImage::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 1-22-03 create thread class for loading graphics through thread TSimpleGraphicsThread make changes in: void TFolderOverlayList::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) TFolderOverlayList::~TFolderOverlayList() void TFolderOverlayList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 1-21-03 create PICT resource thumbnails when creating cache files and show progress again bool createCacheFileForGraphicsFolder(CStr31_AC category, bool warn, TCtlMgr *control, TWindow *aWindow) // 12-14-01 delete files from card when num of files returns 0 void deleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) support backspace key in one up mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-20-03 create GetSpecialNumberOfFiles to get the number of files on certain pc-cards short GetSpecialNumberOfFiles(short vRefNum, long dirID) // 1-20-03 call it in the following functions: short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 short TTEPSFileHandler::AddFilesToCurrentList(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &numFilesInFolder) allow to drag and drop tool window in drag and drop mode when kiosk window is open bool TDropPreviewImage::DoNotUseDragAndDropToolWindow() check for nodes, tmeplates etc folders and tell to call triprism if trying to delete this void specialDeleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 4-30-02 build thumbnails one at a time for first page instead of whole page void TPreviewImageWindow::SetNumberOfFiles(short numberOfFiles) // 1-14-03 added new icon files to Teps and Spooler fix a problem wild old Kodak TIF Images void TLiveSlider::DoControlAction(ControlPartCode partCode) // 1-14-03 void TColorBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) and a change in view 1207 // 1-10-03 // 1-13-03 add funtion to support Command-Delete void TDropPreviewImage::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-10-03 use backspace as clear instead of delete void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) check for clicking stop button when doing preview GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate) clear single preview image and special on when pressing clear void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) coomand-delete deletes current image void TPreviewImageWindow::DoCommandKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 1-10-03 // 1-9-03 add third argument to SelectObject when doing select all void TLayoutView::SelectObject(TLayoutObject* theObject,bool select, bool all) // 1-9-03 void TLayoutView::SelectObject(TLayoutObject* theObject,bool select, bool all) // 1-9-03 select all cells in object list at once when doing select all instead of one by one void TLayoutObjectListView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // 1-8-03 fix auto node bug when closing node window after previously saving node void TDesignWindow::Close() TLayoutView::TLayoutView() void TLayoutView::SetIsAutoNode(bool autoNode) // 1-8-03 void TTemplateView::CreateAutoNode() // 10-21-02 speed up select all void TLayoutView::SelectObject(TLayoutObject* theObject,bool select) speed up select all if layout list window is closed void TLayoutObjectListView::SelectObject(short row, Boolean state) // 1-7-03 void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() added creating jobs cancelled and jobs not valid folders // 1-6-03 Made Discovery Cove version compile for OSX // 1-3-03 created a function that returns what permission you received when opening file pascal OSErr GetPermission(short refNum, short *permission) // 1-3-02 call it in: short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 attempt to open file with write permission, if file is already open // 12-23-02 // 12-24-02 // 1-2-03 add more information to cche file (original size and dpi + header) GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) GWorldPtr createCacheFileForOffscreen(GWorldPtr offscreen, FSSpec tmpFSSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CRect_AC tmpRect) bool SaveOffscreen2CacheFileNew ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, FSSpec fileSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CPoint_AC origSize) //12-23-02 GWorldPtr readOffscreenFromCacheFileNew(FSSpec fileSpec, long creationDate, long modDate, CPoint_AC &origSize) GWorldPtr getGraphicOnOffscreen(CStr255_AC fileName, CStr255_AC category, bool cache) GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &resolution) // 1-2-03 bool createCacheFileForGraphicsFolder(CStr31_AC category, bool warn, TCtlMgr *control, TWindow *aWindow) // 12-14-01 GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) // 12-17-02 removed check for is file done copying in short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 check if open file is succesful when reading/saving thumbnails to file PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 never allow page number smaller than 1 void TN_UPThumbNailView::LoadPage(long aNumber) // 12-13-02 jump to image editor saved tiff files at 72 dpi changed it to 300 bool TKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 9-30-02 // 12-12-02 implement 2nd crop setting previewwindowprefs.cp bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) write 2nd crop pref to job file void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) TEPS-SPOOLER read 2nd crop pref from job file short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) // 12-11-02 always save a change of cropping to the preference so that screen and preview and spooler match void TPreviewImage::SetCropping(short mode) save additional variables to job file to support new cropping mechanism void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) TEPS-SPOOLER implement new cropping mechanism in SPOOLER Boolean TImageObject::Draw4PrintingNew(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 12-11-02 short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) fixed a bug with Kodak Pro file if extension is not .DCR GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 // 12-09-02 create new function to be used for new cropping mechanism CRect_AC getCropRect(CRect_AC imageRect, short mode, float hRatio, float vRatio) // 12-09-02 implement new cropping mechanism bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 12-10-02 remove duplicate chromakey checkbox in view 1105 // 12-09-02 automatically add .TIF to files if kodak TIF image file void TImageFileObject::RenameFile() // 12-06-02 change editable text in drag & drop when prompting for editable text short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForEditableText () pad print to file name to 4 characters short TBGPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) auto fill all nodes 2nd time when aut remove after printing void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) // 12-03-02 changed view resource 1215 changed function to allow for more than two digit for cropping mark void TCroppingMarkWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) CRect_AC TPreviewImage::GetCropRect() void TPreviewImage::SetCropping(short mode) never use exif/pnot option if large thumbnails GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() // 12-02-02 TEPS-SPOOLER add force portrait for kodak, force landscape for sony bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) write as BGR for Kodak bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 11-21-02 fixed an update problem with print quantity and then no key bool DoPromptForPrintQuantity ( short printerType, short &multiplierQuantity ) fixed a problem that caused multiple file overlay objects to be selected in list when it should be only one void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 11-20-02 fix problem that did not draw file overlay window correctly after dropping object void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) fixed a problem that closed the wrong window when quitting from template window with editable text selected void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) fixed a problem that switched the printer when going to prefs void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() changed message if can not do preview because of special print to file mode short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() added a progress dialog when marking as group photo void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage() // 10-21-02 calculate scaling factor for thumnail images when using Quicktime GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 When creating an auto node add checkbox to add stamp void TTemplateView::CreateAutoNode() // 10-21-02 change 'view' resource 1132 have image in node object contain 5x7 aspect ratio void TLayoutView::ResizeObjectRelativeToNodeSize(bool addStamp) // 11-19-02 change to use scaling factor of 8 for thumbnail message (will be calculated in function) GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() change SPOOLER to check version number when reading so it can read version 9 job files short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) // 11-15-02 added support for noise reduction modes and values for Kodak DCR files new functions: KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetNoiseReductionMode(KPDCInt32 noiseReduction) // 11-15-02 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetNoiseReductionMode() // 11-15-02 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetNoiseReductionValue(KPDCInt32 noiseValue) // 11-15-02 KPDCInt32 TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetNoiseReductionValue() // 11-15-02 changed functions: void setMyKodak760SettingsToFactoryDefaults(tKodak760Settings *settings) bool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ApplySettingsToOtherImages(bool markedOnly) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetAsDefault(long illuminant, long look, long sharpness, float EVValue, unsigned short balanceValues[3], long noiseMode, long noiseValue) // 11-15-02 created new window class TNoiseThresholdWindow changed 'view' resource 2125 added 'view' resource 2126 fixed a bug that caused application to lock up when trying to save file with old overlay object void TLayoutView::WriteTo(TStream *aStream) const // 11-13-02 // 11-14-02 fixed a bug that did not draw an overlay right with < 100 % white the first time void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetGraphicsOffscreen(CStr31_AC category, CStr31_AC name) // 5-8-01 fixed some bugs with jumping to backup app OSType getFSSpecOfFirstFileInDir(FSSpec theFolder, FSSpec *theFile) OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) bool writeAliasFile(FSSpec appFileSpec, short aliasAppType) added: FSSpec AliasFileToFSSpec(FSSpec aliasFS) // 11-14-02 // 11-12-02 add dpi to border so preview matches print and screen void TImageObject::DrawBorder(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CRect_AC dstRect, short dpi) // 11-12-02 fixed issues with drag & drop view and border with graphic when zooming out fixed issues with changing to invalid template void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) fixed following issues 4. it seems that the special one-up mode does NOT treat the image+graphic overlay as the "NEW IMAGE" and passes the "NEW IMAGE" to the template to be composed. // 11-11-02 fixed a bug that causes Teps to crash when clicking on the path static text (right top of preview image window) TPathClickStaticText() ~TPathClickStaticText() void TPathClickStaticText::SetFile(TFile *aFile) fixed redraw issue too void TPathPopupCommand::DoIt() fixed jump to image editor with KodaK TIFF files void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fixed a bug that asked for save the changes even when there are no changes short TLayoutView::SaveChanges(bool showDialog, bool saveAs) void TLayoutView::ReadObjects(TStream *aStream) short TLayoutView::DoNewReadFile(TStream *aStream) TEPS-SPOOLER fixed an issue that causes spooler not to match teps preview when zooming, shifting Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 11-08-02 fixed a bug that left a shadow around the droppreview image after deselecting it void handleDragImage(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 10-30-02 added class variable fImageFrame to TDropPreviewImage to draw border around image void TDropPreviewImage::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TDropPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true fixed a bug that did not do the cropping correctly when auto rotation was on bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) and SPOOLER TImageObject::Draw4Printing created new function void TImageObject::DrawGraphics(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, CRect_AC tempQDRect) // 11-08-02 that also rotates graphic if image is being rotated when auto rotate is on // 11-07-02 fix a bug that did not print graphic in Spooler void TImageObject::SetImageFSSpec(FSSpec aFSSpec) fixed a bug that did not make the graphic work in new one up mode GWorldPtr getGraphicOnOffscreen(CStr255_AC fileName, CStr255_AC category, bool cache) maybe fixed bug of loading images in new one up mode TOneUpPreviewImage::TOneUpPreviewImage() : TCameraPreviewImage() fixed a bug that did not do realsize correctly in edit template GWorldPtr TFileOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) fixed a bug that caused shifting not to work correctly in spooler Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 11-06-02 added parameter to: void InsetRects(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, short cropWhere) pass new argument to InsetRects -> short cropWhere bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) void TImageObject::Calculate4ZoomAndInset(CRect_AC &srcRect, CRect_AC &dstRect, CRect_AC maxDstRect) void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true write cropWhere parameter to job file to use in Spooler void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) read in spooler short TBGPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) fixed a bug that caused object in node object to be drawn even if there was no image void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TView *theView) added Cursor // 11-05-02 fix print for demo with network key void PrintForDemo(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doPreview) dont prompt for category when group photo modevoid GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) 2. when marking an image a group photo, need to save as group foto x in the ORIENTATION of the thumbnail!!!!! void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage() // 10-21-02 3. the single arrow and the double arrow BOTH do the same thing again. i thought single arrow = next / prev image double arrow = next page / prev page void TN_UPThumbNailView::ScrollTo(IDType theType, bool OptionKeyDown) moved "new one up prefs" after "print toolbar" prefs in teps settings Str# 4000 5. goto utilility, setup templates, edit existing - then nav lib window opens, click on cancel, and utilities window is still DIMMED void EditExistingLayout(IDType layoutType) fix jump to in thumbnail window void TN_UPThumbNailView::LoadPage(long aNumber) void TThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) don't show filename if no image void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) // 8-7-01 // 11-04-02 create constant for group photo name - kTepsGroupPhotoFileName fix crash in preferences void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) bool TPreviewWindowPrefs::IsChanged() ~TPreviewWindowPrefs() fix crash in drag & drop view -> previous page short TTEPSFileHandler::FindNextMarkedFile(short startPosition) short TTEPSFileHandler::FindFirstMarkedFileForPage(short numberOfNodes, short Page) save user mode in TFileOverlayObject correctly void TFileOverlayObject::Set(COverlayDesc *overlayDesc) // 10-15-02 create new funtion to automatically create group photo files if the dont exist void createGroupPhotoFile(short no) // 11-04-02 call in: void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 11-01-02 drag image from one box to another by holding Command (Option) Key void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) set cursor for new dragging options ResNumber TDropPreviewImage::GetCursorID() change constants in TFileOverlayObject (fUseCategory4Search, fUseAsStaticFile) to use fUserMode instead (radios) change in: bool TDropView::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, // 10-24-01 void TDropView::GetGraphicToChange() // 2-6-02 void TFileOverlayObject::Set(COverlayDesc *overlayDesc) // 10-15-02 void TFileOverlayObject::IFileOverlayObject(const CViewRect& itsBounds) bool IsExistingOverlayFile(FSSpec *fs, CStr31_AC category, short userMode) // 11-01-02 void copyOverlayFileToSpoolerFolder(FSSpec srcSpec, CStr31_AC category, short userMode) // 11-01-02 void TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::Apply() void TFileOverlaySettingsWindow::SetFileOverlayObject(TFileOverlayObject *anObject) void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) bool TOverlayView::BecomeTarget() add option to save print to file as TARGA void writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi) add matchOrientation and rotation to PrintToolbar window line item (PreviewPrefs) used to force rotation of image exept in drag & drop mode ptr->matchOrientation = false; // 11-01-02 ptr->rotation = kCW; // 11-01-02 void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 TPreviewWindowPrefs::~TPreviewWindowPrefs() bool TPreviewWindowPrefs::IsChanged() void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) mark all images will NOT mark group files void TTEPSFileHandler::MarkAllImages(bool mark, bool broadCast) // 5-21-01 added bool broadCast fix too many files open problem OSErr ReadObjects ( FSSpec fileSpec, templateInfo* infoPtr, CList_AC* theObjectList ) bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ) void TPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) TEPS-SPOOLER Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // 10-30-02 do not validate spooler folder if print preview short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() fixed issues where clicking file overlay or back color tool caused the magnification tool to be enabled void TLayoutView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event,CPoint_AC hysteresis) ResNumber TLayoutView::GetCursorID() allow only one image object to be dropped on node layout void TLayoutView::DropImageObject() create static file attribute for TFileOverlayObject fUseAsStaticFile use in: void TOverlayView::UpdateRelativeGraphics() // 5-10-01 always hide extension and imagenumber when swapping values in file name stamp CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) create support for dragging from one box to another in drag and drop mode created new function: void handleDragImage(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) // 10-30-02 changed: ~TDropPreviewImage() void TDropPreviewImage::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 10-17-02 // add dual buffer option to spooler typedef struct tPrintServerPrefs short useDualBuffer; // 10-17-02 copied from 4/23/02 tPrintServerPrefPtr getMyPrintServerPrefs() TPrintServerPrefs::~TPrintServerPrefs() void TPrintServerPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintServerPrefs::IsChanged() void TPrintServerPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) // 10-23-02 // check for correct job file in teps-spooler // make sure to change kCurrentPrinerSpoolerVers in the OTHER spooler #define kCurrentPrinerSpoolerVers kPrinterSpoolerVer3 // change 10-17-02 kPrinterSpoolerVer2 // set to current 9/12/02 // 10-25-02 removed some references to gLoadOverlay fixed bug with TEditableText short TLayoutView::DoNewReadFile(TStream *aStream) fixed bug with matching orientation of Image object with template with multiple images rotateGWorld90DegreesDoNotDispose draw a green frame for static images void TThumbNailView::Draw(const CViewRect &area) when marking as static image unmark existing ones void TImageFileObject::MarkAsStaticImage() // 10-21-02 fixed a bug that did not show overlays in Edit layout window void TOverlayObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) // 10-24-02 Added a view 1084 that determines static image number 1-10 ImageFileObject.cp // 10-23-02 changed thumbnail to not use scroller method anymore to allow more then 306 images N_UPThumbnailView.cp TepsFileHandler.cp // 10-21-02 // 10-22-02 implemented static image concept DropView.cp ImageFileObject.cp implemented auto node UDesignWindow.cp UtemplateView.cp UPrintView.cp UTeps2000Application.cp fixed issue with slowing down in drag & drop mode when using nodes DropView.cp PreviewImageWindow.cp // 10-18-02 fixed rotation issue with rotated nodes imageobjects etc. UImageObject.cp // 10-17-02 implemented feature to force orientation of Image Object to match the template UImageObject.cp UImageSettingsWindow.cp // 10-16-02 created function that shrinks text if it does not fit on box void myMakeTextFit(CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC textString, short temp, tTextInfo style) // 10-18-02 UBaseTextObject.cp UTextObject.cp // 10-14-02 // 10-15-02 created new mechanism of reading and writing template and node files without writing objects changed files: ULayoutView.cp UPrintView.cp UImageObject.cp ULayoutObject.cp UNodeViewObject.cp UStampObject.cp UBaseTextObject.cp UTextObject.cp UEditTextObject.cp UFileOverlayObject.cp UBackColorObject.cp // 10-11-02 // added new class CMyNavigation and functions for navigation to support new OS X features 10-11-02 (selecting package app's like photoshop 7) file: myNavigationUtils.c use new navigation functions for selecting camera app void THotFolderOptionsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) use new navigation functions for selecting image editor app OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-11-02 release version v9.9b13 // 10-10-02 // next version is 9.9b13 // fix the hidden fine tune window for large chromakey window adlib 2122 from window type 2 to window type 48 // fix drawing of rotated image objects in image preview window in drag n drop bool TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDrop(TView *view, short dpi, CPoint_AC topLeftPoint, short rotation, bool isColor, bool isMirror, void TDropView::DrawViews(CRect_AC theRect, FSSpec templateFSSpec, bool isNewType) // 9-7-01 // fix drawing of rotated image object in spooler Boolean TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) // allow teps and spooler to run in OS-X ONLY void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() // 10-9-02 // release as version 9.9b12 for serge to try out at customer site // adlib 1292 truly hide all unwanted buttons // in the looking for pc-card window // remove double opening of file // fixes all the annoying " bool isValidQTFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // fix OffsetRect so that drag and drop works correctly ZoomOffsetUtils.c // prevent bad input preferences being overwritten after pointing to // the hot folder camera app InputPreferences.cp // fix crashing when entering or exiting large chromakey window void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) //10-8-02 // released as 9.9b11 BUT found problem with drag and drop // 10-8-02 // disable crop relative for now until fully debugged 1215 adlib disable popup 1215 adlib change text to crop image relative to... void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 // fix check for exif file adlib 1043 remove spinning cursor // 10-8-02 bool TDummyCameraHandler::IsFileDoneCopying(TFile *aFile) // 10-8-02 create function to determine whether a file is done copying by checking first and last two bytes // 10-7-02 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 if file is not valid check for type is 'appl' and warn if so to prevent people from deleting apps OSErr myJumpToApp(FSSpec *appToOpenFolder, bool bringToFront) // 9-18-01 fixed myJumpToApp to correctly launch camera app on start sitting OSErr MyChooseFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, short index) if filetype = all or appl search for packages too (OSX) 1. need to change adlib window for "looking for pc card" even though locate button is hidden, BUT can still activate with "enter" key changed 'view' resource 1292 to make locate button NOT default button 2. check out why FG image is darker in large chromakey window void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) changed function to use CopyWorldBits instead of simpleDraw 3. fix crashing issue if chromakey #4 window is up and then hit enter key void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) close fine tuning window before going to zoom mode also fixed a bug that did not redraw image when returning to TDropPreviewImage ~TChromaKeyWindow() 4. search for extension in REVERSE order, when performing hide extension of filename void TSchoolPhotographyView::SetStudentSpec(CStr255_AC fileName, bool newStudent) void TSlideShowView::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) 5. in hot folder mode, it is always ejecting the hot folder volume on return to main even though "unmount on return to main" is OFF is it because we are automatically deleting hot folder on return main? void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) change cReturnToMain check for getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.unMountDiskAfterCopying instead of getMyStartSittingPrefs()->unmountVolume same for: bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() 6. make school photo mode work like v9.2.2 // 10-4-02 changed function to call base class' IsValidFile (important for schoolphotography mode) bool TKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) remove old reference to StandardFileReply bool getValidNodeFileSpec(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 10-3-02 change function to make sure that objects fit within bounds void TLayoutView::ValidateLayoutObjectCoordinates() // 3-20-01 // 10-2-02 use getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere void TDropPreviewImage::CalculateResizeRects() void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() void TPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TImageObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) change OffsetRect function to work correctly with new crop rectangles void OffsetRects(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBounds, CPoint_AC offset) use getMyPreviewPrefs()->cropWhere in cropping window void TPreviewImage::ChangeCropping() // 9-30-02 // 10-1-02 added filed fSwapValues to TStampObject to swap first and last name changed: void TStampObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) void TStampObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) to use fSwapValues void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) to set fSwapValues void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) to get fSwapValues added function: CRect_AC CropAndResizeBottom(CRect_AC imageRect, CRect_AC outputRect) // 10-1-02 in file resizeUtils.c void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) changed function to call ((TStampObject*)aLayoutObject)->GetStringToDraw4Printing() added field to tPreviewPrefStruct -> cropWhere (kCropCenter,kCropTopLeft,kCropBottomRight) validate cropWhere to make sure it has a valid value void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 when renaming files check for kodak pro files to make sure of .dcr extension void TImageFileObject::RenameFile() change processed folder to new folder structure, change in pref views too added kKeyTepsNetworkKey to allow start sitting bool TMainWindow::HasStartSittingKey() // 9-30-02 fixed jump to image editor for kodak pro images void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) bool TKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // 9-30-02 bool isKodakProImageFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 9-30-02 check if Graphics importer != nil AND close component after getting images GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 7-29-02 GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 add validation for backup folders AND enable Kodak Pro Color Balance void TBackupFilesCommand::DoIt() void validateBackupFolders() // 9-30-02 // 9-27-02 added alias handles for main images folder, special images folder, spooler folder, backup folders // 9-26-02 // allow show test image to work when editing/creating template/node with image object void TImageSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // change adlib for return to main menu from okay to ok // 9-25-02 // when editing existing template that is too large, allow it to shrink-to-fit the view void gotoTemplateEditor(IDType layoutType, FSSpec theFileSpec, TWindow *returnWindow) // 9-25-02 // fix problem with opening new kodak files and meta data // was trying to metadata to a closed file KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetMetaData(KPDCImageRef &theImageRef, tMetaData *data) // 9-25-02 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMetaData ( KPDCImageRef &theImageRef, tMetaData *data) // 9/24/02 release as version 9.9b6 to serge for fuji demo // fix problem with not showing correct image size in image preview window GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetPreviewImage() GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 // do not downsize when encountering 4k by 4k issue GWorldPtr getGWorldFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec, short scaleFactor, CPoint_AC &fileSize) // 9/24/02 // remove setting of custom popup pascal void myEventProcSaveAs ( NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD) // 9-23-02 // 9-22-02 void TClickBalanceView::SetHandler(TBaseKodakProCameraHandler *aHandler, FSSpec *spec) disable two radiobuttons for proback camera KPDCModelCodes TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyCameraModel(KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr) // 9-23-02 created new funtion that returns camera model KPDC_DCS760, KPDC_DCS720X, KPDC_ProBackCamera, KPDC_ProBack645 KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) call GetMyCameraModel to get correct camera to determine what profiles to use add following cameras to switch statement case KPDC_DCS720X: // 9-23-02 case KPDC_ProBack645: // 9-23-02 void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ApplySettingsToOtherImages(bool markedOnly) first get camera model and apply all and marked only to SAME camera bool computeExtVideoRects(short monitorWidth, short monitorHeight, short textSizeHeight, extVideoRectsPtr aPtr ) fixed box computation for 90CW and 90 CCW // 9/19/02 // allow external video prefs to be enabled void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TTeps2000Application::DoTeps1000Settings() adlib 1212 make window type from 2 to 48 since we want it to be float but disabled adlib 1252 make window type from 2 to 48 since we want it to be float but enabled // copied stuff from 8/1/02 and 8/2/02 of earlier project to get the // window to draw correctly bool myCopyBits ( GWorldPtr sourcePtr, GWorldPtr destinPtr, const Rect *srcRectPtr, const Rect *destRectPtr, short copyMode, RgnHandle maskRgn ) void CopyWorldBits ( GWorldPtr world, WindowPtr window, Rect *destRectPtr ) void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) OSErr drawTextInRect ( GWorldPtr aWorld, CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC theString, tMonitorStamp *aStamp ) bool computeExtVideoRects(short monitorWidth, short monitorHeight, short textSizeHeight, extVideoRectsPtr aPtr ) // remove unused functions bool mySpecialCopyBits ( GWorldPtr sourcePtr, GWorldPtr destinPtr, const Rect *srcRectPtr, const Rect *destRectPtr, short copyMode, CRGBColor_AC color) // fix redraw for external monitor preview short DoPrintPreview2 ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) // try to fix slide show window void TSlideShowMainView::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) void TSlideShowView::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) OSErr drawTextInRect ( GWorldPtr aWorld, CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC theString, tMonitorStamp *aStamp ) // 9-19-02 replace all references to 3fff and 7fff to get the rowbytes from a pixmaphandle with the call: - getPixelsPerRowInPixMap changed short rowbyte variables to unsigned long // 9-16-02 // 9-17-02 Set Attribute to automatically apply daylight/flash/tungsten etc. profile GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::Set760Attributes() change view resource 2125 make ajustment to void TClickBalanceWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add new Kodak libraries to foreground and spooler folder // 9/12/02 initialize a version number for the new printer spooler app in teps-spooler we changed the structure alignment so that v9 jobs can be read by os-x teps-spooler we need to recompile the mach-o-osx-printerSpooler // 9/11/02 // prepare for teps-network key bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey ( short printQuantity ) short tpiRainbowKey::DetermineTypeOfTriprismKeyFound ( eve3InfoPtr aKeyPtr ) #define kTPIKeyType10 10 // 9/11/02 new teps network key #define kKeyTepsNetworkKey kTPIKeyType10 // 9/11/02 // update string with new key type void TMainWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) CStr255_AC tpiRainbowKey::GetKeyTypeString ( void ) void TPreviewImageWindow::UpdateCounterValue() // 9/10/02 // released to serge for dennis kirkpatrick // change to version 9.9b3 // change return to main warning dialog box to contain "okay" and "cancel" only adlib #1023 // must read os-x keys only xxmyTepsSecurityKey.h - refine challenge and response values // change spooler compiler prefs turn OFF "remap newlines to CR" // 9-4-02 added two fields to tInputPrefs - deleteHotFolderAtStartup - deleteHotFolderOnReturnToMain added function void TInputPreferences::GoToHotFolderSettingsWindow(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // 9-4-02 added window 1090 called from configure button on view 1041 use new input prefs in function OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction8() deleteHotFolderAtStartup OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11() deleteHotFolderOnReturnToMain remove check for fLastModDate==0, always ask if delete hot folder unless check deleteHotFolderAtStartup is true OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction8() deleteHotFolderAtStartup created new class THotFolderOptionsWindow print to CD in FG always short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() 4. cancel out of CD burning during prepare for printing progress short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() // 8-19-02 // release as v9.4b3 put back the printCommand for the sony printer OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::SendThePrintCommand ( void ) // 8-16-02 // release as v9.4b2 // reformat macapp window #1077 FG // reformat macapp window #1004 Spooler // initialize summary window within subclass void TPrintCountWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPrintCountWindow::Initialize(TDocument *aDocument) // give subtotals in summary window void TPrintCountWindow::Initialize(TDocument *aDocument) // let subclass initialize the summary window for both FG and Spooler void TBackgroundPrintApp::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TTeps2000Application::ShowPrintCount() // 8-15-02 // ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? // change macapp window #1058 // ?????????? why is this window used for auto-locate start sitting // ???????????? and not for regular start sitting ????????????? // change macapp window #1058 - do NOT make locate default and hide it // and in code, use hold down cmdKey and controlKey to show it bool TFindPCCardWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 8-16-02 // from edwin // use hold down cmdKey and controlKey to show reset button bool TPrintCountWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // only delete image if in source Hot Folder void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles(bool isPreview) // 8-15-02 fill in default folder name bool gotoSelectImageWindow() GWorldPtr TPrintToFileHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) always get extension from original file for kTemplateAndImageNameType support printcount for today and cumulative add another column for CD-Write add TPrintCountPrefs to have pref for showing print count at startup or when quitting show print count in SPOOLER // 8-14-02 ~TNewKodakCameraHandler() free kodak pro library short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() check for status ==noErr before saving, removing or deleting files created funtion to remove deleted or remove from thumbnail window files from fDummyFileList void TDummyCameraHandler::RemoveFromOtherLists(TFile *aFile) // 8-14-02 IS CALLED FROM void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteImage(short aNumber, bool check) // changed 8-15-00 void TTEPSFileHandler::RemoveImageFromList(short aNumber) added support for delete key in preview image window is single preview or special one-up mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) created new pref in Printing Preferences - autoDeleteAfterPrinting called from void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles(bool isPreview) UPrintView.cp changed kCurJobVersion to kJobVersion9 added writing an integer to spooler job = current canvas number created class TPrintCountWindow to reset and create reports // 8-13-02 create TCDWriteWindow to be opened when writing a CD TCDWritePrefWindow with options for each of the 40 canvases free TImageFileObject void TTEPSFileHandler::DeleteImage(short aNumber, bool check) // changed 8-15-00 void TTEPSFileHandler::RemoveImageFromList(short aNumber) // 8-12-02 set the current canvas number for use with creating the report short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() // 8-9-02 added next two functions to be used with print count for printer and canvas short getCurrentCanvasNumber() // 8-9-02 void setCurrentCanvasNumber(short number) // 8-9-02 added 2 class variables to class TGeneralPrintHandler to force foreground us if true fPrint2FileCopy = false; // 8-9-02 fCDWriteCopy = false; // 8-9-02 these get set in: void TGeneralPrintHandler::SetCanvasToPrint(tNewCanvasSizes *canvas, short printer) foreground only if print to file with 4th name option = kTemplateAndImageNameType or kCDWriteItem and savefiletype is kSaveAsOriginal // 8-8-02 adjust GeneralPrintHandler.cp for CD-Write changed new function short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() created new functions bool TGeneralPrintHandler::CheckForCDWriteItemInPackage() // 8-8-02 void TGeneralPrintHandler::Prepare4WriteCD() void TGeneralPrintHandler::FinishWriteCD() // 8-8-02 added support in Teps1000 preferences for reading and writing new CD-Write prefs and canvases added new menuoptions for showing total of prints made Preferences-Get Print Count added file: Printcountstuff.c+.h addToPrintCount is called whenever a print is made // 8-7-02 added a function in PrintToFilePrefs.cp CStr255_AC getPrintToFileName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, short quantity) // 8-7-02 added new constant #define kTemplateAndImageNameType 4 added 4th item to MENU rsrc 2033 added support for file name option 4 (kTemplateAndImageNameType) in PrintToFileHandler.cp if filename option 4 do a straight file copy short TPrintToFileHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) added file CDPrintHandler.cp to project added kCDWriteItem to list of printers added class TCDWritePreferences added class TCDPrintHandler // 7-26-02 added key support for Spooler void TPrintJobTaskManager::DoNextTask() short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() auto select image object if there is only one void TLayoutView::DropImageObject() when created page with nodes allow marked image number to be entered (in rows/columns window) void TTemplateView::createNUPPage(TNodeViewObject *firstObject) draw border of image object also in node or template design window void TImageObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) // 7-25-02 changed structure alignment to mac68k Created TBackColorObject new files: UBackColorObject.cpp UBackColorSettingsWindow.cpp changed files: ULayoutView.cp void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) reversed object order in layout object list PicHandle TLayoutObjectListView::GetPictureHandle(GridCell aCell) CStr255_AC TLayoutObjectListView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const void TLayoutObjectListView::DrawCell(const GridCell& aCell, const CViewRect& aRect ) void TLayoutObjectListView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) void TLayoutObjectListView::SelectObject(short row, Boolean state) void TLayoutObjectListView::SwapObject(short objectNum1, short objectNum2) // 7-24-02 upgraded Kodak lib from 1.3 to 2.0 had to change some include filenames still problem with colorsync profiles // 7-22-02 // 7-23-02 added support for background color and image object border // 7-19-02 Fixed a bug that caused object icons to disappear when going from preview image window to edit template created 'cicn' void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) // 7-18-02 increased array size for printing to spooler from 50 to 2000 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) fixed a bug that did not do the rotation well for 2nd job when doing all images void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) set external video monitors to false void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TTeps2000Application::DoTeps1000Settings() // 7-17-02 fixed bugs in show 2-up full screen and slide show changed drawing function void TSlideShowMainView::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) removed drawing environment in window 1032 and window 1252 // 7-16-02 fixed a bug that caused draw for demo not to draw correctly if there wasn't a key void TPreviewImage::DrawForDemo() // 10-12-00 allow dublicating even if there is only space to move down or right void TLayoutView::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) case cDuplicate: // 7-15-02 upgraded teps to use CW 8 cast different TLayoutObject's to MDependable_AC added lib CarbonFrameworkLib to Teps and Spooler fixed a bug that caused 2nd image on chromakey template not to be keyed correctly bool TImageObject::DoChromaKeying(GWorldPtr image, GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, CRect_AC srcRect, CRect_AC dstRect, short resizeType) AND TEPS-SPOOLER Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TBGPrintView *theView) Do not allow Teps to quit with modal dialog up and ignore quit if not in main window or preview image window void TTeps2000Application::DoScriptCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber, TAppleEvent* message, TAppleEvent* reply) // 7-9-2002 made a change for thumbnails to draw correctly void TN_UPThumbNailView::ResetCounter() // 2-21-01 added deleteAllFilesInFolder to following function void TTeps2000Application::DeletePCCardAndUnmount() added a couple of function to myUtils.c CStr255_AC getTimeString(DateTimeRec *theDateTimeRec) // 7-9-02 CStr255_AC getCurrentTimeString() // 7-9-02 added a case 99 to CStr255_AC getCurrentDateString( short dateFormat ) to get date 20020709 TEPS SPOOLER changed processed job file name so that it will be sorted correctly - data + time + template name bool TSpoolerPrintView::WriteStructureAndOffscreenToFile(tPrintInfoStruct *printInfo, GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // 7/8/02 // fix LaunchApplicationByFSSpec with correct parameter settings OSErr LaunchApplicationByFSSpec(FSSpec fileSpec, bool showWarning, bool bringToFront) // 9-18-01 // Do Not let teps-2000 launch app mac-os-x printerspooler when launching regular spooler void LaunchSpoolerApp(bool check) // spooler should launch mac-os-x printerspooler after processing the print job short TSpoolerPrintView::PrepareForPrinter() // 7/22/02 // allow for more than 50 image files to be sent to BG job // from drag-n-drop mode short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) // fix spooler when there are LOTs of jobs (mark binkins) // bad casting void TSortedFileList::Insert(void* item) // 7/18/02 // release as v9.2.1 // fix karen's problem with incorrect rotated image on 2nd page // if template contains only image object, rotation value was not reset void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // allow more than 50 image files to be sent BG job // increased array to allow 400 fsspecs // need to find out why greater than 400 gives compiler error void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) // 7/12/02 // release as v9.2 // fix duplicate node row x col to accept up to 99 (used to stop at 12) change adlib #1115 // 7/8/02 // release as v9.1.6b19 //if search for all sub folders is off, still delete source folder void TTeps2000Application::DeletePCCardAndUnmount() // 7-1-02 fixed jump to image editor auto launch printing app - has to be in the same directory as Teps fixed a bug that caused the back window to come to the front // 6-25-02 // automatically checks to see if new image object size fit within layout size //if not, then new image object size is set to layout size bool TLayoutView::GetNewObjectSize(CViewRect &bounds) // in pc-copy mode, if user cancels or no images were copied, then app will not // prompt user to delete source image folder void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() // 6/6/02 // release as version v9.1.6b17 add more message to SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec when failure occurs tell what undefined error is void checkFileError ( short errno ) changed button in MacAppAlert 1003 from 'ignore' to 'skip to next' // 6-5-02 TEPS SPOOLER stop the "doIdle is recursing" message handle a double click on the pause button as a single click void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) put a check in drawing the sub job if the pause button was clicked short TPrintView::DrawSubJob() changed button in MacAppAlert 1003 from 'ignore' to 'skip to next' TEPS-2000 OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) first test if application (Photoshop is already running). if it is send open file command created new function that does not try to launch app first OSErr sendOpenFileAppleEventToAppWithAppFSSpecNew(OSType appSignature, FSSpec fileToOpen, FSSpec appToOpen) // 6-5-02 // 6-4-02 made some changes to give more info when writing of image files fails changed SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec from void to OSErr test for OSErr when doing doCopyTheFile OSErr TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) when printing to spooler test for error when copying files and move job file to unknown void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) if an error occurs move the job file to unknown jobs folder do more error testing in writing the job file TEPS SPOOLER add an error if reading an imge through Quicktime fails GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize, float imageRotation, bool &wasRotated) // 11-19-01 // 5/31/02 // release a version 9.1.6b16 for freeze frame // do NOT eject volume is volume is same a sitting folder or application folder short unMountVolumeNew ( void ); // also give warning if deleting pc-card volume is same as sitting folder void TTeps2000Application::DeletePCCardAndUnmount() void specialDeleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 4-30-02 // 5/30/02 // release a version 9.1.6b15 for freeze frame // for freeze frame // need to check if XGetVInfo returns crap or what not void TTeps2000Application::CheckForAvailableHardDiskSpace() // 4-30-02 // fix button labels when prompt for external video window is shown OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::PromptAndDisplayImage ( TExternalWindowInfoPtr aPtr ) // for freeze frame // if ud printer give error message while sending job - especially after clearing printer memory OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) // 5-31-02 added alerts if trying to delete all files in folder from the application disk void specialDeleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) void TTeps2000Application::DeletePCCardAndUnmount() added 'ALRT' 1061 in Teps2000.rsrc // 5-30-02 added source to apply shifting corectly if there is rotated imageobjects or nodes in a template void TDragAndDropToolWindow::ApplyShiftAndZoomOptionsToAll(bool all) fixed a bug that did not add the .dcr extension correctly to the destination file when copying to backup folder void TSaveToServerCommand::DoIt() // 5/29/02 // release a version 9.1.6b14bruce for turi photo // check for new fuji 4000 mark2 printer short TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) // 5/10/02 // release as v9.1.6b14 // fix order of reading and/or creating default thumbnail properly GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() // 5-10-02 removed some lines that caused the progress dialog to disappear after a 'save as' bool TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAsCustomType(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress, short fileType, bool crop, CPoint_AC newFileSize, CStr255_AC newName) // added 8-1-00 // 5-9-02 added a feature that when you are saving files (save as or save composition as) that the extension changes automatically when you change the type (through popup) and it selects the text before the dot void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAs(short imageNumber) void HandleCommandPopup(ControlHandle thePopup, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms) pascal void myEventProcSaveAs ( NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD) added function in myNavigationUtils.c void setDefaultExtension(CStr255_AC extension) // 5-6-02 when doing repeat start sitting show new files found and total number of files created new class variable in TDummyCameraHandler -> fNewFilesFound changed:OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() created new view resource 9016 (progress) // just check for main images folder volume for < 100MB and give warning void TTeps2000Application::CheckForAvailableHardDiskSpace() // 4-30-02 // 5/3/02 // do not send colorAdjust command to updr100 and upd50 when printer is printing OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) // 5-3-02 // check for existing volume/folder first and then check for volume using newer method // 5-2-02 prompt for editable text should also work for chroma key templates short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, short editTextCountList[] ) // 5-1-02 created new class and function for finding PC Card short myNewCheckForPCCard () // 5-1-02 pascal short unmountAllVolumes () // 5-1-02 pascal short CountMountedVolumes (short *vRefnum) // 5-1-02 added class TFindPCCardWindow added bool useNewFindPCCardMethod to tStartSittingPrefStruct changed ~TStartSittingPrefs() void TStartSittingPrefs::SetSettings(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) bool TStartSittingPrefs::IsChanged() added view resource 1058 // 4-30-02 created new function to check for if there is enough hard disk space left (or if theres too many sitting folders) void TTeps2000Application::CheckForAvailableHardDiskSpace() // 4-30-02 created //OSErr GetAvailableFreeBytes ( short vRefNum, long &freeBytes) pascal OSErr XGetVInfo(short volReference, // added 5-1-02 StringPtr volName, short *vRefNum, UInt64 *freeBytes, UInt64 *totalBytes) call it at startup and when start sitting void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() added 'ALRT' 1058 added 'ALRT' 1059 // release as v9.1.6b11 // 5/1/02 // changed problem with 'pnot' and createOne PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 // 4-29-02 fixed deleting files in subfolders and deleting empty folders in subfolders created new function void specialDeleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 4-30-02 is called by short deleteAllFilesInSubFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec) fixed funtion OSErr DeleteEmptyFoldersInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 4/26/02 // release as v9.1.6b10 // 4/26/02 // fix crash after Entering large chromakey window mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // show correct photoshop v6+ thumbnails // check for exif type thumbnails first // then check for pnots // and then make our own pnots GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 // 4/25/02 // change all "not happy" messages to normal messages OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) // display correct status message after delete/unmount of pc-card in hot folder mode void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 4-25-02 file: GenericFileHandler.cp add a 2nd argument to GetThumbnailResourceFromFile function. if true will create a thumbnail resource in the file if it does not have one PicHandle GetThumbnailResourceFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec, bool createOne) // added second argument to create one 4-25-02 file: SelectOverlayFolderView.cp GWorldPtr getThumbnailFromFile(CStr31_AC folder, short &index, CStr255_AC &fileName) call GetThumbnailResourceFromFile with 2nd argument is true file: UFolderOverlayList.cp PicHandle TFolderOverlayList::GetPictureHandle(GridCell aCell) call GetThumbnailResourceFromFile with 2nd argument is true file: TepsPrintHandler.cp GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TTepsPrintHandler::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop) only do multiple page if !isNewOneUpMode() file: NewKodakCameraHandler.cp void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SaveImage() compare where assignment was meant (I assume) gInsideSaveImage==true; // 3/19/02 // 4/23/02 release as v6.1.6b9 ¥¥¥ Need to use kodak SDK v1.3 (3/27/2002) for this version files affected: kodakCMM_Support.h KodakProCameraHandler.cp PrintingPreferences.h PrintingPreferences.cp PrintServerPrefs.cp TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet.cp TSonyScsiPrinterDevice.cp // add support for ProBack645 images // apply correct colorsync files for DCS720X images KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) // add member variable to track specific type of printer found class TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet : public TBaseScsiCmdSet TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet() short TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) // allow preferences for user to select dual buffer mode // in two different structures for FG and BG apps typedef struct tPrintingPrefs // used in FG typedef struct tPrintServerPrefs // used in spooler Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) Boolean setMyPrintServerPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintServerPrefs::~TPrintServerPrefs() void TPrintServerPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintServerPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintServerPrefs::IsChanged() // fix printing to sony upd printers from spooler in foreground mode OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::SendImageToPrinter ( GWorldPtr imageGWorldPtr ) // 4-23-02 clear template after printing in drag and drop mode also if shift window or others open void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) // 4-22-02 change TPopup in view 1201 to TFloatingPopup add check in void TSelectImageWindow::PutSelectedImagesInMainFileList() // 4/19/02 release as v9.1.6b8 // 4-18-02 fixed some problems that caused wrong filenames to occur in stamps and print to file name set the current file for writing object in new one up mode short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) // 8-7-01 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) if (mode != kOneUpFillTemplateMode) // 4-18-02 do not copy files here is already done added source to get first image file if new one up mode short TPrintView::GetFirstImageFile() // 3-2-01 void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) only set current file for stamp if not new one up mode if (!isNewOneUpMode()) // 4-18-02 getCurrentInputHandler()->SetCurrentFile(curImage); // 4/16/02 release as v9.1.6b7 // 4-16-02 void TPreviewImageWindow::SaveSchoolInfo() // created new function 4-16-02 call in ~TPreviewImageWindow() bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) save student info correctly in new one up mode as soon as Command-1 is chosen // 4-15-02 show progress while copying OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() always delete files from hotfolder when returning to main in school photography mode OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11() // created function 2/8/01 save pacakge in school mode when pressing command-1 also for new one up mode bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 4/12/02 release as 9.16b6 // 4-12-02 Shool Photography mode fixed a bug that did not show right order in new one up mode void TDropPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) if prompt for editable text is on it took 15 seconds to scan for it test for copies > 0 short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForOrder ( tStudentOrderStruct *curStudentOrderList, short editTextCountList[] ) same for file overlays short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForFileOverlayForOrder ( tStudentOrderStruct *curStudentOrderList ) removed double macapp alert for continue with next package short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintOrder() when printing orders in schoolphotography mode new one up mode gave message 'please select an image' short TPreviewImageWindow::GetImageToPrint(bool dontCheckCanvas) short TPreviewImageWindow::GetImageToPrint(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) enable tab when switching from drag and drop view to new one up mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // // 3/27/02 // // discovered that the spooler link order or libraries was a bit different than // teps. it seems that the "e3itf.o" library must be before // the kodak's libraries // we need to find a way to get rid of these unwanted libraries. // we keep getting these duplicate lib names when linking. // this is our REAL problem. // in the carbon version, the kodak sdk and the dtf mgr are not included. // evidently, we need the "ansi_c.ppc.lib" for these libs // also, some standard ansi functions were included in the "e3itf.o" // that gets used... // MAYBE the "ansi_c.ppc.lib" should be replace with something newer???? // do NOT return true in the call back function for CWMatchBitmap // true means that user may have cancelled - unless we check for it. // usually return false pascal bool myCMCallBackProc ( long progress, void *refCon ) // // 3/26/02 // // try to fix unstable memory // try to find out why malloc/free combo does NOT correctly in spooler // but okay in fg // created the debugMemory function to allocation large block and then immediately deallocate // found problem in spooler - free up a malloc does NOT work for some reason // had to change order of linking and tried to match link order // in teps-2000, since teps works fine! // let the sdk tell us what the size and type of attribute should be GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // test out malloc problem // use malloc to do the allocation and do corresponding free GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // create test function to test out memory issue void debugMemory ( short allocMethod ) // zero out unitialized variables TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::TBaseKodakProCameraHandler() void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // // 3/25/02 // // replace all TrackMouse calls to event ptr that might be nil void TPopupButton::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) void TIconPopupButton::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) void TFloatingPopup::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse, // created more kodak function // and call it KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::KCMS_PrepareForKCMS ( KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCRect &theRect ) GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyImage() // go thru either kodak or colorsync cmm GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMyImage() // ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ do not call movehhi and see how it goes???? ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Handle rainbowKey::GetANewEve3Handle ( void ) // // 3/22/02 // // ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // NEED TO DO LOTS OF TESTING AFTER THIS FUNCTION CHANGE!!!!!! // ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ // try to fix memory leak and bad memory fragmentation // just lock memory without ever moving it to high memory location // Do NOT call HLockHi INSTEAD USE HLock OSErr myHLock ( Handle theHandle ) Handle TdtFCursor::GetBlob(dtFfieldRange pos, long aRecID) // call updated GetMyImage in this function GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::OpenKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) // make sure only ONE rainbow key instance is ever created // used to be creating a bunch each time function was called // and occupied memory for no good reason OSErr rainbowKey::CreateNewEve3Info2 ( eve3InfoPtr myInfoPtr ) short tpiRainbowKey::FindATriprismKey ( void ) short tpiRainbowKey::FindADesiredKeyType ( short desiredKeyType ) // // 3/21/02 // //add stuff for kodak KCMS API calls TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::TBaseKodakProCameraHandler() GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::OpenKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::KCMS_Initialize ( void ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::KCMS_SetAndCombine ( KPDCImageRef theImage ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::KCMS_Apply ( KPDCPixelLayout *theLayout, KPDCPixelLayout *fileLayout, KPDCUInt32 inAngle ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::KCMS_Close ( void ) // call the corresponding cmm based on compile header // use kodaks APIs or use colorsync calls GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ProcessImageAndConvertToGWorldKCMM ( KPDCPixelLayout *theLayout, KPDCPixelLayout *outLayout ) GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ProcessImageAndConvertToGWorld ( unsigned char *pbyBuffer, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) // close kodak cmm before destroying TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::~TBaseKodakProCameraHandler() // make kodak API calls compile in teps CMMData* CMMOpen(void) // make functions call common base // remove duplicating codes // added member variable to base to hold name of library to load TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::TBaseKodakProCameraHandler() void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetLibraryName ( char *libraryName ) void TKodakProBackCameraHandler::Initialize ( bool forCamera ) void TKodakPro3SLRCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::Initialize(bool forCamera) // // 3/20/02 // do more nil ptr checks void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // make sure inputprefs are validated after user touches them from prefs window // add validation of start sitting prefs that's related to changing the // input from file to camera - especially with brand new prefs from scratch void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) // make sure 760 prefs are set to factory default for the first time with empty prefs void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() // fix menu not being uninstalled properly after leaving template window // back to utils window void TDesignWindow::Close() // in the template window, draw the category graphic always - not just a red box void TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Thumbnail(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) // make sure fSplashScreenDp is not deleted twice void TTeps2000Application::DestroyApplicationSplashScreen() // remove forceMemoryMovement when creating cursors for app void CreateCursorForThisApp ( void ) // add warning message to check if function gets recursed while acquiring image // from 760 or kodak cameras void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SaveImage() // // 3/19/02 // // found out that while acquiring 760 images, TTeps2000Application::DoIdle is indeed // recursing // just remove the three extra beeps and return false // in the future, should just set a flag that function is recursing // and then ONLY do functions that are allowed bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // remove all references to serial ports // AND REMOVE serialPorts.cp void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 3/18/02 // v9.1.6b5 remove serial port code during initialization of teps // 3/18/02 // release as v9.1.b64 compile with kodak sdk 1.2.1 for firewire cameras compile DC-2000 and DC-Spooler for karen // 3/15/02 // release as v9.1.6b3 //put back code that was commented out from 3/13/02 changes TThumbNailView::~TThumbNailView() // 3/13/02 // release as v9.1.6b2 // mainly to test out redraw problems on faster g4s computers // fix potential crashes in chroma key with drag and drop and new one up mode //transfer useful changes from v9.1.7late project 3/12/02 // before release v9.1.7 with too many functional and prefs changes // try to fix illegal/uninitialized pointers // dated as 3/13/02 void TDesignWindow::Close() // try to fix illegal/uninitialized pointers // dated as 3/12/02 void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TThumbNailView::~TThumbNailView() void TChromaKeyView::InitializeModes() TImageObject* TLayoutView::GetImageObjectBeforeThis(short index) // display error if not enuf memory // dated as 3/12/02 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ProcessImageAndConvertToGWorld ( unsigned char *pbyBuffer, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) //¥¥¥ this may have been fixed with v4.6 of nvidia drivers // v4.6 fixes the preview and zoom in image redraws // but does not solve zoom redraws in nodes (ok in templates) // therefore // will leave these changes in // try to fix some redraw issue on faster cpu's // dated as 3/7/02 void TPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) void TImageObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) // 3-7-02 duplicate pref file if upgrading to newer version bool checkForValidVersionNumber(tPrefStruct *aPrefStruct) // 12-10-01 fixes for update on faster macs - added waitfor(1) in: void TPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TOffscreenPicture::Draw(const CViewRect &area) void TLayoutView::Draw(const CViewRect& area) void TImageObject::DrawContent(TScalableView* itsView) enable/disable configure backup buttons correctly void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::AdjustViews() added #define kTepsMasterImagesFolderString "MASTER IMAGES FOLDER 2Ä" // 3-7-02 create master images folder 2 if pref is set void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // 3-7-02 remove check for existing directory - check is done later bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() bool TCustomServerCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() // 3-4 / 3-6 Added prompt for print to file name feature enabled 2nd configure backup button and changes start sitting pref fixed 'file not created by teps' error // 2-27-02 bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) speed up loading files (before getting to operations window) check for kodak pro files // 2-27-02 start sitting customize do not enter operations window -> backup bug that the second time twice the amount of images were backed up void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() prompt for images - auto load did not work correctly bool gotoSelectImageWindow() CMError MyMatchBitmapWithKodakDeviceLink48 ( unsigned char *imageData, long width, long height, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, FSSpec inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ) dispose color world // 2-26-02 make sure that all function calls using gApplication->GetActiveWindow test for !- nil first created new funtion: bool isKodakProImageFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 2-26-02 use it when jumping to image editor in: void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fixed a bug that did not acquire the highres pro back images correctly GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 // 2-25-02 fixed problem that caused Image Object not to fit when dragging it on the layout view (if zoomed) changed functions: void TObjectSizeWindow::SetObject(TLayoutObject *aLayoutObject, bool isProportional, short units, CViewRect bounds, short dpi) bool TLayoutView::GetNewObjectSize(CViewRect &bounds) created new function: void TLayoutView::GetRealObjectBounds(CViewRect& bounds) // 2-25-02 fix editable text on the fly if in new one up mode (just like drag and drop mode) void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) display chroma key template in the title bar void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // 2-22-02 replace all gApplication->PollEvent() with myApplicationPollEvent(); void TMainWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) disable DoIdle in main window - no more forceMemoryMovement every second made some changes in OneUpPreviewImage.cp to make shifting and closing windows work correctly void TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TShiftAndZoomWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) // 2-22-02 Replaced Close funtion with Show (close calls show(false) anyway) to fix disappearing button problem UTeps2000Application.cp created class variable fInIdleLoop that gets set to true when entering the Idle loop and will not allow you to enter in the idle loop again // 2/21/02 // release as v9.1.4 // view 1071 - dont use the word chromakey // close the other two views when third one is pressed - for template, adjust, and graphic buttons void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // in new one up mode, center template, adjust, and graphic button view void TTestWindowBarView::AlignItems ( void ) void TTestWindowBarView::AlignItemSSSS ( void ) // 2/20/02 // v9.1.4b3 - for mike - debug led printer // try to find out where the parse error occurred short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForKodakPrinterError ( short doVerbose ) // adjust alert for DisplayNormalMessage ALRT 1001 adjust size of ALRT 1001 to be able to at least 255 chars in succession // 2/19/02 // v9.1.4b2 - for mike - debug led printer // try to do more debug testing with kodak led printer OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::ReceiveCommand ( long theLen, bool doTesting ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForKodakPrinterError ( short doVerbose ) // force corrrect default settings if printer is kodak led printer short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::InitKodakJobHeaderForPlanar ( KodakSettings *myKSettingsPtr ) //remove debug messages Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckKodakPrinterPIBforLED ( void ) // 2/18/02 // v9.1.4b1 - for mike - debug led printer // try to debug more of kodak led printer short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::FindAFreeAndReadyPrinter ( short *findDeviceType ) Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckKodakPrinterPIBforLED ( void ) // remove excess debug for color processing of dcr images // fix dcr meta data block in dcr file // must pass local imageRef to GetMetaData function KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetMetaData ( KPDCImageRef &theImageRef, tMetaData *data) void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, KPDCImageRef theImage) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ColorProcessImage48 ( unsigned char *imageData, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) // change warning message if not files are dcr images void TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ApplySettingsToOtherImages(bool markedOnly) // 2/15/02 // try to get colorsync to process image in 16bit format CMError myCWMatchBitMap ( CMWorldRef cw, CMBitmap *aCMBitMapPtr ); CMError MyMatchBitmapSourceToDestination48 ( CMBitmap *aCMBitmapPtr, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB ); CMError MyMatchBitmapWithKodakDeviceLink48 ( unsigned char *imageData, long width, long height, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, FSSpec inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ); GWorldPtr TKodakProBackCameraHandler::GetImage(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID, bool &wasRotated) // 11-14-01 GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::OpenKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) bool TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec) GWorldPtr TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::ProcessImageAndConvertToGWorld ( unsigned char *pbyBuffer, KPDCImageRef theImage, long desiredWidth, long desiredHeight ) short saveDataPointerToFile ( unsigned char *theData, FSSpecPtr myFSSpecPtr, unsigned long bytesToWrite, bool doInChunks ); // try to debug LED printer #define kDebugKodakPrinter true // 2/15/02 void TTeps2000Application::ITeps2000Application() short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::FindAFreeAndReadyPrinter ( short *findDeviceType ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForKodakPrinterError ( short doVerbose ) fix 1x1 issue if 2.78x2.78 is too large to fit in node // 2/13/02 try to fix colorsync issue with kodak pro images CMError MyMatchBitmapWithKodakDeviceLink ( PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, FSSpec inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ); // 2/12/02 doing debug test in trying to trap memory crashes void SavePreferences() returns without doing anything // 2/11/02 after 8pm // release as v9.1.3 for karen freeze frame // 2/11/02 mask out the new thumbnail new from the jump button // 2/11/02 // from mike smith // save 760 images with .dcr extension in school photography mode void TCameraHandler::GetFileName(long theNum, CStr255_AC &fileName) // 2/11/02 // fix discovery cove version // sort lists by name not by date/time CompareResult_AC TSortedFolderList::Compare(const void* item1,const void* item2) const // put in more test messages when fail to copy source file to destination location short copyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) OSErr myTFileMoveFile ( TFile *aFile, long destDirID ) // 2/8/02 // if neither updr100/upd50, then never allow checking of second buffer short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) // 2/8/02 // try to make led printer show more messages // change led printer type to 8650 instead of 8600 type // 2/8/02 void TPreviewImage::StartEdit() // added five functions 4 virtual 2-5-02 void TPreviewImage::SetDragging ( bool dragging ) // 2/7/02 // add test message in spooler if idle gets called recursively bool TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 2-8-02 // fix redraw issue of shifting/zooming in new one up mode void TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 2/7/02 fix upd double buffer issue force the flag back to FALSE need to setup prefs for that short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoEvent adlib 1251 menu 1110 // 2-6/02 // do not use toolbar window and special one up adjust window at the same // time in the new one up mode void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) // 2-5-02 // added support functions for new one up mode TDropPreviewImage* TDropView::GetSelectedView() // 2-5-02 TView* TDropView::GetFirstViewOfType(IDType type) // 2-5-02 // expanded view of thumbnail view // to multiple rows // add ability to view more than one row of image void TN_UPThumbNailView::ScrollTo(IDType theType, bool OptionKeyDown) void TN_UPThumbNailView::ResetThumbnailView(bool large) // 2-5-02 // try to make special one up and new one up look the same // special one up will be the new one up with the old special one up mode // 2/7/02 // release as v 9.1.2 // unfix this problem - caused more problem // unable to open standard tif files // speed up loading of folder of many many images bool IsValidKodakFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 2/4/02 // allow n-up of image objects ULayoutView.cp ULayoutView.h // set the default graphic attribute to proportional bool TLayoutObject::SetProportional ( bool isProportional ) void TOverlayObject::IOverlayObject(const CViewRect& itsBounds) // speed up loading of folder of many many images bool IsValidKodakFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // so right now, if print quantity is greater than printRemains, // and printRemains==1, then not Ready // else printer is ready, with print quantity set to printRemains short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) // inside initialize, if PrintRemains is less than desired printQuantity, // then set the printQuantity to PrintRemains // this will only get called, if printRemains OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) // 2/1/02 //add support to check paper remains before sending job to updr100 only //if print quantity>1 and paperRemains==1 then printer is NOT Ready //move on to next printer OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::RemainingSenseCommand ( unsigned char allocationLength ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::FormRemainingSenseCommand ( unsigned char allocationLength ) short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) // compile discovery cove version for karen // v9.1.1b3 // 2/1/02 // link with NON-time bomb version of chromakey library // change the order of search mech for finding folder // hopefully this will solve karens seaworld issue myDirectoryUtils.c bool AttemptToFindFolder ( short origVRefNum, long *xorigDirID, tmyFSSpec *atmyFSSpecPtr,short &tempVRefNum) in spooler // unmount print to file folder after finding it at startup, for discovery cove only void TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() // changes 1/31/02 // fix 760 dcr files default max/min values for whiteBalance bool validateMyKodak760WhiteBalance ( unsigned short whiteBalance[3] ) // changes 1/29/02 // add support for kodak 8660 matte ribbon media added kTBL resources to KodakPrinter.rsrc add constants and datatype to "TKodakScsiPrinterDevice.h" typedef struct kodakTableData #define kKodakDefaultPrinterTableID 128 // defined 1/29/02 #define kKodakMattePrinterTableID 129 // defined 1/29/02 #define kKodakMaxBitDepthForPrinter 12 // defined 1/29/02 add member to structure and add support for donorBarCode field for 8660 class TKodakScsiPrinterDevice : public TScsiPrinterDevice, typedef struct kodakPIB TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TKodakScsiPrinterDevice() OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TransferKodakStatusInfo ( const unsigned char *theDataPtr ) Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::GetKodakPaperSizeAndType8660 ( const unsigned char *theDataPtr, short doVerbose ) add stuff to read color color table files/resource copied kodaks table file to resource short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::BuildColorTable ( unsigned char* dataPtr, short Loc ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::BuildColorTableNew ( unsigned char* dataPtr, short Loc ) OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::ReadColorTableFromResource ( kodakTableData &curKodakTableData ) unsigned short kodakSwapBytes ( unsigned short data, short needsToSwap ) typedef struct kodakTableData // start to add stuff for kodak led printer short TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::GetKodakPaperSizeAndType ( const unsigned char *theDataPtr, short doVerbose ) Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::GetKodakPaperSizeAndTypeLED20R ( const unsigned char *theDataPtr, short doVerbose ) // TEPS-2000 // changes 1-30-02 v9.1.1b2 creditCheck always return ccCredit message saying queue printing not supported in drag and drop and fill template mode void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) shift Duplicate will allow you to fill page with Image Objects (like Nodes) void TLayoutView::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) fixed bug that caused image to be shifted outside graphics bouns void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() fix filename stamp in CK mode - always stamps the first one GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate) // discovery cove - changes 1-29-02 reversed view order in Ad Lib - first freeze frame startup next freeze frame folders next card reader prefs no message if not found SPOOLER folder bool AttemptToCreateDefaultFolder ( bool autoCreateFolder, short &vRefNum, long &dirID, tmyFSSpec *atmyFSSpecPtr, CStr255_AC newFolderName, Str255 newFolderTypeStr, TView *aboutView ) TEPS-SPOOLER unmount print 2 file volume after saving short TPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) volume name was never saved void TPrintToFilePrefs::UpdateFolderString(IDType identifier, tFolderFSSpec *ptr, bool saveAliasHandle) missed ALRT 2000 // discovery cove need a clear text action doEvent does not filter through updated view 2036 for keyboard view // teps // need fix for 1. when no prefs exists, the default setting is set to file by setting to kodak camera only, it does not perform a start sitting... after prompting for folder name and base name, it will go back to main menu - if input is to camera hot folder, this works ok 2. need to read and verify the white balance of 7xx images before trying to get thumbnail or hi res image 3. please check to see if the changes for 1/18/02 are okay or not any possible side effects?????? // 1/18/02 // version 9.0.7 // make progress box larger for pc-card copy so that longer names can be displayed adlib 9012 //fix initialization of white balance value with 7xx cameras tKodak760Settings *getMyKodak760Settings() void validateMyKodak760Settings(tKodak760Settings *settings) bool validateMyKodak760WhiteBalance ( unsigned short whiteBalance[3] ) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::SetNewWhiteBalance(KPDCUInt16 whiteBalance[3]) KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GetCurrentWhiteBalance(KPDCUInt16 whiteBalance[3]) //added grab command for 7xx camera KPDCStatus TBaseKodakProCameraHandler::GrabMode() OSErr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GrabMode() // fix searching for incorrect filename after grabbing 760 image GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetPreviewImage( FSSpec theFSSpec ) // 1-18-02 void TPrintServerPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) disable and dim saveJobFileAfterPrinting choice for discovery cove version TEPS SPOOLER raise job version number to kJobVersion8 // 1-17-02 when creating job files and "SPECIAL" in temple name always send to spooler 2 void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) bool findSpooler2(FSSpec *spec) // 1-17-02 TEPS SPOOLER add a field to print spooler prefs - saveJobFileAfterPrinting changed PrintServerPrefs.cp implementation bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 1-16-02 do better resize in drag and drop view if image is smaller than view void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true created new function void myNewCopyGWorldToGWorld(GWorldPtr sourcePtr, GWorldPtr destinPtr, CRect_AC srcRectPtr, CRect_AC destRectPtr) // 1-16-02 fix progress indicator for dummy camera get files root dir mode OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() added resource thumbnail to Generic File Handler GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::GetThumbnailImage() added stampChoice field to TStampObject to support longDate , abbrevDate void TStampObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) void TStampObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDrawForPreview() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TTeps2000Application::GetStartSittingFolderCreationStrings(CStr31_AC &dateString, CStr31_AC &timeString, CStr255_AC &folderName, short dateChoice) add to stamp settings window void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) always write tPrintInfo struct to match teps and discovery cove void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) SPOOLER: always read tPrintInfo struct void TPrintView::ReadObjects() // 1-15-02 when start sitting mode is pc-card files and option to check all subfolders within that pc-card is on, a different progress box is shown. this progress box seems like it is locked up when no subfolders are available... we want to show realtime progress when we are copying files from the root directory as well as from subfolders... progress only shows found # AFTER each folder scan... can we have this update during each file being copied???? at least show that the folder is "root" when not in subfolder... changes in: OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress, bool force) // 9-11-01 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddAllFilesInSubFoldersToList(FSSpec theFSSpec) short getAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) created validation functions for Discovery Cove void validateFreezeFrameFolderPref(tFreezeFrameFolderPrefsPtr ptr) // 1-15-02 void validateCardReaderPref(tCardReaderPrefPtr ptr) // 1-15-02 call validation function void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() convert manual entered file name to upper case after clicking OK short getCustomerIDManually(tCustomerCreditInfoPtr ptr) // 1-14-02 fixed a bug that would scramble image after zooming out and changing the graphics (in chroma key mode) void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() added RescanTpiRainbowKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists() to make sure key is there at the moment of printing TEPS-SPOOLER bool TBackgroundPrintWindow::HandlePathSelect(TToolboxEvent* event) // 12-19-01 set proxy icon to correct spooler folder path bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) add a RescanTpiRainbowKeyHandler()->GetTPIKeyExists before inserting the next job and quit if key is gone // release as v9.0.6 // 1-10-02 // SPOOLER - make sure image without nodes are deleted after spooled Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // release as v9.0.5 // 1-10-02 void TMainWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added option to copy images to disk while in fuji camera mode also changed MENU 2001 and view 1000 // 1-8-02 bool TDropView::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis, EMouseDownType mouseDownType) fixed a bug that did not allow you to change a background in 2nd 3d etc node bool TPreviewWindowPrefs::IsChanged() fixed a bug that did not enable/disable revert button correctly enabled save and load packages buttons again abrevDate or longDate string could easily be supported (Karen) however also for sitting folder name ? what about pref for full size/ preview size if loading in preview window? // 1-4-02 bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, long image, CStr31_AC folderName) make search in all subfolders work correctly for prompt for images // 1-3-02 void validateInternetUploadPrefs ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) // 1-3-02 added doNotScrollToEnd to tPreviewPrefStruct use in void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) changed packages to be saved to preference file instead of package file // issues to look into thumbnails without images log file for spooler statistics Conversion to new spooler with pausing option 80 packages 2/3 of the way error, lose all packages add packages to teps preferences file do not scroll (to end ) thumbnail option when new file comes in // to be added no spaces at first position of customer name INVALID characters used WRITE CORRECT SESSION FOLDER NAME TO PRINT INFO FILE Search for file option (3-up, 5-up, etc.) seems to be working OK // 12-14-01 // 12-17-01 changed view 1125 changed ALRT 1055, created new ALRT 1057 fixed bug that caused an error at jumping to image editor if filename was too long void getUniqueNameWithCopy(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 12-14-00 fixed bug that caused image to shift incorrectly if image < template size void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() added new graphics grid view to copy to spooler window void TCopyToSpoolerWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) created a function to create cache files from graphics files bool createCacheFileForGraphicsFolder(CStr31_AC category, bool warn, TCtlMgr *control) // 12-14-01 added two buttons to copy to spooler window to create cache files for a category/all categories void TCopyToSpoolerWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 12-13-01 created new function: void createGraphicsFolderPopup() SPOOLER added PollEvents for spooler in void TPrimatteMgr::DisplayImage () changed the following function to check for memory errors bool doChromaKeying(GWorldPtr fgOffscreen, GWorldPtr bgOffscreen, GWorldPtr outOffscreen, fixcoef *para) OSErr TPrimatteMgr::InitializeNew() bool TPrimatteMgr::AllocateMemory1() // 12-13-01 changed from void to bool bool TPrimatteMgr::AllocateMemory2() // 12-13-01 changed from void to bool bool TPrimatteMgr::AllocateMemory3() // 12-13-01 changed from void to bool do not continue if an error occurs in drawing a sub job short TPrintBGBehavior::DoPrint(FSSpec theFSSpec) show status message for drawing overlays and poll events Boolean TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 12-12-01 added 'view' resource 1352 that gets pasted instead of 1350 (TGridView instead of TCluster) created new class: TGraphicsFolderPopupView in file SelectOverlayFolderView.cpp changed following functions to create view 1352 instead of 1350 bool promptForOverlayCategoryBeforePrinting() TWindow *CreateSelectOverlayFolderWindow ( void ) added new Balloon Behavior for TGridView THGridViewBalloonBehavior added Balloon Behavior to Graphics Folder List void TFolderOverlayList::SetCategory(CStr255_AC category) // 12-11-01 Enable print package mode for new one up mode removed some lines in: GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) added source in: short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() made a change in void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) show status message in: bool TFileOverlayObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) TEPS SPOOLER added aFile->CloseFile() if kTPI_ReadJobError in: bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 12-10-01 created new function to check version number bool checkForValidVersionNumber(tPrefStruct *aPrefStruct) use it in: void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) and: bool CopyDataAndReplaceOldResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) (loading preferences from menu) // 12-07-01 TPreviewImage::DrawForDemo added this->Focus // 12-05-01 improved update for kOneUpFillTemplateMode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // v 9.0.1 // 11/20/01 next version to be v9.0.1 fix memory leak issue with acquiring 760 images - some sort of timing issue bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() - set idle freq to kMaxIdleTime when getting image // other changes during this period - enable previews of ProBack images (have NOT tested with tethered proback camera) - split NewKodakCameraHandler class into new baseClass - fix chromakey windows, layouts, texts, and icons - bring in proback images in chunks to reduce required physical memory - added object class to handle chunks - TBufferFile class defined // CHANGES MADE IN DISCOVERY COVE VERSION 11-27-01 // 11-28-01 change TMyControl : public TNoHighLightControl added class TNoHighLightPicture to stop flickering changed void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) to work correctly for discovery cove version changed resources view 1606 view 2014 view 2036 // 11-27-01 File: PackageUtils.c added #ifdef for Discovery cove package file name short getCustomerIDManually(tCustomerCreditInfoPtr ptr) removed //ptr->groupNumber = ((TEditText*)aWindow->FindSubView('grou'))->GetText(); // 11-27-01 CStr255_AC convertDate2String(unsigned long seconds) changed abbrevDate to longDate added class TKeyBoardView to handle on screen keyboard void TBuyPackageView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) - removed DoNewTest function that displayed the items in a package void TSalesStationWindow::GotoBuyPackageView(long imageNumber) - changed GetNumberOfPackages function call to kMaxNumberOfPackages (maximum is 6) bool TTeps2000Application::ArePicturesOK(short vRefNum, long parID) - always return true, pictures are always OK void TSalesStationWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) - only confirm once if these are your pictures changed view resource 2036 (enter customer id manually) so that it has a on screen keyboard to enter the customer name // 11-12 - 11-16 Created support for proback images, created new classes: - TBaseKodakProCameraHandler - TKodakPro3SLRCameraHandler - TKodakProBackCameraHandler created class TBufferFile to write buffer to file and read it back to a handle or offscreen (rotated if necessary) // ¥¥ match changes from concurrent version // 11/19/01 release as v9.0b47 to michaels photography to solve issue with adding item in packages fix adding new items to package void TPackageEditWindow::AddItemToPackage() // 11/8/01 release as v9.0b46 UPrintView.cp - SPOOLER void TPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) make sure pg3500 reads printer color settings when in spooler display message if printer does NOT read color settings unless it is kPrint2File make sure case kPictrography3500: is included in all the right spots // 11/8/01 short TPrintView::SendToPrinter(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) short TPrintView::DoFujiPrintNew(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) void TPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) match STR#4002 with FG and Spooler // 11/7/01 release as v9.0b45 try to fix pg-3500 issue for michael smith OSErr TFujiScsi2PrinterDevice::SetupModeSelectParameter ( short w, short h, short xOff, short yOff, short doPrintNow, short transferMode, short scanMode, unsigned char pageCode ) // 11/7/01 update chromakey look and feel and wording got new tchromakeywindow.cp file from edwin updated STR# 4116 changed chromakey tool labels 1204 changed fine tune window resource 2123 // 11-06-01 - go to the right directory (main or internet) void chooseAndDeleteFolder(IDType type) // new 10-29-01 - always show foldername even if there is no file or folder present long TFolderListView::InitializeFileList() added class TIconShowBalloonBehavior to display description of chromaKey icons STR#4116 changed all global variables in TChromakeyWindow to be class variables // 10-31-01 // 11-01-01 changed color tuning window to floatwindow change color of color tuning window control on the fly while dragging + all issues associated with it // 10-29-01 option-command click delete allows you to delete any folder (that has no subfolders) void TFolderListWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void chooseAndDeleteFolder() // new 10-29-01 created a new function that loads the kodak 760 image defaults void TClickBalanceView::LoadDefaults() // 10-29-01 // 10/31/01 make sure min crop value is set - made change in v8.0.5 void TCroppingMarkWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) make sure 760 camera images are closed so we can delete them later short createAndOpenFile(FSSpec *tmpFSSpec, OSType theFileType); fix spooler to find all profiles when matching input/output bool FindProfile(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, Str255 theProfileName) // 10/30/01 release as version v0.0.7b43 - for ethan remove message if 760 camera not found bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::DCS760FindAndSetupCamera() // 10-26-01 // 10/26/01 move camera app launch after start sitting has truly started void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() only initialize kodak camera lib for firewire if input is kodak camera with and without card void TNewKodakCameraHandler::InitializeForKodak760() make sure fSDKFor760ImagesLoaded is initialized properly TNewKodakCameraHandler::TNewKodakCameraHandler() added pref to colorsync prefs - button to launch colorsync control panel void TColorSyncPreferences::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added pref to input prefs - allow user to bring camera app to front when launched bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() bool TInputPreferences::IsChanged() view 1130 view 1057 ALRT 1004 - save chroma key setting // 10/25/01 make the image preview window show proper composite of multiple chroma-key layers void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) void TDropPreviewImage::NewPrepareOverlayOffscreen() // 10-25-01 void TDropPreviewImage::RedrawIntersectedView() void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing(bool forceRedraw) // 1-30-01 added bool forceRedraw default is true enable undo after loading default chroma key setting void TChromaKeyView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TLoadDefaultCommand::TLoadDefaultCommand(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber, TPrimatteMgr *aMgr, TView *itsView, TView *chromaView) : // 10-24-01 fixed but that caused volume and folder name not to show up in customize backup window void TCustomizeBackupWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added a feature that shows a prompt if two or more graphics are on top of each other created new class TPickOverlayWindow in UOverlayView.cp added bool TDropView::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, // 10-24-01 TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis, EMouseDownType mouseDownType) added view 1130 added MENU 1024 check if Colorsync extension is present // 10/23/01 check for chroma key void TDropPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) short TImageObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, CStr255_AC &fileName) Spooler: Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 10/22/01 //fix preview of first image in start sitting mode bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage(bool &saved, FSSpec *saveFSSpec) // 10/19/01 //changed a whole bunch in KodakProCameraHandler.cp create new function to replace older one bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::Copy760ImageToFolderNew(FSSpec *theFSSpec) bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::TransferFile(KPDCIORef theSrcIO, KPDCIORef theDstIO, KPDCInt32 lFileSize) remove error message - image will be acquired the next time around? bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) dont fall thru if 760 camera make sure that function is NOT recursing bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::DCS760FindAndSetupCamera() // 10/18/01 // 10/17/01 //changed a whole bunch in KodakProCameraHandler.cp add grab command OSErr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GrabMode() create new function to replace Find760Camera return DCS760FindAndSetupCamera(); added new member functions KPDCStatus DCS760DisableCapture ( short doDisable ); //10/18/01 // 10/17/01 KPDCStatus DCS760DeleteImages ( void ); //10/18/01 // 10/17/01 void DCS760LoadAndIntializeLibrary(); // 10/18/01 void DCS760UnloadAndFreeLibrary(); // 10/18/01 bool DCS760FindFirstCamera ( KPDCCameraRef *foundCameraRef ); // 10/18/01 KPDCStatus DCS760GetCameraMemoryFolderName(); // 10/18/01 KPDCStatus DCS760InstallCameraEventFilter ( bool doInstall=true ); // 10/18/01 KPDCStatus DCS760SetProperty ( char *propertyName, void *propertyData ); // 10/18/01 bool DCS760FindAndSetupCamera(); // 10/18/01 bool myLoadOtherPackageFile() // 9-17-01 // change the text strings for chromakey void TChromaKeyView::SetOperationMode ( short opMode ) // change warning message after converting package file to new vers void UpdatePackageFileAndGotoSetupWindow ( void ) // added files from edwin copied PackageUtils.c - fix crashing problem when cancelling copied TChromakeyWindow.cp // 10-12-01 SaveAs did not save as KodakTIF void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveToFolderWithNewName(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress, CStr255_AC newName) Set Default template for chromaKey Boolean setMyNewOneUpPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tNewOneUpPrefPtr ptr ) // 10-11-01 edwinsglobals.c test for <= kNumberOfPrinters void initializePrinterPopupSettings() for(short i = 1; i <=kNumberOfPrinters; i++) // 10-11-01 preferenceswindow.cp void TCanvasPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) - when filename stamp with "dont print extension" and "dont print imageNumber" both on, FG works fine - BUT spooler fails!!!! spooler: void TStampObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) Boolean TStampObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 10-10-01 - enable colorsync for previews void DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, short rows, short cols, TImageFileObject *obj1, TImageFileObject *obj2) changed: bool matchImageToMonitorProof (GWorldPtr outputOffScreen) - process 760 images in strips GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) - editable text do not reload created new functions: void TDropView::ResetEditText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 void TNodeViewObject::ResetEditText() // 10-10-01 void TBaseTextObject::ResetText(CPoint_AC topLeftPoint) // 10-10-01 changed function: void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) - change template change mind do not clear template void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) changed case 'chtm': statement - load and save package file - "Teps Packages File" created function: bool writeCanvasResourcesToFile(TFile *aFile) // 10-10-01 changed: void UpdatePackageFileAndGotoSetupWindow ( void ) void SavePreferences() // 10-9-01 to do list: - process 760 images in strips - editable text do not reload - change template change mind do not clear template - load and save package file - "Teps Packages File" - colorsync Gworld problem // 10-8-01 GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) added a chekc to see if the library was loaded and initialized void TNewKodakCameraHandler::InitializeForKodak760() added a message if library was not loaded // 10-5-01 show all printers and all canvases in package window change printer popup res id from 1003 to 1008 in view 1081 added function: void TPackageEditWindow::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) changes function: void TPackageEditWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPackageEditWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPackageItemGridView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) short theItem = FindStringInResourceMenu(theString, kAllPrintersMenuID); // kUsedPrintersMenuID 10-5-01 check if canvas item has a valid template file associated with it void TPackageEditWindow::AddItemToPackage() changes GetCanvas to getMyCanvas to use fixed canvas position not relative to use short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() same for bool validatePackage(short item, short imageNumber) CStr255_AC TPackageItemGridView::GetText(const GridCell& aCell) const change GetCanvasString to getMyCanvas // 10-4-01 added source to get the full res file size when acquiring the thumbnail GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) fixed rotated text prblem on colored background added funtion in moreincludes.c bool myCopyGWorldToGWorldPixelByPixel2 ( GWorldPtr mySourceGWorldPtr, GWorldPtr myDestGWorldPtr, CRect_AC dstRect, CRGBColor_AC color)//10-4-01 changed the following function to call myCopyGWorldToGWorldPixelByPixel2 bool TTextObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 10/3/01 adlib #1015 adlib #1000 // 10/3/01- look for changes // 10/3/01 in teps-spooler preferences, turn OFF option to "map newlines to CR" // 10-3-01 fix key bug in Printqueue window void TPrintQueueWindow::DoIdleQueue() void TPrintQueueWindow::SendAllJobsToSpooler() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintForQueue(short quantity) // new 10-3-01 implemented support for 760 camera in KodakProCameraHandler.cp // 10-2-01 only unmark images that are actually printed file: TepsFileHandler.cp void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles(bool isPreview) always add files to remove list whether auto remove is on or not so I can use list for unmarking void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFileToRemoveList(short objectNum) //if (getMyPrintingPrefs()->autoRemoveAfterPrinting == true ) // removed 10-2-01 fixed bug that caused objects after a TImageObject with fDoComposite==on not to show up void TImageObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) if (fDoComposite) // 10-2-01 write compositing struct { fixcoef para; aStream->ReadBytes(¶, sizeof(fixcoef)); } // 10-1-01 made change to make nodeviewobject tool show up for chromakey templates file: UtilitiesWindow.cp void CreateNewLayout(IDType theType) if (theType==kTemplateType || theType == kTemplateType2) viewRsrcID = cTemplateDesignWindow; // 10-2-01 void gotoTemplateEditor(IDType layoutType, FSSpec theFileSpec, TWindow *returnWindow) if (layoutType == kTemplateType || layoutType == kTemplateType2) windowNumber = cTemplateDesignWindow; // 10-2-01 // 9-27-01 Teps Spooler Made change to read Kodak 760 imges changed file: readfileutils.c GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize) // 9-24-01 - 9-29-01 Created new file KodakProCameraHandler.cp made changes to: ClickBalanceWindow.cp ClickBalanceWindow.h NewKodakCameraHandler.h NewKodakCameraHandler.cp Teps2000.rsrc // 9-21-01 Added new window to TEPS2000.rsrc - view 2125 Created new files clickbalancewindow.cp and .h changes in MacAppClasses.cp REGISTER_CLASS_AC(TClickBalanceWindow); // 9/21/01 REGISTER_CLASS_AC(TClickBalanceView); // 9/21/01 // 9/20/01 - includes 9/21/01 // added support for 760 images to load correctly - ie, color processed CMError MyMatchBitmapSourceToDestination ( PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB); added function // declare prototypes 9/20/01 CMError myCWMatchPixMap ( CMWorldRef cw, PixMap *thePixMapPtr ); CMError MyMatchBitmapSourceToDestination ( PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB); // allow color processing of 760 images CMError MyMatchBitmapWithKodakDeviceLink ( PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, FSSpec inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ); bool colorProcessKodakProImage ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, FSSpec deviceLinkProfFSSpec, FSSpec inputProfFSSpec, FSSpec outputProfFSSpec ); // support funcs for 760 KPDCStatus testGetAttributeValueString ( KPDCImageRef theImage, KPDCProcs *theProcsPtr, KPDCUInt16 dwInfoID, KPDCDataType dwAttrType, char *dwInfoString ); #define kProductLook 1 // 9/20/01 #define kPortraitLook 2 // 9/20/01 GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetKodak760Image(FSSpec *fileSpec, KPDCUInt16 resID) // 9-20-01 implemented save and load button in PackageWindow put new Kodak 760 images stuff in Locate button on find pc card window works as start sitting display pc-card was unmounted in status window when card is unmounted. Beep if repeat start sitting is not supported // 9/19/01 ???? need to remove start sitting status from file that is "polling for new files" ??????? fix start sitting from pc-card with sub-folders enabled... got 5 files from edwin - need to document what changes were added save/load buttons in setup packages window // 9/18/01 void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) show template2 type when selecting new chromakey template file as default void TUtilitiesWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) add new button to utils window void TUtilitiesWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) handle pop9 TPopupCommand::TPopupCommand(TView *aView, IDType theType) : TCommand(1100, aView->GetContext(1100),false, false, NULL) handle pop9 RESOURCE Changes ================ added pict #421 - setup chromakey templates change wording for save/load package sets CMNU 4 fix look of new one up mode adlib 1107 fixed hi to high MENU #2008 and #2011 fixed icon #142 need to have sub menu items like prefs for new one up mode - for single, and drag &drop modes fix utilities window adlib 1001 make popup show up first time by turning off the "shown" option for "pop7"8,9; resource 1108 // 9-18-01 HOT folder no longer exist message still shows up after ejecting card!!! from start sitting with input as file???????????????????????????? same with "Volume missing or invalid" when we cancel from window looking for pc-card??????? void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() camera app is always launched even when input is set to file?? void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() Do not bring camera app to front OSErr LaunchApplicationByFSSpec(FSSpec fileSpec, bool showWarning, bool bringToFront) // 9-18-01 // 9-17-01 added functions in UtilitiesWindow.cp added void GoToChromaKeyTemplateWindow() // 9-17-01 added view 1129 'Setup ChromaKey Templates Menu' changed view 1071 and 1401 to say ChromaKey Template - update prefs for New One Up mode - when clicking on select template - open up "ChromaKey Template Folder" void TNewOneUpPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) - duplicating and loading package files file: CommandNumber.h const CommandNumber cDuplicatePackageFile = 1216; // 9-17-01 const CommandNumber cLoadOtherPackageFile = 1217; // 9-17-01 void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() added funtion in file: PackageUtils.c void myDuplicatePackageFile() // 9-17-01 - Launch app when choosing start sitting only show when dummy camera hot folder mode void TInputPreferences::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() 'set default folder button action' in thumbnail window prefs added item to MENU 2031 void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) switch (getMyPreviewPrefs()->folderButtonDefault) // 9-17-01 // 9-14-01 school photography mode interferes with new one up mode (selecting template) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // moved down 9-14-01 #ifdef kSchoolPhotography worked on new features for chroma keying changed file: DropPreviewImage.cp void TDropPreviewImage::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) changed file: TChromaKeyWindow.cp + TChromaKeyWindow.h search for // 9-14-01 changed file: Teps2000.rsrc added view 2123 fixed bug to close app when quitting after loading pref file void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) case cLoadNewPrefFile: fix editable text problem in drag and drop view short TDropView::WriteViewObjects(TStream *aStream) if (aLayoutObject->fType==kEditTextObjectType) // changed 9-14-01 // 9-12-01 mark all images did not mark unloaded images bool TN_UPThumbNailView::DrawThumbNailsThread() // 9-11-01 changed colorsync prefs to have a description field for all printers typedef struct tColorSyncPrefs added repeat start sitting option // 9-10-01 made changes to drag overlay just like image thumbnails file: UFolderOverlayList.cpp void TFolderOverlayList::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC thePoint) file: UOverlayView.cp added function: void HandleDropOverlay(TView* theView,const CViewPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) void TOverlayView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) fDropOverlayHandler = NewSimpleDragHandler(this,::HandleDropOverlay,'ovly'); file: ImagePackage.h + cp class TOverlayPackage : public TDataPackage // 9-7-01 added a separate folder for new (primatte) templates changed files: DropView.cp PreviewImageWindow.cp UTeps2000Application.cp // 9-6-01 void TPackageButtonView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) ((TView*)source)->ViewEnable(false, kDontRedraw); // 9-6-01 Disable button on entry ((TView*)source)->ViewEnable(true, kDontRedraw); // 9-6-01 Enable button on finish // 9-5-01 always show all profiles instead of those with a specific type void MyProfileSearch(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool useMacStandGamma, CStr255_AC &profileDescription) searchSpec.searchMask = (cmMatchAnyProfile); // 9-5-01 // 7/17/01 // added stuff for testing chroma key into the Teps2000Debug Target added ChromaKey Group to Main Group TChromaKeyWindow.cp PrimatteLib_debug void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() Enable(1253, true); // 7/17/01 chromakey 6/11/01 void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) case 1253: extern void TestChromaKey(); TestChromaKey(); break; // remove remains of "master server" references void TSaveToServerCommand::DoIt() #define kCopyToServerTitleMessage "Copying Images To Backup Folder" // defined // 7/17/01 adlib #1079 // 7-16-01 add NewOpeUpPrefs.cp and .h for new preview image mode void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const read and write new prefs bool TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) add kCropAndResizeImage or kResizeImageToFit and match orientation to new one up image mode added fDoComposite to TImageObject void TImageSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added checkbox for composite to image settings window // 7-13-01 bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() added line to add the file to fSavedFileList to be used for backup of sitting folder bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) added line to add the file to fSavedFileList to be used for backup of sitting folder StartSittingPrefs.cp and .h added new variable copyWhat for Backup #define kCopyFromSittingFolder 0 #define kCopyFromThumbnailWindow 1 SaveToServerCommand.cp void TSaveToServerCommand::DoIt() new if-statement to determine if we are copying from thumbnail window or sitting folder CameraHandler.h Added function: CList_AC *GetSaveFileList() { return fSavedFileList; }; // 7-13-01 // 7/12/01 // unable to find image when prompt for image because // of cast problem // cast from short TO long short findFileInAllFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec, long image, TTEPSFileHandler *aHandler, short theMax) // 1-22-01 // 7/11/01 // dim out all extra basename options when basename is custom2 - noerr's santa version void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForCustom2Mode () void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_Custom2Mode ( ) // if input is file, do NOT prompt for "Delete Hot Folder" Images // when returning to main OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11() // created function 2/8/01 // 7/9/01 //fix problem when hitting return button on Import Overlay Window //it was closing the external video monitor instead of its own window void TImportWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // use this call in future to post any close window command gApplication->PostCommand(new TCloseWindowCommand(0, this)); // replace 7/9/01 // change status message when copying to master server folder // dont want to use the phrase master server copy bool TSaveToServerCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) // changed 7-27-00 gProgressIndicator->SetStatus("Copying Image To Backup FolderÉ"); // 7/9/01 // change slide show control window status messages #define kStartSlideShowString "Press the [Start] Button to Start the Slide ShowÉ" #define kStopSlideShowString "Press the [Stop] Button to Stop the Slide ShowÉ" #define kCancellingSlideShowString "Please Wait - Cancelling Slide ShowÉ" // 7/6/01 //for master server copy, allow user to save as original file orientation bool TSaveToServerCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) // changed 7-27-00 // 7/3/01 //fix shifting right problem OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::ShiftImagesRight( TExternalWindowInfoPtr aPtr ) // 7-6-01 change status text in SlideShowManager.cp and SlideShowManager.h SlideShowWindow.cp // 7-5-01 added void TTeps2000Application::DeletePCCardAndUnmount() Source was called twice so I made it into a function added deleteEmptyFolder to tStartSittingPrefStruct to delete an empty folder after deleting the files in it void TSlideShowBehavior::StartSlideShow(bool start) added SetStatus("Cancelling Slide ShowÉ"); short TSlideShowMainView::NextPage() added if (aBehavior) aBehavior->SetStatus(""); after reading page CRect_AC TSlideShowView::DisplayImage(short imageNum, GWorldPtr gworld) added if (aBehavior) aBehavior->SetStatus("Loading Image: "+getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileName()); // 7-2-01 color settings are applied twice void TDragDropColorAdjustView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) set handledIt to true after hitting the apply-button added funtion void TDragDropColorAdjustView::ApplyColorSettingsToAll(bool all) is done now by holding the option key; maybe create a new button? void TExternalVideoWindow::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) replaced //fDrawOffscreen = copyGWorldToScreen(fDrawOffscreen, offscreenRect, copyRect, false); // 7-2-01 with if (fDrawOffscreen) CopyWorldBits(fDrawOffscreen, (WindowPtr)CurrPort, copyRect); void TSlideShowMainView::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) replaced //fOffscreen = copyGWorldToScreen(fOffscreen, myGetPortRect(fOffscreen), this->GetQDExtent(), false); with if (fOffscreen) // 7-2-01 CopyWorldBits(fOffscreen, (WindowPtr)CurrPort, this->GetQDExtent()); changed void DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, short rows, short cols, TImageFileObject *obj1, TImageFileObject *obj2) void TPreviewImage::PreviewImage(TImageFileObject *anObject) remove setting global GWorldPtr for faster loading (saves memory) // 6-28-01 changed all 'ALRT' to show on main screen added subFolderNameType and subFolderName to backup prefs (tAllinStruct) CStr31_AC subFolderName; // added 6-28-01 short subFolderNameType; // added 6-28-01 bool TSaveToServerCommand::ShowDestinationDialog(FSSpec *tmpFSSpec) adjusted this function to use new variables (subFolderNameType and subFolderName) void TPreviewImagePrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) gApplication->PostCommand(new TPostWindowMenuCommand(this->GetWindow(), cSelectOtherPreference, 30)); handle buttons to jump to other preference void TPreferencesWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) { switch (aCmdNumber) { case cSelectOtherPreference: created new mechanism to jump to other preference from current preference // 6-27-01 OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::FindCamera() if pathname is empty string search for PC-Card directory the old way do not ask to delete hot folder if input source is kFile bool gotoSelectImageWindow() void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() check if the selected folder is in the MAIN IMAGES FOLDER and if not display a message void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() fill in last used folder as default added getMyStartSittingPrefs()->deleteImagesAfterCopying to delete images from PC-Card before unmounting disk // 6-26-01 StartSittingPrefs.cp TCustomizeBackupWindow take copy to master images folder section and put it in a new seperate window (TCustomizeBackupWindow) // differences between teps and nostalgia MAINWINDOW - start sitting popup menu - preview images popup menu - utilities popup menu UTILITIES WINDOW - no edit template, node button, compile log file button - no goto graphics copy from setup overlay database Slide Show Prefs - disable run slide show on external video monitor // 6-21-01 void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetSettings() added fillInGaps4Numbering to window added two windows to CompileLogFileFromFolder - Are you sure you want to start - Done compiling log file + pathname broke up TSlideShowPrefs new TConfigureSlideShowWindow for full screen slide show settings // 6-20-01 added fields to tStartSittingPrefStruct CStr255_AC pathNameForPCCard; // 6-20-01 bool search4FilesInSubFolders; // 6-20-01 bool fillInGaps4Numbering; // 6-20-01 fillInGaps4Numbering replaces the one in tInputPrefs OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::FindCamera() search for PC-card directory through pathname OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction7() added getMyStartSittingPrefs()->search4FilesInSubFolders to allow searching in sub directories created new function long pathName2DirID(CStr255_AC path) // 6-20-01 // 6-19-01 CStr255_AC getFileNameOfNextPictFileInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, short &startindex) search for visible files only when showing graphics files void GoToFormatCardWindow() only allow go ro format card window if input is set for KODAK CAMERA // 6-18-01 added valdition functions for different preferences void validateChooserPrefs ( tChooserPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validateColorSyncPrefs ( tColorSyncPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validateGeneralPrefs ( tGeneralPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validateInternetUploadPrefs ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validatePreviewPrefs ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validatePrintServerPrefs ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 void validateSittingDirectoryPrefs( tSittingDirectoryPrefPtr ptr ) // 6-18-01 // 6-15-01 void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 make sure that older version of teps with startsitting choice == kNormalStartSitting run with new teps short DoPrintPreviewNew ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) Make all preview functions go through DoPrintPreviewWithSlideWindow // 6-14-01 void TInputPreferences::EnableModeItems4Camera() disable photo proofing and portrait studio for dummy camera mode create TTopBarWindow used for thumbnail window and change graphics window // 6-13-01 OutputPreferences.cp added separate output file type for 'Save To', 'Save All' and 'Save Composition As' Use one and the same Output Type Popup MENU also in navigation dialog Same popup for Save functions, Print To File and for Backup (Master Server Copy) All funtions that save files now call NewSaveOffscreenToFile Create TExternalVideoWindowServer at startup of the application, leave windows there on return to main // 6-12-01 changed struct tColorSyncPrefs added CStr255_AC monitorProfileDesc; CStr255_AC printerProfileDesc; CStr255_AC scannerProfileDesc; TProfileListView has two colums now, first the actual filname and second the profile description short TTepsPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) removed applying colorsync message when NOT applying Colorsync // 6-11-01 ¥ check on matching click balance values stored from kodak plugin and/or from kodak standalone camera capture app DCErr TNewKodakCameraHandler::SetImageInfo() void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SaveColorBalanceSettings(tWhiteBalanceStruct whiteBalanceSettings) changed white balance to save and read conforming kodak standard so we can read Plug-in and DCS Photo Desk images and they can read ours // 6-4-01 changed structure tSlideShowPrefStruct added tMonitorStamp stamp[kSlideShowMaxStamps+kSlideShowMinStampIndex]; added option to show slide show on external video monitor One up full screen and print preview work with old mechanism (Display Image) All other previews work through new TSlideShowBehavior // 5/29/01 when using find file option, allow file number to be 8 digits (used to be 5) adlib 1257 both nostalgia and teps2000 // 5/23/01 // release as 0.0.7b15 // release as v8.0.2 fix problem with reading some exif thumbnail files make sure to reset file marker if failed PicHandle GetThumbnailFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec) // 5/22/01 fix problem in spooler when reading kodak TIF images saved from PhotoMechanics app brian from personal touch portrait studios SPOOLER GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize) fix problem with daniel and spooling pict file that are not saved at 72dpi may need to pass to quicktime, the dpi that we are interested in FG always works - so we must be reading it non-quicttime method SPOOLER GWorldPtr ReadFile2(TFile *aFile, short imageSize) fix problem with reading some exif thumbnail files PicHandle GetThumbnailFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec) // 5/18/01 fix mark artistic - allow sharpen to be none as default for new clean kodak images void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SetNewImageSettings(tImageSettings imageSettings) // 5-17-01 slide show window doesn't have a menubar too void TAlignWindow::AlignForChoice() // if no cache file, doesn't load file in One Up Mode added cache FSSpec to save offscreen GWorldPtr getGraphicOnOffscreen(CStr255_AC fileName, CStr255_AC category, bool cache) // 5-16-01 only unmark images if is not preview void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles(bool isPreview) if (isPreview==false) // 5-16-01 change spooler //wishlist font, size and color for filename under slide for slide show view unlocking disk in Nikon Camera accounting option school photography problem is not really a problem // 5-15-01 Fixed problem with reading images after copying PC-card GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetThumbnailImage() GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetPreviewImage() GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetFullSizeImage() moved case kKodakCameraWithCardMode: TWindow* TNewKodakCameraHandler::OpenDeleteWindow() On return to main don not ask anymore if delete images from PC-Card do it now right after copying the files void TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyFilesFromPCCardToDirectory() added if (MacAppAlert(1016, NULL)==1) // added 5-15-01 EraseImages(); // 5-15-01 added textstyle for filename in slide show window void TSlideShowView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) added tTextInfo styleInfo to tSlideShowPrefStruct // 5/10/01 // v0.0.07§14 // recast shorts to longs when in prompt for image mode bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, long image, CStr31_AC folderName) // 5/7/01 // prevent all TExternalVideoWindow from being touchable class TExternalVideoWindow : public TAlignWindow TExternalVideoWindow::TExternalVideoWindow() bool TExternalVideoWindow::HandleMouseDown(const CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis, EMouseDownType mouseDownType) // 5-3-01 file: PreviewImage.cp void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // 5-3-01 removed //if (getCurrentCameraHandler()) getCurrentCameraHandler()->SaveCopyInSittingFolder((TImageFileObject*)changeData); file: StartSittingPrefs.cp changed autoSynchronize to unMountDiskAfterCopying (also in resource) file:CameraHandler.cp OSErr TCameraHandler::ProcessFunction12 () // 5-3-01 void TCameraHandler::ClearSavedFileList() // 5-3-01 file:DummyCameraHandler.cp insert all saved files in fSavedFileList TFile *aFile3 = (TFile*)aFile2->Clone(); // 5-3-01 fSavedFileList->Insert(aFile3); // 5-2-01 file: DummyCameraHandler.cp OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::FindCamera() change open dialog folder string to kSelectSourceFolderString short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview, bool showProgress) added IsValidImageFile(aFile) before SaveCopyInSittingFolder(&srcFSSpec) file: StartSittingHandler.cp IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() if (getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.newName.imageNumNewNumberMode==kNewImageNumberMode_NextAvailable) // 5-2-01 check for imageNumNewNumberMode instead of input type file: TepsFileHandler.cp void TTEPSFileHandler::CheckIfDeleteAllImages() hotfolder got unmounted before erasing the images // removed 5-2-01 //if (fStartSitting && getMyStartSittingPrefs()->unmountVolume) // unMountVolume(); file: UTeps2000Application.cp void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) case cReturnToMain: added if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting() && getMyStartSittingPrefs()->unmountVolume) // added 5-2-01 unMountVolume(); void TTeps2000Application::StartDirectConnectWithoutCard() void TTeps2000Application::initializeInputHandler() TCameraHandler *getCurrentCameraHandler() // 5-1-01 SPOOLER short TPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) //if (jobVersion != kCurJobVersion) if (jobVersion > kCurJobVersion) // 5-1-01 TEPS added class void TNoHighLightControl::HandleActivate() // 5-1-01 to prevent flickering updates when returning to main from operationswindow (also change in View resource 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304) // 4/30/01 // version 0.0.7§13 // okay to pass a nil pointer anImageFileObject // for case of preview print canvas TExternalWindowInfoPtr CreateDisplayImageInfo ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, TImageFileObject *anImageFileObject ) // 4-26-01 through 4-30-01 CommandNumber.h const ResNumber cCopyGraphics2SpoolerWindow = 1125; // 4-26-01 const ResNumber cGotoGraphicsOrDatabaseWindow = 1126; // 4-26-01 MacAppClasses.cp REGISTER_CLASS_AC(TCopyToSpoolerWindow); // 4-26-01 UtilitiesWindow.cp changed void GoToImportWindow() SelectOverlayFolderPrefs.cp SelectOverlayFolderPrefs.h added warnBeforeCopying SelectOverlayFolderView.cpp added bool copyFolderToSpoolerFolder(CStr31_AC category, bool warn, TCtlMgr *control); and TCopyToSpoolerWindow // 4/25/01 // version 0.0.7b12 // fix dummy camera hot folder mode to work // with option to load newly acquired images or not void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, case cNewImageGrabbed: if ( getMyInputPrefs()->doAutoPreviewNewImage == true ) // only if preview desired!! 4/25/01 case cFileAddedToList: // change from file overlay to graphic // change from file overlay object to graphic object resource STR#4113 resource STR#4000 #define kPrefSelectOverlayFolderString " Graphics" // 4/25/01 "File Overlays" // redefine 4/24/01 // allow file overlays to work - remove kDebugVersion short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) #define kCurJobVersion kJobVersion6 // if user cancels from prompting for editable text // or from prompting for file overlay // do NOT continue to print short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForEditableText () // check if file overlays exist on canvas/template/order short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForFileOverlay () short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForFileOverlayForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec ) short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForFileOverlayForOrder ( tStudentOrderStruct *curStudentOrderList ) short FindAllFileOverlayOnTemplate ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList ); // created 4/25/01 // factory default to have prompt before printing on Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) // always show filename of valid QT file in select file overlay window void TSelectOverlayFolderView::CreatePreviewForFolder(CStr31_AC tmpStr) // go and display selection window bool promptForOverlayCategoryBeforePrinting() // handle different object types when checking for objects in layout list void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) // 4/24/01 // version 0.0.7b12 // add doPromptForFileOverlay to printing prefs Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) bool validateMyPrintingPref ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() // rename promptBeforePrinting to promptForOverlayCategoryBeforePrinting bool promptBeforePrinting(FSSpec spec) bool promptForOverlayCategoryBeforePrinting(FSSpec spec) // make teps the default creator of cache file bool SaveOffscreen2CacheFile ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, FSSpec fileSpec, long creationDate, long modDate) // create 1350 adlib view for file overlay category view // auto install this view TWindow *CreateSelectOverlayFolderWindow ( void ); // 4/24/01 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // resolve issue with \r and \n // find all cases of \r and replace with \n // ¥¥¥ always compile with option à "map newlines to CR" ¥¥¥ // it actually swaps \r => \n // and swaps \n => \r // \r is really CR // \n is LF void DisplayMissingSecurity ( ) // dont give hot folder missing if we unmount the volume short TTEPSFileHandler::PutFilesInList4Check(short vRefNum, long dirID, bool checkIfEqual) // Import Weak for Quicktime.lib // allow app to still run even if QT not installed // dont crash if QTLib not available // BG and FG - WARN if QT NOT Installed bool IsQuickTimeAvail ( long *qtVersionPtr ) PicHandle getPicHandleFromFileSpec(FSSpec theFSSpec) PicHandle *getPicHandleFromFileSpec2(FSSpec theFSSpec) bool isValidQTFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) void saveFileWithQT(FSSpec aFSSpec) void writeGWorldToImageFile(GWorldPtr gw,const FSSpec *fileSpec, short fileType, short dpi); // forward prototype 4/24/01 // show yellow balloon when mouse on layout view tool void TDesignWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) // default object is category ABSOLUTE void TFileOverlayObject::IFileOverlayObject(const CViewRect& itsBounds) // move prompt for images pref after preview images prefs resource STR#4000 #define kPrefSelectAnImageString " Prompt For Images" // redefine 4/24/01 // change name for file overlay prefs resource STR#4000 #define kPrefSelectOverlayFolderString "File Overlays" // redefine 4/24/01 // 4/18/01 // version 0.0.7§11 // fix status box when custom server copy and file short TTEPSFileHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // fix some forward prototyping issues CStr31_AC formCustom1BaseNameType ( tBaseNameStruct *newNamePtr ); // 4/18/01 forward prototype // test with myMacAppAlert Issues OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::FindCamera() OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11() // created function 2/8/01 // merge edwins view for importfiles void RegisterMacAppClasses() // more tests with ImportFiles // 4/17/01 // version 0.0.7§11 // always force all floating tool windows to the main screen // except for the external preview window void TAlignWindow::AlignForChoice() // NavReplyRecord reply MUST be Disposed of regardless // whether NavGet, NavPut, NavChoose, NavFunction cancelled or okayed void TImportPictCommand::ChoosePict() OSErr MyChooseFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, short index) OSErr MyOpenFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, OSType fileType, short index, CStr255_AC addString) OSErr MyOpenImageFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, CStr255_AC dialogMessage) OSErr MySaveFile(const FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, CStr255_AC defaultName, OSType saveFileType, CStr255_AC windowTitle) OSErr MySaveFileAs ( FSSpecPtr defaultLocationfssPtr, CStr255_AC defaultName, OSType saveFileType) // 4/16/01 // version 0.0.7§10 - release to rich seaworld // ¥¥¥¥ DO NOT Release yet ¥¥¥¥ // Check if memory compaction works!?? void forceMemoryMovement ( void ) // always update external window right a way void TExternalVideoWindow::DoInvalidateRect ( Rect* theRect ) // beep 2x to tell user fuji hi res image acquired bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // beep 1x to tell user fuji prev res image acquired bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage(bool &saved, FSSpec *saveFSSpec) // possible crash problem GWorldPtr myCreateMaskGWorld ( GWorldPtr myOverlayGWorldPtr ) // 4/13/01 try to find out problem with simpleThread2 and NavLib // 4/12/01 // version 0.0.7§9 // clean up task threads // memory leak in special one-up mode // delete fViewOffscreen when done TOneUpPreviewImage::~TOneUpPreviewImage() // 4/12/01 // version 0.0.7b8 - for daniel // make sure student order is written to in special one up mode bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // 4/12/01 // version 0.0.7§7 // with kodak direct connect mode // fix filenaming issue void TCameraHandler::GetFileName(long theNum, CStr255_AC &fileName) // school photography mode - make it case in-sensitive bool TCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) // force image to be loaded automatically when finding first image // of school mode bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) // do not force number padding pref if school mode void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 4/11/01 // version 0.0.7§7 // dont hide the 'vdeo' windows - let the destructor do it void TPreviewImageWindow::ShowFloatWindows(bool state, bool dontHideThumbnailWindow) // 2-5-01 // make sure to call the correct idtype when checking for template or node fsspec short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, short editTextCountList[] ) bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( IDType fileType, FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ); // created 4/11/01 bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ) void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ) // 4/10/01 // version 0.0.7§7 // updated thread test stuff // do not call the older checkForDiskEvt; just return after calling new function void checkForDiskEvt ( void ) // 4/9/01 version 0.0.7§6 released for dick stein to test out for us with old tiff // try to get the older version of writing to tiff file // work for dick stein photography // added tag field #296 = 0x128 TAG for Resolution Unit struct tiff_header_rgb { static struct tiff_header_rgb pth = { // make sure to validate template FSSpec not just FSSpec // would give erroneous display editable text when printing short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForEditableText () bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ) // when caching overlays to the miscellaneous - use better // method of naming cache files GWorldPtr TOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) bool formOverlayCacheFSSpec ( tNewOverlaySettings* settingPtr, FSSpec *tmpFSSpec ); bool checkIfFileAvailable ( tNewOverlaySettings* settingPtr, FSSpec *tmpFSSpec ) bool SaveOffscreen2File ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, tNewOverlaySettings* settingPtr ) long GetFSSpecDirD ( FSSpec theFSSpec ) // version 4/6/01 // version 0.0.7§6 contains the debug menu item put the test thread and test import file database under one function // try to get rid of some compile warning with hidden virtual functions // try to get rid of some compile warning with unused variables and arguments // 4/6/01 version 0.0.7§5 for rich of seaworld // still contains experiment with TImportFileWindow // fix problem with memory leak with fuji camera bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage(bool &saved, FSSpec *saveFSSpec) // 4/5/01 // added support for debug menu bar // just add CMNU item #80 to MBAR 128 void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 4/4/01 version 0.0.7§5 // experiment with TImportFileWindow // forgot to check for modification date bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles3() // forgot to increment number of files added bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles3() // 4/4/01 // version 0.0.7§4 // if file is opened, then DONT add to dummy list nor preview list // commented out old version of this function // recreated new version of this function short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // 4/4/01 // version 0.0.7§3 gave to rich from seaworld // create function to invalidate the mod date unsigned long TTEPSFileHandler::InvalidateFolderModDate ( bool dontResetToZero ) short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // 4/3/01 version 0.0.7§3 // make sure index is always incremented or decremented // otherwise might be stuck in a loop // search for what to do then??? 4/3/01 short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // 4/3/01 version 0.0.7§2 - sent to mike at leichtner studio // try to fix infinite loop with invalid index // and if folder is in the source folder short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // 4/3/01 version 0.0.7§1 - sent to mike at leichtner studio // if input is kCamera, then always enter operations window void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // always call dummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles3 // do not call inherited class bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles3() // try to fix timing problem with server // reset modification time if file is not ready yet short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // when saving images in start sitting with old modes // get extension from original file void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAllToFolder(short vRefNum, long parID, bool showProgress, CStr255_AC baseName, short startValue, // 4/2/01 // if more than 1 new image, make sure images come in alphabetically bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles3() short TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList3 ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) // prompt once for print quantity when printing canvas short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() // allow thumbnails to be updated even if its window is NOT in front bool TN_UPThumbNailView::DrawThumbNailsThread() // if temp file is encountered; check again a second time short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() // 3/30/01 // experiment with progress views // added new test views and windows to adlib // TProgressView2 CLASS created // initialize for chasing arrows testDummyThread(); // 3/30/01 version 0.0.6§18 for bill from ashley // make sure we validate for preferences for Nostalgia with external monitor Boolean setMyExternalVideoPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tExternalVideoPrefPtr ptr ) void validateExternalVideoPref ( tExternalVideoPrefPtr ptr ) void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) // 3/29/01 //do correct operation by checking for correct copyPrefs preference OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction6() // fix kodak SetEV command void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SetEVValue(float theValue, bool open) // 3-27-01 pascal void myEventProcSaveAs ( NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD) set default filetype added short useThumbnailRotation4MasterCopy to StartSittingPrefs added bool TSaveToServerCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) // changed 7-27-00 added if (fServerCopyPrefs->useThumbnailRotation4MasterCopy) // 3-27-01 // 3/26/01 added support for multiple pages with marked images GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TTepsPrintHandler::CreateJobFile4BackgroundPrinting(short imageNumber, Boolean now, bool stop) void TPrintView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(short imageNumber, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2PrintOffscreen(FSSpec fileSpec, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) added 2 functions bool TPrintView::IsSpecialMarkedLayout() // 3-26-01 short TPrintView::SpecialCountImageObjects() // 3-26-01 ?? check for editable text of all ORDERS ?? need to consolidate CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() // fix ocassional crash after clicking on continue button in zooming in on image short DoPrintPreviewNew ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) // make sure prompt to for print quantity goes thru one mechanism bool GetPrintQuantityFromPrefs ( short printerType, short &multiplierQuantity ); // 3/26/01 // maker sure works thru one mechanism // make sure print quantity works properly in all 3modes // print canvas - print package - print order TGeneralPrintHandler::TGeneralPrintHandler() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintOrder() // validate for security for each template short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() // check for editable text in any nodes or templates of any packages before printing short TGeneralPrintHandler::Print() short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateAllTemplatesForEditableText () short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForTemplate ( FSSpec templateFSSpec, short editTextCountList[] ) short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForPackage ( short packageNumber, short editTextCountList[] ) short TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateForEditableTextForOrder ( tStudentOrderStruct *curStudentOrderList, short editTextCountList[] ) short FindAllEditableTextOnTemplate ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, short editTextCountList[] ); // created 3/26/01 // add pref for prompt for editable text Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) bool validateMyPrintingPref ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() // validate prefs after reading void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() // create function to read object from template OSErr ReadObjects ( FSSpec fileSpec, templateInfo* infoPtr, CList_AC* theObjectList );// created 3/26/01 bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ) // add new checkbox to stamp object so as NOT to print image number // mainly for daniel's contact sheet TStampObject::TStampObject() CStr255_AC TStampObject::GetStringToDraw4Printing() #define kDummyBytesSize (1021- sizeof(bool)) // set correct size 3/26/01 void TStampObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) void TStampObject::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const // add view to stamp object window void TStampSettingsWindow::SetStampObject(TStampObject *anObject) void TStampSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 3/24/01 §17 Still experimenting with Edit Text // always check for template errors even if nothing was changed! short TLayoutView::SaveChanges(bool showDialog, bool saveAs) // added functionality to set the kodak camera clock void TKodakUtilWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) DCErr TNewKodakCameraHandler::SetCamerTimeToThisMacTime () // test DCErr TNewKodakCameraHandler::FindAllProperties (char* propertyName, ProPropertyStruct* pProDirEntry ) // display better messages when missing text // need to have a recursive function to test unlinked stamps in node while in template // created void StevesLayoutTest ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList ); // created 3/24/01 void GetLayoutNameErrorString ( IDType layoutIDType, CStr255_AC filename, CStr255_AC &layoutInfoString ); // created 3/24/01 bool ReadLayoutObjectsFromFileToList ( FSSpec fileSpec, CList_AC* aList ); // created 3/24/01 CList_AC *DeleteLayoutObjectList ( CList_AC *theList ); // created 3/24/01 void GetNumberOfSpecificObjectType ( CList_AC *layoutObjectsList, IDType objIDType, short &count, short countList[] ); // created 3/24/01 // give correct prompt when selecting grade folder for school photo mode OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() // 3/23/01 // give to daniel to test v0.0.6§16 // experiment with acquire kodak images GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetImage() // try to improve speed of exiting from drag and drop and into main menu TDropPreviewImage::~TDropPreviewImage() // fix problem of image loading twice when shooting into nodes // also fixes needless loading of images after "add images from folder" void TDropView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) // remove error message bool protectTheGworld ( GWorldPtr gworldPtr ) // use the forceMemory bool flag GWorldPtr myDisposeGWorld ( GWorldPtr gworldPtr, bool forceMemory ) // re-prototyped 3/16/01 // change the retry to 1 only void forceMemoryMovement ( void ) // ??????????????? test memory improvement ?????????????????????? TView* TPreviewImageWindow::DestroyPreviewMainView ( short mode ) TOverlayObject::~TOverlayObject() // clear list if unable to create custom folder bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() getCurrentInputHandler()->ClearFileList(); // 3/23/01 // 3/22/01 released as 0.0.6§15 for dick@steinphotography.com // even if unique name, for school mode - make it work bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 if ( IsSchoolPhotographyMode() ) { fileName = fCurrentStudent + "_" + getExtensionFromSourceFile(srcFSSpec->name); } // even if unique name, for school mode - make it work bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 if ( getMyStartSittingPrefs()->copyPrefs.newName.type != kOriginalNameType || IsSchoolPhotographyMode() ) getUniqueNameFromExisting(&dstFSSpec); // fix school mode so that when resume sitting // there are images still in hot folder // eat up the images into dummyList bool TDummyCameraHandler::AddFilesToList ( bool doAddFilesForPreview ) OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction6() // if school mode, then display school mode when in copy prefs window void AdjustBaseNameOptionView (TWindow *topWindow, tAllinStruct *ptr ) // 3/22/01 // release as version 0.0.6§14 for serge // fix school photography mode with dummy camera // fix naming file problem bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // do not show any order info when new student is set void TSchoolPhotographyView::SetStudentSpec(CStr255_AC fileName, bool newStudent) // set pc-card to 2 digits // set photographer id to 1 digit IDType GetStartSittingIDWindow ( short &theNumber, short &numberOfDigits, CStr255_AC thePrompt ) IDType GetPhotographerIDWindow ( short &theNumber, short &numberOfDigits ) IDType GetPCCardNumberWindow( short &theNumber, short &numberOfDigits ) IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 // fix school photography mode with dummy camera // do not allow resumed images to preload // initialize the modification date if in school mode to the hot folder OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction6() OSErr GetFolderModificationDate ( unsigned long &lastModDate, FSSpecPtr anFSSpecPtr ); // cosmetic - rename Kodak TIF as all readables void TInputPreferences::PrepareInputPopup(IDType theType) // ?? bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // create an kTiffFileOld for PCs // for print to file option short getFormatFromPopupItem(TPopup *aPopup) short getPopupIndexFromFormat(short formatType); CStr255_AC getExtensionFromFileType ( short formatType );// created 3/22/01 void TPrintToFilePrefs::SetSettings(tPrintToFilePrefsPtr ptr) void TPrintToFilePrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // save to old tiff format SPOOLER AND FG bool NewSaveOffscreenToFile(short outputType, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // reprototype saving to old tiff method by passing dpi also Boolean SaveAsTIFFFile(CFSSpec_AC fileSpec, GWorldPtr anOffscreen, long resolution ) // fix views again for base name options void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForCustom2Mode () void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_OriginalName () void TCustomFileNameWindow::HandlePadZeroCheckBoxOption ( bool state ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustPadZeroView () // function to get modification date of a folder OSErr GetFolderModificationDate ( unsigned long &lastModDate, FSSpecPtr anFSSpecPtr ) // 3/21/01 // ???? //!!!!!! really bad and need to check thoroughly !!! //void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveToFolder(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress) // ???? /* need more than one type of function of call to save file to where?? may be need to pass the overwrite mode to each of these modes!!! need to use overwrite mode instead of overwrite boolean #define kOverWriteMode_NewNumber 0 // define 3/20/01 renumber and write new file #define kOverWriteMode_Overwrite 1 // define 3/20/01 write over the existing file #define kOverWriteMode_DoNothing 2 // define 3/20/01 dont write any file at all #define kOverWriteMode_PromptUser 3 // define 3/21/01 prompt for user interaction saveFileToSittingFolder saveFileAfterPrinting saveFileToMainImagesFolder = saveFileToSittingFolder saveFileToSpecialImagesFolder saveFileComposition saveFileToPrintToFile saveFileToFolderAutomatic (src,dest,overwriteMode) saveFileWithNavigationLib need to have function TepsFileHandler create unique sitting file name same as CustomServerCopyHandler if do kOverWriteMode_NewNumber, TepsFileHandler does not put the new names to list - so after entering operations window, does not display the correct newly named images, but instead, then existing named images */ kOverWriteMode_DoNothing // changed and moved prompt enable into custom file name window // check for prompt for starting image number bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 // remove prompt check boxes from copy pref window // move them to base name prefs void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoAllinPrefsWindow(tAllinStruct *ptr) // in TCustomFileNameWindow, do more dynamic enabling/disabling of options void TCustomFileNameWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TCustomFileNameWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetSettings() void TCustomFileNameWindow::GetSettings() void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForOriginalName () void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews ( IDType identifier ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_All ( bool state ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_Custom2Mode ( ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_OriginalName () void TCustomFileNameWindow::HandlePadZeroCheckBoxOption ( bool state ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustPadZeroView () void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustPromptView () // show TRIPRISM in main title window void TMainWindow::UpdateTitle() // disable copy to sitting folder item and have it checked on if input is file void AdjustBaseNameOptionView (TWindow *topWindow, tAllinStruct *ptr ); // created 3/21/01 void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 void TStartSittingPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoAllinPrefsWindow(tAllinStruct *ptr) // if either copy to sitting folder is off // or copy to master server folder is off // then disable their corresponding cluster void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::AdjustViews() void TCustomCopyPrefWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // make sure the current prefs matches the older prefs of 0.0.6§13 typedef struct tBaseNameStruct // added 11-22-00 unsigned char reserved[128 -extraLen1 - 2]; // recompute 3/21/01 // 3/20/01 // make layout info window reflect correct right after template is loaded void TLayoutView::SetLayoutInfo(bool isNew, FSSpec fileSpec, IDType layoutType, short resolution) // fix if promptPhotographerID and promptPCCardNumber is on IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 // fix chooser printing in two up mode GWorldPtr TPreviewImageWindow::GetPrintOffscreen( bool doSaveToFile , bool doPreview, bool isChooserPrinting ) // redefine prototype 11/10/00 // fix cancelling of chooser when in drag and drop mode short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintCanvas() bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) // adjust version to reflect 2001 bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // make the two base name overwrite existing file match up void TCustomFileNameWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // adjust views for base name == kOriginalName void TCustomFileNameWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews ( IDType identifier ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_All ( bool state ) void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews_OriginalName () // allow SPOOLER app to compile CStr255_AC createNameForSittingImages ( CStr255_AC baseName, long aValue, CStr255_AC ext ) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // maintain long image number throughout CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // move functions from CustomFileNameWindow.cp long simplePower ( short base, short power ); // moved here 3/20/01 CStr31_AC FormImageNumber ( long value, bool doPad, short maxDigits ); //moved here 3/20/01 // 3/16/01 CStr31_AC FormImageNumberAsPerPrefs ( long value ); //moved here 3/20/01 // created 3/18/01 // 3/19/01 start with version b14 // remove bool gDoUseLeadZeros // resolve the resume folder name // noticeable when basename = sitting folder name OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() // hope this is shared // if koriginalfilename, need to check for two types of overwrite prefs bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // return empty string if value = -1 CStr31_AC FormImageNumber ( long value, bool doPad, short maxDigits ) //change function name From formUniqueName To FormFileName // make unified calls CStr255_AC createNameForSittingImages ( CStr255_AC baseName, long aValue, CStr255_AC ext ) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameForPrintToFile (CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, short leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) // call the same function CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameSteve ( CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, short leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) // call the same function CStr255_AC getKodakCameraUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // force defaults Boolean setMyStartSittingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr ) // 3/19/01 release as b13 for noerr prelim // 3-19-01 // fix edit template view so that it will always // get correct size of nodes GWorldPtr TNodeViewObject::NodeFile2PreviewOffscreen(FSSpec fileSpec) // put back 4digit padded with zeros as default bool gDoUseLeadZeros = true; // 3/19/01 false; // 3/12/01 for both fuji and kodak // check for copyPrefs.doSittingFolderCopy in custom copy server bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // force doSittingFolderCopy ON as default Boolean setMyStartSittingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr ) // set correct printer in print tool bar void TOldLayoutView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // make TDummyCameraCopyHandler same as TCustomServerCopyHandler bool TCustomServerCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() TStartSittingHandler *createStartSittingHandler() // make fLastModDate part of TTEPSFileHandler base class // check for new images new method TTEPSFileHandler::TTEPSFileHandler() short TTEPSFileHandler::PutFilesInList4Check(short vRefNum, long dirID, bool checkIfEqual) // return bool if added to list is correct or not bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddFileToList(TFile *aFile) // new prototype 3/19/01 bool TTEPSFileHandler::AddToList(TFile *aFile) // reprototype 3/19/01 // remove unused void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec4DragAndDrop(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) void TNodeViewObject::FindImageInNodeAndSetFSSpec(FSSpec imageFSSpec, TStream *aStream, short curImage) // 3/18/01 // consolidate all the various versions of getBaseName and getBaseNameNew // consolidate all the various versions of getCustomFileName // remove 3/18/01 CStr31_AC getBaseName(short baseNameType); // 11-27-00 // remove 3/18/01 CStr31_AC getBaseNameNew(tBaseNameStruct newName); // 11-27-00 // remove 3/18/01 CStr31_AC getCustomFileName(); // remove 3/18/01 CStr31_AC getCustomFileName(tBaseNameStruct newName); // 11-27-00 CStr31_AC getBaseNameNew ( tBaseNameStruct *newNamePtr ); // created 3/18/01 CStr31_AC formCustom1BaseNameType ( tBaseNameStruct *newNamePtr ); // created 3/18/01 bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 void TCameraHandler::Synchronize4CameraHotFolderMode() // 11-02-00 IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 void TBaseNameWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // fix up when user selects kCustom2BaseNameType // make sure it is always validate so it is saved correctly // and user knows the difference too void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 void TCustomFileNameWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TCustomFileNameWindow::GetSettings() void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForCustom2Mode () void TCustomFileNameWindow::EnableMoreOptionsViews ( bool state ) // 3/16/01 b13 // SPOOLER print to file - use the new getUniqueNameForPrintToFile short TPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // FG better spot to strip out base name if image name is default CStr255_AC getPrintToFileName(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) short TPrintView::Print2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) // make sure 'pabu' window is always in the front void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // created functions long simplePower ( short base, short power ); // created 3/16/01 CStr31_AC FormImageNumber ( long value, bool doPad, short maxDigits ); // created 3/16/01 // adde extra preferences to basename options window // added more items/views to adlib window #1264 Teps2000.rsrc TepsNostalgia.rsrc CustomFileNameWindow.cp void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetSettings() void TCustomFileNameWindow::GetSettings() void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews() void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews2 () void TCustomFileNameWindow::SetViews3 () void TCustomFileNameWindow::AdjustForCustom2Mode () // 3/16/01 version 0.0.6§12 // added new version resource file for TEPS-Amuse versionAmuse.rsrc // try to fix problem with file stamp with no image linked to it GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate) // 3/16/01 version 0.0.6§11 // IsValidFile is used improperly bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // 3/15/01 version 0.0.6§10 // force kodak tif as factory default bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) // fix erroneous message CStr255_AC getUniqueNameForPrintToFile (CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, short leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) // should have one generic function for this OSErr getBaseNameAndExtension ( CStr255_AC fileName, CStr255_AC &baseFileName, CStr255_AC &extension, CStr255_AC theSeparator ) // pass the correct base name not the entire filename short TPrintToFileHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // 3/15/01 version 0.0.6§10 released and then found lots of bugs!!!! // 3-14-01 // only post last image to be previewed when more // than one file is tagged as newly grabbed // NEED to check if pref option is turned on or not??????????????????? dummyCameraHandler.cp bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // need to have separate function to get unique name for print to file option // also truncates name when needed CStr255_AC getUniqueNameForPrintToFile (CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, short leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) CStr255_AC formUniqueName ( CStr255_AC baseName, short aValue, CStr255_AC ext, short numOfZeros ) // fix printing so that Drag&Drop and Single up printing goes thru ONE function void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) // ensure that print quantity and other settings are set properly short TTepsPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // display more meaningful messages OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) if ( scsiStatus!=noErr ) DisplayNormalMessage ( "TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter: ModeSelectCommand Error!" ); // replace 3/15/01 if ( scsiStatus!=noErr ) DisplayNormalMessage ( "TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter: ClearMemoryCommand Error!" ); // replace 3/15/01 if ( scsiStatus!=noErr ) DisplayNormalMessage ( "TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter: PrintQuantityCommand Error!" ); // replace 3/15/01 // do not continue if volume locked void deleteAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) // potentially fix random printer type problem // must save current printer type of currrent canvas // then set it back after printing the package short TGeneralPrintHandler::PrintPackage() // 3/14/01 // install thread idler - improves thread speed tremendously void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() // remove 3/14/01 gProgressIndicator->Start(-1, cSimpleProgressWindow, "Saving FileÉ"); // make sure if santa basename mode, use original image number bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // make sure check4new files only post one new image grabbed silent command // in dummy camera mode bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // fix reading EXIF-2 thumbnails across network PicHandle GetThumbnailFromFile(FSSpec fileSpec) // make show external monitor cleaner // make sure to check for nil void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, TExternalWindowInfoPtr CreateDisplayImageInfo ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, TImageFileObject *anImageFileObject ) // use new function CreateDisplayImageInfo short DoPrintPreview ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doUseTExternalVideoWindowServer, CStr255_AC fileName, TImageFileObject *anObject) void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // remove unused variables Boolean TChooserTools::HasChooserDriverSelected ( void ) void TDropView::FillInImageFSSpec4BGPrinting(tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings, bool now) void DisplayError( Str255 s1, Str255 s2, Str255 s3, Str255 s4) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExistingOld(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::ConvertFile(FSSpec *theFSSpec) void DoPrintPreviewOLD (GWorldPtr outputOffScreen ) short DoPrintPreviewDoubleImage ( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, bool dispose) bool TFujiNC600PrinterDevice::GetFujiPaperSize4000Loop ( char paperWidthCode ) bool TFujiScsi2PrinterDevice::GetFujiPaperSize4000Loop ( char paperWidthCode ) bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() OSStatus TPciDevice::FindAllOfThisKindOfDevices ( void ) short TPebblePciLib::Connect2 ( void ) short TPebblePciLib::Set_Device_Value2 ( UInt32 subaddress, UInt32 data, short deviceType ) void TLayoutObjectListView::SwapObject(short objectNum1, short objectNum2) Boolean SaveOffscreen2File(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short recNum) bool TTeps2000Application::SpecialPCCardCopyAndRename() // 3/13/01 // fix and use the overwriting pref option for base name == original name bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // only add valid file to dummycamera list bool TDummyCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() // follow leading zero consistency CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) //try to fix focus issue with external vid monitor after capturing new image from // dummy camera mode // also remove frame rect OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::DoInit ( void ) GWorldPtr TExternalVideoWindow::SetDrawOffscreen ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen ) void TExternalVideoWindow::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) // fix so that first time after launching app // first image saved in dummyCameraMode is NOT 00000.jpg TCameraHandler::TCameraHandler() fStartValue = fCurrentImage; // 3/13/01 // adlib 1041 // give more specific error message for kodak printer short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForKodakPrinterError ( short doVerbose ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForWriteRequestGranted ( short doVerbose ) // 3/12/01 // re-enable backup utils button adlib for utilities window // nostalgia and teps2000 adlib 1210 - print tool bar for beginner mode // fix print tool bar - beginner mode so that popup works adlib #1261 adlib #1243 adlib wind 1267 // return correct type bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // fix disabling of preference views adlib view 1041 for input -make sure all control type views in root view void TPreferencesListView::DisableViews(short theNum) // add auto load new to input prefs adlib view 1041 - prefs for 'hotA' bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) void validateInputPrefs(tInputPrefPtr ptr) void TInputPreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) bool TInputPreferences::IsChanged() // allow backup window to have more options in future // also define pref to put all these bools together tBackupWindowPrefsPtr getBackupWindowPrefs ( void ) void setBackupWindowPrefsToDefaults ( void ) void TBackupWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) TBackupWindow::~TBackupWindow() void TBackupWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const //need to use this in the future bool gDoUseLeadZeros = false; // 3/12/01 for both fuji and kodak // fix jump to issue void TN_UPThumbNailView::JumpTo(long ImageNum) //10-10-00 // allow image to be automatically loaded when detected in dummycamera mode void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, // allow kiosk window to be enabled if not at startup adlib view 1042 void TPreviewWindowPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewWindowPrefs::SetSettings(tPreviewPrefPtr ptr) // make sure kiosk window is properly created, shown, and hidden TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) //fix redraw of check box in special on up mode void TOneUpPreviewImage::Zoom(bool zoomIn) void TOneUpPreviewImage::OffsetRect(CPoint_AC theOffset) void TOneUpPreviewImage::Reset() void TOneUpPreviewImage::UpdateImagePreviewWindow() // fix previewImage object after printing images // and removing marked images from thumbnail void TTEPSFileHandler::MarkAllImages(bool mark) // allow message to show correctly in fg as well as bg void TestApplicationIntegrityFailed ( bool isValid ) // 3/9/01 // add button to show 2up side by side in 2up mode VIEW #1303 for 2up need button added '2upb' button view void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) //if no images selected in 2up mode, then give message //if only one image selected in 2up mode, then do zoomIn on one image //if 2 images selected in 2up mode, then show 2 side by side void TPreviewImageWindow::ShowTwoSideBySide(bool hires) // if 2up mode and make thumbnail equal to preview image width // then force thumbnail window to be smaller void TThumbNailWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // make sure toolbar is reflected correctly // if 2upmode and thumbnail width is small, then always show toolbar // if 2upmode and thumbnail width is max, then hide toolbar void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) //add toggle print tool bar window to window menu CMNU - 11 void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 3/8/01 // v 0.0.6§9 // fix applying to colorsync when print to file short TPrintToFileHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) // update with new logo and positions for SPOOLER void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DrawTriprismLogo(void) // use new constants for status messages SPOOLER #define kSpoolerMesg_First "Press 'StartÉ' To Begin SpoolerÉ" #define kSpoolerMesg_Idle "Spooler IDLING - Waiting for a New JobÉ" #define kSpoolerMesg_Pause "Spooler PAUSED - Press 'ResumeÉ' to startÉ" bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) void TPrintBGBehavior::EnableBackgroundPrinting(Boolean enable) // 3/7/01 // release as version 0.0.6§8 // 3/7/01 // fix menubar problem void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() CMultiLocale_AC::InitCMultiLocal(); // 3-7-01 // myCreateNameUtils.c - make koko name work with kodak camera CStr255_AC getKodakCameraUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) bool doUseLeadZeros = false; // 3/7/01 dont in school case??? // reflect different compiled versions OSErr GetSoftwareVersion ( unsigned char *swVersion ) // fix about box for SPOOLER void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DrawTriprismLogo(void) // fix print to file crash in SPOOLER - non existant view void TPrintToFilePrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // make sure output canvases display correct printer prefs short getResSaveNumberFromPrinterType(short printerType) // 2-22-01 // try to fix timing problem short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TryToOpenSession ( short printerType ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TryToOpenSessionNew ( short printerType ) // fix "use default size" for overlay void TOverlayObject::RealSize(short resolution, TScalableView *aView, float layoutHSize, float layoutVSize ) // 3/6/01 need to generate new hardware key code for teps-nostalgia for BOTH FG and SPOOLER!!!! // 3/6/01 still have problems with menubar!!!!!!!! void TNewKodakCameraHandler::InstallMenu() void TLayoutView::DoSetupMenus() void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() // 3/6/01 // have just one function to display missing key message!! // need to accommodate FG and BG printing mechanisms DisplayMissingSecurity (); // added 3/6/01 bool TGeneralPrintHandler::ValidateSecurityKey(short printQuantity) bool TMainWindow::HasStartSittingKey() Boolean ValidatePrint(Boolean isForeground, short printerType, Boolean setPrintQuantity) // 3/1/01 - student id - check for max chars properly // 3/6/01 adlib 1240 - add fields void TStudentBarcodeWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TStudentBarcodeWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) void TStudentBarcodeWindow::DoCheckBarCode() void TKeyEventBehavior::SetOwnersView(TView *aView) void TKeyEventBehavior::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // make sure view is correct if less than 9 avail packages in prefs void TSchoolPhotographyView::ClearCustomView () // 3/6/01 update CMNU for Image - "Prompt for Image(s)É" // 3/6/01 // force logo to be on screen all the time void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DrawTriprismLogo(void) // change adlib - background window moved buttons around //¥¥¥ cannot get delete all jobs folder to pull down??? //?????? why does pop-up menu display in wrong vertical position // put back ability to prompt for images from main window void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) case 3333: // 3/6/01 put back // enable upload to internet void TUtilitiesWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // 3/5/01 // enable button for about box from spooler window added button for about box void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TBackgroundPrintWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 3/6/01 // SepiaTone // create resource file (tepsNostalgia.rsrc) from teps2000.rsrc // change pref name CStr255_AC prefFileName = "TEPS-SepiaTone Prefs"; // 3/6/01 change prefs name // Disable Utilities window - disable ability to modify NODEs and Templates - disable backup?? - disable compile log file // 3/5/01 MENU 2000 - allow only one type of preview mode MENU 2005 - allow only one type of preview mode MENU 1008 - reduce number of printers MENU 5000 - preferences allowed for nostalgia MENU 2002 - rearrange // 3-2-01 short TGeneralPrintHandler::GetPackageQuantity() check for fPrintPreview==false file: UPrintView.cp added function short TPrintView::GetFirstImageFile() call it in: void TPrintView::WriteHeader(TStream *aStream, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas, tPrintSettingsPtr printSettings) edwin - 1. need a way to always read back the dpi what if i load overlayAA then switch to overlayBB and then come back overlayAA, i will not get a dpi for overlayAA the second time around!!!!! GWorldPtr TOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) 2. menubar issue 3. import jpg and pict as 300dpi only pict retains correct dpi 4. is there another function like the return getUniqueName(baseFileName, theValue, extension, doUseLeadZeros, fileSpec); // replace 2/28/01 pass doUseLeadZeros as a short instead of bool // 2/28/01 // re-testing menu bar issue // look also under 2/27/01 // look also under 2/26/01 NewKodakCameraHandler.cp void TNewKodakCameraHandler::InstallMenu() PreviewImageWindow.cp void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) UTeps2000Application.cp void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() // 2/28/01 // allow longer names when in school photo mode // and still have order file created correctly // need to have preference in future to allow 0,1,2,3 leading zeros // instead of passing bool???? myCreateNameUtils.c CStr255_AC getKodakCameraUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // allow student order file to end with ".info" or ".i" SchoolLogFileUtilities.c short getAllFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec) StudentOrderFile.c TFile *openStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) TFile *createStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) TFile *createPackageLogFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) void formStudentOrderFileName ( FSSpec &tempFSSpec ) void formStudentOrderFileNameOld ( FSSpec &tempFSSpec ) bool isStudentOrderFileName ( CStr255_AC &fileName ) bool doesStudentOrderFileExist(FSSpec tmpFSSpec) bool doesStudentOrderFileExistNew( FSSpec &orderFSSpec ) void writeStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr ) bool readStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr) // 2/28/01 - "set as default" overlay works properly with imported picts not jpegs for example - when starting up app for the first time, need to delete all the miscellaneous tempfiles for overlays!! // fix overlay object so that set as default size works properly UOverlayObject.cp void TOverlayObject::RealSize(short resolution, TScalableView *aView, float layoutHSize, float layoutVSize ) GWorldPtr TOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) ULayoutView.h ULayoutView.cp void TLayoutView::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // 2/28/01 release for desktop darkroom version 0.0.6§4 // 2/28/01 reduce height of package text names // only show non empty order items SchoolPhotographyView.cp void TSchoolPhotographyView::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TSchoolPhotographyView::UpdateCustomView () void TSchoolPhotographyView::ClearCustomView () adlib #1242 - added view 'xxxx' bool editPackageQuantity() // 2/27/01 remove all changes with disappearing menubar problem // prevent barcode greater than 17 char adlib window #1240 // allow for 50 packages in student order file // only showing 30 for now adlib window #1245 SchoolPhotographyView.cp void TSchoolPhotographyView::GetPackageQuantities(tStudentOrderStruct aStruct[kMaxStudentOrderPkg]) void TSchoolPhotographyView::SetPackageQuantities(tStudentOrderStruct aStruct[kMaxStudentOrderPkg]) void TSchoolPhotographyView::Reset() void TSchoolPhotographyView::EndPreview(FSSpec fileSpec) void TSchoolPhotographyView::BeginPreview(FSSpec fileSpec) void TPackageQuantityWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) bool editPackageQuantity() StudentOrderFile.c bool readStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr) // enable F13,F14,F15 in change order window SchoolPhotographyView.cp void TPackageQuantityWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) // 2/26/01 // fix problem with disappearing menu bar when hitting caps-lock and tab MenuUtils.c void InstallNewMenu(ResNumber menuResID) Resource - Teps2000.rsrc added MBAR #200 - operations window added MBAR #201 - template/node window PreviewImageWindow.cp void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() void TPreviewImageWindow::Show(bool state, bool redraw) UDesignWindow.cp void TDesignWindow::DoSetupMenus() ULayoutView.cp void TLayoutView::DoPostCreate(TDocument* itsDocument) //add color settings for fuji 3500 printer Resource - Teps2000.rsrc updated MENU #2010 - added "Pictrography 3500" myBasicConstants.h #define kFujiPict3500Prefs 5034 // 2/26/01 TepsPrintHandler.cp TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void DestroyPrintHandler(short printerType, TTepsPrintHandler *aTepsPrintHandler) Boolean SetPrintQuantity(Boolean showDialog, short printerType) FujiPrinterPreferences.cp myFujiColorAdjustInfo gCurPictrography3500ColorAdjSettings; // added 2/26/01 const ResNumber cFuji3500View = 1503; // 2/26/01 myFujiColorAdjustInfoPtr getMyFujiPrinterPrefs( short printerType ) short initializePictrography3500SettingToFactory ( myFujiColorAdjustInfoPtr myPtr ) short doValidateFujiColorAdjustInfoPtr ( myFujiColorAdjustInfoPtr ptr ) void TFujiPrinterPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TFujiPrinterPrefs::SetFactorySettings() bool TFujiPrinterPrefs::IsChanged() FujiPrintHandler.cp void TFuji3500PrintHandler::InitializePrinterSettings() tPrintSettingsPtr TFuji3500PrintHandler::GetPrintSettings() myUpdColorAdjust.c myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr getMyUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr ( short type ) PreferencesWindow.cp tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) Teps1000Preferences.cp void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() UPrintView.cp void WriteColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) // 2/23/01 // v0.0.6§4 // make sure status box is empty when set to "" void TAboutWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) // update titles Resource - Teps2000.rsrc - make sure text labels all matches updated MENU #2000 updated MENU #2005 updated MENU #2031 updated MENU #2032 // 2-23-01 SelectImageWindow.cp replace Radios with Checkboxes on select image view Dimmed and disabled views that do not have a picture associated with it. CommandNumber.h Changed CommandNumbers to match checkbox view resources and not the radio view resources Added new resources in Teps2000.rsrc View 1619 and 1620 // ¥¥¥ 2/23/01 ¥¥¥ // released v0.0.6§3 // for daniel to try out // 2/14/01 always unmounted volume by accident bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() if (getMyStartSittingPrefs()->unmountVolume) // 2-15-01 // 2/13/01 ImportPictCommand.cp allow multiple images to be imported at once create new file NewSessionStruct.h with suggested structures for the new version do you want all PutFilesInList functions to use the new method of checking the modification date of the folder to determine whether to re-check the list of file? // 2/8/01 edwin - take a look at the new adlib window #2100 thru 2200 just to give you an idea what we are looking to do in next version; see what you think - please think about it carefully the best way is to try and emulate all modes that our customers are currently using; also - minor issues 1. when we copy or rename files, we maintain old extensions from original file - can we make sure all extensions are always UPPER case 2. when we import graphics - the navlib allows us to select more than one graphics can we import all selected files from the navlib into graphics database // 2/8/01 // set as version 0.0.4§1 adlib and MENU resources updated // 2/8/01 // set correct default for print to file mode void doPrint2FileFactorySettings() // set correct default dpi for fuji3500 printer void doPictrography3500FactorySettings() // show delete camera hot folder before closing operations window OSErr TCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11 () OSErr TDummyCameraHandler::ProcessFunction11() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) // fix camera input re-draw issue void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) FindSubView('cmvw')->Show(ptr->input == kDummyCameraInput, kRedraw); // 2/8/01 // fix max numbering issue for aspen #define kMaxFileNameLoop 99999 // 2/8/01 was 5000 use this constant instead of 5000 CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameForEmailFile(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) // need to recast short to long - for aspen CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 // put back old rotation method void TPreviewImage::Rotate(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) // no longer need to constantly autosynchronize void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // use new method for copy pc-card to folder mode bool TTeps2000Application::SpecialPCCardCopyAndRename() // 2/7/01 #define kDefaultDummyCameraName "My Camera" // 2/7/01 "Dummy Camera" void TInputPreferences::PrepareInputPopup(IDType theType) myAppendMenu(anListMenu, "\pCamera Hot Folder"); // 2/7/01 // get the correct base name bool TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(FSSpec *srcFSSpec) // 2-6-01 // preview correct hires and low res zoomed in image void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // fix memory crash void TPreviewImageWindow::ShowTwoSideBySide(bool hires) short DoPrintPreviewDoubleImage ( GWorldPtr offscreen1, GWorldPtr offscreen2, bool dispose) // force float window to be off in double up mode // allow one or more marked images to be shown when entering double up mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoModeChange(short mode, Boolean force) // 2-5-01 using a F-key (print package) in the two-up mode caused a crash fix in OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) void validateStartSittingPrefs(tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr) // 2-5-01 void TCameraHandler::Synchronize4CameraHotFolderMode() use cResetSynchronize instead of cResetErrors which caused a redraw view resource 1243 and 1261 add closebox to kiosk window new CMNU under windows menu 'Show Kiosk Window' added void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) case cShowKioskWindow: // 2-5-01 added tab key event that hides/shows floatwindows void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) if (theCharacter[1] == chTab) ShowFloatWindows(fFloatWindowList!=nil, true); void TPreviewImageWindow::ShowFloatWindows(bool state, bool dontHideThumbnailWindow) // // 2/1/01 steve // release for aspen as 0.0.3§7 set default preferences back to santa adlib #1063 - wording of text adlib #1075 - starting number is now 5 digits long - added 'defb' to use default for starting number adlib #1082 - added 'ask1' and 'ask2' checkboxes - you define pref fields added checkbox for "Display Copied Images Only" - you define IDType adlib #1281 - new window to prompt for photographer id adlib #1282 - new window to prompt for pccard number StartSittingHandler.cp you need to define pref to determine if prompt or not prompt for photographerID and/or pccard number #define cPromptPhotographerIDWindow 1281 // 2/1/01 #define cPromptPCCardNumberWindow 1282 // 2/1/01 IDType GetPhotographerIDWindow(short &theNumber); // 2/1/01 IDType GetPCCardNumberWindow(short &theNumber); // 2/1/01 IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 StartSittingPrefs.cp TBaseNameWindow::TBaseNameWindow() short TBaseNameWindow::SetStartingNumber(short theNumber) void TBaseNameWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TExternalVideoWindow.cp if stamp has hide extension then hide extension before displaying to external video monitor void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) StartSittingPrefs.h create class member to handle default starting number class TBaseNameWindow : public TWindow TBaseNameWindow(); // 2/1/01 short SetStartingNumber(short theNumber); // 2/1/01 short fStartingNumber; // added 2/1/01 // 2/1/01 bool gotoSelectImageWindow() added auto zoom option StartSittingPrefs.cp added bool showCopiedFileOnly TepsFileHandler.cp StartSittingHandler.cp bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() if (showCopiedFileOnly) create and pass fileList(CSortedList_AC) to SaveAllToFolder functions Views 1063 added checkbox 'auto zoom' Window 1082 added checkbox 'Show Copied Files Only' TepsFileHandler.cp Check4NewFiles added check for showCopiedFileOnly==false else old files will automatically be loaded again // 1/30/01 changed adlib window earlier - hope edwin got these changes Teps-2000.rsrc - STR#4112 - fix and add strings DialogMessageConstants.h - define more constants in void TInternetUploadPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPrintToFilePrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 1/30/01 // release as version 0.0.3§6 try to fix track mouse issues void TDragAndDropToolWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TDropPreviewImage::SetDragging(bool dragging) void TShiftAndZoomWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) set factory default for normal users Boolean setMyStartSittingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr ) fix default dpi for pg3500 = 267; pg3500 does not support 200 dpi void doPictrography3500FactorySettings() fix zooming/shifting button TrackMouse issues void THoldMouseDownButton::TrackMouse(TrackPhase aTrackPhase, const short mLetGoMouseDownButton = 105; // 1/29/01 - check if done tracking mouse const short mStartMouseDownButton = 106; // 1/29/01 - check if start tracking mouse // 1/29/01 fix zooming in/out redraw issue with too many eraseRects void TDropPreviewImage::ZoomOut() void TDropPreviewImage::ZoomIn() adlib window #1204 drag and drop tool bar - remove go away box // 1-29-01 added check for autopreview in bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) implemented new functions 3. would like to have zoom/shift icon buttons work like picture buttons if hold down - continuously zoom or shift is resource change 4. in editing/creating template, when rotating an imageObject, also make rect change just like when rotating a nodeObject created new function bool TImageObject::CanRotate(float rotation, TLayoutView *theView) // 1-29-01 called in: void TImageSettingsWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) changed function void TImageObject::SetImageRotation(float rotation) fixed bug 5. when accidentally double-clicking on guide marks in editing template, crashes app TTracker* TLineDragger::TrackMouse return this instead of return NULL added function to move guides when scaling changes (zooming in/out) CViewRect TLayoutView::GetScaledRect(CViewRect theRect) // 1-29-01 called in void TLayoutView::DoMouseCommand(CViewPoint& theMouse,TToolboxEvent* event,CPoint_AC hysteresis) ResNumber TLayoutView::GetCursorID() void TLayoutView::DrawGuides() // 1/26/01 try to fix zooming out aspect ratio issues void InsetRects(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, float xRotationStartValue) put "for demo only" to external video monitor void TExternalVideoWindow::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) // 1/25/01 after release try to solve problem with zooming in/out with rotated node DropPreviewImage.cp void TDropPreviewImage::ZoomIn() void TDropPreviewImage::ZoomOut() void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() void InsetRects(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, float xRotationStartValue) DropPreviewImage.h add extra parameter void InsetRects(CRect_AC &srcBound, CRect_AC &dstBound, CRect_AC maxSrcBound, CRect_AC maxDstBound, short steps, float xRotationStartValue = 0.0 ); // 1/25/01 added float rotated node or not UImageObject.cp void TImageObject::Calculate4ZoomAndInset(CRect_AC &srcRect, CRect_AC &dstRect, CRect_AC maxDstRect) // 1/25/01 // release as 0.0.3§5 update ALL the 'ALRT's - use correct resource icon id and fix all single quotes to double quotes remove test menu items void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() fix school photography mode with zero-ing out package orders in start sitting mode TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() bool TPreviewImageWindow::NewSchoolPhotographySitting(CStr255_AC student) fix redraw focus problem with n-up images in TSelectImageView void TSelectImageView::Draw(const CViewRect& area) fix nil pointer problem void TOneUpPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() // 1/24/01 doContinue in right spot? bool gotoSelectImageWindow() try to center views adlib window #1270 bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, short image, CStr31_AC folderName) show white text color in slide show - need prefs for this in future adlib view #1609 // 1-24-01 file: DropPreviewImage.cp void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() check for nil offscreen file: PreferencesWindow.cp added function to convert pref constant to position in list short getItemNumberFromConstant(short prefConstant) // 1-24-01 search for 1-24-01 to find where the function is called file: InputPreferences.cp pass the correct item for fuji camera with school photography mode (bug with PS 2.0) short translateCameraSourceToInput(tSource *source) file: SelectImageWindow.cp bool gotoSelectImageWindow() check for list size and posemodally is 'ok ' before doing autoPreview bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, short image, CStr31_AC folderName) read the size of the thumbnails from the view resource and pass it to loadimages to have variable size images // 1/22/01 // 1/23/01 added fCurrentlySelectedView to TSelectImageView to have a better redraw added preference TPreviewImagePrefs with default previewImagesChoice changed slideshow background to black added two fields to tSelectImagePrefStruct bool searchInAllSubFolders; bool autoPreview; added search in all subfolders if pref is set bool TSelectImageWindow::SetImageToShowSpecs(FSSpec dir, short image, CStr31_AC folderName) added auto preview of found image if preference is set void TSelectImageWindow::PutSelectedImagesInMainFileList() if (getMySelectImagePrefs()->autoPreview) // 1-22-01 added function: short findFileInAllFolders(FSSpec theFSSpec, short image, TTEPSFileHandler *aHandler) // 1-22-01 in myFolderUtils.c // 1/22/01 get the stamp to work correctly in rotated modes too void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawStamp(tMonitorStamp *aStamp, const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, CStr255_AC theString) void TExternalVideoWindow::AdjustWindowRect ( void ) bool computeExtVideoRects(short monitorWidth, short monitorHeight, short textSizeHeight, extVideoRectsPtr aPtr ); // 1/22/01 bool checkIfNeedDrawBox ( tMonitorStamp *aStamp ); // 1/22/01 CRect_AC getDrawBox ( extVideoRectsPtr aPtr, tMonitorStamp *aStamp ); // 1/22/01 OSErr drawTextInRect ( GWorldPtr aWorld, CRect_AC textRect, CStr255_AC theString, tMonitorStamp *aStamp ); CRect_AC getRotatedDrawBox ( extVideoRectsPtr aPtr, tMonitorStamp *aStamp ); // 1/122/01 ADLIB window 1212 - external video window floats but does not have the float bar change FG and BG color ADLIB view prefs 1059 - added prefs for monitor labels add code for monitor labels prefs Boolean setMyExternalVideoPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tExternalVideoPrefPtr ptr ) TExternalVideoPrefs::~TExternalVideoPrefs() bool TExternalVideoPrefs::IsChanged() void TExternalVideoPrefs::SetSettings(tExternalVideoPrefPtr ptr) show updated monitor labels OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::PromptAndDisplayImage ( TExternalWindowInfoPtr aPtr ) fix centering of floating window to external monitor TQDDevice.cp CViewRect FitFloatingWindowToScreen ( CViewRect screenVRect, bool hasMenuBar, bool hideWindowBar ) // 1/19/01 - steve adlib window #1264 adlib window #1280 - use TOffscreenPicture views OffscreenPicture.cp OffscreenPicture.h TOffscreenPicture::TOffscreenPicture() TOffscreenPicture::~TOffscreenPicture() GWorldPtr TOffscreenPicture::DisposeOffscreen(void) bool TOffscreenPicture::SetDoDisposeOffscreen(bool flag) void TOffscreenPicture::SetOffscreen(GWorldPtr anOffscreen) TExternalVideoWindow.cp void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawString ( const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, tExternalVideoPrefPtr prefPtr ) void TExternalVideoWindow::DrawString ( const CRect_AC &offscreenRect, tExternalVideoPrefPtr prefPtr ) OSErr TExternalVideoWindowServer::PromptAndDisplayImage ( TExternalWindowInfoPtr aPtr ) save alignToTop prefs void TExternalVideoPrefs::GotoVideoMonitorStampWindow(short stampNum) // 1/19/01 StartSittingHandler.cp bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() add support for saving with original name bool TTeps2000Application::EnterPreviewWindowWithoutImages () pose menu item when going into preview window without images gApplication->PostCommand(new TPostWindowMenuCommand(fPreviewImagesWindow, 3333, 60)); // 1-19-01 bool TTeps2000Application::SpecialPCCardCopyAndRename() short unMountVolume ( void ); // 1-19-01 bool TStartSittingCopyHandler::ProcessFunction1() short unMountVolume ( void ); // 1-19-01 TPopupCommand::TPopupCommand(TView *aView, IDType theType) : TCommand(1100, aView->GetContext(1100),false, false, NULL) void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added popup to add files/folder button // 1/15/01 fix problem with too long of name string this affects FG and BG CStr255_AC createName(CStr255_AC baseName, short aValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, short numOfZeros) MEMORY LEAK !!!!!!! need to double and triple check again make sure that pixmap is unlocked when done need to check for all other cases like this too??????????? ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ??????????? GWorldPtr copyGWorldToScreen(GWorldPtr offscreen, CRect_AC srcRect, CRect_AC dstRect, bool forceBetterResize) // 1/12/01 try to make external preview monitor work better lots of changes in TExternalVideoWindow.cp and TExternalVideoWindow.h try to make external preview monitor work better need to make changes to all references like this function ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ short DoPrintPreview ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doUseTExternalVideoWindowServer, CStr255_AC fileName) // 1/5/01 // fix kodak printing problems // incorporate original changes from 10/19/00 and 10/20/00 from version 7.4.8§31 sizeof does NOT give true struct size - must force the desired size OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TransferKodakStatusInfo ( const unsigned char *theDataPtr ) try to fix issues with kodak 8660 printers OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::ReceiveCommand ( long theLen ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TryToOpenSessionNew ( short printerType ) added member function short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TestUnitReadyCommandLoop ( void ) to do: set resolution for print to file and save composition as 5-up, 7-up and 9-up for select image window + fix bugs foldername for External video window (with stamp mechanism) 3 stamps eject source disk after copying trough custom server copy base name options use original name with pref to overwrite or create unique or do not copy the file look into shifting problem // 1-8-00 // 1-9-00 // 1-10-00 added a class TNewFontStyleSettingsView that easily allows to set the font, size, style and color for a text returning a tTextInfo structure added a displayName option to TExternalVideoPrefs for displaying the fileName and style structure void TExternalVideoWindow::Draw ( const CViewRect &area ) added if (getMyExternalVideoPref()->showFileName) // 1-8-01 // 1-2-00 // 1-3-00 // 1-4-00 // 1-5-00 added the discovery cove source to the Teps2000 project and made it Carbon compliant debugging discovery cove software // 12-18-00 fixed: bool TSittingPreferences::IsChanged() bool TPreviewWindowPrefs::IsChanged() bool TKodakPrinterPrefs::IsChanged() bool TOutputPreferences::IsChanged() bool TSlideShowPrefs::IsChanged() bool TInternetUploadPrefs::IsChanged() void TTEPSFileHandler::CheckIfDeleteAllImages() added delete without warning corrected password protection for locked items that could still be changed while locked void TPreviewWindowPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TStartSittingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TFujiPrinterPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintToFilePrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TColorSyncPreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TSlideShowPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) // 12-14-00 added a use printer profile to for each printer write alias file with right application creator type created a new function for creating a copy when jumping to image editor: void getUniqueNameWithCopy(FSSpec *fileSpec) // 12-14-00 // 12-11-00 // 12-08-00 file: AliasHandleUtils.c Added function: bool writeAliasFile(FSSpec appFileSpec, short aliasAppType) Creating file with resource 'alis' id 0 and set FinderInfo to kIsAlias file: myAppleEventUtils.c If no alias exists for Image Editor App or Backup App, ask whether to create one if successful launch application OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) OSErr myJumpToBackupAppWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-30-00 created: OSType getFSSpecOfFirstFileInDir(FSSpec theFolder, FSSpec *theFile) OSErr sendOpenFileAppleEventToAppWithAppFSSpec(OSType appSignature, FSSpec fileToOpen, FSSpec appToOpen) OSErr LaunchApplicationByFSSpec(FSSpec fileSpec, bool showWarning) // 12-08-00 changed LaunchApplication to open by FSSpec rather than application signature (as we have the alias anyway) add a line to show the filename of the image that is copied to the Spooler folder void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAndReturnSavedFSSpec(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) gProgressIndicator->SetFileName(srcFSSpec.name); // 12-07-00 TEPS-SPOOLER added two new functions to pass the files list from TPrintView to TPrintBGBehavior void TPrintBGBehavior::SetFilesToDelete(CList_AC *fileObjects) void TPrintBGBehavior::DeleteFilesUsed4Printing() added new switch case in: bool TPrintBGBehavior::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) case kTPI_JobCancelled: if job is cancelled a dialog is presented allowing the user to reinsert the jobfile call DeleteFilesUsed4Printing after everything is all done in short TPrintView::Draw4Printing() set status to 'status = kTPI_JobCancelled' if drawing of object fails added ALRT 1003 to backgroundprinting.rsrc TEPS-2000 void TDropPreviewImage:Draw pass false instead of fImageSize==kThumbnailSizeImage as the 4th argument fViewOffscreen = copyGWorldToScreen(fViewOffscreen, offscreenRect, qdExtent, false/*fImageSize==kThumbnailSizeImage*/); void TPreviewImageWindow::SetColorAdjustSettings() // 10-16-00 if (currentFile > 0 && currentFile <= getCurrentInputHandler()->GetFileList()->GetSize()) // 12-07-00 file: NewKodakCameraHandler.cp static char *ImageProcessCallback(DCImageIOStruct ImageIO) added #ifdef kBackgroundPrintApp // 12-07-00 if (checkForCmdDot()) return NULL; #endif void TTEPSFileHandler::PostProcessFile(short objectNum) prevent invalid objectNum from getting passed into list if (objectNum > 0) // 12-07-00 void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles() reverse removing from list for (short index1 = totalIndex1; index1 > 0; index1--) // 12-07-00 // 12/6/00 // b31 //fix internet upload when cancelling out while TestIfConnectionExists //prevents file being moved if TestIfConnectionExists fails or user cancels out OSErr UploadFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, bool move, ImageUploader* imageUploader ) // fix problem with base name starting with a new base number // especially when in santa mode CStr255_AC getKodakCameraUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec); bool validKokoMonth ( char charMonth ); bool validKokoDay ( char charDay ); bool validateKokoBaseFileName ( CStr255_AC baseName ); bool getImageNumberFromKokoBaseFileName ( CStr255_AC baseName, long &imageNumber ); void TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetUniqueName(FSSpec *theFSSpec) // save email files with sitting folder name is still NOT correct CStr31_AC getUploadFileName( FSSpec srcFileFSSpec ) //12/06 added TSelectImageWindow to add images to thumbnailbar through find folder and image mechanism accessed through menu option Image - Test Menu Item //12-05-00 ~TTEPSFileHandler() added delete fFileList; // 12-05-00 delete fSaveFileList; // 12-05-00 delete fRemoveFileList; // 12-05-00 // 12/4/00 // b31 fix problem in double mounting pc-card void checkForDiskEvtNew ( void ); pascal OSErr FindVolumeByNameNew ( Str255 volumeName, short *vRefNum ); // for daniel - but NOT released for noerr // add option to remove images from thumbnail view after printing found all if (autoSaveAfterPrinting) getCurrentInputHandler()->AddFileToSaveList() put autoSaveAfterPrinting in funtion added member autoRemoveAfterPrinting Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() adlib view 1050 added 'aurm' check box // 12/1/00 // b30 // free up offscreen if user answers 'no ' void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() // create and add a new list for images to be removed after printing TTEPSFileHandler::TTEPSFileHandler() void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFileToSaveList(short objectNum) void TTEPSFileHandler::AddFileToRemoveList(short objectNum) void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles() // major bug fix special 1up mode when update thumbnail - dont how it worked in past void TOneUpPreviewImage::Draw(const CViewRect &area) // allow user to pause during internet conversion process void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveAllToInternetUploadFolder() bool TTEPSFileHandler::SaveFileToInternetUploadFolder(short image) void TMyProgressIndicator::ResetPause() void TMyProgressIndicator::SetText6(CStr255_AC str) // added 12-01-00 void TProgressWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) TEPS2000.rsrc changed ALRT 1049 progress.rsrc changed View 9013 // 11/30/00 upgraded to Kodak SDK 1.7.0 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() Enable(cEnterEmailAddresses, fMode==kSinglePreviewMode || fMode==kOneforAllMode); // changed 11-30-00 bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TView *theView) added offscreenRect = myGetPortRect(tmpOffscreen); // 11-30-00 after rotating rects // 11/29/00 removed all references to Old open en save file dialogs (NavigationServicesAvailable) void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() Set some preferences to default if creating new pref file setMySlideShowPrefToFactoryDefaults setMyExternalVideoPrefToFactoryDefaults initializePictrography3000SettingToFactory ( getMyFujiPrinterPrefs(kPictrography3000) ); // 11-29-00 initializePictrography4000SettingToFactory ( getMyFujiPrinterPrefs(kPictrography4000) ); // 11-29-00 initializeFujiNC600SettingToFactory ( getMyFujiPrinterPrefs(kFujiNC600Printer) ); // 11-29-00 Boolean setMyPreviewPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPreviewPrefPtr ptr ) changed default from small to medium ptr->thumbnailSize = kMediumThumbnailSize; // changed 11-29-00 // 11/28/00 changed void TCameraHandler::Synchronize4CameraHotFolderMode() // 11-02-00 to use the new tHotFolderPrefs TTeps2000Application::DoIdle only synchronize if getMyStartSittingPrefs()->hotFolder.autoSynchronizeWithSittingFolder = true add synchronizeInterval to TTeps2000Application::DoIdle added function void GotoHotFolderPrefsWindow(tHotFolderPrefs *ptr); // 11-27-00 typedef struct tHotFolderPrefs changed progress resource 9013 to number beyond 255 void TPrintToolbarWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix the redraw/update of the editable text in drop and drag mode bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) funtions is calling IsValidKodakFile instead of opening up the file to read the header bool isValid = IsValidKodakFile(aFile->GetFileSpec()); // 11-27-00 // 11/22/00 // 11/23/00 created a new file myCarbonUtils with functions to be called instead of #ifdef qCarbon #else #endif // 11/21/00 // in camera start sitting mode and hot folder show distinguishing icon and message short TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) short TNewFujiCameraHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) short TTEPSFileHandler::GetIconAndStatusText(CStr255_AC &statusText) // 11/21/00 // b27 //filter out files that dont end with .TIF bool IsValidKodakFile(FSSpec theFSSpec) // 11/20/00 b27 when converting images, make sure to use the same name as the original source folder bool TTEPSFileHandler::SaveFileToInternetUploadFolder(short image) use the new getUniqueName function for email files bool SaveAsJPEGFileWithEmailHeader(GWorldPtr aBGGWorld, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) add .tpi to email file names fix thumbnail update problem with more than 300+ images void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) fix popup menu in thumbnail with 300+ imageas - always force back to small popup size void TN_UPThumbNailView::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) make the add images to folder button into TIconButton instead of TIconPopup adlib 1201 enable ability to delete internet folders on radio button as well as main images folder adlib 1016 ability to delete internet folder which contains the log sub-folder void TFolderListView::DeleteSelectedFolders() void TFolderListView::DeleteFilesInFolder(FSSpec dirFSSpec) // overload function bool formDesiredFolderName ( FSSpec &theFSSpec, CStr255_AC theName ) should replace older FindFolder(CStr255_AC theName) with newer case - why hard code fsspec????? and check for name with case NOT sensitive long TFolderListView::FindFolder(FSSpec mainFolder, CStr255_AC theName) // overload function // 11-17-00 b27 // fix text rotation problem due to carbon/newmacapp compat // fix printing of zoomed image in spooler and fg // fix fuji camera input - always delete temp file even if hidden // fix text rotation problem due to carbon/newmacapp compat file: UStampObject.cp void TStampObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) bool TStampObject::Draw4DragAndDropPrinting(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi) bool TStampObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) file: UTextObject.cp void TTextObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) bool TTextObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) added #if qCarbon //11-17-00 CRect_AC offscreenRect = GetPortRect_AC(fTextOffscreen); #else CRect_AC offscreenRect = fTextOffscreen->portRect; #endif before myCopyBits(fTextOffscreen, outputOffscreen, offscreenRect, tempQDRect, transparent,NULL); SAME FOR SPOOLER APP changed UStampObject.cp + UTextObject.cp function: Draw4Printing // fix printing of zoomed image in spooler and fg file: UImageObject.cp void TImageObject::SetImageFSSpec(FSSpec aFSSpec) { fImageSpec = aFSSpec; fInsetSteps = 0; // 11-17-00 fOffset = GetOffset(); // 10-12-00 CPoint_AC TImageObject::GetOffset() if (theOffset != CPoint_AC(0,0) || fInsetSteps != 0) // 11-17-00 // fix fuji camera input - always delete temp file even if hidden file: TNewFujiCameraHandler.cp bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolderPart2 ( FSSpec* theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting ) always overwrite existing tempfile didSaveIt = SaveAsJPEGFileTemp (theFSSpec->name, fAcquiredGWorldPtr, theFSSpec, true ); file: myCreateNameUtils.c CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExistingOld(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) added the following in both functions: if (counter >=5000) // 11-17-00 { DisplayNormalMessage("\pgetUniqueName: counter > 5000"); } CStr255_AC createName(CStr255_AC baseName, short aValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, short numOfZeros) // added argument short numOfZeros default = 4 // 11-16-00 created destructor ~TPackageWindow that resets getMyPreviewPrefs()->currentPackage if a package was deleted CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) changed to if (baseName.Length() > 8) // 11-15-00 GWorldPtr TPrintView::Draw4Printing(short dpi, short imageNumber, templateInfo *aTemplate) restore currentfile before going into TStampObject::Draw4Printing getCurrentInputHandler()->SetCurrentFile(imageNum); // 11-15-00 CStr255_AC TShowThumbnailBalloonBehavior::GetInfoString() short index = getCurrentInputHandler()->GetCurrentFile(); // 11-15-00 and restore current file // 11-15-00 file: myCreateNameUtils.c CStr255_AC getUniqueName(CStr255_AC baseName, long &startValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros, FSSpecPtr tmpFSSpec) // replaced FSMakeFSSpec with IsExistingFile CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExistingOld(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) // replaced FSMakeFSSpec with IsExistingFile file: password.h // changed tPasswordStruct itemLocked[30] instead of 20 // 11/14/00 need to change all places that uses if (FSMakeFSSpec ( theFSSpec->vRefNum, theFSSpec->parID, theFSSpec->name, theFSSpec ) == noErr) with IsFileExists (theFSSpec)==true FSMakeFSSpec is NOT a good function to determine if file exists or not!!!!!! there are 58 occurences!!!!! bool SaveAsJPEGFileWithEmailHeader(GWorldPtr aBGGWorld, FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) // 11-14-00 release as b24 edwin ???? ????? document????? // 11-13-00 added virtual CStr31_AC TTEPSFileHandler::GetExtension() // 11-13-00 added CStr31_AC TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetExtension() // 11-13-00 added CStr31_AC TNewFujiCameraHandler::GetExtension() // 11-13-00 // 11/9/00 // b22 replace datestring from "/" to "-" java does NOT like folder name to contain "/"; it uses it as path separator // 11/9/00 // b21 fix problem with chooser printing of correct fsspec template name // b20 // 11/8/00 added TIdleWindow added TExternalFilePicture added button on foldername window to select custom folder adlib 1258 #define kExternalImageFolderString "TEPS LOGOS FOLDER Ä" // 11-08-00 STR# 4700 contains all names of any external logo files or images names // 11/7/00 // b19 fix chooser to print correct items in packages added extra button in image process window to backup main images folder as well as internet images folder added more members to typedef struct tGeneralSettings gAutoBackupMIFolder created void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() want the folder selection window to show items in that folder should be part of TFolderListView?? or add behavior to it and get its member count values created TBackupWindow class void RegisterMacAppClasses() added whole class in BackupWindow.cp fix problem with double acquiring of kodak images when extern video monitor prefs is ON bool TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage(bool &saved, FSSpec *saveFSSpec) fix passing correct name string to kodak DCCopyImageToFolder function bool TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting) update warning text message OSErr myJumpToBackupAppWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-30-00 OSErr myJumpToImageEditorWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 11/6/00 fix miscellaneous chooser and package mode bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) OSErr TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview, Boolean now) if in spool mode and package has chooser, just send to fg fix where mult-item package will prompt continue or not if chooser item in package GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) fix chooser and offscreen else break; avoids pixmap error // 11/6/00 make sure not too many digits should make sure each char is a digit!!! long ConvertCStrToLong ( CStr255_AC numberStr, short numOfDigits ); bool IsCStrAllDigits ( CStr255_AC numberStr ); long getImageNumberFromFileName(CStr31_AC fileName, short numOfDigits ) move toggle desktop printer after chooser print is done void TPreviewImageWindow::DoChooserPrint(Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, long printCommandNumber ) reset time after synchronizing, not before only Synchronize4CameraHotFolderMode if hot foldermode and start sitting bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 11/5/00 // b17 prevent infinite loop if job filename is too long void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) point to the correct daily images folder in internet mode void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() put scripting to toggling desktop printer to a single function // must have toggle script, "toggleChooserScript", in scripts folder file // 11/3/00 // b16 give preference for toggling chooser printer Boolean setMyChooserPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tChooserPrefPtr ptr ) TChooserPreferences::~TChooserPreferences() void TChooserPreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TChooserPreferences::SetSettings(tChooserPrefPtr chooserPref) bool TChooserPreferences::IsChanged() void TFujiNC600PrinterCmdSet::CheckSenseKey ( unsigned char* senseDataPtr ) // 11/2/00 // b16 void TBackupWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) add password protection to checkboxes void TCameraHandler::Synchronize4CameraHotFolderMode() // 11-02-00 add synchronize for files with camera handler and hotfolder mode bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) call synchronize for files with camera handler and hotfolder mode bool TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber cmdNumber) call synchronize for files with camera handler and hotfolder mode void TCameraStatusWindow::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) added case cSynchronize: // 11/2/00 // b15 fix hot folder mode when input is camera fuji/event imaging bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() if fuji camera input and hot folder, do not send any camera command void TNewFujiCameraHandler::ExitToMain() (what happens if fujids300 does exists - in hotfolder??? - may have problem on entry) if fuji camera mode and school photography mode, then shows Photoshop PS2.0 as input type in main window title bar void THideNameView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TPreviewImage::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) MENU 2008 MENU 2011 - remove from list - add separator - delete - separtor - "jump to image editorÉ" fix more adlib windows/views // 11/2/00 // b15 bool TBackupWindow::GotoSelectFolderWindow(IDType theType) CStr31_AC getLocationIDString ( bool usePrefix ) - must have 4 digit also changed resource to allow location id upto 9999 // 11/1/00 check for internet email images - check w/wo extension and "_" char is not needed fix resources and picts make sure that findEmail method creates folder same format as convert to internet file format when converting to internet file mode, always overwrite existing file Boolean setMyResizePrefToFactoryDefaults ( tResizePrefPtr ptr ) Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) // 10/30/00 added option to delete folder list to switch between main images folder and internet upload folder FolderListView.cp added TEPS BACKUP APP FOLDER UTeps2000Application.cp added OSErr myJumpToBackupAppWithFile(FSSpec fileToOpen) // 10-30-00 myAppleEventUtils.c changed 'view'-resource 1016 // 10/27/00 alert 1005 adlib windows 1247 1263 1248 1017 adlib views 1043 CMNU 5 bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) promptForOrder = false just disable view instead of hiding it void TStartSittingPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 10/27/00 fix issues fuji nc600/660 printer - allow toggling between the two internal trays class TFujiNC600PrinterDevice : public TScsiPrinterDevice, short fCurrrentValidTray; // 10/27/00 TFujiNC600PrinterDevice::TFujiNC600PrinterDevice() OSErr TFujiNC600PrinterDevice::SetupModeSelectParameter ( short w, short h, short xOff, short yOff, short doPrintNow, short transferMode, short scanMode, unsigned char pageCode ) short TFujiNC600PrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) short TFujiNC600PrinterDevice::CheckPrinterTrays ( void ) turn off extraneous messages void TFujiNC600PrinterCmdSet::CheckSenseKey ( unsigned char* senseDataPtr ) change the factory default preferences for fuji nc600/660 printer void doFujiNC600FactorySettings() // 10/27/00 make all libs "import weak" when possible fix rotation of node print/preview bool TNodeViewObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) // 10-27-00 Add match orientation for Cropping ration for custom server copy Add force orientation to landscape or portrait Added Custom Folder name option Added Save with original filename for internet upload // 10-26-00 change StartSittingPrefs Factory defaults ptr->AllinPrefs.createSubFolder = false; // 10-26-00 // 10-25-00 file: myCreateNameUtils.c CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExistingOld(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) short numberStartPos = FindPos("_", tmpStr); if (numberStartPos != 0 && tmpStr[numberStartPos+1] >= '0' && tmpStr[numberStartPos+1] <= '9') // added 10-25-00 tmpStr = tmpStr.Copy(1, numberStartPos-1); created new function in StartSittingHandler.cp IDType TCustomServerCopyHandler::GetBaseName() // 10-25-00 added following field to StartSittingPrefs.cp ptr->AllinPrefs.baseName = gEmptyString; // added 10-25-00 ptr->AllinPrefs.useCustomBaseName = false; // added 10-25-00 ptr->AllinPrefs.useDate = true; // added 10-25-00 ptr->AllinPrefs.useLocationID = true; // added 10-25-00 // 10-24-00 void TImageFileObject::SetEmails(CStr63_AC emails[5]) // added 10-24-00 TPreviewImageWindow::~TPreviewImageWindow() if (getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting() && fLastEmail != gEmptyString) getCurrentInputHandler()->SaveMarkedToInternetUploadFolder(); // 10-24-00 added void TPreviewImageWindow::EnterEmailForMarked() // 10-24-00 void TPreviewImageWindow::DoSetupMenus() Enable(cEnterEmailForMarked, getCurrentInputHandler()->IsStartSitting() && getCurrentInputHandler()->GetNumberOfMarkedImages() > 0); void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) case cEnterEmailForMarked: // 10-24-00 EnterEmailForMarked(); break; added void TTEPSFileHandler::SetEmailForMarked(CStr63_AC email[5]) // 10-24-00 void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveMarkedToInternetUploadFolder() // 10-24-00 // 10/25/00 // changes from 10/16/00 was added from other project on 10/25/00 // changes from 10/19/00 was added from other project on 10/25/00 // 10/19/00 try to fix upload lockup issues especially after right after making connection OSErr tryToUploadLoop ( ImageUploader *imageUploader, char *completeFileName ) dont show empty folder warning esp when uploading multiple folders OSErr TInternetUploadFolderList::UploadFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, bool move) doShowEmptyFolderWarning // 10-16-00 from Edwin fix print queue issues void TPrintQueueWindow::StopQueue() add to end of function gProgressIndicator->Stop(); // added 10-16-00 // 10/16/00 fix internet issues Boolean setMyInternetUploadPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) set factory default location id = 0; ptr->location = "0"; // 10/16/00 change to 0 "1"; // "00001"; 6/26/00 ptr->locationNumber = 0; // 10/16/00 change to 0 1; // 7/5/00 warn user to set prefs if location ID is 0; change view id#1060 min and initial crop value = 10 hsiz and vsiz min and initial location id = 0 moved function from PreviewImageWindow.cp to EnterEmailWindow.cp IDType EnterEmailAddress(GWorldPtr anOffscreen); // moved here 10/16/00 Added ALRT #1048 for invalid internet location ID // 10/25/00 allow printing school packages with the enter key when in preview mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) remove F12 which starts new student - cmd-1 does that already void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) try to make view automatically beep after pressing enter or return key (does not work) class TSchoolPhotographyView : public TView void TSchoolPhotographyView::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) try to make view automatically beep after pressing enter or return key (annoying - need to put in two spots bool getPackageQuantity() bool editPackageQuantity() // 10/24/00 search for extensions and chars from end of string CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) short FindPosInReverse(const CStr255_AC& pattern, CStr255_AC& source) change default button response when set as default for shift/zoom setting for special one-up void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() create function clear out the order (may need to prompt for confirmation before continuing) void TSchoolPhotographyView::ClearOrder(void) added static text fields in school mode adlib #1242 void TSchoolPhotographyView::Setup() maximum number of packages for student is 9 (really want to be 12 or 15) (need to define a new a new constant kAbsMaxStudentOrderPkg 15 kMaxStudentOrderPkg = 9 // 10/24/00 for the first time, make default search 'noty' void TThumbnailToolsView::JumpToImage() //10-10-00 in school photomode - allow entry of student name with . in it, eg: "dolman jr., edwin" search for '.' from end of string CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) short FindPosInReverse(const CStr255_AC& pattern, CStr255_AC& source); added pict 150 and 151 for zoom in and out buttons picts modify default for alert 1018 void TOneUpPreviewImage::SetSettingsAsDefault() allow 9 packages in school view match up adlib windows #1245 and 1242 to be same enable buttons in #1245 and 1242 kMaxStudentOrderPkg 9 // 10/23/00 change ready for next student text to ready... #define kReadyForNextStudentString "ReadyÉ" //10/23/00 "Ready For Next StudentÉ" //10-23-00 ??? allow chooser printer to selected as item in package void TPackageEditWindow::AddItemToPackage() preference to issue cPrintOne or cPrint chooser when in package typedef struct tChooserPreferences bool showPrintJobDialog4Packages; // 10/23/00 TChooserPreferences::~TChooserPreferences() void TChooserPreferences::SetSettings(tChooserPrefPtr chooserPref) bool TChooserPreferences::IsChanged() allow more than 307 images to thumbnail list or view void TN_UPThumbNailView::ScrollTo(IDType theType, bool OptionKeyDown) void TN_UPThumbNailView::CreateThumbNailViews(short begin, short end, bool show) remember crop aspect ratio values remember crop aspect search type #define kFindPrefs 5037 // 10-23-00 TPreviewImage::TPreviewImage() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WritePrefs() const Boolean setMyFindPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tFindPtr ptr ) // 10-23-00 Boolean setMyFindPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tFindPtr ptr ) // 10-23-00 // 10/23/00 setup correct factory default values for upd50 printer void doSonyD50FactorySettings() // 10/20/00 release v0.0b8 release v0.0b7 release v0.0b6 fix problem when acquiring preview with sdk1.6.1 static char *ImageProcessCallbackNoPreview(DCImageIOStruct ImageIO); GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetImage() fix double-clicking problem in thumbnail void TThumbNailView::DoMouseUp(CViewPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint_AC hysteresis) adlib view 1401, 1042 // 10/9/00 release v0.0b5 //10-10-00 file: NamedStdPrintHandler.cp bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) added getCurrentInputHandler()->SavePrintedFiles(); will save printed files and unmark printed images file: NamedStdPrintHandler.cp + NamedStdPrintHandler.h bool PrintOne(GWorldPtr anOffScreen); // 10-10-00 changed from void to bool return TStdPrintHandler::Print(cPrint); // changed 10-10-00 file: N_UPThumbNailView.cp added void TN_UPThumbNailView::JumpTo(long ImageNum) //10-10-00 file: PreviewImageWindow.cp void TPreviewImageWindow::DoChooserPrint(Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, long printCommandNumber ) added passing second parameter to GetPrintOffscreen // 10-10-00 aTepsPrintHandler->PrintToFile(GetPrintOffscreen(true, false), fileSpec); // 7/5/00 pass parameter to GetPrintOffscreen() and DoPrintPreview(GetPrintOffscreen(false, true), true);// 10-10-00 short DoPrintPreview ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doUseTExternalVideoWindowServer, CStr255_AC fileName)//10-4-00 changed cPrintPreviewWindow1 to cPrintPreviewWindow2 GWorldPtr TPreviewImageWindow::GetPrintOffscreen( bool doSaveToFile , bool doPreview) // 10-10-00 added 2nd argument - bool doPreview file: TepsPrintHandler.cp GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) added breaking out on cancel file: ThumbnailToolsView.cp void TThumbnailToolsView::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) added JumpTo imagenumber // 10-5-00 added hotfolder mode for camera void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) { case cFileAddedToList: // 10-5-00 if (getCurrentCameraHandler()) getCurrentCameraHandler()->SaveCopyInSittingFolder((TImageFileObject*)changeData); AND void TCameraHandler::SaveCopyInSittingFolder(TImageFileObject *anObject) // 10-5-00 // 10-4-00 GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) GetIndString(tmpStr, kPrinterResID, getMyPrinterType()); // 10-4-00 PrintForDemo in Slideshow Window short DoPrintPreview ( GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doUseTExternalVideoWindowServer, CStr255_AC fileName)//10-4-00 added fileName Argument short DoPrintPreviewNew ( GWorldPtr anOffscreen, short resID, bool one2One, CStr255_AC fileName) { TWindow *aWindow = TViewServer::fgViewServer->NewTemplateWindow(resID, NULL); if (fileName != gEmptyString) aWindow->SetTitle("Preview of "+fileName); created View resource 1019 - Create folder in Master Server Dialog bool TSaveToServerCommand::ShowDestinationDialog(FSSpec *tmpFSSpec) close window if Cancel Master Server Copy change in resID (1019) + Master Server Name passed CStr255_AC getUniqueNameFromExisting(FSSpecPtr fileSpec) if not found _ start from beginning void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() added getCurrentInputHandler()->ClearFileList(); // 10-3-00 void TOverlayWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) >= instead of > // 9-27-00 fixed a bug that caused the lineseperator to show up as text in Print toolbar window void TOldLayoutView::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) fixed a bug that caused an error message to appear when opening a package (from a newly created packagefile void TPackageEditWindow::ReadPackage() // 9-18-00 for custom server copy, add prefs to backup images to sub folder within master folder bool TSaveToServerCommand::ShowDestinationDialog(FSSpec *tmpFSSpec) short TSaveToServerCommand::PromptForNewFolderName(FSSpec *newFSSpec) // added 9-18-00 void TStartSittingPrefs::GotoAllinPrefsWindow(tAllinStruct *ptr) add more windows for internet find file mode prompt for folder id prompt for image id prompt to verify image prompt to enter email void TTeps2000Application::FindImageAndEnterEmail() const ResNumber cEnterFileIDWindow = 1257; // 9-18-00 const ResNumber cEnterFolderIDWindow = 1258; // 9-18-00 const ResNumber cIsThisYourPictureWindow = 1259; // 9-18-00 what was changed in DropView.cp?????? need to add overlay view for DragAndDrop View // 9/16/00 // added 9/16/00 - should be moved to file of its own #include "TBaseWindow.h" // 9/16/00 MA_REGISTER_CLASS(TBaseWindow); // 9/16/00 #include "EmailStartupWindow.h" void TBaseWindow::DoEvent ( EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler *source,TEvent *event) // 9/15/00 allow basename be to nil of basename is nil, do not add '_' to name; need to change edit text type to TEditText in adlib window cSpecialAllinCopyWindow = 1075 CStr255_AC createName(CStr255_AC baseName, short aValue, CStr255_AC ext, bool leadZeros) // 9/15/00 document 9-15-00 where applicable create new class TEmailStartupWindow void RegisterMacAppClasses() EmailStartupWindow.c EmailStartupWindow.h const ResNumber cFindFileWindow = 1255; // 9-15-00 const ResNumber cEmailStartupWindow = 1256; // 9-15-00 const ResNumber cEnterEMailWindow = 1232; // 9-15-00 PreviewImageWindow.cp PreviewImageWindow.h created file "myFolderUtils.c" // 9/14/00 added pict 419 for "compile school log file" // 9/13/00 need to add pictrography 3500 - need to test with real paper short TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) //9/12/00 got new 8.0.1§3 from edwin fix possible inadvertant test message from IsExistingDirectory2() - oh maybe in 7.4.8§23 version added these fixes from steve's earlier 8.0.1§2 version // 9/12/00 Fix problem with the overlay not being updated when in the design window and double-click on the overlay GWorldPtr TOverlayObject::GetOverlayOffscreenFromRecordNumber(short recNum) // 9/12/00 make sure edwin turns back on PrintThisImage() in the spooler and in fg fix spooler project just like steve's earlier version fix problem with sony upd7-a printer locking up in spooler short TPrintView::DoSonyPrintNew ( GWorldPtr outputOffscreen ) // 9/12/00 release as 8.0.1§2 from steve's earlier version // 9/7/00 release as v8.0.1§1 #define kUseTeps8Keys true condense width and height text void TPreviewImage::SetFileSpecs() always move to folder movable - maybe not OSErr TInternetUploadFolderList::UploadFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, bool move) // main menu shows version number to distinguish new version Boolean TChooserTools::FindPrintRecordInResource ( void ) bool IsVolumeLocked ( short vRefNum ); OSErr IsDirectoryWriteProtected ( FSSpec *dirFSSpec, bool &state ); added all changes for up-d70a printer problems short TTepsPrintHandler::DoPrint(GWorldPtr anOffscreen, Boolean doPreview) OSErr TAPrinterDevice::PrintThisImage ( GWorldPtr imageGWorldPtr ) // 9/5/00 resolve write-protected directory do not use FSMakeFSSpec to determine if a folder or file exists myDirectoryUtils.c need to change more spots in future created these two functions: bool IsExistingDirectoryLow(short vRefNum, long dirID); bool IsExistingFSSpecLow ( FSSpec *fileFSSpec ); above two functions called in the following: bool IsExistingDirectory(FSSpec *dirFSSpec) bool IsExistingDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID) bool IsExistingFile(FSSpec *dirFSSpec) bool IsExistingTemplateFile(FSSpec *dirFSSpec) bool IsExistingNodeFile(FSSpec *dirFSSpec) // 8/29/00 version 7.4.8§21 need to try to resolve problem with OS8 and start sitting crap void TTEPSFileHandler::GetStartSittingFolderInfo(CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) void TTEPSFileHandler::GetFolderInfo(CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) fix annoying message with daniel void getFolderName(short aVRefNum,long aDirID,CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) Boolean TChooserTools::FindPrintRecordInResource ( void ) // 9-4-00 added file info window // 9-1-00 added rows and columns for slide show view // 8-28-00 small/medium/large thumbnails one 2 one option for slide show use better resize for thumbnails, significantly increases quality for bigger thumbnails got rid of fOriginalImage offscreen duplicate of fOffscreen, no clue why I created a duplicate // 8-25-00 packages with print to file filename stamp without extension save template before modifying node? // 8-24-00 to do list change overlay on the fly in drag&drop mode save composition to file after printing (see print 2 file options) reverse order for object list in layout view get page for printing (go to page x) save last overlay to file and read it back validation of prefs // 8/22/00 // 8/23/00 expert mode for slide show getting unique name for image before saving + prefs to fill in gaps (numbers) // 8/21/00 created separate dialog for delete current / marked / unmarked created slide show control window to stop slide show and to set delay between slides created slide show prefs // 8/18/00 fixed drop preview image target problems clear this image / clear this template fixed save composition as, saves with the right filetype now getUniqueName with new pattern BASENAME_001.EXT have to test with camera Show One 2 One // 8/17/00 make slide show control window and preference for delay fix delete to have separate dialogs for marked/unmarked/current // 8/15/00 // 8/16/00 fixed print to file quantity in spooler delete button added delete all fixed bug to decrease the size of the thumbnail view when removing or deleting images slide show option in images menu go to beginning / go to end pref for operationswindow created preference for Fuji NC 600 printer fixed problems that occured with adding files through thumbnail window fixed target problem when switching from drag & drop to 1-up mode fixed bug that caused error message to come up after cancelling preview in drag & drop mode do you want to cancel will say now printing/previewing/saving file fix for printing multiple pages on chooser // 8/14/00 Shoot into selected droppreview image in drag and drop view Set kodak tif settings as default // 8/9/00 added feature to preview images in folder + all subfolders compile logfile for schoolphotography travels through all sub folders now // 8/8/00 option double clicking on a nodeview object in a template window will open the associated node // 8/7/00 Save As with crop and resize window Print Order from package order window Backspace to delete image offscreen in drag and drop view Three digits visible for thumbnail marking tagged images - when? drag&drop view - shoot new image into boxes Spooler - select and delete a single job // 8/4/00 use Thumbnail for drag & drop if in UImageObject Change TDropPreviewImage so that double clicking will show preview instead of thumbnail image Custom rotation, marked or all (90 CW 180 90 CCW reset) // to do list Prices of Packages location 255 is garbage location // 8/2/00 added crop-feature for uploading file to internet + support for PICT TIFF and KODAK TIF files school photography changed name to start with student_001.TIF Added clear button on Student Barcode window Prompt for Order instead of Mutiple Poses create log file for e-mail addresses that were entered (date, filename, email address) + added extract e-mail button on UploadFolderListView enabled print to file printer and pref fixed bug that did not apply Kodak Color Settings to all images if images were in different directories add .TIF to kodak image files if extension is missing on rename // 8/3/00 try to fix internet issues change resource to reflect movable window in progress of internet upload // 8/2/00 version 7/4/8§15 try to stop the lockup issue with the upd70 printer try to release printer before sending the print command OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::FreeThisPrinter ( void ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::SendThePrintCommand ( void ) remove print to file prefs option from spooler STR#1008 4000 added option for printing with firewire-to-scsi adapter OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::TransferOnePlaneOfData ( onePlaneInfoPtr dataInfoPtr ) typedef struct tPrintServerPrefs bool useScsiAdapter; // 8/2/00 short useScsiAdapterBlockSize; // 8/2/00 Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() for spooler - but shared with FG too added option for printing with firewire-to-scsi adapter Boolean setMyPrintServerPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintServerPrefs::~TPrintServerPrefs() void TPrintServerPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintServerPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr) typedef struct tPrintServerPrefs bool useScsiAdapter; // 8/2/00 short useScsiAdapterBlockSize; // 8/2/00 // 8/1/00 release as v7.4.8§13 for the ppa show when spooling to sony upd's, send in blocks of 40 instead of 5 remove NC-600 series printer from list // 7/31/00 // 8/1/00 added a pref to set a colorsync profile for each separate printer changed void TOldLayoutView::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) to conform to change in PreferencesWindow.cp added output file pref to convert filetype and crop on saving changed read and load prefs to use the standard Teps2000Preferences class fix for error that loaded the template twice when entering preview image window in drag and drop mode // 7/28/00 v7.4.8§1 for school version enable #define kSchoolPhotography 4 // 4th item in input; comment this out to compile without school stuff save acct number to student log file // 7/28/00 release as v7.4.8§12 disable // #define kSchoolPhotography 4 // 4th item in input; comment this out to compile without school stuff remove from utils resource, button to compile the log file added pref for low res image object for printing proofsheet quality images // 7/27/00 // 7-27-00 add multi-poses to school photography mode typedef struct tInputPrefs bool setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) custom server copy now can save to jpeg and standard tiffs and picts MA_REGISTER_CLASS(TCustomCopyPrefWindow); // added 7-27-00 void TSaveToServerCommand::DoIt() bool TSaveToServerCommand::SaveAsCustomType(FSSpec copyFSSpec, short fileType) // changed 7-27-00 added to allin to allow resizing when copying files ptr->AllinPrefs.doCropImage = true; // added 7-27-00 zero out default structure first Boolean setMyStartSittingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr ) if source folder is root and mode is special server copy point to correct source folder to poll from void TTeps2000Application::NewPCCardSitting(short theChoice) // 7/26/00 allow teps to print to sony printer via firewire-to-scsi adapter short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::ProcessImageBeforePrinting ( GWorldPtr imageGWorldPtr ) added prefs to send image in chunks in foreground printing added alwaysTransferInChunks to struct tPrintingPrefs Boolean setMyPrintingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintingPrefPtr ptr ) TPrintingPrefs::~TPrintingPrefs() void TPrintingPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TPrintingPrefs::SetSettings(tPrintingPrefPtr ptr) bool TPrintingPrefs::IsChanged() check all the views updated via adlib align printer prefs view for fuji void TFujiPrinterPrefs::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) void TFujiPrinterPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 7/25/00 check for all upper case of ".tif" for kodak images when duplicating files OSErr myGetUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, CStr255_AC theSeparator ) try to make spooler work with firewire-to-scsi adapter change a lot of sony printer commands to non extended versions reduce the size of block transfer update adlib view #1042 and 1082 // 7/25/00 release as 7.4.8§9 // 7/24/00 FSpMoveRename only works with server volume, but not on my hard drive // 7/24/00 edwin - what is this for???? updated adlib resources start using tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) created tNewCanvasSizes *getThePrinterCanvas ( short printerType ) modified void TCanvasPrefs::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) check to make sure MRJ is installed so wont crash internet upload util bool CheckGestaltFindFolder ( void ) bool CheckGestaltMRJInstalled ( void ); void TInternetUploadWindow::UpdateButtonViews(void) short TInternetUploadFolderList::InitializeStuffForJava(void) when linking new template, update popup immediately void TCanvasPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) // 7/24/00 added Select Package Window added School Photography Mode (input) Added Delete Folder If Empty pref in Start Sitting Pref // 7/21/00 v7.4.8§7 v7.4.8§6 fix spooler to show all jobs correctly for the first time OSErr GetAllFilesInDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) fix problem when duplicating kodak tiff files to spooler OSErr myGetUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, CStr255_AC theSeparator ) fix problem when printing to multiple kodak printers added member fDoIncrementIDFirst to class TBaseScsiCmdSet TBaseScsiCmdSet::TBaseScsiCmdSet() void TBaseScsiCmdSet::SaveToGlobal ( void ) void TBaseScsiCmdSet::GetFromGlobal ( void ) TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet () : short TBaseScsiCmdSet::SetPrevTargetId ( short value ) short TBaseScsiCmdSet::GetNextPrevTargetID ( void ) short TBaseScsiCmdSet::find_NextDesiredDeviceUnit ( short desiredDeviceType ) short TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckIfPrinterFreeAndReady ( void ) change alot in basic scsi command protocols esp when scsi command is an input command OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::BasicSetupCommand ( void ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::BasicSetupCommand2 ( void ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::BasicSetupCommand3 ( void ) // 7/20/00 v7.4.8§5 fix problem with loading preferences in Spooler and Teps2000 added ALRT #1025 to spooler resource - so when app cannot load prefs, alert will show // 7/19/00 v 7.4.8§4 in case aPtr->GetThumbNailImage() returns nil since thumbnail has NOT been loaded it will return nil void TDragAndDropToolWindow::UpdateInfo() - shows the problem ((TOffscreenPicture*)FindSubView('ofsc'))->SetOffscreen(myDuplicateGWorld(aPtr->GetThumbNailImage())); GWorldPtr myDuplicateGWorld ( GWorldPtr gworldPtr ) // 7/18/00 v 7.4.8§4 - fix internet when entering email address - check for more errors after getting email from fotolinks bool IsValidEmailAddress(CStr255_AC theString) - fix internet upload to show correct number of files remaining again fix from 7/13/00 was NOT good void TInternetUploadFolderList::UploadFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, bool move) WHAT is the DIFFERENCE between FindPos and FindPosition????? and why 2 similar def of FindPos and why static?????? // 7/18/00 v7.4.8§3 sent out spooler version to dimage@bellsouth.net masked out Fuji NC-600 series printers - started to add stuff for Fuji NC-600 series printers - fix printing to multi kodak printers typedef struct myHostDeviceInfo myHostDeviceInfo gScsiHostDeviceInfo = { 1, -1 }; void TBaseScsiCmdSet::SaveToGlobal ( void ) void TBaseScsiCmdSet::GetFromGlobal ( void ) TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet () TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::~TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet () // 7/13/00 - fix internet upload to show correct number of files remaining void TInternetUploadFolderList::UploadFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, bool move) - fix crashing when pressing non F-Keys in school photography mode void TPrintToolbarSchoolWindow::DoFKeyEvent(short item) - remove radio buttons from view for operations preferences adlib view #1042 // 7/12/00 hi edwin - great job!!! esp for NOT having a camera there; i will need to release this school version some time next week; hopefully we can live with what we have; guess you can do a search for 7/12/00 for all changes including my other ones NOT related to school photography ¥¥ though - some issues with school photography mode: ¥ which is easier - ithink we need both views either in separate windows or in a combined view - WHAT DO YOU THINK??? ¥¥ if you undef kSchoolPhotographySitting, then school version is masked out - dont really want to have kSchoolPhotographyMode and kSchoolPhotographySitting just kSchoolPhotographySitting from sitting pref is enuf - think we need to have both the printToolBar Window and StudentOrderToolBar how can i print a proofsheet to chooser and take order at the same time? still want the printToolBar view to be together with the studentOrderView but in one float window or two? - if hit any key in operation window other than the FKeys - say the letter 't' - then crash with input file kodak tiff and school mode - student info file okay for us internally, how are others going to parse it via database app - need to convert to ascii file and tab/comma delimited fields? - FIXED cmd-1 does not get rid of thumbnail if resume sitting or even new sitting with camera never seems to clear the thumbnail view 100% sometimes 1 image is left over usually that last one taken void TPreviewImageWindow::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCmdNumber) - FIXED the student info file - it has uninitialized garbage for unused packages if i dont have the kMaxStudentOrderPkg packages setup up StudentOrderFile.c StudentOrderFile.h void writeStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr ) void readStudentOrderFile(FSSpec tmpFSSpec, char *bufferPtr) - added stuff from edwin // 7/12/00 - set correct factory default for internet upload Boolean setMyInternetUploadPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) void TInternetUploadPrefs::SetFactorySettings() - unify creation of unique file name short doCopyTheFileWithHeader ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) // 7/11/00 // 7/10/00 v7.4.7§12 try new jar that closes file before returning see if helps with uploading - update QT utils to have call back too bool IsQuickTimeAvail ( long &qtVersion ) - in SPOOLER - if QT avail, then open file via QT unless kodak TIF ReadFileUitils.c GWorldPtr ReadFile(TFile *aFile) - create call back routine when applying colorsync in the background mode CMError myCWMatchPixMap ( CMWorldRef cw, PixMap *thePixMapPtr ) CMError MyMatchBitmap(PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB) CMError MyProofBitmap(PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB, FSSpec profC) typedef struct myCMCallBackInfoStruct pascal bool myCMCallBackProc ( long progress, void *refCon ); - bool ApplyColorSettingsToOffscreen(GWorldPtr srcOffscreen, myImageColorAdjustInfo settings, GWorldPtr dstOffscreen) myPollEvent(); // 7/11/00 - try to disable ALL idle function when getting email address from Hot Folder Mode void TPreviewImageWindow::GotoEnterEmailWindow() // added 7/11/00 // make sure that gApplication->Idle does NOT idle!!! // how to turn off all the other ones?????? - lock internet prefs view if needed // 7/11/00 ?? why is this necessary // all these are inside 'dtel' view????? // how about 'box1' and 'box2' view????? void TInternetUploadPrefs::ViewsEnable(bool enable) - auto load preview if in hot folder mode and mode enabled void TCameraPreviewImage::DoUpdate(ChangeID_AC theChange, MDependable_AC* changedObject, void* changeData, CDependencySpace_AC* dependencySpace) adjust settings - added doAutoPreviewInHotFolder typedef struct tStartSittingPrefStruct Boolean setMyStartSittingPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tStartSittingPrefPtr ptr ) TStartSittingPrefs::~TStartSittingPrefs() void TStartSittingPrefs::Check4EnableButtons() - change adlib window resource #1117 - capture date string as mm/dd/yyyy for internet files void EmailStructureFillInDate ( char *header ) CStr255_AC getCurrentDateString( short dateFormat ) - change internet header version to kInternetHeaderVers3 #define kInternetHeaderVers3 "TPIFv1.0.2" // 7/10/00 - reflect the correct number of images left to upload in upload progress window void TInternetUploadFolderList::UploadFilesInFolder(FSSpec theFSSpec, bool move) // 7/10/00 - myCopyFileUtils.c OSErr myGetUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, CStr255_AC theSeparator ) OSErr CreateUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag, bool overwriteExisting ) short copyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) short doCopyTheFileInChunks ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, bool overwriteExisting) // hi edwin // this is a list for the both of us // whatever is easy and withOUT major consequences, // let's do - something weird about locking/unlocking preferences?? it doesnt seem to remember it esp for last two - only save file with .TIF extension is file is kodak TIF - test more with uploading larger images and larger quantities of images - convert to MacApp14 hopefully closer to carbon version - look into FileMakerPro or 4D as database solution - do school photography mode - spooler never reflects the correct jobs in queue all the time at startup, always seem to be short of the first one and then after in the middle of processing the first one, then the correct number of jobs shows up in list - allow spooler to delete a single line item job - when ReadImage() for kodak - is there a way to use the progressCallBack function? we need to call "myPollEvent" during call back this will help ease the slowness in acquiring images from the spooler in the bg mode - esp with 560 and 660 images which are getting quite large and slow to acquire - need pref for "return to main" - warn before deleting images (default=true) this will affect our current preference version?? - eventually we will need more canvases per printer this will affect our current preference version?? - eventually colorsync profile for each output device this will affect our current preference version?? and still not sure where to display this option - in some places, numbers do NOT increment beyond 99 changed in myGetUniqueFSSpec which goes up to 999 but who needs to call it? - can we try to use the same function to get a unique filename???? OSErr myGetUniqueFSSpec ( FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, CStr255_AC theSeparator ) esp if input is kodaktiff and overwriteexisting is off, then always overwrites file when jumping to photoshop ConvertFile needs to check overwrite flag? - do NOT poll hot folder when user is entering internet email address need to turn off gApplication->Idle() loop when email dialog box is in front; - whenever we cancel print preview - it keeps showing messages that "are u sure you want to cancel printing" can we determine the message to be "are you sure you want to cancel" and then adjust the next message, "an error occurred while printing" - need a gestalt to determine if MRJ is installed or not? - on the internet computer, after 40images and in hot folder mode, very slow again? on other systems, slow after 100 images do we do pollEvent while polling for hot folder?? may need to break up in task format - when spooling a job - which comes first? a- writing the job file and then copying associated image files? b- writing associated image files and then writing the job file? c- writing the 'temp' job file - then copy images - then rename 'temp' to realJobFileName? // 7/10/00 try new jar that closes file before returning see if helps with uploading //7/8/00 kDebuggingModeOn = true ¥ put messages that colorsync is being applied FG and BG // 7/7/00 v7.4.7§9 v7.4.7§8 ¥ put back the stuff that checks for new images in the idle loop hotfolder stuff or camera must check for new images bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) // 7/6/00 v 7.4.7§7 fix problem with uploading to internet removed comment to instantiate new imageUploader object ¥¥ SPOOLER ¥ register TAboutBox class void InitMacAppClasses() upd50 mods (check for all files from 7/4/00 ) upd2600 mods ( check for all stuff from 5/1/00 ) STR#4002 = lists all the possible printer types available (edwins constants) STR#4006 = shows of printer type from old teps ( old constants ) MENU#1003 all the printers that the application can support MENU#1008 all the printers that user can select from MENU#1006 all the sony printers supported (order does not matter) // 7/5/00 v7.4.7§6 who job is it to clean stuff responseLine ¥¥ FG for internet prefs - create locationNumber - this restricts users from typing incorrect string ¥ change access path so that no path is ":::" // this makes searches VERY LONG ¥ new header for internet files ¥ comma and semicolon and colon are not allowed as part of email address - actually cannot be a filename for the pc ¥ for internet prefs - create locationNumber - this restricts users from typing incorrect string for location - fotolinks wants to guarantee 5 digit and all numbers only; NO Letters for now EnterEmailWindow.cp bool IsValidEmailAddress(CStr255_AC theString) InternetUploadUtils.cp void TInternetUploadFolderList::FormUploadLocationString(void) void writeHeader(char *header) InternetUploadPrefs.cp Boolean setMyInternetUploadPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) TInternetUploadPrefs::~TInternetUploadPrefs() void TInternetUploadPrefs::SetSettings(tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr) InternetUploadPrefs.h #define kInternetHeaderVers2 "TPIFv1.0.1" // 7/5/00 typedef struct tInternetUploadPrefsOld typedef struct tInternetUploadPrefs ¥ when "Save Composition As", dialog box says "Preparing For File Output" // ?? wow - so many changes just for this option GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(bool preview, bool saveToFile) void TPreviewImageWindow::DoChooserPrint(Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, long printCommandNumber ) GWorldPtr TPreviewImageWindow::GetPrintOffscreen( bool doSaveToFile ) GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) ¥ added chooser pref to turn usePrintOneOptionAsDefault on/off typedef struct tChooserPreferences class TChooserPreferences : public TPreferencesView Boolean setMyChooserPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tChooserPrefPtr ptr ) TChooserPreferences::~TChooserPreferences() void TChooserPreferences::ViewsEnable(bool enable) void TChooserPreferences::SetSettings(tChooserPrefPtr chooserPref) bool TChooserPreferences::IsChanged() ¥ fix issue with chooser - if user hits the print button and chooser was selected, then we call the cPrintOne command instead of cPrint command bool gDidSelectedChooser = false; // 7/5/00 bool gPrintOneAsDefault = true; // 7/5/00 put this in chooser pref somewhere void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) bool TNamedStdPrintHandler::Print(CommandNumber itsCommandNumber) // 7/5/00 ?? why does this not post the command does not get to fPreviewImageWindow fPreviewImageWindow->PostCommand(new TPostMenuCommand(cPrintOne, 0)); ¥ Do NOT poll folder if NOT in HOT Folder Mode - ?? will this still work between photoshop and teps jumping back and forth - ?? will only work if user clicks on jump to button from photoshop which will generate cOpenAE event UTeps2000Application.cp bool TTeps2000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) 7/4/00 ¥ Allow printing to Sony UP-D50 Printer constants.h // corresponds to STR#4002 #define kSony50 18 // 7/4/00 #define kNumberOfPrinters 19 // 7/4/00 18 // 6/13/00 added one more printer //15 EdwinGlobals.c void GetCurrentCanvas(short printer, short canvas) void GetCanvas(short printer, short canvas, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void getMyCanvas(short printer, short canvas, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void GetCanvasString(short printer, short canvas, CStr255_AC &CanvasString) void GetCanvasFromCanvasString(short printer, CStr255_AC canvasString, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) LayoutView.cp void TOldLayoutView::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) void TOldLayoutView::CalculateCanvasSize(short printer, short canvas, bool force) void TOldLayoutView::SetupPrinterMenu() myBasicConstants.h #define kSonyD50Prefs kPrint2FilePrefs + 100 // 7/4/00 #define kD50ColorAdjustPrefs 5032 // 7/4/00 mySonyPrinters.h // corresponds to STR#4006 added #define kSonyUPD50 8 // added 7/4/00 // 7/4/00 sony upd50 printer #define kUPD50Width 2048 // 7/4/00 #define kUPD50Height 1480 // 7/4/00 #define kSonyD50HiResDpi 282 // 7/4/00 myUpdColorAdjust.c const myValueRec cgRange1toPlus9 = { 1, 1, 9 }; // 7/4/00 for upd50 const myValueRec cgRange0toPlus14 = { 0, 0, 14 }; // 7/4/00 for upd50 myUpdColorAdjustInfo gCurUpd50ColorAdjSettings; // 7/4/00 myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr getMyUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr ( short type ) short initializeUpd5500SettingToFactory ( myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr myPtr ) short initializeUpd50SettingToFactory ( myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr myPtr ) void initializeUpdColorAdjInfo2 ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo2Ptr myPtr ) myUpdColorAdjust.h #define kUpdColorAdjInfo_Ver1Size sizeof ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo); // 7/4/00 #define kUpdColorAdjInfo_Ver2Size sizeof ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo2); // 7/4/00 #define kUpdColorAdjInfo_Ver1 0x0a1 #define kUpdColorAdjInfo_Ver2 0x0a2 // added 7/4/00 void initializeUpdColorAdjInfo2 ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo2Ptr myPtr ); OSErr copyUpdColorAdjInfo1To2 ( myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr srcPtr, myUpdColorAdjustInfo2Ptr dstPtr ); OSErr copyUpdColorAdjInfo2To1 ( myUpdColorAdjustInfo2Ptr srcPtr, myUpdColorAdjustInfoPtr dstPtr ); PreferencesWindow.cp tNewCanvasSizes gD50CanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 7/4/00 bool gUseD50Settings = false; // 7/4/00 void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TCanvasPrefs::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) const short cSonyGlossyItem = 3; // 7/4/00 void TSonyPrinterPrefs::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetupFor8800() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetupFor2600() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetupFor2600dpi300() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetupForD50() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::GetSettings() void TSonyPrinterPrefs::SetSettings() #define kDefaultUPD50_1UpTemplateFileLandscape "upd50 [1Up LS Template]" // 7/4/00 #define kDefaultUPD50_1UpTemplateFilePortrait "upd50 [1Up Prt Template]" // 7/4/00 void doSony2600FactorySettings() void doSony2600dpi300FactorySettings() void doSonyD50FactorySettings() PreferencesWindow.h class TSonyPrinterPrefs : public TPreferencesView extern tNewCanvasSizes gD50CanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 7/4/00 SonyPrintHandler.cp void TSonyD50PrintHandler::InitializePrinterSettings() tPrintSettingsPtr TSonyD50PrintHandler::GetPrintSettings() SonyPrintHandler.h class TSonyD50PrintHandler : public TSonyPrintHandler Teps1000Preferences.cp void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadPrefs() void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteTo(TStream* aStream) const void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteCanvasResources() const void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResourcesVersion15 ( void ) void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResourcesVersion14() TepsPrintHandler.cp Boolean SetPrintQuantity(Boolean showDialog, short printerType) testNewPrintingCode.cp OSErr getDefaultPrinterCharacteristics ( short printerType, short dpi ) short setupPrinterCharacteristics ( short printerType, short printerDpi, short desiredTemplate ) TLowScsiManager.cp OSErr TMyScsiManager::GetScsiScsiStatus ( short *scsiStatus ) TLowScsiManager.h class TMyScsiManager : public TLowScsiManager // added 7/4/00 for support of sony UPD50 printer #define kScsi_StatusMask 0x03e // only bits we are interested in #define kScsi_Good 0x000 #define kScsi_CheckCondition 0x002 #define kScsi_ConditionMet 0x004 #define kScsi_Busy 0x008 #define kScsi_IntermediateGood 0x010 #define kScsi_IntCondMet 0x014 #define kScsi_ReservationConflict 0x018 #define kScsi_CommandTerminated 0x020 #define kScsi_QueueFull 0x028 TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet.cp short TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) TSonyScsiPrinterDevice.cp OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) UPrintView.cp void TPrintView::SaveJobFile(TFile *aFile, bool now, short imageNumber, CStr255_AC nameStr) ¥¥ SPOOLER ¥ Allow Printing to Sony UP-D50 Printer in SPOOLER UPrintView.cp short TPrintView::SendToPrinter(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) short TPrintView::DoSonyPrintNew ( GWorldPtr outputOffscreen ) void TPrintView::ReadColorCorrectionValue(TStream *aStream, short thePrinterType) 7/3/00 fix problem with uninitialized fsspec when loading stamp tool ?? do we care if fFileSpec is INITIALIZED first somewhere??? 8.6 problem??? void TTEPSFileHandler::GetFolderInfo(CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) void TTEPSFileHandler::GetStartSittingFolderInfo(CStr255_AC &folderName,CStr63_AC &volumeName) 7-1-00 all of edwin's changes if kSchoolPhotographySitting is NOT defined, then all this stuff is NOT included Teps2000.rsrc added adlib window #1240 created to scan in bar code Constants.h #define kSpecialStartSittingCopy 6 // 5 // 7-1-00 renumbered #define kSchoolPhotographySitting 5 // next item in popup list 7-1-00 UTeps2000Application.cp void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() OSErr TTeps2000Application::CreateCustomFolder() StartSittingHandler.cp TStartSittingHandler *createStartSittingHandler() PreviewImageWindow.cp void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) does print to file work inside packages?? (eg pkgA=1-8x10, then we want to print qty-2 of pkgA) will it save the file twice (but only process it once)?????? remember to change version of internet email header!!!!!! 6/30/00 6/29/00 v7.4.7§3 fix internet folder name without Ä char at end added date to file structure 6/29/00 v7.4.7§1 at mark binkins location import weak for jni.lib fix problem with fuji4000 printing issues prints in half sizes now 6/28/00 v7.4.6§6 released to roger seaworld for internet and fuji camera problems Boolean setMyInternetUploadPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInternetUploadPrefsPtr ptr ) void ctopStrcpy ( Str255 s1, const char* s2 ) 6/27/00 str# 4112 for internet prompt bool myFSSpecIsTempFSSpec ( FSSpec *myFSSpecPtr ); bool myFSSpecSetCreatorAndFileType ( FSSpec *myFSSpecPtr, OSType creatorTypeID, OSType fileTypeID ) bool myFSSpecIsOpen ( FSSpec *myFSSpecPtr ); OSErr myFSShowHideFile ( FSSpec *myFSSpecPtr, bool isVisible=true ); TNewFujiCameraHandler.cp save fuji acquired iamges as temp file first, then change to jpeg id type bool TNewFujiCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolderPart2 ( FSSpec* theFSSpec, bool overwriteExisting ) TTEPSFileHandler.cp bool TTEPSFileHandler::Check4NewFiles() short TTEPSFileHandler::PutFilesInList4Check(short vRefNum, long dirID, bool checkIfEqual) 6/26/00 v7.4.6 fix grammar in validatePackage() DisplayNormalMessage("\pThis package contains an item that points to an invalid template fileÉ"); // 6/26/00 linda grammar center the email window void TEnterEmailWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) fix resource for email windows 6/23/00 v7.4.6 open pref file before saving it void CopyDataAndResourceFork(TFile *srcFile, TFile *dstFile) added pict#418 for "internet upload" button 6/22/00 v7.4.5 released after edwin left for holland menu res#1008 Print To File removed hid the "internet upload" button requires MRJ 2.2 and ImageUploader.jar 5/1/00 4/29/00 try to fix speed issues between hot folder mode and fuji direct connect mode and spooler teps1000Preferences.cp typedef struct tGeneralSettings myFactoryDefaults.h #define kFDUse2600Settings false // 5/1/00 #define kFDUse2600dpi300Settings false // 5/1/00 what's this for???? --> removed UPD70A from item#14 of STR#4002???????/ myBasicConstants.h #define kSony2600Prefs kPictroGraphy4000Prefs + 100 #define kSony2600dpi300Prefs kSony2600Prefs + 100 Teps1000Preferences.cp void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteCanvasResources() const started to test with sony up-d2600 printer STR# 4006 added item 7 for UP-D2600S printer mySonyPrinters.h #define kSonyUPD2600 7 // added 5/1/00 #define kSony2600LoResDpi 155 // for 2600 5/1/00 #define kSony2600HiResDpi kSony2600LoResDpi*2 PreferencesWindow.cp PreferencesWindow.h look for all references to kSony2600 and kSony2600dpi300 extern tNewCanvasSizes g2600CanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 5/1/00 extern tNewCanvasSizes g2600dpi300CanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 5/1/00 extern void doSony2600FactorySettings(); // 5/1/00 extern void doSony2600dpi300FactorySettings(); // 5/1/00 void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() void TCanvasPrefs::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) void TCanvasPrefs::SetFactorySettings() void TSony8800PrintHandler::InitializePrinterSettings() 4/27/00 v7.3.3 for dave morningstar fix bug with stamp object tool 4/20/00 make mailto and http active item in AboutBox void showAboutBoxNew2 ( void ) added TAboutWindow class always check for next printer id in kodak printer case short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::FindAFreeAndReadyPrinter ( short *findDeviceType ) 4/11/00 v7.3.1 Double clicking will blow up image even in shift or zoom mode make copy of image before going to image editor for non kodak files 4/6/00 v7.3.0 Update volume name in spooler structure if pointing to other volume this also fixes spooler folder root directory problem Increased speed of hot folder mode 3/27/00 v7.2.9 change adlib window #1081 to have menu #1009 for setup packages fix lamination issue with upd-70a OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterDevice::IntializeThisPrinter ( short printerType ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::PrintModeSenseCommand ( sonyPrintModeSelectDataPtr sonyPtr ) OSErr TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet::FormPrintModeSenseCommand ( sonyPrintModeSelectDataPtr sonyPtr ) fix pict resolution issue GWorldPtr TGenericFileHandler::PicHandle2GWorld(PicHandle aHandle, short scalingFactor) 3/24/00 v7.2.8 changed resource menu labels as per linda got new button from linda 3/23/00 added constants kUsedCanvasedMenuID, kAllCanvasedMenuID, kUsedPrintersMenuID, kAllPrintersMenuID and fixed canvas problem (enabling all canvases) 3/21/00 make sure GetPixMapAndLockIt/getMyGworldInfo is matched with mySetPixelsState or myDisposeGWorld ColorsyncUtils.c bool matchInputAndOutput(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen) bool matchImageToMonitorProof (GWorldPtr outputOffScreen) bool matchInputAndOutput(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, tColorSyncPrefPtr thePref) bool rotate16BitsImage90Degrees ( short mode, GWorldPtr sourceGWPtr, GWorldPtr destinGWPtr ) tiffUtils.c void Buffer2GWorld(unsigned char *inBufferPtr, GWorldPtr TiffOffScreen) GWorldPtr TiffFile2Offscreen(FSSpec theFSSpec) GWorldPtr GetFullTiffFile(TFile *aFile) UOverlayObject.cp OSErr myCopyRChannelToAlpha ( GWorldPtr mySourceGWorldPtr, GWorldPtr myDestGWorldPtr ) 3/20/00 Disable popup menus in previewimage window and printmode window while loading new template call Kill Picture in Quicktime utils to dispose picture Pass reference to Volume ref num if find by name removed forceMemoryMovement after myDrawPicture in PichandleToGworld in Spooler Drag and drop view filename stamp shows last name 3/17/00 update with linda's new setup utils picts chnage from kUndefinedvRefNum to kUndefined_vRefNum change from kUndefinedparID to kUndefined_parID replace all -9999 with kUndefinedvRefNum and kUndefinedparID filestuff.c PrintServerPrefs.cp SittingDirectoryPrefs.cp SpecialPoseModallyWindow.cp StartSittingPrefs.cp void TTEPSFileHandler::SaveToFolder(short vRefNum, long parID, long fileNumber, bool showProgress) while is fileNumber = -1 why? ptr->AllinPrefs.masterImagesFolderFSSpec.file.vRefNum = -kUndefinedvRefNum; problems: when create template thumbnails, and then cancel out in middle - crashes when volume not mounted, should only give one message not 2 wrong volume name is displayed for master server folder who is window 'dstw' 3/15/00 problem with missing folder ptocStrcpy must terminate with null after copying GetVInfo is no longer supported by Carbon - must replace bool findVRefNumFromVolumeName ( unsigned char *dirName, short *theVRefNum ) bool findVolumeNumberFromVolumeName ( Str255 dirName, short *theVRefNum ) findPCCardVolume void flushTheVolume ( void ) ALSO need to do same for folder protection with copy to server folder prefs as well 3/13/00 Create smaller thumbnails for template file created new function: void createThumbnail4TemplateFile(TFile *aFile) Added drawing of offscreen to progress indicator after each image object (also in spooler) Added check if Quicktime exists for generic file handler Added findVolumeNumberFromVolumeName for finding daily-, special and spooler folder to correctly find volumes even if they mount in different order each time 3/12/00 huh????? does it work???? Boolean TStampObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) Boolean TTextObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) when to use MADrawString or TextBox_AC?? check out reading file to picHandle - make handle non-purgeable? When creating newGworld make sure pixels are NON-purgeable - which they are by default attribute LOOK - must be like this GWorldFlags srcFlags = 0; PixMapHandle srcPixMap = GetPixMapAndLockIt ( srcGworld, &srcFlags ); GWorldFlags destFlags = 0; PixMapHandle destPixMap = GetPixMapAndLockIt ( destGworld, &destFlags ); GetGWorld(&CurrPort,&CurrDev); SetGWorld(destGworld, NULL); // access pixels and etc CopyBits ( src, dest, etc ); SetGWorld(CurrPort,CurrDev); mySetPixelsState ( srcPixMap, srcFlags ); mySetPixelsState ( destPixMap, destFlags ); replace all DrawPicture() calls with myDrawPicture() 3/11/00 teps-spooler - looking for memory lock/unlock problem if you call protectTheGworld, you must UNLOCK & NONPurge it or else cause stiff memory still a problem - protectTheGworld now calls GetPixMapAndUnLockIt instead of GetPixMapAndLockIt do you want this gworld to stay locked for any reason??? how does aFile get removed from aList??? OSErr GetAllFilesInDirectory(short vRefNum, long dirID, short &filesInDir, TSortedFileList *aList) fix lock/unlock problem in ColorsyncUtils.c created function bool myCopyBits ( GWorldPtr sourcePtr, GWorldPtr destinPtr, const Rect *srcRectPtr, const Rect *destRectPtr, short copyMode, RgnHandle maskRgn ) void mySetPixelsState ( PixMapHandle pixMap, GWorldFlags pixFlags ) fix memory fragmentation with drag and drop preview mode void TDropPreviewImage::Prepare4Drawing() NEVER NEVER call CopyBits directly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. must get original state 2. lock it down 3. do the copybits 4. restore the original state locking must be temporary!!!!!!!! non-purgeable is always needed to make sure memory is not reused by someone else!!! gworld protection needs to prevent purging is enuf for protection only require to lock at time of writing into or reading from gworld all other case should just leave gworld as NON-purgeable!!!!!! 3/10/00 made lots of changes to find memory leak problem fix update of a-b-c of image objects when moving one object to back change main menu window id from 'wind' to 'mtep' make most str# purgeable make arrow default cursor for password stuff use linda's new buttons for utils window change 'add' button in setup database window to 'import' change import database window void TImportWindow::DoPostCreate(TDocument *aDocument) resource STR#4009 change resource MENU 2002 change adlib window #1201 point to default firmware folder for kodak camera utils 3-10-00 use smaller scale factor to get better preview images for non kodak images 3-10-00 replaced all "occured" with "occurred" remove RETHROW problem GWorldPtr TNewKodakCameraHandler::GetImage() 3-8-00 v7.2.5 - never released fix problem with checking for bounds in editing templates with rotation on or off fix problem with mirror mode 3/7/00 v7.2.4 fix memory leak problem esp with OS 8.6 3/6/00 v7.2.3 fix problem with security key void TTeps2000Application::DoSetupMenus() 3/2/00 v7.2.2beta more new buttons from linda fix problem with ejecting usb-pc cards fix problem with update volume name when selecting another root volume default location for camera status window is lower right hand side fix copying database to spooler folder again 3/1/00 v7.2.1b6 add updated buttons by linda changed pict 312 add picts 401, 402, 403, 404 to main menu buttons fixed download firmware for kodak so it can select from any folder OSErr GetFolderFSSpec ( short vRefNum, long dirID, FSSpec *theFSSpec ); fixes start sitting with pc-card void TTeps2000Application::NewPCCardSitting(short theChoice) // edwin check to see if other problem may arise?? teps-spooler ============ fix problem with printing garbage when 300dpi 2-5x7s Boolean TImageObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) 2/29/00 v7.2 fix problem with kodak direct connect fix password stuff when reading old prefs fGaveValidPasswordAtStartup = false; // 2/29/00 ¥ 02/24/00 Zoom out so that whole template is visible at once Protect each individual item with password ¥ 02/22/00 TEPS-2000 new features you can add files now if you are in a start sitting, internal counter to create filename double warning when returning to main for start sitting too added password protection for TEPS-settings, give password protection once at startup (option key down) or each time you go into the preference and each time you want to enable or disable password protection or change the password under general preferences Created TEPS Miscellaneous folder with TEPS IMAGE EDITOR FOLDER in it that can hold an alias to the image editor app you want to start at choosing EditÉ Convert Kodak TIF to regular TIFF files before jumping to graphics editor, kodak TIF FileHandler will read regular TIF files when jumping back to TEPS Added guides to template/node design window bug fixes fixed bug in Drag & Drop toolwindow that caused a crash when applying to all when not all imaged were filled in fixed bug for duplicating overlays when trying to load in a new overlay image Resize to layout size will be based on the 'constrain aspect ration' setting in the object size window Start sitting also works now for PS2.0, PICT, TIFF and Generic FileHandler Spooler fixed bug for weird characters in filname stamp when no image object available 2/11/00 used adlib to change: window #1210 & 1206 print toolbar window #1023 cancel = return to sitting window #1214 default okay views #1702, 1703, 1704, 1705 look for stuff dated 2/9/00 updated MTeps2000Application.cp void main() changed main menu stuff adlib window #1000 // added 'bout' TIconButton added files for new about box and splash screen newAboutStuff.cp added pict #310 added adlib window #1700 added adlib view #1015 // new about box added adlib view #1018 // new splash screen updated files for new about box and splash screen UTeps2000Application.h UTeps2000Application.cp TTeps2000Application::TTeps2000Application() : void TTeps2000Application::ITeps2000Application() void TTeps2000Application::InitializeApplication() void TTeps2000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) void TTeps2000Application::CreateApplicationSplashScreen() void TTeps2000Application::DestroyApplicationSplashScreen() void TTeps2000Application::UpdateApplicationSplashScreen() void TTeps2000Application::ShowCurrentVersionStrings() void TTeps2000Application::UpdateSplashScreenMessage ( CStr255_AC theString ) added files for password password.c password.rsrc 1/24/00 updated adlib window #1008 updated adlib window #1065 updated STR#4009 updated STR#1065 fix stuff for kodak camera utils updated KodakUtilWindow.cp void TKodakUtilWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* /*event*/) added function to myDirectoryUtils.c OSErr GetFolderFSSpec ( short vRefNum, long dirID, FSSpec *theFSSpec ); updated NewKodakCameraHandler.cp void TNewKodakCameraHandler::UpdateFirmware() ¥ 01/18/00 fixed bug in Overlay object - changed struct alignment to mac68K in NewStructures.cp Created rotation possibility for Image Object Red outline for selected item in template or node view Show double line at bottom of object list view if you try to drag an item to the end of the list indent stamp object if filename or foldername ¥ 01/10/00 delete unmarked unmark after printing change to bigger font when clicking on popup prompt to rename for camera handlers ¥ 12/22/99 Teps Spooler sends Apple event to teps2000 after printing to update key counter string Template file has thumbnail stored in it that is displayed on Printmode window Printmode window has tabbed view now to switch between printing packages and printing canvases If main images, special images or print spooler folder is not there (volume is not mounted, show in parantheses) AppleEvent while in preview images window ¥ 12/9/99 Command-click in title bar and reveal in Finder on letting go - for template and node window - for preview image window Status Window for all sittings (for hot folder and read from PC-card too) ¥ 12/7/99 Sorting of files occurs within directory if multiple folders Message when applying color balance Combine Shift & Zoom in one Shift/Zoom view where both are applied Node/Image Info -> Show Foldername + path Show Two Side by Side in popup and remove from menu (hires too) Info "Balloon" Behavior ¥ 11/26/99 Variable Size for Double Preview Image Size Print-button on Save Image (yes/no) that posts Print event Command-P prints to current printer (only to chooser if chooser or DPM55) Disclosure triangle for Text, Stamp and Edittext object window Moved drag&drop toolwindow up and densitometer window down Preference for print package or print canvas at startup and last selected package Added disclosure window to maintain shift-, zoom- and coloradjust settings when previewing image (drag&drop mode) Colorsync can display name of file too. which? ¥ 11/11/99 ¥ 11/12/99 Show to side by side with highres image Change thumbnail rotation if previewimage rotation changes Added a popup menu for crop setting in preview image window (entire image, 8x10 PT&LS, 5x7 PT&LS) + preference for it ¥ 11/9/99 Stamp-, Edit- and Text Object Windows match now, use TIncludeView for Font, Size and Style Added message ' do you want to link the template to an output canvas'? Remove namestring if moving cursor away from thumbnails Added seperator to the left and right of thumbnail view Update foldername works here?!? show path for 2-up window if clicking on filename printqueue, fontsize the same, dim out buttons if nothing in Queue Pathname in imageinfo view in drag&drop toolwindow Support multiple pages for marked images in drag&drop mode Kodak EV settings show correct slider bar If sending to spooler save images to daily images folder Save as File, use colorsync if option is enabled Sending packages to spooler correctly with different printer types Drag & Drop Mode, Show both black&white and color images correctly Rename File show current filename and new filename Added messages to all Navigation windows STR# resource 4112 Scroll Selection into view when adding to queue Send to spooler from queue Window version 6.2.1 ============= 12/15/99 fix the occasional crashing when loading preferences from a file void TTeps1000Application::DoMenuCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) version 6.2.0 ============= 12/9/99 fix problem with saving files in camera mode modified void TTEPSFileHandler::SavePrintedFiles() 12/8/99 fix more problems with 8660 printing added short TAPrinterDevice::DoPollEventWithTimeout ( long timeoutTicks ) modified short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::FindAFreeAndReadyPrinter ( short *findDeviceType ) added Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::DoMatchKodakMediaStuff ( void ) modified short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TryToOpenSession ( short printerType ) added short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::TryToOpenSessionNew ( short printerType ) 12/7/99 fix problem with 8660 printing issues added OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::BasicSetupCommandKodak ( void ) modified OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet::ReceiveCommand ( long theLen ) modified Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckKodakPrinterPIB ( void ) added Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckKodakPrinterPIB2 ( void ) modified short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForKodakPrinterError ( short doVerbose ) added short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckForWriteRequestGranted ( short doVerbose ) modified short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::GetWritePermission ( long totalLen ) added short TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::GetWritePermissionNew ( long totalLen ) version 6.1.9 ============= 12/1/99 Prevent autokey when printing packages void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent when chooser printer selected and printing packages, change check order void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) dont go to edit template if not an existing template void TSwitchModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) case 4: if (IsExistingTemplateFile(&getCurrentCanvas()->aTemplate.templateFile)) // added 12-1-99 version 6.1.8 ============= 11/23/99 added hi res acquire preview option to camera input preferences Boolean setMyInputPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tInputPrefPtr ptr ) TInputPreferences::~TInputPreferences() void TInputPreferences::SetSettings(tInputPrefPtr ptr) added TCheckBox view 'acqp' to input pref resource added to tInputPrefs structure Boolean camUseHiResPreview; // 11/23/99 GWorldPtr TNewFujiCameraHandler::GetPreviewImageFromCamera() supports this option version 6.1.7 ============= 11/17/99 we really need a pref to set print canvas / print templates as startup window as part of operations window prefs?????? temporary patch so that packages print correctly via F-Keys even in the canvas mode void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) short doCopyTheFile ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, Boolean overwriteExisting) short doCopyTheFileInChunks ( FSSpecPtr mySourceFSSpecPtr, FSSpecPtr myDestinFSSpecPtr, Boolean overwriteExisting) version 6.1.6 ============= 11/16/99 make sure correct rotation value is sent to the spooler job file works fine if printing in foreground; but sent wrong rotation info to spooler job void TImageObject::SetImageFSSpec(FSSpec aFSSpec) remove fujiCameraHandler2.c from object list remove fujiDS300cmd.c from object list remove reference to checkIfValidPageCode() and replace with CheckIfValidPageCode() short TFujiScsiCameraCmdSet::SetupDefaultModeParamHeaderPtr ( modeParamHeaderPtr thePtr ) updated the about box DLOG #1303 doAbout.rsrc make sure teps-spooler show the correct about box dlog void showAboutBox ( void ) version 6.1.5 ============= 11/15/99 if start sitting and source is file, print sitting folder name NOT source folder name void TTEPSFileHandler::GetCurrentFolderFSSpec(FSSpec &tmpFSSpec) version 6.1.4 ============= 11/12/99 when not in starting sitting mode, doidle should not check for camera images Boolean TTeps1000Application::DoIdle(IdlePhase thePhase) version 6.1.3 ============= update to new kodak lib 1.4.2 MUST confirm with Kodak CAMERA fo scsi!!!!!!!! after start sitting, preview image will now points to the last sitting folder if nav is avail otherwise preview image will go inside the last sitting folder (for nonNavLib) fix copy images to hard disk mode of start sitting with camera w/ card now works properly fix fuji camera input when do prompt-before-save is on fixed Boolean TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() added GWorldPtr TNewFujiCameraHandler::GetPreviewImageFromCamera() version 6.1.2 ============= 11/8/99 - thanks to michaels photography fix pg3000 and 4000 printing with color matching stuff TFujiScsi2PrinterDevice::TFujiScsi2PrinterDevice() OSErr TFujiScsi2PrinterDevice::SetupModeSelectParameter ( short w, short h, short xOff, short yOff, short doPrintNow, short transferMode, short scanMode, unsigned char pageCode ) (myModeSelectDataPtr->colorAdjustPage).imageProcessSelection = fFactoryColorAdjustData.imageProcess; TFujiScsiPrinterDevice::TFujiScsiPrinterDevice() OSErr TFujiScsiPrinterDevice::SetupModeSelectParameter ( short w, short h, short xOff, short yOff, short doPrintNow, short transferMode, short scanMode ) 11/2/99 fix printing packages to spooler void TPreviewImageWindow::PrintPackage(short item, Boolean spool, Boolean preview) added function void setMyPrinterType( short printerType ); give proper error if package does not exists void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) try to get color sync to work right??? Boolean TPreferencesListView::checkIfOptionAvailable(short item) from 16 to 17 fix save composition as to allow colorsync transforms on or off void TTepsPrintHandler::PrintToFile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, StandardFileReply reply) 10/29/99 change to CWPro 5.2 compiler (need to rebuild macapp) version 6.1.1 version 6.0.11 ============= still waiting for kodak new lib for fix to 420 cameras in old libs trying to get script to work properly trying to get balloon help to work properly fix drag and drop previews when same nodes have different color and mirror options doCopyFile now calls doCopyFileInChunks changed about box to include access to the web added options in the apple menu for online access and user manual access 10/25/99 uses 1.4.0 kodak library fix select a folder 'alias' in myChooseFolder enable "triprism onlineÉ" updated resource to include in apple menu item invoke DebugInternetConfig (); launch help document from teps added myFinderLaunch.c added myFinderLaunch.h version 6.0.10 - fix for wild animal park ============== ¥ 10/25/99 compile with older v1.3.9 of kodak lib again - found problem with copyImageToFolder with dcs420 cameras Boolean TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder(FSSpec *theFSSpec, Boolean overwriteExisting) - pass nil to DCCopyImageToFolder ¥ 10/21/99 when invalid pref file, gives proper message instead of eof error save as with new name works now save file as with a different type ??????????? commented change for correct kodak startup color default version 6.0.9 ============= ¥ 10/19/99 fix problem with color sync in the spooler mode CMError MyMatchBitmap(PixMapHandle thePixMap, FSSpec profA, FSSpec profB) fix pg3000 to print at correct dpi void TFuji3000PrintHandler::InitializePrinterSettings() ¥10/7/99 fix default kodak color balance setting void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SetNewWhiteBalanceValues(tWhiteBalanceStruct whiteBalanceSettings) version 6.0.8 ============= ¥ 10/8/99 - make pictrography4000 work in emulation mode void TFuji4000PrintHandler::InitializePrinterSettings() TTepsPrintHandler *CreatePrintHandler(short printerType, tNewCanvasSizes *aCanvas) void TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::CheckSenseKey ( unsigned char* senseDataPtr ) added ALRT resource id#3100 to substitute for 1001 class TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet : public TBaseScsiCmdSet short TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::matchPrinterDevice ( myScsiDevicePtr myDevicePtr ) change name - OSErr TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::FormFrameMemoryClearCommand ( unsigned char clearType ) change name - OSErr TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet::FrameMemoryClearCommand ( unsigned char clearType ) short fuji_DetermineDpiIndexFromDpi ( short userDpi, short specificPrinterType ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::FormModeSelectCommand ( short allocationLength, unsigned char byte01 ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::FormModeSenseCommand ( unsigned char senseLength, unsigned char byte01, unsigned char byte02 ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::FormSendDiagnosticCommand ( unsigned char byte01, unsigned char byte04 ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::ModeSenseCommand ( char senseLength, unsigned char byte01, unsigned char byte02 ) OSErr TBaseScsiCmdSet::SendDiagnosticCommand ( void ) ¥ 10/7/99 - use new Eve3Lib v2.1 for usb and etc - void TPrintBGBehavior::EnableBackgroundPrinting(Boolean enable) make 'resume' button show up properly when starting up in auto start spooler mode ¥ 10/6/99 - mutiple pages supported for marked images - Auto loading of template with fixed marked image number - Saving of whitbalance setting for next startup version 6.0.7 ============= ¥ 9/21/99 - JPEG header files struct alignment = 68K ¥ 9/20/99 - upgrade to kodak DCS_SDK_Mac_1_4_0 Folder from version 1.3.9 ¥ 9/16/99 - Teps2000.rsrc MENU#1003, MENU#1008 add 8660 ¥ 9/15/99 - allow proper printing to 8657 5x7 printer - allow proper printing to NEW 8660 printer (may need to check max print area sizes) - allow proper printing of 8660 with both 8.5x7 paper and a4 and 8x10 paper - updated class TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet : public TBaseScsiCmdSet added short fSpecificDeviceTypeFound; // added 9/15/99 - updated class TKodakScsiPrinterDevice : public TScsiPrinterDevice, public TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet added short fKodakMediaSizeCode; // 9/15/99 - mySonyPrinters.h #define kKodakDS8670 13 // added 9/15/99 #define kKodakDS8660 14 // added 9/15/99 version 6.0.6 9/15/99 NewKodakCameraHandler.cp - TNewKodakCameraHandler::CopyImageToFolder remove extra 90 tick wait if firewire camera const short cRetry = 8; // 9/15/99 was 3 CameraHandler.cp - Boolean TCameraHandler::ConfirmSaveImage() // added this check 9/15/99 if ( !(getMyInputPrefs()->promptToSave) && !(getMyExternalVideoPref()->useExternalVideoMonitors) ) return true; ULayoutView.cp void HandleDropLayoutObjects(TView* theView,const VPoint& theMouse,TDataPackage* theDataPackage) - check for bounds when dropping box into view 9/14/99 Teps2000.rsrc - fix MENU #2009 change "print low res preview" to "Preview Low Res" change "print hi res preview" to "Preview High Res" PreferencesWindow.cp - fix doKodakDS8657FactorySettings() to link properly version 6.0.5 9/8/99 - dont allow Lite key to print FG but allow to send to spooler version 6.0.4 8/31/99 - fix preference problems 8/30/99 - change constants.h to reflect correct tool object names version 6.0.3 8/25/99 - fix target problem with external video monitor stuff make Window #1212 as floats - myGworldAndBuffer.c short convertPlanarToGWorldBuffer ( unsigned char *inBufferPtr, unsigned char *outBufferPtr, short dataHeight, short dataWidth ); version 6.0.2 8/24/99 fix MySaveAs function to use navigationServicesLib fix packages - need to created packages popup before creating printToolBar window version 6.0.1 released 8/23/99 6.0§4 8/16/99 Different zoom values Don't drag preview image window Reset view (in drag&drop) if changing from current to marked, etc. Spool package works Cancel print package Stop-button on progress indicator warn if try to save node without image Object list view After loading prefs Prompt to Quit Template name cannot start with dash Startup spooler with option key 5.6§6 8/5/99 - update correct value in the PrintToolBar Box void TPreviewImageWindow::UpdateCounterValue() - update correct click value in the BG app void TPrintBGBehavior::UpdateCounterValue() void TPrintBGBehavior::IPrintBGBehavior(IDType identifier) - updated BG resource file - updated FG resource file PrintToolBar Height = 225 - changed string name of teps-2000 key types CStr255 tpiRainbowKey::GetKeyTypeString ( void ) 8/5/99 - use new compiler CW Pro Release 5, IDE 4.0 - turn on import weak for external libs - fix doPromptSave - used to always save regardless yes or no void TNewKodakCameraHandler::SaveImage() if !ConfirmSaveImage, return; - allow TepsLite Key to work properly - allow print preview and sending job to spooler void PrintForDemo(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, Boolean doPreview) // added Boolean doPreview GWorldPtr TDropView::Draw4Printing(Boolean preview) GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) void TSaveToServerCommand::SaveAsJPEG(FSSpec copyFSSpec) - optimize memory for offscreen TExternalVideoWindow::SetDrawOffscreen - fix problem with kodak printer not decrementing key after printing Foreground and Spooler - changed return type of OSErr TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::SendImageToPrinter ( multiImageLayoutPtr infoPtr ) - remove ¥¥BG Project Folder from access path in Teps2000Project.µ check for kBackgroundApp when including background files in FG project void TNewProgressIndicator::Continue(long howMuch) PollUtils.c includes to check for kBackgroundPrintApp ProgressNew.cp includes to check for kBackgroundPrintApp - check for right constant short tpiRainbowKey::CheckDoPrintForDemoBG ( short printQuantity ) - Fix Fuji Direct Connect Lockup problem Boolean TNewFujiCameraHandler::Check4NewFiles() deviceStatusControlPagePtr TFujiScsiCameraDevice::GetDeviceStatusControlPageInfo ( void ) - in BG - check for fColorSyncPrefs.doUseColorMatching before calling findProfile short TPrintView::SendToPrinter(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) - do display message if profile not found in spooler version Boolean FindProfile(OSType profileClass, FSSpec *theFSSpec, Str255 theProfileName) - decrement count after save composition as void TTepsPrintHandler::PrintToFile(GWorldPtr outputOffScreen, StandardFileReply reply) 5.6§5 edwin's changes Added Packages Added 180 degree Node rotation and changed order in popup Save and Load of Labels Show Name of tool if you go with cursor over toolbar in template and node window Fixed bug of moving object when height and width matches bounds Show Strings instead of labels in preview windows Display Size of Image Files in Node Info Window Zoom effect when opening preview window Error checking for All in Option to enable/disable Server copy in Preferences Do not add chooser template to Package Added option in preferences to enter operationswindow after copying to daily images folder Preference for High res or Low res preview Start Sitting - Added button to select a folder to resume sitting with Load & Save for edit text Show thumbnails in all in server copy window Switch back to individual mode on drag & drop Edit canvas hold down button, Edit canvas and Edit template option 5.5§10 7/23/99 fix memory leak for disney version when acquiring kodak images twice; 5.5§9 7/23/99 allow only one job to one kodak printer added Boolean TKodakScsiPrinterDevice::CheckKodakPrinterPIB ( void ) 5.5§8 7/22/99 stamp "for demo only" when "save composition asÉ" changed PrintForDemo function: check for key inside in this function 5.5§7 released 7/21/99 7/19/99 For Disney's New Version added cExternalVideoWindow in CommandNumber.h added cExternalVideoWindow in Resource added preferences for TExternalVideoWindow stuff when in BG, warn user about missing overlay before showing customGetDialog box in hot folder mode, do not update preview image right away, just get thumbnail; in hot folder mode, use the pc-card parameters for default hot folder location modified window #1223 for editable strings - allow nil string adeed #1221 for labels - does NOT allow empty string 5.5§6 7/19/99 fg made logo color/font match up change edit text and pre-defined text to Editable Text 7/16/99 fg & bg fix problem with locating a missing database overlay during printing/preview valid refnum, dirID and NIL string returns noErr for FSpMakeFSSpec(); created default gTepsDBFolderFSSpec created default gTepsPrefsFSSpec points to default database folder when saving or selecting an overlay database points to default preference folder when saving or selecting a preference file 5.5§5 7/16/99 TEPS-2000 ========= UTeps1000Application.cp UTeps1000Application.h added gTepsDBFolderFSSpec createNewFolder(kTepsDatabaseFolderString, appvRefNum, appDirID, &gTepsDBFolderFSSpec); void TOverlayObject::ReadFrom(TStream* aStream) Boolean TOverlayObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) void TOverlayObject::Draw4Preview(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen) SPOOLER ======= Boolean TOverlayObject::Draw4Printing(GWorldPtr outputOffscreen, short dpi, TPrintView *theView) PicHandle GetPicHandleFromDatabase(long recordNumber, FSSpec *theFSSpec) must check for nil string name first 5.5§5 7/16/99 UDatabaseCursor.cp added kTepsDatabaseFolderString definition #define kTepsDatabaseFolderString "TEPS-2000 DATABASE FOLDER Ä" change all references of createImageFolder to createNewFolder Teps2000.rsrc changed resourse STR# 4003 for fuji event imaging system instead of photoproofing system myDirectoryUtils.c added function createNewFolder() added if ( aNewDlgHook ) DisposeRoutineDescriptor ( aNewDlgHook ); added long GetFolderDirID(FSSpec theFSSpec) UTeps1000Application.cp UTeps1000Application.h remove member function createImageFolder() change all references of createImageFolder to createNewFolder added "TEPS PREFERENCES FOLDER Ä" in void TTeps1000Application::ITeps1000Application() added gTepsPrefsFSSpec change DisplayNormalMessage ( "\p Please Quit and Re-Launch ApplicationÉ" ); myCopyFileUtils.c set to default "TEPS PREFERENCES FOLDER Ä" when saving and loading modified void myDuplicateResFile() modified void myLoadNewPrefFile() TepsPrintHandler.cp Boolean ValidatePrint(Boolean isForeground, short printerType, Boolean setPrintQuantity) must have key in order to send job to spooler SPOOLER ======= UDatabaseCursor.cp return true instead of return void modified TBackgroundPrintApp::IBackgroundPrintApp() make sure a spooler folder exists if exists, make sure all the sub-folders are created 5.5§4 7/15/99 alert user why preference file is not valid based on FG or BG application Boolean myLoadNewPrefFile(IDType creator) updated resource myBasicApp.rsrc changed dlog 17333 item #11 to icon#1 instead of 0 updated resource teps2000.rsrc changed recall to locate in dlog for waiting for pc-card changed all references of daily images folder to main images folder changed return to main menu to all upper case changed from show previous/next page to load previous/next page changed text string kSelectPreviewFolderString changed Boolean setMyPrintServerPrefToFactoryDefaults ( tPrintServerPrefPtr ptr ) to accommodate both background and foreground settings 7-15-99 Created IsExistingNodeFile function Database AliasHandle retrieve 7-14-99 Enabled items show previous and next page in resource 'MENU' 2014 Added void TPreviewImageWindow::DoKeyEvent(TToolboxEvent* event) page up and down Added void TDropView::LoadPreviousPage() Added void TDropView::LoadNextPage() Added void TDropView::ClearTemplate() Added 2 options to void TPreviewImageWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) Created IsExistingTemplateFile function Replaced all Append Menu's with SetMenuItemText Clicking on link button in TCanvasPrefs will fill in Template name in name box TEPS-SPOOLER Added floating popup for delete file button Added option to save and load preferences file + creator type Changed return true to return noErr in TPrintView::ReadObjects Disable delete button on idle Display warning if not pointed to Spooler folder 5.3.6 7/8/99 TEPS-SPOOLER Create new file TPIErrors.h changed function Boolean to short TPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) short TPrintView::ReadObjects(FSSpec fileSpec) returns appropriate error codes checks for job version number and prevents using newer or older jobs 5.5b3 7/13/99 fix stuff for chooser - need new function to check validTemplate/validNode files updated resources in both Teps2000 and Spooler versions to match linda/serge's stuff Added new predefined String classe to MacAppClasses.cp Added files: PredefinedStringHandler.cp, PredefinedStringHandler.h, PredefStringsWindow.cp, PredefStringsWindow.h, UEditTextObject.cp, UEditTextObject.h, UEditTextSettingsWindow.cp, UEditTextSettingsWindow.h, StartSittingHandler.cp, StartSittingHandler.h, SaveToServerCommand.cp, SaveToServerCommand.h Added Allin Server Copy from start sitting through Kodak Direct Connect Added Edit String Icon to add Predefined strings to a template or a node Added GotoSetupStringsWindow from SwitchModeWindow.cp to edit predefined strings Added Path popup that shows path of preview folder Added Hot Folder option Fixed bug in Printing from drag & drop view that would not allow cancelling printing Fixed a memory leak in cancelling printing Added Colorsync to the Spooler App Save floating window positions Use left image for print in two-up window Put previous- & next image button on Kodak Image Settings Window for All in Also removed apply to marked and apply to all, ok will always apply to all Added Path popup in one-up window 5.3.5 6/30/99 fixed allin to make the output crop ratio the same as the input aspect ratio udpated Boolean TTeps1000Application::CopyToServer(FSSpec srcDirectory) fix Target Issue - fPreviewWindow should always be the target updated void TThumbNailView::DoMouseCommand(VPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint hysteresis) updated void TThumbNailView::DoMouseUp(VPoint& theMouse, TToolboxEvent* event, CPoint hysteresis) removed Boolean TThumbNailView::BecomeTarget() removed void TThumbNailView::ResignedTarget() removed all "wants to be target" from view 1300 and window 1201 prevent extra button clicks updated void TSwitchModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) fix chooser / target problem updated Boolean TNamedStdPrintHandler::DoPrintCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) updated void TPreviewImageWindow::AttachPrintHandler() always install print handler updated void TPreviewImageWindow::DoChooserPrint(Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile) added fRedirectedPrintHandler->DoMenuCommand(cPrint); make sure valid chooser printer is selected updated Boolean TNamedStdPrintHandler::DoPrintCommand(CommandNumber aCommandNumber) always enable page setupÉ and printÉ menu items void TRedirectedPrintHandler::DoSetupMenus() check for canon/kodak tiff file updated Boolean TNewKodakCameraHandler::IsValidFile(TFile *aFile) if invalid template, dont crap out with memory error updated void TPreviewImageWindow::Print(short mode, Boolean doPreview, Boolean saveToFile, Boolean doBackground, Boolean now) give the correct database name if not found updated Boolean TdtFMgr::OpenDatabase() fix use printer problem updated void initializePrinterPopupSettings() fix double click problem while prepare for print progressbar IsVisible updated void TSwitchModeWindow::DoEvent(EventNumber eventNumber,TEventHandler* source,TEvent* event) apple-w is same as apple-q in layout window updated void TLayoutView::DoSetupMenus() refresh progress box with complete image including overlay on top of template updataed GWorldPtr TTepsPrintHandler::PrepareForPrint(short imageNumber, Boolean preview) check for all the scsi bus updated short TBaseScsiCmdSet::find_NextDesiredDeviceUnit ( short desiredDeviceType ) create separate preferences for pictrography4000 updated void TOldLayoutView::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) updated void TOldLayoutView::CalculateCanvasSize(short printer, short canvas) added tNewCanvasSizes gPictrography4000CanvasSizes[kNumberOfCanvases]; // added 6/30/99 updated void TCanvasPrefs::SetSettings() updated void TCanvasPrefs::SetupCanvasMenu(short item) added void doPictrography4000FactorySettings(); // 6/30/99 updated void TTeps1000Preferences::ITeps1000Preferences() updated void TTeps1000Preferences::WriteCanvasResources() updated void TTeps1000Preferences::ReadCanvasResources() uses ptr to access the respective globals extern void doSony8800FactorySettings(); extern void doSony5500FactorySettings(); extern void doSony1500FactorySettings(); extern void doSony2500FactorySettings(); extern void doSony2550FactorySettings(); extern void doSonyM55FactorySettings(); extern void doKodak8600XLSFactorySettings(); extern void doKodakDS8650FactorySettings(); extern void doKodakDS8657FactorySettings(); extern void doSony8800dpi300FactorySettings(); extern void doPictrography3000FactorySettings(); copy dlog 1032 from fg res to bg res - Remove UDatabaseCursor.cp and UDatabaseCursor.h from BG Mac App Folder (Foreground and Background App will now share this file) - Replace UDatabaseCursor.cp in MacApp Source folder with new file - Replace "UOverlayObject.cp" in BG MacApp source with new file updated CMNU #1 to About ^0É background and foreground allow printing in background for kodak 8650 jobs allow printing in background for fuji pictrography 3000 and 4000 5.3.4 recompiled to remove error message when decrementing key counter 5.3.0.b4 6/21/99 TNewFujiCameraHandler.cp changed: give camera control back to photographer first, then AddFileToList; otherwise, camera status thinks that camera is ready but not really yet do save image first, then release camera, then save as jpeg CameraHandler.cp changed fix background spooler crash when printing kodak images type added color icon to camera status window enabled save composition as... from main menu bar - changed in resource id number version 5.3.0 Support Print All pages both for teps & spooler Show progress for printing in drag&drop mode Added Camera Status Window Teps-spooler Preference for auto start queue Show list of jobs in queue at startup Menu options to delete job files version 5.1 Apply Kodak Color to Marked Images Hot Folder From Start Sitting Fill All, Current Image - Corrected rotation for rotated and unrotated nodes Delete Image, in use works correctly now Fill template with all & marked images Kodak Image Settings & Zoom from Preview Image Bring Teps-Spooler to Front when launching it Only Scroll to end if new image is grabbed Kodak printer fixed lamination Fixed problem with Fuji Preferences "Ready to take picture"-message for Fuji- and Kodakcamera stuff for Fuji and Serial ports test stuff for moving images version 5.0.6 6/8/99 updated to CW-IDE-v3.3 fix foreground kodak printing with lamination added to TKodakPrintHandler=> tPrintSettingsPtr GetPrintSettings(void); // added 6/8/99 fix background printing of kodak with lamination also version 5.0.5 5/28/99 allow lamination printing of sony 8800 in FG application added "Add To Queue" button in the print tool bar also update resource file to add extra button in print tool bar version 5.0.4 5/26/99 fix crash when no chooser printer is selected for the printqueue, check for noErr instead of true or false version 5.0.3 5/26/99 changed resource to show "kodakUtils" instead of "Format Kodak" enable kUseColorSync = true created Teps2000Headers.h (always allow color sync) allow proofing to monitor based on input and printer device in the FG only // need to fix BG app to accept colorsync stuff version 5.0.3 5/26/99 5/25/99 fix reading preference file and checking for correct version fix memory leak with reading pict and tiff files as input fix missing resource when importing overlay fix kodak click balance and preview rotation after loading pref, prompt user to quit app zoom and print preview uses floating window with title bar added TQDDevice Class for future use with multiple monitors version 5.0.2 5/24/99 fix memory leak when printing in BG and applying color adjustments speed up FG and BG when same image and same color adjustments version 5.0.1 5/21/99 made size of print tool bar larger to accommodate standard size buttons and fonts fix deleting image and resetting templates added doPollEvent when acquiring dcs images and jpeg images added doPollEvent when applying color adjustment added apply to all for image tool bar - zoom tool and position tool version 5.0.0 5/20/99 released before edwin left for trip Drag & Drop Version Save As for Nodes and Templates Print Queue working for marked images, too Hi/Lo Res Print Preview Resume Sitting Move New Print to top of spooler Mark All Images Preference for Startup mode in Preview Images Window New preference file - Canvases without extra step teps2000 ======== 4/14/99 TEPS-SPOOLER - Disabled Spooler settings when idle is eabled Added a real size for overlay object 4/13/99 removed InterfaceLib, probably already included in Eve3Lib removed MathLib, probably already included in Eve3Lib removed MSL C.PPC (NL).Lib, probably already included in Eve3Lib removed MSL RuntimePPC.Lib, probably already included in Eve3Lib version 0.3.1 updated to latest rainbow library to find usb and adb triprism security key updated startup screen to reflect each steps of the initialization process changed names of classes TSonyScsiCmdSet to TSonyScsiPrinterCmdSet changed names of classes TFujiScsiCmdSet to TFujiScsiPrinterCmdSet changed names of classes TKodakScsiCmdSet to TKodakScsiPrinterCmdSet fixes text box field in node and template views fixes redraw problem on yosemite g3s: (fixes the redrawing ants) UObjectDragger.cp ULayoutObjectResizeTracker.cp TObjectSelector.cp UNewLayoutObjectTracker.cp - file removed version 0.3.0 4/7/99 removed the set_window command for the dkc-5000 event imaging mode fixed chooser->ReadObjects to read template file from correct path fixed dkc5000 read image using scsiBlind to work with g3 portables version 0.2.9 4/5/99 check for camera disconnected messages with the dcs560 for some reason give more delay time before copying tiff image to folder epecially for 560 camera 4/2/99 updated the BNDL to display triprisms different icons by teps2000/spooler added 'kind' resource for different file types generated by teps2000/spooler made sure that all file creator type is valid along with valid file type ids icons match type of documents generated removed stuff from old chooser printing for upd1500 and mpd55 4/1/99 version 0.2.8 { version 0.2.7 based on v0.2.6 make sure that upd8800-300 dpi color settings is written to the job file in FG app make sure that upd8800-300 dpi color setting is read from the job file in BG app change BG idle loop to check for jobs properly } change BG idle loop to check for jobs properly chooser driver is now for all generic printers added option to forceRotation of image to paper orientation 3/31/99 make sure that upd8800-300 dpi color settings is written to the job file in FG app make sure that upd8800-300 dpi color setting is read from the job file in BG app app may crash if no chooser printer has been selected from a clean system install!! 3/30/99 fixed acquiring st5 images in the background for portables 800x600, 17inch hiResWindow is used added more menu options for the print button in hires window 3/29/99 added preferences for fuji printer color adjustments send color adj info for fuji print jobs 3/27/99 cleaned up floating windows look and stuff changed some utils main menu 3/26/99 allow fuji printer to print at various dpi's allow fuji printer to print in the spooler made progress res id 9001 modal dialog so no one can go to background 3/24/99 // to be done!!!! discovered Possible Memory LEAKS in HIghResWindow.cp!!!!!!!!!! reminder to fix or freed on dismiss via macapp??? if dismiss, then when is view dismissed?? // save preferences for chooser drivers check to make sure that preference file is closed after writing to it!!!!!! make sure that the chooser preferences are saved to the system preference file!!!! assumes CurResFile for now; version 0.2.6 3/24/99 make sure that pccard is not present when checking for fPollInfo.lMemFirstImageNum==-1 3/23/99 Added check fPollInfo.lMemFirstImageNum==-1 for DCS410 in Check4NewImages inside "KodakCameraHandler.cp" Added destructor for TDragHandler class in UDatadragger.cp Added delete fDropLayoutObjectsHandler to destructor class to cleanup dragHandlers in ULayoutView.cp Fixed Inputpreferences to work correctly with SonySt5 Portrait studio mode (including disable of items for modes that are not enabled). 3/22/99 in BG app, Fixed bug in UPrintView.cp that caused application to crash when using more then two overlays in template! version 0.2.5 3/19/99 fixed memory leaks and memory hogging problems protectTheGworld now calls GetPixMapAndLockIt added extra field, useLaminationType, in myUpdColorAdjustInfo.h fixed ReadStruct Problem version 0.2.4 3/18/99 fixed upd-8800 so that it can print at 150 dpi properly (always printed at 300dpi res) in FG and BG! added stamp option to print folder name! try to make background printing more efficient fixed start sitting with copy to harddisk option in BG app, show thumbnail even after window is not in fg in BG app, can update job window in real time, but makes the process slower - remove it 3/17/99 decrement correct number of counts for print quantity greater than 1 changed sony printer prefs to include lamination type!!! ¥¥¥¥¥ not yet implemented fixed problem with moving long job file names 3/16/99 check to decrement counter when saving to composition to file SaveAsJPEGFile=> return true only if file is compressed and saved!!! SaveAsPICTFile=> return true only if file is compressed and saved!!! check if proper key, else save composite file with for demo only! truncate job name when copying to finished job folder, otherwise too many messages show up version 0.2.3 3/16/99 remove progress window after printing to chooser - caused app to crash! upd8800 printer preference not recognized - changed name to find [UP-D8800,D70A] version 0.2.2 3/12/99 new kodak sdk v1.3.7 check for tiff header MM=0x2a II=0x02a00 supports tiff tags properly BUT still only rgb images only version 0.2.1 new kodak sdk v1.3.6 post cmd-dot cmd when pressing pause in bg app changed 90 ticks to 10 ticks in copy image to folder for kodak direct connect version 0.2.0 trying to check for all different types of keys UPrintView.cp - added roundtol function to prevent incorrect template being sent to bg job UTemplateView.cp - fixed 2up 2rowx1col problem; actually 2nd up is off the screen MAY CRASH!!!! jpeg.c - compress_jpeg_buffer changed to accept width and height arguments version 0.1.9 fixed problem with printing full size 5x7 to 5500 in the background mode problem with rounding floats version 0.1.8 used with daniel tam's rental unit teps-1000 ========= version 1.0.5b 11/10/98 fixed compile options so that preferences will show up change factory defaults for overwrite existing file is false change factory defaults for unmount pc card automatically is true version 1.0.5a fixed problem with printing with and without overlay in setup overlay window and hi res window version 1.0.4 10/19/98 10/22/98 try to fix scsi transfer read for dkc-st5 unit to scsiTransferBlind try to fix problem when image is grabbed into st5 while in main menu and then going into start sitting, sometimes, it does not think the memory is empty after grabbing from cmd-3, memory image is shown as opposed to live image try to fix problem with canvas setup and rotating the image as part of canvas setup allow user to do 4UP to kodak printers version 1.0.3 10/6/98 Kodak SDK update to v1.2.16 version 1.0.2 9/14/98 fixed click balance for kodak 4xx cameras fixed stationary file printing for stereo images to upd2550 confused static external image file verses external overlay file version 1.0.1 updated for amuseprint version fixed bug in nostalgia when selecting selecting folder supports tiff files saved from ps4.0 app enabled print quantity window version 0.9.9 remove checking for locking out remote commander of st5 added floating window for dkc-st5 background status look for "DS 8670" printer as if it were an 8600 dont need to setup overlay even if not defined for the first time dont idle for the kodak-input and in the preview image mode if marked images and then retile images, still remembers marked images make factory default preferences match as when running teps for the very first time add the print quantity window???? 0.9.8 updated for for ppa demo set the flags for checking for locking out remote commander (reverse true to false ) fixed sony portrait studio mode to show thumbnail rotated if preference enabled supports UP-D70A same as UPD8800 printer 0.9.7 fixed nostalgia version from 0.9.6 new sony portrait studio mode version 0.9.6 uses new shell for dcs camera supports 520 camera with old sdk only version 0.9.5 ?? version 0.9.4 7/9/98 fix speed issue with drop and drag feature in overlay window added n-up images in select image under overlay window show two different images side by side print more than one sheet of 20ups has the fuji photoproofing mode streamlined some stuff with the parallel printers version 0.9.3 6/25/98 check for autoprint with kodak printer check for no paper error message for kodak printer fixed sepia 2 different images use the same function for 1up, 2up, 8up, and 2differentUp version 0.9.2 6/24/98 fixed bug in looking for DS8650 printers; changed length of search string; set default preferences for 5x7's to include a gap when printing version 0.9.1 6/22/98 search for all scsi printers (sony and kodak) the same method try solve "parse error" problem when printing to kodak; (timing issue??) version 0.9.0 6/18/98 fixed bug to print unique filename for 20up to 5500 printer version 0.8.9 look for multi-kodak printers on the same scsi chain print 20up??